MINUTES OF STANLEY AND STANLEY COMMON PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 17 JULY 2018 AT THE SCOUT HUT, STANLEY COMMON PRESENT: Councillors: M Cheetham MBE (Chair), K Chambers, T George, V Harvey, B Lowe, J Mazilius, J Smith, Parish Clerk, 3 members of the public, Councillor A Summerfield (EBC), Councillor A Stevenson (EBC) 18/125 Public Speaking A parishioner raised concerns about overgrown vegetation between The Crescent to Belper Road. It was agreed to report to EBC/DCC. Concerns had been raised regarding the lack of cutting of the playing field off the Crescent accessed via the Bartram Centre. It was agreed to report to EBC/DCC. A parishioner was unhappy with the wording of minute number 18/107 from the June minutes (See item 18/128 no changes made) 18/126 Apologies None 18/127 Declaration of Members Interests None 18/128 Approval of Minutes It was resolved that the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 19.6.18 should be approved and were signed by the Chairman. All Councillors in attendance at the meeting voted in favour. 18/129 Exempt Items None 18/130 Chairmans Announcements None 18/131 Update on Proposal for permanent fence installation and external improvement works from Preschool The Pre school have submitted a planning application to EBC for the proposals. The draft rural grant scheme application has been emailed to the PC today to review. Quotes from builders for the work are still awaited. 18/132 Play equipment update The proposals from the last meeting are still being investigated. 18/133 Stanley Common changing rooms/WHFC A meeting is to be held on Friday with representatives from WHFC to discuss future plans. If WHFC should request use of Stanley Common recreation ground for the season the following resolutions were made. £35 per match inclusive of training and use of the changing rooms but not the showers for under 12 teams only. Once the showers have been fixed it was agreed to charge £50 per match. It was agreed to apply for the EBC Community grant to upgrade the changing rooms (post meeting note scheme closes 19 July). The working party will come back with proposals in July. 18/134 SVH Container Agreement update The VHC had agreed to the amended agreement. A signed copy is awaited. 18/135 Lamp post Poppies It was agreed to finalise the numbers for Stanley, approximately 6 are required for Stanley Common. Clerk to order once numbers finalized. Volunteers to attach to lamp posts. 18/136 Stanley recreation ground access concerns gate/bollards There are two posts that require attention J Mazilius to fix one and J Smith to fix the other. 18/137 Accounts 30.6.18 39528.00 276 50 6478.62 276 00 20391.3 1 TOTAL AT BANK 26869.92 Payments to July not cleared 3584.06 Balance as per cashbook 23285.86 Less expected spend to 31.3.19 17987.93 Estimated balance at 31.3.19 5297.93 RESOLVED: That the Accounts listed below be accepted for payment. All Councillors voted in favour. Type Payee Description £ Bank Payment L Storey Salary/Expenses 391.64 Bank Payment HMRC PAYE 81.60 Bank Payment Countrywide Mowing 925.18 Bank Payment The RBL Poppy Appeal Wreaths 60.00 Bank Payment EBC Hanging baskets 1479.00 Bank Payment Waterplus Water 50.34 Bank Payment R Arter Litter Picking 116.94 Bank Payment S Waterall Watering 68.25 Bank Payment Harvey Tree Care Remove branches 40.00 Bank Payment S Waterall Grounds maintenance 220.50 Bank Payment EBC Waste removal 72.35 Bank Payment S Waterall Bench re-stain 108.00 Bank Payment S Waterall Play equipment stain 460.00 Bank Payment N Power Electricity 10.01 TOTAL 4083.81 18/138 Planning Councillor Stevenson reported that training is available from EBC on planning. Councillors Chambers and Smith confirmed they would like to attend the training. Applications The following application is still to be reviewed:- ERE/0718/0003 Sunnyside, Common Lane, Stanley Common Single storey front extension, two storey extension to the side elevation, first floor rear extension with a link to an existing detached outbuilding to be used as additional living accommodation for a dependent relative plus the insertion of windows to the rear elevation and thermal improvement (new insulated cavity and new external brick outer skin ) to original house Approved ERE/0518/0004 38 Glendon Street, Stanley Proposed first floor extension ERE/0418/0037 14 Common Lane, Stanley Common, Building an outer brick skin to existing building 18/139 Clerks Report Amended container agreement approved WHFC site meeting 20.07.2018, 18.00 Stanley Common changing rooms Overhanging hedges along Station Road reported to EBC by Councillor Stevenson following parishioner concern Parishioner concern regarding footpath running from the Eventide Hall to Belper Road bus stop has some bars on to prevent horse riders (I think it’s actually to prevent cyclists) having access but he can’t get his mobility scooter through to get to the bus stop, he has to drive his scooter all the way round. (Post meeting note DCC to remove bars once funding approved) 18/140 Correspondence for action Request to hire recreation ground adult team who play in the Derby Church League. It was resolved to charge £40 per match if the VH were able to accommodate. Clerk to liaise with VH. Parishioner concerns fallow field/SC noticeboard. Natural England had advised that fields could be cut sooner than usual due to the dry weather. Noticeboard to be cleaned. 2 18/141 Correspondence for Information DALC circular 9/2018 Changes to Notts and Derby No. 11 Bus Service Derby to Ilkeston/ Ilkeston to Derby, via Stanley Village and West Hallam Village. Erewash Tree Wardens in local parishes Derbyshire County Council Bus Strategy W5795 Wellington bomber memorial 14.7.18 Stanley village Mobile Library Route Updates from 16 July 2018 Agenda/Minutes for Planning Committee, Wednesday, 4th July, 2018, 5.30 pm Notification of Peter Enoch retiring Citizens Advice Derbyshire Districts - Erewash Impact Report 2017-18 Agenda for Council, Thursday, 28th June, 2018, 7.00 pm Agenda for Minute Book, Thursday, 28th June, 2018, 7.00 pm Gambling Act 2005 - Consultation on the Statement of Principles Minutes for Planning Committee, Wednesday, 6th June, 2018, 5.30 pm Police and Crime Commissioner Dhindsa - Listening to You consultation - Have your Voice Heard! 18/142 Date of the next meeting Tuesday 18.9.18 at the Stanley Village Hall 7.00 pm Part 2 – Exempt Item 3.
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