How can you replicate real world signals? Precisely tç)[UP.)[ 7QQ PSDIBOOFMT FG400 Series t*OUVJUJWFPQFSBUJPOXJUIBw Arbitrary/Function Generator LCD screen t4ZODISPOJ[FVQUPVOJUTUP QSPWJEFVQUPPVUQVU DIBOOFMT t"WBSJFUZPGTXFFQTBOE modulations Bulletin FG400-01EN Features and benefits FG400 Series Features and CFOFýUT &BTJMZHFOFSBUFCBTJD BQQMJDBUJPOTQFDJýDBOEBSCJUSBSZXBWFGPSNT 2 The FG400 Arbitrary/Function Generator provides a wide variety of waveforms as standard and generates signals simply and easily. There are one channel (FG410) and two channel (FG420) models. As the output channels are isolated, an FG400 can also be used in the development of floating circuits. (up to 42 V) Basic waveforms Advanced functions 4JOF DC 4XFFQ.PEVMBUJPO Burst 0.01 μHz to 30 MHz ±10 V/open Frequency sweep "VUP Setting items Oscillation and stop are 4RVBSF start/stop frequency, time, mode automatically repeated with the (continuous, single, gated single), respectively specified wave number. function (one-way/shuttle, linear/ log) 0.01 μHz to 15 MHz, variable duty Pulse 18. Trigger Setting items Oscillation with the specified wave carrier duty, peak duty deviation number is done each time a trigger Output duty is received. the range of carrier duty ±peak duty deviation 0.01 μHz to 15 MHz, variable leading/trailing edge time Ramp ". Gate Setting items Oscillation is done in integer cycles carrier amplitude, modulation depth or half cycles while the gate is on. Output amp. the range of amp./2 × (1 ±mod. 0.01 μHz to 5 MHz, variable symmetry Depth/100) 3 For trouble shooting Arbitrary waveforms (16 bits amplitude resolution) of up to 512 K words per waveform can be generated. 128 waveforms with a total size of 4 M words can be saved to the internal non-volatile memory. Waveforms can be selected from the displayed list. Waveforms can be created in the FG400 or with the editor software. The list of arbitrary waveforms Editing screen in the FG400 Editing screen of the editor software "DRVJSFTJHOBMOPJTFJOUIFýFME BOEUIFO SFDSFBUFJUJOUIFMBC The FG400 can generate signals as arbitrary waveforms that have been acquired by measuring instruments. Trouble shooting Generation is made easier as the FG400 can generate Acquisition waveforms that are difficult to reproduce. For example noise that only occurs on site. With the XviewerLITE software (freeware), waveform (binary data) that is acquired using a YOKOGAWA DL850E or DLM4000 can be analyzed on the PC to find the abnormal waveform. This abnormal part can then be clipped, saved and generated using the FG400. addition <"QQMJDBUJPO> $MJQQJOHUIFBCOPSNBMTJHOBM UIFOBEEJOHJU UPUIFOPSNBMTJHOBM Connect the clipped abnormal signal output of channel 2 to the additional input terminal of channel 1, and then press the Manual trigger key. The abnormal signal is added to the normal pulse waveform that is set on channel 1. Features and benefits FG400 Series Features and CFOFýUT Application-specific waveforms are also standard 4 1BSBNFUFS7BSJBCMF8BWFGPSNT In some cases engineers need application-specific waveforms like those needed to evaluate the response characteristics of mechanical/ electrical circuits and to emulate power supply circuits. The FG400 provides 25 different types of waveform as standard. As the parameters of