Volume 96 • Winter Issue 2011-12 • www.kofpc.org The Knights of Peter Claver, Inc. 2 ClaveriteThe A Catholic fraternal magazine published by: The National Council Knights of Peter Claver and National Court Knights of Peter Claver, Ladies Auxiliary Approbation The Most Reverend Gregory M. Aymond Archbishop of New Orleans F. DeKarlos Blackmon, Supreme Knight Geralyn C. Shelvin, Supreme Lady Michael J. Taylor, Executive Director Debra Frazier, Assistant Athanase Jones, Publisher Liaison Ann Jacob, Editor KPC Public Relations Group, contributing Walter Powers, Jr., cover photo The Knights Of Peter Claver Founded in Mobile, Alabama, in 1909 Headquarters in New Orleans, Louisiana All items intended for publication in The Claverite must be submitted by: April 10 for summer issue and September 10 for winter issue. Please send your news items to [email protected], and include a photo. When taking photographs for the magazine, please make sure your camera is set on the highest resolution setting possible. Photographs should be 300 dpi or higher at full size for them to print well. Please provide stories in a Word document and photos as jpg files. Please do not submit any handwritten material or PDF files. “TRUST IN GOD” is our password “ONWARD” is our war cry On the cover – Supreme Lady Geralyn Shelvin with Bishop Curtis Guillory, Bishop Terry Stieb, Bishop Victor Galeone, Bishop Martin Holley, and Abbot Cletus Meagher at the National Convention banquet. 3 96th Annual National Convention photos 12 inside this Message Message from the from the Officer District issue Supreme Supreme reports news 4 Knight 7 Lady 8 16 Submit your ad to The Claverite, today. Send your high-resolution pdf to: Executive Director Knights of Peter Claver, Inc. 504.821.4225 – Office 504.821.4253 – Fax [email protected] For specifications and pricing please visit www.kofpc.org 4 Knights of Peter Claver Message from the Supreme Knight F. DeKarlos Blackmon, Obl.S.B., Supreme Knight and Chief Executive Officer y Dear Brothers and Sisters in ference and the 2012 Annual March for Life in our na- Claverism: tion’s capital. These activities strengthen the resolve of our What marvels were wrought in Los young as faithful Catholics, true to the authentic teachings of the Church. In addition, members asked that a Pro- Angeles! It was a distinct blessing to M Life workshop be held at the 2012 National Convention have been in the particular church of Los Angeles for in Dallas. the 96th annual Convention of the National Council • The Emerging Leaders insisted that they be known as a of the Knights of Peter Claver and the 81st annual key committee for retention, recruitment and the educa- Convention of the National Court of the Knights of tion of Claverism to younger and newer members of the Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary. Order. Our Emerging Leaders have the potential to make the greatest impact as they are actively developing means to engage the next generation of Clavers. Deputies of the Western States Gregory Warner and Sha- • After having celebrated a century of service to the Ameri- ron Pitre-Williams, Immediate Past Deputies of the Western can Church, the Order finds itself in a situation where it States Anderson F. Shaw and Micaela LeBlanc, Deputy of the needs to store and archive the very precious documents of Gulf Coast Grant Jones and Executive Director Michael Taylor, its virtuous work. Recommended was the establishment together with the whole 2011 National Convention Planning of an arrangement for KPC Archives and Exhibit space, Committee, are to be commended for their tireless work in and that the appointive unpaid position of National His- preparing for what is termed by some to be a remarkable con- torian be reinstated. As a result, Brother Jari Honora was vention due to the business effected. appointed by the Supreme Knight and confirmed by the To the membership, particularly the delegates and attendees National Council Board. of the National Convention, thank you for your commitment • The Committee on Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations supreme knight supreme to arduously work “to capture an intentional design for the asked that more attention be given to vocations. As a re- effective delivery of works and services for the membership sult, the Family of the Year Award has been modified to and the wider community.” As I conveyed during my annual include a vocations program as one of its criteria. report, while we move forward carrying out the work of the • Almost $50,000 was awarded in scholarships this year by Order, we must continue to develop a thorough plan specify- the Knights of Peter Claver and Ladies Auxiliary Scholar- ing how we intend to accomplish our objectives. ship Program. As you know, while the National Council Board of Directors • The Committee on Sickle Cell advised that subordinate is empowered to direct and guide the organization between units appoint a committee to