Basketball 82-84 Intr:Lmurals 85-89 Snapshots

Basketball 82-84 Intr:Lmurals 85-89 Snapshots

THE PAUL MEEK LIBRARY THE UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE AT MARTIN MARTIN, TENNESSEE TENN. LD 5300 .M],) 1940 C.2 2')8323 IJniversity of Tennessee. .Jun Lor- Co l l e qe , T've v o lun t e e r Junior. • { ARCH. LD Of . 5300 .M35 , 1940 by , for The STUDENTS of The University of Tennessee Junior College Martin, Tennessee * :<'58323 THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE AT MARTIN * * * * * * * * * * DOROTHY JACKSON EDITOR-IN-CHIEI' LELABELLE SCRUGGS SUBSCRIPTION EDITOR H. N MOO R E BUSINESS M,'NAGER J. PAUL PHILLIPS FACULTY ADVISOR THE SHADES of Night are being drawn as the sun sinks over the hill in rhc orchard back of the Industrial Arcs Building. Soon Bedwell will turn the switch and the Admin- isrrario» Building will be flooded with Light . .'WORE 1'1111.1.11'5 j'IlITC111'lT .in~~EI.I,S Il'flOLU;Y sen ucos ,OInSOl< UTI.IIER ..\LI,I'~' Day ts dying 111 tbe rocxt J .\CJ.;SO,< ~llil.1l EI~IS U<J\\1.1 ~f; Heaven lJ tOllrbmg earth wiib In/ . Volunteer Junior Staff j. P,\UL PI-IIU.lPS _ fllclilly /\'/1';.\01" DOi\OT1IY JACKSO;\' _____Editor-ill-Chic! I'_NIT,\ !vluu-IEI\I."\' _ Assorietr f,/itol" RUTI-, BOWLlN_ __Assorietr Editor H. N. MOO](E ___lJlIsiJ/(,\' ,\'!allllgl'r BILLY PRITCHI,TT .IIHOriilfc Busmcss to.lill/<lgN LELAllCLLE SCitUGGS _SII!Jscrij,lio/l Editor M\IlTlH AI_LLN Art Editor n.U"jH LATIMER Fel//llrn Edilor fR'\i\'K ~Ol(I(ELLS ____ S/JUrt.1 [iii/Of for M('II GLADYS GillSON _ Sbocts Edilor for \'VU/II,'11 f \VAJ(]{EN \VOOLLEY SlIa/ls/Jot Editor ADMINISTRATION BUILDING At NIght THE va P'r.eseuts FROM DARK T LL· DAWN r C 0 N T E N T s Opening Section .. ... _ _ 1~7 Dedication 8-9 Boys' Dorm in the fore"round with Snapshots _ b ' 10 I, Division (The Faculty) ...... 11-12 Girls' Dorm and Administration i' Faculty 1.'>-14 Building in the background. Division (The Classes) 15 -16 The Sophomores __.... 17-23 The Freshmen 0. __ • 24-31 Honor Page . 32 Di vision (elu bs and Leaders) __.. 33-34 Clubs 35-54 Leaders __._ __. j 5-) 9 I~ Snapshots __ _ 60 Di vision (Our Bee ntics ] .... 6 1-62 Beauties 63-71 Sna pshots ... .. ____ 72 Division (Athletics) ..... 73-74 Football .. ... .___ 75 - 8 1 Basketball _ _ 82-84 Intr:lmurals 85-89 Snapshots _._. " .. _. ..__.._ 90·91 __________________.. ... ._ 92 j\loh'l Oc or Farewell ________________________. .__..