2013 WIFT-T ANNUAL REPORT Women in Film & Television – Toronto 2013 Annual Report 1 Table of Contents The Year in Review 3 The Year Ahead 4 Our Mission 5 Board of Directors & Staff 6 Board Profile: Jade Raymond 7 Our Members 8 Member Profile: Amy Jo Johnson 10 Our Mentorships & Scholarships 11 Mentee Profile: Sherien Barsoum 13 Our Programs 14 2013 Faculty, Mentor and Jury Directory 17 Crystal Awards Gala Luncheon 22 Reception@TIFF 26 Short Film Showcase 28 Foundation for WIFT-T 30 Audited Financial Statements 31 Our Partners 39 Women in Film & Television – Toronto 2013 Annual Report 2 The Year in Review 2013 marks the end of my three-year programs and events are designed providing members with another ics as well as member priorities and term as WIFT-T Board Chair and my with these specific cohorts and career membership option and a 25% needs. This information will be used to fifth year serving on the Board. During advancement needs in mind, mak- discount on the one-year rate; inform our plans moving forward. this time I have had the great pleasure ing WIFT-T an organization that you • Our corporate bulk discount to work alongside the Board, staff can participate in and benefit from rates were revised and actively As the results of our 2012 Frame and our members to advance WIFT- throughout your entire career. marketed in 2013 providing Work II study showed, we have a long T’s relevance and impact within the companies with the opportunity way to go to achieving WIFT-T’s vision Canadian screen-based industry. We In 2013, WIFT-T presented over to offer discounted memberships whereby 50% of all positions at all have accomplished a lot during the 330 hours of professional develop- to their employees; levels of the screen-based industry are past three years and set the ground ment programming providing more • The Banff World Media Festival filled by qualified women. I encourage work for increased growth and vitality than 535 participants with access to Scholarship was introduced each of you to make it your personal moving forward. A large part of this is industry professionals, best practice providing a member in the mission in 2014 to make a difference! due to undertaking a strategic plan- models, mentoring and peer learning emerging or experienced cohorts ning process in 2012. opportunities, and hard- and soft-skill (6 - 12 years industry experience) In closing, a very special thanks to development. Over 150 industry and with a complimentary Full WIFT-T’s Board of Directors and staff This past year WIFT-T was actively academic professionals partnered with Delegate pass to this important for their hard work, commitment and engaged in carrying out the goals and WIFT-T to deliver engaging content conference; collective leadership. I leave the Board objectives of year one of our five-year and to share their knowledge through • The 2013 Short Film Showcase in the very capable hands of Joanna strategic plan. One of the impor- our programs and we thank them for was organized for the first time Webb and I look forward to support- tant outcomes of our process was a their important contributions and by a committee of members; and ing the organization and the Founda- renewed commitment to cater to all support of WIFT-T’s mandate. • Outreach info sessions visiting tion for years to come. career levels. This resulted in WIFT-T company workplaces to identifying specific cohort categories Also flowing from our strategic plan- promote WIFT-T’s programs and that reflect different levels of industry ning process, new committees were benefits including the corporate experience and the specific skill and formed, including the Membership bulk discount rates. career development needs for each Committee, which set an ambitious cohort. These cohorts are: goal of a 40% increase in membership A Members’ survey was carried out in in 2013 – a goal that was surpassed. November 2013; the first in five years. • Entry (0-5 years of experience); We ended 2013 with a 43% increase – Surveys were distributed to existing • Emerging (5-10 years of welcome to all our new members! members as well as previous/lapsed experience); members, covering topics relating to • Experienced (10-20 years of The Committee undertook a number membership benefits and programs; experience); and of initiatives that allowed us to fly by WIFT-T’s professional development • Established (20+ years of that 40% goal, including: programming; and communications. experience). The feedback we received is extreme- Prentiss Fraser • A new discounted two-year ly helpful in providing WIFT-T with Chair WIFT-T’s professional development membership was offered insights into our member demograph- Women in Film & Television – Toronto Women in Film & Television – Toronto 2013 Annual Report 3 The Year Ahead 2014 marks WIFT-T’s 30th some new programs that will be we thank them for recognizing the Anniversary! Anniversaries are a rolled out over the next two years. important contributions that WIFT-T time for reflecting, taking stock and With our cohort needs in mind, and its members make on a daily basis. celebrating; but also a time to plan for together with feedback from our the future. members’ survey this past November, I want to take this opportunity to we are working on introducing new thank the Board of Directors for their WIFT-T began planning two professional development programs significant contributions in making the years ago resulting in a renewed that will meet those expressed needs past year a successful and progressive sense of purpose, direction and in fresh new ways. one. I especially wish to thank momentum. Our strategic plan has outgoing Board Chair, Prentiss Fraser, set the groundwork but is by no We are continually seeking new who has provided strong leadership means a static plan. It will be revisited opportunities for our members to and lent a powerful voice to WIFT-T’s and evaluated on an ongoing basis receive valuable hands-on mentoring, mission during the past three years. to ensure it remains relevant and networking and industry exposure Finally, thank you to the WIFT-T staff impactful for our members. We will through formal mentorships with who exemplify WIFT-T’s values and achieve this, thanks to our members’ industry partners. We will be work incredibly hard on behalf of our participation and feedback and our introducing a new 2014 mentorship members. responsiveness. very shortly; so watch for that exciting announcement! Over the next year we will continue to provide our members with WIFT-T plays an important role in increased opportunities to connect, the screen-based industry and this is learn and advance by providing high- evident in the passionate testimonials quality and relevant professional and success stories we hear regularly development programming and from our members, program networking opportunities that are alumni and mentorship and bursary geared to their needs at every career recipients. It is also demonstrated stage so that they can be capable, in the ongoing support that WIFT-T confident, connected and successful receives from various industry leaders. partners that include government entities, corporations, academic Currently, WIFT-T is undertaking institutions, and industry-focused phase two of our planning process associations and organizations. Heather Webb involving a review of existing Our success would not be possible Executive Director programs and the development of without our industry partners and Women in Film & Television – Toronto Women in Film & Television – Toronto 2013 Annual Report 4 Our Mission WIFT-T is a member-based organization of QUICK FACTS women and men working in screen-based media that supports the development and advancement of women in the industry. MISSION METHODS Membership in WIFT-T enables We promote women’s successes— women to be capable, confident, especially our members’ successes. Active members connected and successful in their careers in screen-based media. We accept members who have made a commitment to work in the VALUES industry. Women are strong, smart and committed industry leaders. We welcome and value every member at WIFT-T. We welcome women of Women connect, learn and advance every race, ethnicity and ability and at WIFT-T founded through their participation in WIFT-T. every stage of work and life. Screen-based media in Canada are We design our programs and activities stronger when they have a committed, to meet the needs of women at every connected and well-trained stage of their careers. workforce. WIFT-T members get the job done. Our member events are entertaining, engaging, purposeful and rewarding. Full-time staff positions in 2013 We respect leaders who, recognizing hard work and meaningful contributions, advance women’s careers. Operates on funding from corporate partners, government grants, and revenue generated through membership, programming and event fees. Women in Film & Television – Toronto 2013 Annual Report 5 Board of Directors & Staff 2013-14 BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS OF THE BOARD BOARD MEMBERS FULL-TIME STAFF Prentiss Fraser, Chair Pat DiVittorio Jade Raymond Heather Webb Senior Vice President, Worldwide Vice President, Program Planning Managing Director Executive Director Sales & Acquisitions Bell Media Ubisoft Toronto Entertainment One Renée Robinson Melanie Farrell Tamara Shannon Programming & Business Affairs Joanna Webb, Vice-Chair Director, Community Liaison Vice President, Marketing & Manager Senior Vice President, Content Rogers Media Television Promotions (left June 2013) Strategy Entertainment One Films, Canada Shaftesbury Maureen Judge Heidi Tao Yang President Bianca Williamson Program Manager (began Sept. 2013) Fiona Lee, CA, Treasurer Makin’ Movies Director, Human Resources Director of Finance, Programming/ Shaw Communications Inc. Amanda Roberts Television Elizabeth Klinck Development Manager Corus Entertainment Owner Diane Williamson E Klinck Research President Jocelyn Geddie Samantha McWilliams, Secretary Digital Wizards Inc.
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