spearhead the National conventions, the decisions of the National Council and Na- Campaign for Sickle Cell and that the individual donation tional Court in Convention through the work of committees in the Sickle Cell program increase from $1 to $1.50 per set the direction, define our mission and establish the priori- member. message from the message from ties for the future, starting with the 2011–12 year. Some of the There were indeed some financial challenges during the actions adopted by the Convention are listed below. most recent convention, but moving forward we know that • The bylaws were amended with the following significant these challenges indubitably will be overcome through hard changes: (1) There will be an equitable election year rota- work, a keen and vigilant eye toward details and professional tion of National Convention; (2) There must be National business acumen. All is not lost. Council Board of Directors approval of contracts with cu- In addition to the 2011 Senior Convention, the National Ju- mulative total of $10,000 running for 60 days or longer; nior Convention was held in New Orleans in July. More than and (3) The Claverite/Charity dues contribution is in- 1,400 youth and chaperones gathered at the Hilton Riverside creased to $0.50 for all members. Hotel. These young people conducted themselves in an exem- • The Committee on the Junior Division recommended that plary manner as they engaged in spiritual renewal, business the Order participate in the National Catholic Youth Con- sessions, competitions and social events. They elected new of- The Claverite | Winter Issue 2012 | www.kofpc.org 5 ficers for 2011–2013, most conspicuously Junior Supreme Lady Kyleigh Chevis and Junior Supreme Knight Creighton Guillory. We congratulate them and all other officers on their election as leaders of our Junior Division. On behalf of the Order, I express heartfelt gratitude to the Most Rev. Jose H. Gomez, Metropolitan of the Ecclesiastical Province and Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles; the Most Rev. Martin D. Holley, Auxiliary Bishop of Washing- ton, Chairperson of the Subcommittee on African American Affairs of the Committee on Cultural Diversity in the Church in the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, and our Chaplain; and all our bishops and abbots who joined us for our annual convention. In a special way, I thank all the many F. DeKarlos Blackmon, Obl.S.B., Supreme Knight and Chief Executive Officer priests and deacons who provided sacramental ministry sup- port – most notably, Father John Cisewski of New Orleans, who served as coordinator of liturgy. We are eternally grateful for the prayerful support of Di- vine Word Bishop J. Terry Steib of Memphis and Divine Word Bishop Curtis J. Guillory of Beaumont, who together with Bishop Holley, presided over and preached spiritually enrich- ing liturgies, designed to challenge us to re-propose the Gos- pel by the way we live our lives. As well, we express gratitude for Bishop Edward W. Clark and Bishop Oscar A. Solis of Los Angeles, Bishop Victor B. Galeone of Saint Augustine, the Bishop Jaime Soto of Sacramento, Benedictine Abbot Cletus D. Meagher of Saint Bernard Abbey, and Benedictine Abbot Charles Wright of Prince of Peace Abbey. Each of these prel- ates took the time to celebrate with us the mysteries of Christ, and provided spiritual insight to help us as we continue to press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling. Numerous members, clergy and guests stated that our lit- urgies were especially meaningful. The spirit-filled concele- brated Mass with Archbishop Gomez at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels was expressive of the rich history not only of our Order, but also our Catholic faith. In his homily on Monday morning, Bishop Steib prepared us for the storms that may creep up on us in life and in Claverism. He remind- ed us that Christ is here beside us. Bishop Guillory presided over the Memorial Mass and preached a phenomenal homily encouraging us to live the Gospel values, as opposed to mere- ly talking the talk. The Memorial Mass gave to many members closure on those Clavers who have gone on to be with the Lord. Lastly, Bishop Holley presided over and preached an evocative Mass of Healing. This Mass of Healing with sac- ramental anointing, which left Knights and Ladies in tears, seemed to lift the spirit of defeatism and renewed our hope in the future of the Knights of Peter Claver and Ladies Auxiliary. Time and again we have stated, “The Knights of Peter Claver is a business, and we must continue to hold true to our responsibilities as such.” So on behalf of Most Esteemed Supreme Lady Geralyn C. Shelvin and the National Court Board, the National Council Board of Directors and in my own name, let us continue to embark upon the tasks before us – setting clear goals and establishing plans to achieve them.
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