application-specific waveforms can be changed like those of basic waveforms, waveforms are quicker and easier to generate. Waveform name t7BSJBCMF1BSBNFUFST 1 6OCBMBODFETJOF 2 $MJQQFETJOF 3 $'DPOUSPMMFETJOF 4 $POEVDUJPOBOHMF 5 4UBJSDBTF4JOF t'JSTUIBMGBNQMJUVEF t$MJQSBUF t$SFTUGBDUPS DPOUSPMMFETJOF t/VNCFSPGTUFQT t4FDPOEIBMGBNQMJUVEF t$POEVDUJPOBOHMF 6 .VMUJDZDMFTJOF 7 0OQIBTFDPOUSPMMFETJOF 8 0GGQIBTFDPOUSPMMFETJOF 9 $IBUUFSJOHPOTJOF 10 $IBUUFSJOHPGGTJOF t/VNCFSPGDZDMFT t$PNQMFUFPOQIBTF t0GGQIBTF t0OQIBTF t0GGQIBTF t4UBSUQIBTF t0OTMPQFUJNF t0GGTMPQFUJNF t/VNCFSPGDIBUUFSJOH t/VNCFSPGDIBUUFSJOH t0OTUBUFUJNF t0OTUBUFUJNF t0GGTUBUFUJNF t0GGTUBUFUJNF 11 (BVTTJBOQVMTF 12 -PSFOU[QVMTF 13 )BWFSTJOF 14 )BMGTJOFQVMTF 15 5SBQF[PJEQVMTF t4UBOEBSEEFWJBUJPO t)BMGWBMVFPGXJEUI t8JEUI t8JEUI t4MPQFXJEUI t6QQFSCBTFXJEUI 16 4JO Y Y 17 &YQPOFOUJBMSJTF 18 &YQPOFOUJBMGBMM 19 4FDPOEPSEFS-1' 20 %BNQFEPTDJMMBUJPO t/VNCFSPG[FSPDSPTTJOHT t5JNFDPOTUBOU t5JNFDPOTUBOU TUFQSFTQPOTF t0TDJMMBUJPOGSFRVFODZ t-1'OBUVSBMGSFRVFODZ t%BNQJOHUJNFDPOTUBOU t-1'2 21 0TDJMMBUJPOTVSHF 22 1VMTFTVSHF 23 5SBQF[PJEXJUIPGGTFU 24 )BMGTJOFFEHFQVMTF 25 #PUUPNSFGFSFODFESBNQ t0TDJMMBUJPOGSFRVFODZ t3JTJOHUJNF t-FBEJOHEFMBZ t-FBEJOHFEHFUJNF t4ZNNFUSZ t%BNQJOHUJNFDPOTUBOU t%VSBUJPOUJNF t3JTJOHTMPQFXJEUI t5SBJMJOHFEHFUJNF t5SBJMJOHUJNFDPOTUBOU t6QQFSCBTFXJEUI t%VUZ t'BMMJOHTMPQFXJEUI t0GGTFU 55 Manually program waveform patterns 4FRVFODFGVODUJPO Sequences of different waveform patterns can be generated by programming the parameters. Complex sequences can be easily created using the “Sequence Edit Software”. Available parameters include: waveform, frequency, phase, amplitude, DC offset, Step 1234 square wave duty, step time, hold operation, Waveform Sine Sine Sine DC Frequency 1 kHz 1 kHz 1 kHz — jump destination, number of jumps, step stop phase, Offset 0 V 1.5 V 3 V 0 V branch operation, step termination control, Sweep — — — ON step sync code output When 2 channels are linked (FG420 only) In the FG420 the two output channels can be linked. In this mode, both output signals vary when either channel is adjusted. t Independent: Independent setting t 2- phase: Holds the same frequency t Constant frequency difference: amplitude GSFRVFODZ %$PGGTFU Holds the frequency difference as a constant value t Constant frequency ratio: Holds the frequency ratio as a constant value Example of the differential output t Differential output: Same frequency, amplitude, and DC offset. Reverse phase waveform When you need more than 2 channels Master unit Slave unit Slave unit Slave unit 10 MHz REF 10 MHz REF 10 MHz REF 10 MHz REF By synchronizing multiple FG410 and FG420s, a generator REF IN OUT REF IN OUT REF IN OUT REF IN OUT of up to 12 phases (using six FG420s) can be created. 50 Ω The phase of each channel is synchronized to the master Use of external T divider T divider termination unit and can be individually adjusted. reference possible resistor Connection method 1 (up to 6 units) Greater accuracy and stability The FG400 has an external input terminal to increase Master unit Slave unit Slave unit frequency accuracy and stability by using a frequency reference with better accuracy than the built-in reference (for 10 MHz REF 10 MHz REF 10 MHz REF REF IN OUT REF IN OUT REF IN OUT example, a rubidium frequency standard). Use of external reference possible Connection method 2 (up to 4 units) Input/output terminal and Specification of FG400 FG400 Series *OQVUPVUQVUUFSNJOBM '( DI 6 7 8 9 4 '( DI 4 7 8 9 $)*0UFSNJOBMT $PNNPO*0UFSNJOBMT $)*0UFSNJOBMT Waveform output External 10 MHz frequency reference input Waveform output Sync/sub-output Frequency reference output Sync/sub-output external modulation/addition input 7 Multi-I/O connector external modulation/addition input 4 external trigger input 8 GPIB connector external trigger input 9 USB connector Specification of FG400 0VUQVUBOE0TDJMMBUJPO.PEFT Sync/sub output Output voltage Sync signals: TTL level Number of channels FG410: 1 channel FG420: 2 channels Internal modulation signal: −3 V to +3 V/open Output waveforms Sine, square, pulse, ramp, parameter-variable waveform, Sweep X drive: 0 V to +3 V/open noise (Gaussian distribution), DC, arbitrary waveform 4JOFXBWF Oscillation modes Continuous, modulation, sweep, burst, sequence Amplitude frequency 100 kHz or lower: ±0.1 dB *1 Frequency characteristics 100 kHz to 5 MHz: ±0.15 dB 5 MHz to 20 MHz: ±0.3 dB Oscillation mode 20 MHz to 30 MHz: ±0.5 dB (±0.8 dB at 2.8 Vp-p/50 Ω or higher) Continuous, modulation, Sweep (50 mVp-p to 10 Vp-p/50 Ω, reference frequency 1 kHz) Sweep (Gated Single-Shot), Sequence Total harmonic 10 Hz to 20 kHz: 0.2% or less (0.5 Vp-p to 10 Vp-p/50 Ω) (Continuous, Single-Shot) Burst distortion*1 Sine 0.01 μHz to 30 MHz 0.01 μHz to 10 MHz 0.01 μHz to 10 MHz Harmonic spurious*1 0.5 Vp-p to 2 Vp-p/50 Ω 2 Vp-p to 10 Vp-p/50 Ω Square 0.01 μHz to 15 MHz 0.01 μHz to10 MHz 0.01 μHz to 10 MHz 1 MHz or lower −60 dBc or lower −60 dBc or lower Pulse 0.01 μHz to 15 MHz 0.01 μHz to 10 MHz not usable 1 MHz to 10 MHz −50 dBc or lower −43 dBc or lower *2 Ramp 0.01 μHz to 5 MHz 0.01 μHz to 5 MHz 10 MHz to 30 MHz −40 dBc or lower −30 dBc or lower *2 Parameter-variable 0.01 μHz to 5 MHz 0.01 μHz to 5 MHz Non-harmonic 1 MHz or lower −60 dBc or lower waveform spurious*1 1 MHz to 10 MHz −50 dBc or lower (0.5 Vp-p to 10 Vp-p/50 Ω) Noise Fixed to 26 MHz equivalent bandwidth 10 MHz to 30 MHz −45 dBc or lower DC Frequency setting invalid 4RVBSFXBWF Arbitrary 0.01 μHz to 5 MHz Duty Normal 0.0100% to 99.9900% Frequency setting 0.01 μHz range Upper limit (%): 100 − frequency (Hz) / 300,000 resolution Lower limit (%): frequency (Hz) / 300,000 Frequency accuracy*1 ±(3 ppm of setting + 2 pHz), Aging rate*1 ±1 ppm/year Jitter: 300 ps rms or less typ. Phase setting range −1800.000° to +1800.000° Extended 0.0000% to 100.0000% range Jitter: 2.5 ns rms or less typ. 0VUQVU$IBSBDUFSJTUJDT Rising/falling time*1 17 ns or less Amplitude Setting range 0 Vp-p to 20 Vp-p/open, 0 Vp-p to 10 Vp-p/50 Ω Overshoot 5% or less typ. AC+DC ≤ ±10 V/open Setting 999.9 mVp-p or lower 4 digits or 0.1 mVp-p 1VMTFXBWF resolution 1 Vp-p or higher 5 digits or 1 mVp-p Pulse width Duty setting range: 0.0170% to 99.9830% Accuracy*1 *4 ±(1% of amplitude setting [Vp-p] + 2 mVp-p)/open Time setting range: 25.50 ns to 99.9830 Ms Setting units Vp-p, Vpk, Vrms, dBV, dBm Leading edge time, Setting range 15.0 ns to 58.8 Ms (3 digits or 0.1 ns resolution) trailing edge time Leading/trailing edge time independently settable Resolution Approx.
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