__93 " " 'i~-~DEDICATE this, the 1939 - 40 edition of the Volunteer ~ ~"-o-'~n"'lort DARK to DAWN, in which we atrempt ro record a few scenes and memories of our nights at UTJC. The fellowship of the 6 o'clock meal III the DilllllS Hall. The Social Hour that follows in the GirlS' Dorm. The Football or Basketball game 1I'1th all its color ;l11d CX(l(Cl11c'nL The Dances in the Gym when lights are dim ann the music SW<':d. The Dates at the show and J stop at the fountain afterward. The Lessons and Lectures :ln~ QuizLes of romor row-c-tomorrow-c- TIle midnight snack of pop corn, pcauuts, candv, W!J:-It-llors, and coca-cola, and finally . To Bcd-"ho-hu111, better set my al.u-n. for brcakf:Jsr"-:\nd so to sleep. T H E F A c u L PAUL MEEK--Executive Officer T Thein 'he task to dirpe! the darlzness of 19nor,lIlce and to fpeed the d,ncJl o/llllderstmIdillg ** ** \I.I.E'.; D.\\'II)U,\~f::'n; LIRR IR, nR" ...nus F. ~I( ~HIL\:<, .1"11" f_])~ln''1J !lU~"EY. ~1.\kY no, "ITLl"-, C.'"1. t:..\RJ. ~'HK I'.IUI. IIRY.I'.;T. (\~~"I.I. \\'11.1.1 ..,\1 >Lln;", JOE "I.\C~ PHII.UP" .i. I',IL-L y c.'\ 1.I1\\'t;I.I .. 1'11.1.11; JIII.I. .. \lIRY I;Sllr."""!I\ "Hll,I,II'o, .\lYRTI.E H. (1";';0>;, linE" nt.c.. I'IUI. "nR~l.\" 51't:'.;O:•. 'un' H.I/.\III'TlI CR ...vr vs. CI.,IRE'.;CE (II-HIllER, ELf;. jl'.;E ST,\\"rORIJ, (;E'.;I: II. ilEA". Jon:>:~_ IIORT"". (;EOR';t: S\\'j'.;IJI.ER '"JX ..' IlE "OS5, \\'ILI.I.-I.\! R.I Y 1''<[1'1', URI WOO!)S, sT£!'IIE:< R. ELLIOTT, FI.QRE"CE f;, KRol.!" fURRY 1f.IRKIS"" [ III ' ';:l~V:HfS i HARY RILL T H E c L • A s s E Between Classes s Sophomores * * * * Freshmen * * * * * 1lte SPONSORS: C. c. el\A VEl\'S [UIl:',\1(1) SCl-I~llllT FRANK DODD Pvosidcnt ED OSBORNE LELA BELLE SCRUGGS V iet-l'n'.,id(,!1 1 5""I'I'lllr.1'- 'f' ,','1/-'11 IT" Sopb Statistic: TOLl I 141 Boys Girls • Agncultun· _ 51 Ag. Engineel'ill(; 12 Education 25 Home Ec. 42 Liber:ll Arts 8 Prc-DenIl~tIT I Pn:-L:I.\V 2 Pre-Med 2 l'ag-~ 17 EVELYN RUTH KIRK-Flil/lioudi Mask Jnd \,'ig, Scribbler;, Form,ic, Rel'0rlt't, Eall 39, lNA TYSON-P<I!lIIenl'ilfe Glee Club, Reponer, Full. H, ]-]Olll" Ec. \"K\", 0,· Home Fe.: Scrihhkr': Ma,k and \Vig: Archery Champ, ch",tra, Reporter, '35- 39, Vclcue St att. is- 39, Ed""r, '39, A. S. c. Winter. '-1-0, Hu-iness \lgr,. Yolette . '39-'-1-0, I'n",bl,,,..:, '39, Cum Laude, "';nter, '39.:\. S. C L\VERNE LOREN BROWNE-l'ari.l S, C. ,\, S<:l'ihblu,: Beulit" Se<;ti011. '39-'-1-0; Furell,i~; lAMES A PIGUE-.\lrlr//I1 ..\. S. C. GI"e Club. P;e,.' \lo,k and Wig, Snihhler" "-I" ('1,,10, Tumhlinz Coach.; /l.lJgnJ Cum L~"de, F~ll, Sl'rinc:, ,s- HUGH VINEYARD-Dicksoll '39; Cum Laude. Wimer, '39, Fall '39, :\. S. C j\g, Club: Foolhall; !\. S, C. \VILlARD w. BED\VELL, jR ,-F ri''''''!JI!' ALTA FAYE TOLLEY-DlJnltlJ s. C. t\., Vice-Pre- .. Spring, Fall ,9, \!:l,k and \\'ig: A, S. e. S. C. :\.' I-Iollle E<:.; NKN, PI'C'. '39-'-1-0: Will,on Coumr\' Life; Intramural Mgl',; Ol'che'Ir~: Magna Cum Laude. ANITA }'-1ULI-IERI'\'-Nrll !"'rli Spring, '39: FOH'n,ic; (;Iee Cillh: Rifle Team, '39, A.S.C. NKN; Home Ec.: I. R, C.. Reporter, \\·iElier. ',9, ~t't·.- Trea, __Spring, '39, Vice·Pre" Fall '59: Scrihbler" \Iil" SARA OLlTl-IIA DlCKSON-Vilnlc('r and wts: Tumbling, '35, '39, '-1-0, Reporter "f Suph"r""re Fo rcnsic. V. Pre' .. Fall. '39, Sec.c'Trcas.. \\'imer, '-1-0; S. Cia,,; A"ociate Editor Volunteer .l r.. 39-'-1-11, \bpl' C. .-\.. Sec., '-1-0, Homc Cc,: NKN; Imralllllral ;l,1gl' Cum CUIll Laude, '38-'J9, Cum Laude. rau. '39. :\. S. C. l.aude, Fall. "'inter, Spr;Jlg, 'no '39, Mazna Cum LHHle, Winter. '-1-0; .-\, S. C. PAUL MEL TOl\"-iltlJka Ag. Club; Will,on Coullln' Life: I, R. (' :\ S, t ' WALTER WARREN WOOLEY-\V!;ite!;lfl'i'/I Engincning. j\g, ClLJh, VolLJnlnr .II' Sl~ff, '39-'-1-(j; JOHN \VHITCOj\\B-,\[lIrt;1I :\. S, C. Orchestr a, '>S, '39, '-1-0; ,\, S, C. MILDRED MclNTOSH-UbridSc MILDRED FISHER-Sharon S. c. A" Pre,., Spring, Fall, '39; Homc [,:<;., Tl'ea,., '39- '-1-0, Inll',pnul'ul Mg-r.: BealLt\' Se<:tioll. "S-',9, M"g;na Horne Ee., Cum Loudc, Fidl. '33; "bgn" CLlIIl 1..:""1,,. Spring, Fall. '39, A, S, C. Cum Laude. '3S. '39: Smith AW'1l"d, 3S-'39, A, S, C" Scc,- T,-ea", '39-'-1-0. CHARLES THOi\IPSON-iltllhlJ LAURA VIRGINIA BURRUS-Tijl/o/ll'illc Ag, Club, A. S. C, Magnil CUIlI l.ilude, F~IL '39; A .S. C. JAMES ODELL JONES-Parson, ERNEST RICE McGARRITY-Tisrtff Engineering, PI'C,,, Vlcc- Pre,. , ,,\1'. Club. A, S. C. CO"". AI'. Club, Cross Counrrv Run. '39, A. S, C. cil: Magna Cum Laude; Cum Laude, ,_\. S. C. LELABELLE SCRUGGS-K('lIto/i EVELYN PASS,\-\ORE-[)cc<lfIlJ'l'ill,. Horne Ec., Reporter, NKN, I. R. C: Mn,k and Wig; NKN; Eng:ineering, Scc.-Trea", 39·'-1-0' S"rll1na ('\1111 Soph. Sce. and Trca,,; Vulutlleer Jr. Suh'<:riplion Ed" l.allde, Fall, ',9, Magna Cum Laude, Filii' B: .'\ S. (' 'J9-'-f0: Magll~ Cum l.allde. Fall, '3S, F~ll '39, A, S. C. GARLAND R YE-Erill MARTHA BELLE I-IATCHER-Grci'l/jidd Ag, Club, A. 5, C. 1·lome r.c.: M"gnu Curn Laudc, Spting, '39; A. S. C. CLAUD YOUNG-Brad!()ul .JAMES EDWARDS MEADOWS-Luray Ag, Cluh; Foren,ic: A, S. C. ,\g. CllIb, Ib,ketb~ll, '33, '39, '-1-0, A. S, C. , , FAIR Y NOWELL-Trcli!OIi ONEIDA JOHNSON-Ro.',\lJi//c ~~\i;'\H~lle ~c" Pre,., ',9,'+0, Will,on CtJlrlltr\ Life (,lee Cluh, Kcporter, Fall, '39; Ma', a1ld I. R. C' · :", ollncLl; Barn Warmin Queen '39,'+0' 'Be.'''t; w.c: Secuon. '33-'39; A, S, C. " ,. S, C. A., Intramllral Mgr., NK'-.': Cheel' Leader, '>S, '39, '-1-0; Home re.. i\ S. C, LEON PHILLlPS----J'lclnoll ANNE LOU NANCE-Camd"11 '''I''' Club; FoOlball; Li Ie SJ \'er, , A. S. C. J-1ollle ac.. S. C. A, NK"i; A, S, c. FRED C. POWELl-Dymlllll'" s. C. A .. Prc< Winte' '-1-0' W'II' ,~ LEE ~lAYO-Sol/IlTl'i!l(' Fall '39 \V~'" , " , I sen Couutn' life, Pre,., 'T' Club; Life 5,1,,"1',: Footh:,II, '33-'39: TLlmblin,>:. '-1-11: W;n'ier,: m-er. -1-0; 1\15.

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