
CONSPIRACY THEORIES A WORKSHOP WITH TAMMO RIST FOR EINAR GRANUM KUNSTFAGSKOLE Introduction Conspiracy theories receive enormous attention not only after 9/11. They represent mystery and thrill and seem to satisfy a basal need for comprehensive explanations of complex issues ruling the way of our lives. They are a sort of back-up reality and symbolize a mental anchor for the people in a complex world. What is the workshop about? The idea of the workshop is to introduce a fictitious parallel world. Unlike films, video-games or literature, a conspiracy theory claims to be real – it is a subjective vision of a reality. Seen from this perspective, a conspiracy theory approximates the realm of art, which also represents another, or parallel version of reality. To learn, reflect and process these theories into artworks, means to juggle a fragile and at the same time radical state of reality. The conspiracy theory serves as a converter to mystify the arts. Schedules The workshop is applied for one week (27 hours). Depending on the school’s schedule, I suggest a two-week time span. The workshop contains theoretical, technical and practical parts as well as individual- and group- work and a final presentation. The goal The students are supposed to express and defend their subjectivity and personal interpretation of the world. "You have to have something to say to the world." Unfortunately all too often the opposite is the case, students tend to avoid conflict. The goal of this workshop is to create an arguable (and provoking) artistic statement that creates controversial and conflict (in a positive sense) within the class. Timeplan (see for detailed information below): 1. Presentation of the work of Tammo Rist 2 h 2. Introduction to the workshop and distribution of homework 2 h 3. Film screening 2 h 3. Discussion on the film and lecture 2 h 4. Presentation of homework and discussion 4 h 5. Lecture: Strategies in political and conceptual art in the 20th century 2 h 6. Practical workshop: 6 h 7. Individual work: 6 h 8. Final presentation: 6 h 1. Presentation of the work of Tammo Rist 2h “The United Transnational Republics” were founded in 2001 as a means to take action against the increasing alienation of the people through social and political changes due to globalization. 2. Introduction to the workshop 2h a. An overview on the workshop. Explanation of the schedule b. What is a conspiracy theory? Clarification of the concept. c. Distribution of the homework: Prepare a presentation on a given conspiracy theory (e.g. the assassination of John F. Kennedy). Research images and text, explain the plot of the theory 3. Film screening 2h Loose change 2: (the truth about 9/11) by Dylan Avery The film presents a 9/11 conspiracy theory to set forth the claim that elements within the United States government planned and executed the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City. 3 + 5. Discussion on the film “Loose Change 2” and lecture: Strategies in political and conceptual art in the 20thcentury 2 h 4. Presentation of homework and discussion 4h The most famous and important conspiracy theories in history presented by the students, a self-organized workshop with stories about... Area 51, UFOs, The assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, Elvis sightings, The Bavarian Illuminati, The Jewish world domination, The death of Paul McCartney, The attack on Pearl Harbour in 1941, The death of Princess Diana, Lost cosmonauts, The New World Order, John F. Kennedy and The DaVinci Code. 6. Practical workshop (in groups) 6 h Grow your own conspiration. The students are supposed to create their own conspiration for a historical event, a famous person or a group of people. Describe exactly who is involved and what the purpose is, why they keep it secret and who discovers the plot. Describe the impact on the course history. 7. Individual work (theoretical and technical tutorials) 6 h The workshop aims to create an individual artistic expression that reflects the contents of the workshop. Therefore, the last day is dedicated to build (improvise) an artwork of individual shape, size, material or technique. 8. The Final Presentation 6 h The final presentation will take place amongst the participating students and is open to the school. Every student explains to the others their final product. The others are supposed to critizise the works and discuss what could have been done better, etc. Timeplan CONSPIRACY THEORIES (Final Draft) for Einar Granum Kunstfagskole Note: Times are flexible, I keep the right for changes. The workshop will be held in english! Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1. Presentation of the Discussion on the Practical workshop6 Individual work7 Final presentation8 hour work of Tammo film3 Rist1 + Lecture5 2. hour 3. Introduction to the Presentation of hour workshop and homework4 distribution of homework2 4. hour 5. Film screening3 hour 6. hour Homework: Present a conspiracy theory Make a presentation of a conspiracy theory. Research it and give a 5 minute presentation in front of the class. If available, use pictures, sounds, films or other illustrations. Use the following sources for your research: www.carpenoctem.tv/cons www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conspiracy_theory http://www.youtube.com Presentation: Tuesday, February 12th, 2008; 10:45 am Good luck Practical workshop: Create your own conspiracy theory Wednesday, February 13th 2008 Write the plot for an (fictitious) conspiracy theory. Use tabloid newspapers and magazines (such as VG, Dagbladet, Seg og hør) as a source to EITHER create your personal version of a story that happened in real life (e.g. the death of Princess Diana) OR invent an entire scenario with fictitious characters, places, events aso. Start with a simple setup. Use an article of a story in one of the magazines that you are interested in. Change the plot according to your imagination and apply more and more characters and events that lead to a different interpretation/ result of the initial story. The final result must be in form of a readable article. It must contain a beginning and an end. No keywords are allowed, only use full sentences. You may write the plot in Norwegian or English. The story should be at least one A4 page in a standard WORD-document. Handwritten, it varies from two pages to five pages. Good luck! Forført av Djevelen av Natalie Rognsøy Frank Sandberg (51) fremsto som den perfekte mann. Men etter å ha blitt knyttet opp mot fire forsvinninger, to mord og ett tilfelle der en kvinne har blitt utsatt for en makaber opplevelse, er han kanskje heller ditt verste mareritt. - Han sa at Jeg var akkurat den personen ha hadde lett etter, forteller Helene. Svenske Helene møtte Sandberg gjennom nettdatingssiden Møteplatsen 9. Juni 2006. Han framsto som drømmemannen: Kjærlig, øm, flink og rik. - Men det var hans lavmælte framtoning og myke røst som gjorde at jeg virkelig falt for ham, sier Helene. Hun fikk hele tiden vite hvor vakker, intelligent og elsket hun var. Tanken på at Frank virket litt for bra var der, men hun forsvarte ham når vennene syntes det hele virket mystisk. 6. september fridde Frank Sandberg til Helene, og de planla å gifte seg en måned etter. Paret hadde bodd midlertidig i en campingvogn, men hadde planer om å flytte inn i en leilighet sammen, etter bryllupet. Da bryllupsdagen kom møtte ikke Frank opp i kirken. Helene kunne ikke forstå dette og dro tilbake til campingvogna der hun håpte å finne Frank. – Jeg så lyset fra vinduene men kunne ikke føle noe sinne, jeg ble bare lettet, forteller Helen. Da hun gikk inn, såg hun til sin store skrekk sine to kongepudler hengende etter en reim i taket. I pelsen fant hun merker som hun ikke kunne identifisere, men som tydelig var gjort av et menneske. Pudlenene var også drenert for blod, men det var ingen blodspor å finne i leiligheten. Det var ingen spor av Frank Sandberg, heller ikke i de neste ukene hun var under avhør. Etter avhørene reiste Helene tilbake til Sverige for å få avstand til saken. -Jeg hadde begynt å miste hår og jeg hadde merker på kroppen, men avfeide det hele med at det var en reaksjon på den makabre opplevelsen. Men da jeg noen måneder senere hørte om noen lignende saker som hadde foregått i norge, ble jeg urolig og kontaktet umiddelbart politiet, forteller Helene. Parallelt med hennes omgang med Frank, skal seks andre kvinner ha forsvunnet fra overflaten. To av kvinnene ble funnet døde, men de fire andre kvinnene er fortsatt savnet. Den ene kvinnen ble funnet livløs i sin egen seng. Underlivet hennes var bestialsk revet bort, og politiet hadde funnet dyrehår blandet i blodet hennes, men de kunne ikke identifisere fra hvilket dyr de kom fra. Vitner hadde hørt en mørk røst som gikk over i lyse skrik fra leiligheten. I følge hennes nærmeste hadde hun nylig forelsket seg i en mann, men hun ville ikke si noe mer om forholdet. Bare at han drev et utleiefirma for campingvogner. Den andre kvinnen tok selv kontakt med politiet, fordi hun mente noen hadde tatt seg inn i leiligheten hennes og tegnet satanistiske symbol på veggene hennes. Men da politiet kom fram, var hun allerede død. I pannen var det risset inn et stjernesymbol. Det ble også funnet personlige brev på åstedet som tydet på at hun også hadde møtt en mann som kalte seg "frankieboy", gjennom internett. Kvinnene som fortsatt er savnet hadde alle vært fraværende i forhold til familie i perioden før de forsvant. De hadde også registrert seg på samme nettdatingsside, som hadde ført Helene sammen med Frank.
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