Ameican Mineralogist, Volume 64, pages I329-1334, 1979 NEW MINERAL NAMES* MtcrnBr FLErscHr,R,Rocen G. BuRNs, Lours J. Cennl, GeoRce y. Cuno, D. D. HoGARTHAND ADoLF PABST Bogdanovite* plosive pipe, middle courseof the Angara River, southern Sibe- rian Platform. Analysis by N.G.T. gave MgO 30.84, FeO 4.10, E. M. Spiridonov and T. N. Chvileva (1979) Bogdanovite, MnO 0.05,TiO2 0.20, Fe2O, 1.15, A12O321.20, Na2O 0.36, H2O+ Aur(Cu,Fe)3(Te,Pb)2,a new mineral of the group of inter- 27.19,H2O- 5.2O,Cl ll.3l, CO, 1.10,sum 102;10- (O : Clr) metallic mmpounds of gold. VestnikMoskva IJniv., Ser.Geol., 2.55 : lffi.l\Vo. SiO2, CaO, K2O, F, SO3 not found. This cor- 1979,no. 1,44-52 (in Russian). responds to (Mga.s,Fe'o,*ruMno or ) (Alz 62Fea*oeTio ozN ao.or) (OH)r6[Cl2or(OH)orr(*CO.)orz] . 3.20HzO;manasseite is Microprobe analysesare given of I I samples,4 iron-rich, 3 cop- MguAl2(OH),u(CO3)'4HrO. per-rich, and 4 intermediate.Range of compositionAu 57.6_63.6, The X-ray patt€rn is very similar to that of manasseite.The Ag 1.67-3.39,Cu 3.32-15.1,Fe 10.28-0.09,pb lO.7-14.4.Te 9.60- strongestlines (21 given) are 7.67(10X002),3.86(8)(004), 10.3,Se 0-O.28Vo,corresponding to the formula above.Cu and Fe 2.60( 8)(20 r, r r3), 2.4e(7 )(202), 2.34(e)(203), 2. r7 (e)(204), vary reciprocallyfrom Cu3ruFe63,to Cuor5Fer"". r.83e(r0x206), 1.555(8X208),r.s26(e)(220), r.ae6(e)(222).This X-ray data indicate a pseudocubiccell, derived from that of correspondsto a unit cell with a : 6.1110.01,c : 15.46+0.05A. gold, with a: 4.087A.However, the optics show that the mineral The mineral occurs in cavities in magnetiteore, closely inter- is probably orthorhombic. The strongestlines (16 given) for iron- grown with (and possiblyformed by the alterationof) chlorite by rich material are 2.36(l0)(l I t), 2.04s(6)(200),r.44j (6)(220), NaCl-rich solutions.Platy crystalsup to severalmm in size have 1.230(8X3l l). the form of dipyramids. Colorlessto greenish-brown,luster vit- Bogdanoviteis rose-brdwnto bronze-brownwith semi-metallic reousto pearly on the perfect basalcleavage. Soft. G : 1.98(yel- luster. It polisheswell. Cleavageis absent.In polishedsection un- lowish-brown), 2.09 (colorless).Optically uniaxial, positive, cr : usual color effects(like rickardite and bilibinskite) from purple- 1.540,e : 1.560;colorless in section.M.F. raspberry or grayish-lilac to gold and yellow are seen. Reflect- anc€sare given (Rg and Rp) at 15 wavelengthsfrom 420 nm to 700 nm. For Cu-rich, 460 nm, 14.8,9.2Vo; 540, 29.5,5.6; 580, 37.6, Chrompyroaurite(= strto*"o pyroaurite) 8.4; 66O,39.0,36.2;for Fe-rich,460, 13.8,6.7; 540,28.3,2.5;58O, 36.4,3.0;660,35.8,29.9. The microhardnessis muchmore affected Zhang Rubo, Liu Kiyin, Yang Benjin, Liu Yunxia, and. Liri by change of composition: for Cu-rich 235-270, av.257 kg/sq. Dehna (1978) Chrompyroaurite,M96(Fe+3,Cr)2(COr) mm; for Fe-rich 290-354, av. 321 kg/sq. mm. Relief higher than (OH),. ' 4H2O, a new variety on the pyroaurite- for gold. The mineral quickly tarnishesin air to bluish-black. stichtitejoin. Geochimica(China), 1978, no. 4, 281-290(Chinese Bogdanoviteoccurs with bilibinskite in the supergenezone of with English abstr.). oxidation of depositsin Kazakhstanand Far EasternUSSR, asso- ciated with gold, various tellurides,and tellurites of Fe. Cu. and Two analysesof the mineral, found in serpentinite,SW China, Pb. gaveFe203 13.54,12.79; Cr2O1 6.94, 7.49;' Al2Ol 2.21, 1.7 4; MgO The name is for the Soviet geologist Aleksei A. Bogdanov. 35.14,35.62;FeO 0.1,0.15; MnO 0.06,0.01;CO26.45,1.78;H2O + 1907-1971.Type material is in the Mineralogical Museum,Acad. 12.33,32.30;H2O- 2.38,1.78; sum 1N.75, 100.56Vo.For the sec- Sci. USSR, Moscow.M.F. ond analysis,this gives Fe:Cr:Al : 1.05:0.63:0.22.G :2.12, H : l-1.5; uniaxialneg., <.r : 1.556,e: 1.545.The DTA curveshows endothermicpeaks at 270" and 460'C. Trigonal,a:6.165, c : Chlormanasseite 46.760A.Color violet. Pleochroic,O colorless,E pale pink. G. D. Feokistov,S. I. Ivanov, A. A. Kashaev,L. N. Klyuchanskii, Discussion N. G. Taskina alild Z. F. Ushchapovskaya(1978) The occur- An unnecessaryname for chromian pyroaurite.M.F. rence of chlormanasseite in the USSR. Zap. Vses. Mineral. Obshch.,I 07, 321-325(in Russian). Garavellite* The name chlormanasseitewas given by Allman and Lohsc (NeuesJahrb. Mineral. Monatsch.,p. 16l-169, 1966)to a oom- F. Gregorio, P.Lattanzi, G. Tanelli, and F. Vurro (1979)Garavel- pound formed by the alteration of koenenite. It has now been lite, FeSbBiSo,a new mineral from the Cu-Fe depositof Valle found in drill corespenetrating iron-ore skarnsofthe Kapaev ex- del Frigido in the Apuane Alps, northern Tuscany, Italy. Min- eral. Mag., 43,99-102. I Mineral marked with asteriskshave been approved before publication by the Commission on New Minerals and Mirleral Garavellite was recognized in polished sections as small aggre- Names of the Intemational Mineralosical Association. gates, up to 200 trrmacross, of anhedral crystals, usually in contact w3 0o,tx/79/I I 12-1329$00.50 1330 NEW MINEML NAMES with tetrahedrite, Sb-rich bismuthinite, chalcopyrite, and side- susceptibility of 7.072 x l0-6mm3/g. H : 3+. Under the polariz- rite. Microprobe analysis led to the empirical formula ing microscope the mineral is yellowish brown or greenish yellow, Fe63eCuqe2Sb113Bia7sAsq61Sa on the basis of S : 4, or ideally isotropic with z : 2.262-2.315. Some grains show weak bire- FeSbBiSa. Garavellite is onhorhombic, a: 11.439, b : 14.093, c fringence. : 3.754A, Z -- 4, G (calc) : 5.64. Strongest lines in the X-ray Jixianite was found as a secondary mineral, closely associated powder pattern (39 tabulated and indexed) are 3.62(vs)(230,011), with bismuthite and stolzite in the oxidized zone of hypothermal 3. l2(vs)(12 l), 2.e8(s)(240,330), 2.89(s)(221), 2.63(vs)(3I 1,23l), to mesothermal tungsten-bearing quartz veins located near the 2.51(vs)(250,141). In reflected light garavellite is gray with a southern boundary of the inner contact zone of the Pan-shan por- brown-olive tint similar to tetrahedrite. Bireflectance is distinct phyritic quartz monzonite stock, in Jixian (Ji County), Hebei, and anisotropism is strong, from yellowish-green to bluish-gray. China. The primary minerals in the oxidized zone are quartz, Vickers hardness (50 g load) 212-222 kg/nn2. The name is for wolframite, cassiterite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, and minor scheelite' Professor C. L. Garavelli. A.P. wulfenite, native silver, and native copper. Other secondary min- erals are sericite, goethite, and malachite' The name is for the lo- cality. The type specimen is preserved in the Geological Museum, Georgeite* State Bureau of GeologY. Discussion (D.D.H.) P. J. Bridge, J. Just, and M. H. Hey (1979) Georgeite, a new amorphous copper carbonate from the Carr Boyd Mine, West- The data suggest that jixianite belongs to the pyrochlor€ struc- ern Australia. Mineral. Mag., 4j, 97-98. tural type, although it is not a member ofthe pyrochlore group as defined by Hogarth (Am. Mineral., 62,403410' 1977). All X-ray Georgeite forms thin coatings mostly associated with malachite lines with the exception of the weak line at 1.722A are pyrochlore- and chalconatronite on partly weathered tremolite rock containing type lines. This exception, said to repres€nt the planes 6fi) and disseminated copper and iron sulfides. It is light blue with a pale 442, does not belong to the pyrochlore structure and may be incor- blue streak and vitreous to earthy luster, soft, and G : 2.55; trans- rectly indexed or belong to an impurity. All spacings appear to parent to sub-opaque (aggregates), n(Nao) : 1.593, isotropic. have been calculated using FeKa wavelengths, regardless of Georgeite is amorphous to X-rays and electron beam. Chemical whether they belong to a or B spectra. The number of significant microanalysis gave CuO 54.9, ZnO 0.4, Na2O 2.7, CO2 20.8, HrO figures in the formula, unit cell, and specific gravity (Gladstone- 21.7, sum l005Vo. After deduction of all Na2O and corresponding Dale) calculations is, in each case, unjustified. The pyrochlore amounts of CuO, CO2, and H2O as chalconatronite (12.35 wt%o), structure implies complete disorder amongst the A ions and vacant the atomic ratios correspond to (Cu56Zn6s5)(CO3)3(OH)a 12' A positions; the formulae are conventionally calculated with re- 6.3H2O, the ideal formula being CU5(CO:)r(OH)r'6H2O. The spect to B ions The formula ofjixianite can therefore be given as: ' name is for George Herbert Payne, past Chief of the Mineral Divi- (Pb1 1aFefrf,7Cusor)>:rr.(W, a3Fe36*5aMg663)p:2 66 O6(OH)6 72 sion, Western Australian Government Chemical Laboratories. 0.98H20. A.P. The data suggest the mineral to be a new species. Further single-crystal work is necessary to con-frrm the structural type. Th€ Jixianite density calculated from the empirical formula in the above dis- cussion is 7 .89 g/cm3, much greater than the measured density of Liu Jianchang (1979) Jixianite Pb(W,Fer*)2(O,OH)7-a new 6.O4 g/cm3.
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