Government Gazette Staatskoerant REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA REPUBLIEK VAN SUID AFRIKA Regulation Gazette No. 10177 Regulasiekoerant July Vol. 649 26 2019 No. 42593 Julie ISSN 1682-5843 N.B. The Government Printing Works will 42593 not be held responsible for the quality of “Hard Copies” or “Electronic Files” submitted for publication purposes 9 771682 584003 AIDS HELPLINE: 0800-0123-22 Prevention is the cure 2 No. 42593 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 26 JULY 2019 IMPORTANT NOTICE OF OFFICE RELOCATION GOVERNMENT PRINTING WORKS PUBLICATIONS SECTION Dear valued customer, We would like to inform you that with effect from the 1st of November 2019, the Publications Section will be relocating to a new facility at the corner of Sophie de Bruyn and Visagie Street, Pretoria. The main telephone and facsimile numbers as well as the e-mail address for the Publications Section will remain unchanged. Our New Address: 88 Visagie Street Pretoria 0001 Should you encounter any difficulties in contacting us via our landlines during the relocation period, please contact: Ms Maureen Toka Assistant Director: Publications Cell: 082 859 4910 Tel: 012 748-6066 We look forward to continue serving you at our new address, see map below for our new location. City of Tshwané ,111111111g J - I , Municipal l 1.71Zer'a""Z'a--' F- I I I - I r t-Íe i- e N '4) ® 4- ® ®- Loreto convent _-Y School, Pretoria fTShwane UMttersi L ® L Techrtolog7 Government Printing Works 9l l Publications _PAl11TG Mintys Tyres Pretori est Star 88 Visagie Street 4 II - li ¡' 4- Visagie St Visagie St 9 VisagieSt F l7 Visagie St Visa! Government Printing Works 0 g National Museum of Cultural- Malas Drive Style Centre II Tshwane 9 The old Fire Station, PretoriaCentral Minnaar St Minnaar st Minnaar J larracks This gazette is also available free online at www.gpwonline.co.za STAATSKOERANT, 26 JULIE 2019 No. 42593 3 For purposes of reference, all Proclamations, Government Alle Proklamasies, Goewermentskennisgewings, Algemene Notices, General Notices and Board Notices published are Kennisgewings en Raadskennisgewings gepubliseer, word vir included in the following table of contents which thus forms a verwysingsdoeleindes in die volgende Inhoudopgawe ingesluit weekly index. Let yourself be guided by the gazette numbers wat dus weeklikse indeks voorstel. Laat uself deur die Koerant- in the righthand column: nommers in die regterhandse kolom lei: Weekly Index Weeklikse Indeks 42593 Page Gazette BladsyKoerant No. No. No. No. No. No. PROCLAMATION PROKLAMASIES 46 Competition Amendment Act (18/2018) 4 42578 46 Competition Amendment Act (18/2018) 6 42578 :Commencement of certain sections of the :Commencement of certain sections of Act ............................................................ the Act ....................................................... R.33 Wet op Spesiale Ondersoekeenhede en 13 42577 R.33 Wet op Spesiale Ondersoekeenhede en 15 42577 Spesiale Tribunale, 1996 (Wet No. 74 van Spesiale Tribunale, 1996 (Wet No. 74 van 1996) :Wysiging van Proklamasie No. R. 1996) :Wysiging van Proklamasie No. R. 21 van 2018 .............................................. 21 van 2018 .............................................. R.34 Special Investigating Units and Special 17 42577 R.34 Special Investigating Units and Special 21 42577 Tribunals Act (74/1996) :Referral of matters Tribunals Act (74/1996) :Referral of matters to existing Special Investigating Unit: Free to existing Special Investigating Unit: Free State Provincial Department of Health ...... State Provincial Department of Health ...... R.35 Wet op Spesiale Ondersoekeenhede en 25 42577 R.35 Wet op Spesiale Ondersoekeenhede en 28 42577 Spesiale Tribunale (74/1996) :Verwysing Spesiale Tribunale (74/1996) :Verwysing van aangeleenthede na bestaande Spesi- van aangeleenthede na bestaande Spesi- ale Ondersoekeenheid en Spesiale Tribu- ale Ondersoekeenheid en Spesiale Tribu- naal: Madibeng Distriksmunisipaliteit ........ naal: Madibeng Distriksmunisipaliteit ........ R.36 Special Investigating Units and Special 32 42577 R.36 Special Investigating Units and Special 35 42577 Tribunals Act (74/1996) :Referral of matters Tribunals Act (74/1996) :Referral of mat- to existing Special Investigating Unit: Na- ters to existing Special Investigating Unit: tional Department of Agriculture, Forestry National Department of Agriculture, For- and Fisheries ............................................ estry and Fisheries ................................... R.37 Special Investigating Units and Special 38 42577 R.37 Special Investigating Units and Special 42 42577 Tribunals Act (74/1996) :Referral of mat- Tribunals Act (74/1996) :Referral of mat- ters to existing Special Investigating Unit: ters to existing Special Investigating Unit: South African Social Security Agency ...... South African Social Security Agency ...... R.38 Wet op Spesiale Ondersoekeenhede en 46 42577 R.38 Wet op Spesiale Ondersoekeenhede en 49 42577 Spesiale Tribunale (74/1996) :Verwysing Spesiale Tribunale (74/1996) :Verwys- van aangeleenthede na bestaande Spesi- ing van aangeleenthede na bestaande ale Ondersoekeenheid en Spesiale Tribu- Spesiale Ondersoekeenheid en Spesiale naal: Suid-Afrikaanse Erfenis Hulpbrona- Tribunaal: Suid-Afrikaanse Erfenis Hulp- gentskap (hierna verwys as “die SAHRA”) bronagentskap (hierna verwys as “die SAHRA”) ................................................... R.39 Special Investigating Units and Special 52 42577 R.39 Special Investigating Units and Special 55 42577 Tribunals Act (74/1996) :Referral of matters Tribunals Act (74/1996) :Referral of matters to existing Special Investigating Unit: Free to existing Special Investigating Unit: Free State Department of Human Settlements State Department of Human Settlements (hereinafter referred as “the Department”) (hereinafter referred as “the Department”) R.40 Special Investigating Units and Special 58 42577 R.40 Special Investigating Units and Special 61 42577 Tribunals Act, 1996 (Act No. 74 of 1996) Tribunals Act, 1996 (Act No. 74 of 1996) :Referral of Matters to Existing Special In- :Referral of Matters to Existing Special In- vestigating Unit ......................................... vestigating Unit ......................................... R.41 Special Investigating Units and Special 64 42577 R.41 Wet op Spesiale Ondersoekeenhede en 67 42577 Tribunals Act, 1996 (Act No. 74 of 1996) Spesiale Tribunale, 1996 (Wet No. 74 van :Referral of Matters to Existing Special In- 1996) :Verwysing van Aangeleenthede na vestigating Unit ......................................... bestaande Spesiale Ondersoekeenheid ... R.42 Special Tribunals Act (74/1996) :Referral 70 42577 R.42 Special Tribunals Act (74/1996) :Referral 73 42577 of matter to existing Special Investigating of matter to existing Special Investigating Unit ........................................................... Unit ........................................................... R.43 Special Investigating Units and Special 76 42577 R.43 Special Investigating Units and Special 77 42577 Tribunals Act (74/1996) :Amendment of Tribunals Act (74/1996) :Amendment of Proclamation No. R. 18 of 2017 ................. Proclamation No. R. 18 of 2017 ................. This gazette is also available free online at www.gpwonline.co.za 4 No. 42593 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 26 JULY 2019 Page Gazette Page Gazette No. No. No. No. No. No. R.44 Special Investigating Units and Special 78 42577 R.44 Special Investigating Units and Special 78 42577 Tribunals Act (74/1996) :Amendment of Tribunals Act (74/1996) :Amendment of Proclamation No. R. 27 of 2018 ................. Proclamation No. R. 27 of 2018 ................. R.45 Wet op Spesiale Ondersoekeenhede en 79 42577 R.45 Wet op Spesiale Ondersoekeenhede en 79 42577 Spesiale Tribunale (74/1996) :Wysiging Spesiale Tribunale (74/1996) :Wysiging van Proklamasie No. R. 30 van 2017 ........ van Proklamasie No. R. 30 van 2017 ........ GOVERNMENT NOTICE GOEWERMENTSKENNISGEWINGS Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Department of Landbou, Bosbou en Visserye, Departement van 970 Plant Breeders’ Rights Act (15/1976) 16 42576 970 Plant Breeders’ Rights Act (15/1976) 16 42576 :Plant Variety Journal 161 ......................... :Plant Variety Journal 161 ......................... Arts and Culture, Department of Kuns en Kultuur, Departement van 971 South African Library for the Blind Act 26 42576 971 Wet op die Suid-Afrikaanse Biblioteek 28 42576 (91/1998) :Call for nominations of candi- vir Blindes (91/1998) :Oproep om nomi- dates to serve on the Board of the South nasies van kandidate om te dien op die African Library for the Blind ...................... Raad van Bliblioteek vir Blindes ............... Economic Development Department Ekonomiese Ontwikkeling Departement 987 Competition Act (89/1998) :Notice in terms 8 42578 987 Competition Act (89/1998) :Notice in terms 8 42578 of Section 1 of the Act ............................... of Section 1 of the Act ............................... Health, Department of Gesondheid, Departement van 972 Medicines and Related Substances Act 34 42576 972 Medicines and Related Substances Act 34 42576 (101/1965), as amended :Draft Dispensing (101/1965), as amended :Draft Dispensing Fee to be charged by persons licensed in Fee to be charged by persons licensed in terms of section 22C (1) (a) ...................... terms of section 22C (1) (a) ...................... 973 Medicines and Related Substances Act 37 42576 973 Medicines and Related Substances Act 37 42576 (101/1965), as amended :Regulations re- (101/1965), as amended :Regulations
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