ft A n"fM? A A Full mi Today's News Leased Wire Printed Today Dispatches flirafti ON TRAINS AND NEWS THIRTY-SEVENT- ; 8ALEM, OEEGON, THURSDAY, JULY 16, 191. H YEAR PRICE TWO CENTS stands, five cents uerta Resigns and Carbajal Is Elected FIGHT IS SOOH OVER PRESIDENT WILL CARPENTIER WHS HELP CARRANZA TO President Blanauets Threat To Take F III SIXTH ESTABLISH EA E Army From Him Forced Him To Let Go Smith Struck Carpentier a Will Stand Firmly by Him if Hard Right on the Jaw, He Takes a Conciliatory Dropping Him and Broad Position LEGAL PROFESSION LAND LOCATING WAS DISTENDED SOME BARE-FACE- D ROBBERY He Took a Few Drinks With Friends HIT HIM IN THE NECK BUT WILL NOT STAND 18. Several wit- Seventy-Seve- n Pass Examination and Portland, Ore, July WHILE ON HIS KNEES FOR A DICTATORSHIP nesses from stuto of Washington Are Admitted to Practice In Oregon tho were examined todav in tho prosecution and Remembrance Supply Is Of Much Demand. of K. J. Sellers. J. W. Logan and w. F. $6,000,000 as a Miiiard, by tho government on charges of misusing tho mails by inducing per- Was Not Hurt by Powers Will Not Recognize of Carpentier J. C. Morolan.L clerk the Supreme sons to locate on the forfeited lands Court, lias unnoiiui'eil that of the 91 of the Oregon 4 California railroad persons who recently tried the state bnrj . Blow Which Disqualified Any Government Until the I ' Is Refuses uva mi tin t inn 77 aiiccelf II lltlil Will Villa Sorry Huerta Escapes All Punishment, but irora Persistent efforts on tho pnrt of" At be given certificates. The examination torney flnudo Stratum, representing W. Smith and Lost Fight United States Does So was tho firs-- t conducted bv the boanl To Make Any Statement When Asked if Hostilities Would K. Alinard, to have witnesses admit lot' examiners, ami the percentage of was a ""t that thev knew tho investment Be Stopped by the Rebels. ; hT! h . o a lo . hance on which the rJZl?'rrtj!L?M returns wo,,.,! .treat' if any were Ringside, London, July 10. Georges Washington, July 10. Mexico's fnto ""'l I success Carpentier was awarded tho decision ill was considered here today to be Fenn, rfubert M. forthcoming, wero not entirely in Kathryn Durnford thn sixth round of his 20rouitd bout General Carranza's bands. Davis, R. Hart, Murray C. Wheat, ful. John you know you with Gunboat Smith of California here Provisional President Carbajnl P.en "Now, didn't that was V. Ernest Baker, .1. Williams, Joel tonight. Smith expected speedily to turn to Del-be- wero putting up a little money ou a hit Carpentier while the over him REBEL LEADERS HOWEVER BELIEVE THE WAH 18 OVER 11. Richardson, Benjamin 8. Via, chance, a wild gamble, on tho pros- latter was on his knees, The man had the control of affairs. It remains to A. Norton, Elmer James lluckman, long Ill pect of winning 10,001)'" Stratum ask- been mixing it fiercely in the fifth be seen, men high in the administra- F. Claire MeDougnl, Russell II. Steph- F. llnight, of CIcKlum, Was'.i. round, Smith evidently attempting a tion hero said, whether he will then ens, Edward Tallman, Jr., Charles L. ed Frank "No, I didn't understand it thut way knockout. The Frenchman fought back, establish such a government as will Grudcu, Fred W. Herman, Frederick S. command the Ex-minis- replied. blow for blow. world's respect or a par- ter Lamport, William Murphv, William II. at all," llaight Huerta's Family and of War Blanquet Are at Again Stratum asked Frank Holm- - Opening the sixth round both resumed tisan rule which cannot long survive. Wateroury, Edward O. Patterson, Beryl Tho a car motorman of Seattle, tho same tactics. Carpentier was Washington ndiiiiniwtratiou waa Ex-presid- A. .1. Allison .Nouitun Statiia' "tron, street ent lireen, awaiting his choice. Peurto Mexico and the Is Believed To Be on Briggs, Ralph I). Moorcs, John II. jf knw t'lat llc engage but was met with hard rights From sources close to President Wil- - White, George II. Mullin, Setb LcRoy in some dangerous speculation. and letts. Smith sent a crashing right against Car son it was learned that the chief Smiith, C. Boylau. L. Leonard "They told mo the claim was worth the Frenchman's jaw and His Way To Join Them There. Bert anticipating President Hucr-tn'- s Kranse, J. E. Wcrlein, If. F. Pfingsten, .1.0t)()," Holmstron assorted. "I was pentier dropped, but arose immediately. land in !0 days. Then Smith swung, hitting resignation, has already determ- - W. B. Katiffman, MeKinlcy Kane, C. to receive tho They; " on be-- the) n line of action. E. Holbrook, II. L. Hess, Merrill A. did not say anything at all about it 1 in neck. Tho spectat O. outcome of