![J. E. Caldwell &](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
The L. G. Balfour Co. NEAL F. MEARS, A. M. GENEALOGIST Ma11ujacturers of 1254 North Clark Street, CHICAGO, 10 BADGES MEDALS RINGS CUPS FAVORS TROPHIES PROGRAMS MEDALLIONS Guaranteed Accurate Research STATIONERY PLAQUES Quarterlv Bulletin. National Societv Sons of the American Revolution DOOR PLATES EMBLEM INSIGNIA MEMORIAL TABLETS Our staff and facilities enable us ATHLETIC FIGURES to offer an unusual genealogical serv­ FRATERNITY JEWELRY ice in all phases. WASHINGTON, D. c., HEADQUARTERS We trace ancestries; prepare appli­ CONTENTS cation papers for membership in any 1319 F Street N. W., Suite 204 THE PRESIDENT GENERAL'S MESSAGE society; compose charts; compile fam­ • ily hi tories; and make reports for THE 56TH CONGRESS S. A. R., TRENTON, N. J. STEPHEN 0. FoRO legal-genealogical matters. • Mauager THE BIRm OF THE BILL OF RIGHTS If you have a manuscript or compila­ • OF COURSE YOU KNOW-OR DO YOU? tion ready to be printed, ask about • our special publishing, sales and dis­ A MESSAGE FROM THE ORGANIZATION CHAIRMAN tributing service which will aid in re­ • ducing expen e. A FOUNDER HONORED (David L. Pierson Memorial Cornrniuee) OFFICIAL BADGES OF Two of our publications will be • THEN. S. S. A. R. SERVICE NOTES AND AWARDS ready about ovember l: A HISTORY • OF THE HEVERLY FAMILY, and THE NATIONAL S. A. R. LIBRARY CEREMONIAL BADGE McDONALD AND OTHER BRANCH­ Donations and Magazines Received ES OF A SOUTHER FAMILY • 14 Karat Gold $33.53 EVENTS OF STATE SOCIETIES Gilded Silver 12.65 TREE. Send for circulars on these • and other works. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE We have a full line of standard ys­ October 21, 1944 MINIATURE BADGE • tem genealogical charts, blanks, and IN LOVING MEMORY 14 Karat Gold $15.40 accessories. Elrnour D. Lurn; Edaoard L. B. Davidson; Mary W. Multer; Gilded Silver 6.33 Wallace McCarnant We buy and sell genealogical works. • Prices include Federal Tax ADDITIONS TO MEMBERSIDP AND RECORDS OF NEW MEMBERS Please add 27c for insured delivery • Send for literature, gratis. Unsur­ IN MEMORIAM pa sed references and terms on re· • J. E. Caldwell & Co. quest. STATE AND CHAPTER OFFICERS Jewelers Silversmiths Stationers PHILADELPHIA, PA. MEMBER: CHICAGO ASSOCIA­ Official ]1W1/m, N. S. S. A. R. TION OF COMMERCE Volume XXXIX Number 3 PRESS OF JUDD & DETWEILER, INC. WASHINGTON, D. C. Board of Trustees., 1944-45 General Officers Elected at the Harrisburg, THE General Officers and the Past Presidents General, together Penna., Congress, May 18, 1944 with one member from each State Society, constitute the Board • of Trustees of the National Society. The following Trustees for President General the several States were elected May 18, 1944, at the Congress held at Harrisburg, Penna., to serve until their successors are elected at SMITH L. MuLTER, 245 Turrell Avenue, South Orange, New Jersey the Congress to he held in 1945. Vice Presidents General lliSSOURI EuLER H. SPAULDING, 15 Hillside Road New London, }AMES I~ : SKINNER, 160 N. La Salle Street, Chicago, ALADAl\tA ALLEN L. OLIVER, Cape Girardeau. Conn. ' FILES CRENSHAW, 1004 1st Nat'! Bank Bldg .. Montgomery. MONTANA New England District (Maine, New Hampshire, Great .Lakes District (Michigan, lllinois, and Wis­ RoscoE A. DILLAVOU , Billings. Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Con­ consm). ARIZO~A NEBRASKA necucut). DR. WYATT JoNES, Tucson. JoH>I H. AGEE, 2945 Van Dorn Ave., Lincola. All KANSAS MuRRAY HULBERT;.. U. S. Court House, Foley Square ]OHN G .. BALLORD, 320 Hodgeson Bldg. Minneapolis NEW HA~fPSRIRE 1 CECIL H . DICKERSON, Conway. WILLOUGHBY A. CoLBY, 39 N. Main St., Concord. New York l...lty ' ~Imn. ' CALIFOUNIA North Atlantic District (New York and New Jersey) . North Mississippi District (Minnesota North and A. M . SARGENT, 115 Hobart Bldg., San Francisco. NEW JERSEY South Dakota, Iowa and Nebraska). ' GEORGE WINTERS, Hawthorne. COLOIIADO FREDERICK M. SuPPLEE, 15 E. Fayette Street, Balti­ BENJ. C. HILLIARD, Ja., 1955 Monaco Parkway, NEW MEXICO more, Md. THOMAS J. MABRY , Court House, Albuquerque. ]. GARFIELD BuELL, Box 1565, Tulsa, Okla. Denver. Mid Atlantic District (Pennsylvania Delaware, NEW YORK South Mississippi District (Missouri Kansas, Arkan- CONNECTICUT WILLIAM H. PoUCH, 2 Park Ave., New York. Maryland, and District of Columbi~). sas, Oklahoma and Texas). ' ]AMES VANA. SHIELDS, Ridgefield. NORTH CAROLINA WILLIAM T. OLD, 900 Jamestown Crescent, Norfolk, Va. DELA 'j:si!~H L . PYLE, 311 Industrial Trust Bldz., Wil­ H. DENNETT }oNES, Durham. GEORGE ALBERT SMITH, 4 7 E. South Temple Street, mington. NORTH DAKOTA South Atlantic District (Virginia, North and South ELMOUR D. LuM, Wahpeton.• Carohna, Georgia, Florida). Salt Lake City, Utah. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Rocky Mountains District (Arizona, New Mexico FRANCIS H . HoPHEINS, 110 E . Bradley Lane, Chevy OHIO PERCY L. CLIFTON, Jackson, 1\Iiss. Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho and Montana): Chase, Md. A. B. SIAS, Athens. OKLAHOMA Southern District (Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, rr.omrYANN s. NtcHoLs, 1100 s. Olive Ave., W . Palm ]. GARPIELD BUELL, Mayo Bldg., Tulsa. Tenne!)see). ALFR ED F. PARKER, Corbett Bldg., Portland, Ore. Beach OREGON HARRY ]. SMITH, 406 7th St., Parkersburg, W. Va. Padfic Coast District (California, Nevada, Wash­ f"IIANC.E VICTOR FINCH, Seaside. mgton, Oregon and territories of Alaska and JllARQUIS DE CHAMBRUN PENNilYLVANIA Central District (West Virginia, Kentucky Ohio Hawaii). EUCSNE C. BoNNIWI!:LL, 101 W. Caopenter Laat, c•;OIIGIA and Indiana) . ' DAVID J. D . Jl1yns, Athens. Philadelphia. RHODE ISLAND Chancellor General II AWAll MARLON M . GoWDY, 19 Dewey St., ProvideD<t. Secretary General IIIAIIOALBERT H . CoNNER, Prisons Industries Board, Wash- BENJAMIN H. PowELL, Brown Bldg., Austin, Tex. SOUTH CAROLINA FRANK BARTLETT STEELE, 1227 16th Street N W ington, D. C. WALTER J. BRISTOW, Columbia. Washington 6, District of Columbia. ' · ., SOUTH DAKOTA SAMUEL HERRICK, Washinston, D. C. Genealogist General Il.I.INw:AN LAKE TRAXLER, 10 S. La Salle St., Chic~co . TENNE~EE Treasurer General INliiA~~v . ]. H. v. SoMEs, Kessler Blvd., Indianapolis. RoBEKT S. HENRY, Transportation Bldg., Wa!thina· FRANCKLYN HoGEBOOM, 770 St. )larks Ave., Brook­ ton, D. C. GEORGE S. ROBERTSON, 1508 Fidelity Building, Balti­ lyn, N. Y. more 1, Maryland. WWA DR. J . A. GooDRICH, 4018 Kinsman Blvd., Des TEXAS 1\loines. CHARLES H . LANE, 4820 Travis St., Houston. Chaplain General UTAH Registrar General KANS~rENJA>U N F. E. MARSH, 1500 Jewell Ave., Topeka. GEORGE ALBERT SMITH , 47 East S. Temple Strttt, VEN. WILLIAM F. BuLKLEY, 75 P St., Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City. FRANK B. STEELE 1227 16th Street, N. W., Washing­ Utah. KENTii[~'!.~ow H. BASSETT, Starks Bldg., Louisville. VERMONT ton 6, D. C. CHARLES L. WooDBURY, Burlington. l.OUJ!IIANA · · Bid BENJAMIN R. FRANKLIN, 715 Mant1me z., New VJIIGINIA Librarian General WALTER B. LIVEZEY, Newport News. Historian General Orleans. W A!IJIINGTON McDoNALD MILLER, 1227 16th St., N. W., Washing­ MAINE WINSLOW S. ANDERSON, