DEVELOPMENT OF A RELATIVE RISK ASSESSMENT FRAMEWORK TO ASSESS MULTIPLE STRESSORS IN THE KLIP RIVER SYSTEM Report to the WATER RESEARCH COMMISSION by V Wepener1, P Dlamini1, GC O’Brien2, W Malherbe1 1Unit for Environmental Sciences and Management, North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus), Potchefstroom, South Africa 2School of Life Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Scottsville, South Africa WRC Report No. 2204/1/15 ISBN 978-1-4312-0714-5 November 2015 Obtainable from Water Research Commission Private Bag X03 Gezina, 0031 [email protected] or download from www.wrc.org.za DISCLAIMER This report has been reviewed by the Water Research Commission (WRC) and approved for publication. Approval does not signify that the contents necessarily reflect the views and policies of the WRC, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use. © Water Research Commission ii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY BACKGROUND Whilst demand for water is rapidly increasing due to population expansion, industrialization and urbanization, water supplies are increasingly coming under pressure due to resource depletion and pollution. The Klip River, its tributaries and associated wetlands have been described as one of the most heavily impacted rivers in the country being subject to every type of conceivable pollution. These included mining, urban, industrial as well as agricultural impacts. In addition to an influence on water quality there is an impact on the water level, flow regime and stream morphology of the River. Despite this, the Klip River system must still provide the necessary ecological infrastructure to satisfy basic human needs and maintain ecological processes and then also serve the other user groups, i.e. agricultural, recreational and industrial. To achieve sustainability of water resource use, sufficient protection measures must be implemented to ensure the wellbeing and availability of key ecosystem can be maintained. The National Water Act (NWA) prescribes a number of protection measures for water resources including; the establishment of a societal vision to direct the level use and or protection of resources, the classification of water resources by establishing a Management Class to represent the vision, establish the Ecological Reserve that provides for the ecological requirements and then determine Resource Quality Objectives (RQO) for water resources, which gives effect to the Management Classes. The narrative and or numeric RQOs that relate to the quantity, quality, habitat and biota of water resources, establish clear goals for the desired quality of the resources to achieve a balance between the need to use water resources and protect them. To implement RQOs the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) needs to characterise the risks to the achieving RQOs on multiple spatial scales, within the context of existing socio-ecological systems, and use a robust validated measure/s to evaluate the socio-economic and ecological consequences of alternative management options which can provide the information required to achieve RQOs using Source Directed Control measures, such as Water Licences. RATIONALE The RQO determination procedures for the Upper Vaal Water Management Area (WMA) was recently been completed. The Upper Vaal RQOs includes numerous quantity, quality, habitat and biota subcomponent objectives for regional and prioritised river, groundwater, wetland and dam ecosystems. The Klip River, which forms a part of the greater Vaal River WMA is one of South Africa’s most economically valuable aquatic ecosystems, and with the Vaal River, one of South Africa’s hardest working rivers. Although the ecological importance of the Klip River is noteworthy, a wide range of socio-economic services are provided by the ecosystem to various local and regional stakeholders, including the provision of water for basic human needs and natural products to local communities, and the removal of waterborne wastes from Gauteng. As a result, the pressure on the ecological infrastructure of the Klip River is currently excessive and unsustainable. To address this, the Water Resource Classification procedure for the Upper Vaal WMA established a Heavily Used iii (Class III) class for the Upper Vaal IUA UI which includes the Klip River. Therefore the main aim of this study was to demonstrate the development and application of the Regional Scale Relative Risk Assessment approach incorporating the Relative Risk Model (RRM) framework, as a suitable measure to evaluate the risks of achieving riverine RQOs for water resources in the Klip River (RUs 63-65) portion of the Vaal River Catchment. In addition the study aims to demonstrate the use of the RRM to evaluate the socio-economic and ecological consequences of alternative management options to provide the information for Source Directed Control measures, to achieve RQOs. AIMS AIM 1 To integrate the available information (grey and published literature) on the status of the Klip River Catchment together with data from two field surveys to inform subsequent components of the project. AIM 2 Develop and apply the Relative Risk Model (RRM) to determine the risks based on perceptions of local communities, conservation authorities, municipal authorities and other stakeholders along the Klip River system on the value of the river systems and its associated resources and impacts of contamination. AIM 3 Validate the risks modelled through the RRM process by linking effects assessment endpoints, i.e. biomarkers (genetic diversity in selected taxa, etc.), fish communities, to pollutant exposure (e.g. heavy metal and organic contamination in tissues of organisms, sediment and water). AIM 4 To use the outcomes of the RRM and validation study for incorporation into the newly proposed water quality management plan for the Klip River. METHODOLOGY All available bio-physical data on the Klip River system was collated from the grey and published literature. To supplement the available data, two sampling surveys during the low flow (June 2013) and high flow (January 2014) were conducted to an additional eight sampling sites. Five of the sites were situated on the Klip River, two on the Riet Spruit and one on the Natal Spruit. The latter three sites are situated on the two major tributaries of the Klip River. All of the sites were selected to include habitats where relevant information could be gathered to meet all the aims set for the study. In situ physicochemical water quality variables were measured at each sampling site and an additional water sample was collected for chemical and microbiological analyses in the iv laboratory. These data were compared to the extensive historical database that was sourced. Sediment samples were collected at the same sites and the physico-chemical characteristics were determined. The physical parameters measured were organic carbon content and particle size distributions. Metal concentrations were determined in the samples using standard inductively coupled plasma – ass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) techniques. Diatoms were sampled at all the sites using standard protocols. The diatom community structure was assessed using a range of indices to provide insight into the pollution status of the system. Macroinvertebrate sampling followed the standard SASS5 protocol. Changes in the macroinvertebrate community structure during the surveys and sites were analysed using multivariate statistical techniques such as principal component analysis and redundancy analyses. The SASS5 data were used to calculate the macroinvertebrate response assessment index (MIRAI) scores. Two surveys were undertaken to collect fish samples for both community and ecotoxicological analyses. The available fish habitat was classified based on the velocity and depth parameters and in each habitat type, or velocity-depth class, the extent of the potential cover for the fish, namely substrate, overhanging vegetation and undercut banks, was estimated and scored. A variety of sampling techniques were applied to sample the different habitats, ranging from still-standing water to fast-flowing rivers. The sharptooth catfish (Clarias gariepinus) was used as indicator species in this study. The health of C. gariepinus was determined by using a macroscopic health assessment (fish health assessment index, FHAI). Muscle and liver samples were also collected for bioaccumulation, biomarker and genetic. Levels of Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se, Sr, U, V and Zn in muscle tissue were determined with ICP-MS using standard techniques for sample preparation and analysis. A 10 g muscle tissue sample was homogenised with anhydrous sodium sulphate for organic pollutant analysis. The DDT congeners - p,p’-DDE, o,p’-DDE, o,p’-DDD, p,p’- DDD, o,p’-DDT, o,p’ and p,p’-DDT (the sum expressed as ΣDDTs), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), α-, β-, γ and δ-hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) isomers (the sum expressed as ΣHCHs), the chlordanes (ΣCHLs) – cis- and trans chlordane (cChl, tChl) and its oxidised form, i.e. oxychlordane (OxC) and heptachlor (HC) and its break down products cis- and trans. Approximately 1 g each of sharptooth catfish liver and muscle were placed in cryotubes mixed with Hendrickson stabilising buffer and placed in liquid nitrogen for biomarker analysis. A subsample of approximately 0.2 g of collected liver tissue was used for biomarker activity analyses. The remaining portions of the axial muscle were stored frozen in cryotubes for further analysis. Values were obtained for acetylcholinesterase,
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