their con- nted that he would not By William Shepherd. easy for them to get away by ship, the nature and Reed. W. A. Aclterman, Edward A. ing in litigation with the United States; their indignation. The hah Vera Cruz, Mex., July 10. It was Jesus Urueta, Jose Novelo and Enri- versation. - uproar, ninny or tnr Mexican government rtnrt. T.nurn E. Cavers. Robert G. Cost- government. yoiis noes who que who were deputies under at the crown .....vu not represent all the people War Minister Blunquet finally Mangel, erman. Frank E. McClure. Mario O. llaight testified that no had paid hurled Smith, ami tiegan or Madero, have gone surging toward ring, one which is not plodgcd to re- forced President Huerta to retire from the late President The Boalt Case. Downes, James H. Ganoe, Hugh J. $300 in tho hopes of securing claims, the establish to expecting to meet representa- The authorities held the crowd in constitutional rule as speedily the dictatorship of Mexico, according Celaya Washington, July 16. The senate to- Boyd, John W. Peters, Frank E. Man- making applications for himself ami as possible. received from the cap- tives of tho rebels and negotiate rela C. " check, however, while Carpentier was to information day adopted the Poindextcr resolution ning, Patrick J. Prvor, Charles wife. The Powers Stand In. ital today. tive to the hitter's peaceful entrance Dan- K. V. Borleske, Alfred Tav-one- r led to his coiner. He was uninjured by calling on Secretary of tho Navy Zweignrt, The powers, it was learned, here In- Foreign Minister Carbajnl, who ac into the capital. I). Finnigan, Joseph the blow which disqualified Smith. iels to submit all papers in tho Boalt Brown, James ft dicated that they will withhold recog- cepted his post with the understanding! Tho citv was quiet but there was an Van Hoomissen, J. Harvey Hohart, E. Somo believed that Hmitli struck the ease. lit) nition until it acceded, by tha that Huerta was to step down in tho undercurrent of intense excitement. Frederick L. Boalt is the Newspaper J. Gillespie, H. B. Fbgnrty, Edna May TODAY ' blow delibnrStely when hit 1'arpoi United States. r May Start a Revolt. BASEBALL tier while the latter was down. As former's favor, expected the resigna- Enterprise association correspondent at Bayless, Floyd A. Boyington, Burns A conciliatory attitude on his pnrt gent One report was that the Twenty-nint- Rex A. soon as the blow was struck Corrl step.-pe- tion would be to congress Monday. Vera Cruz who sent a rtory to the Powell, Elizaboth Jean Braun, git will be insisted on from General Car- regiment, in tho mountains near Mexico Mabel between tho men and waved Smith Saturday, however, as soon as Carbajal United States to the effect that Amer- Turner, Iua Jaqua, E. M. Page, ranza if he desires American support. City, which remained taitiiful to Huerta G. George E. Federal, away. bad taken the oath of office, Huerta ican landing parties shot unarmed and Boyington, Aden Bristow, If he establishes a military dictator- of Juchieco R- - H. E. from began drinking. to the last, with bodies the fleeing Mexicans when they occupied Richards, Benjamin H. Lerr.er, Calvin First game Gunboat Smith arrived Harrow, ship It will not be recognized. Indian troops, would start a B. Brooklyn 0 14 0 an hour before tho tlmo for his fight He drank steadily throughout Satur- and Pueblo tho city. L. Sweck, Oliver Huston, Leland J. If, however, he takes a broad stand, in favor of Felix Diaz. H. Henry Pittsburg 2 7 0 with Georges Carpentier. There was a day afternoon and continued to do so revolt A deportation order was issued Knox, Raymond Rowland, protects foreigners and his political op- The transfer of authority from Huer- against him but when ho made the Bauer, W." C. Nicholas, I. I.eon Ray, Houck and Land; Dickson, Lcclair, largo crowd at the ringside. ponents and shows until late at night at the Cafe Colon. 9:47 a disposition to act ta to Carbajal was effected with sur- claim he received his information Carlton E. Spencer, J. W. Obcrender, Walker and Berry. Carpentier entered tho ring at in tne Bunday he gave orders to his bodyguard that Louis-Chicag- interests of the whole Mexican prisingly little commotion. Ensign George L. C. H. Reade, Samuel game St. game p. in., Smith following at ll:fi. Both not to follow him, and spent the day, from American naval officials, Koehn, first peoplo, the administration will use tea Congress considered the former's res- - William Richardson being especially Jesse 1Uiz7.cU. called end second inning, rain. Second appeared in the best condition.
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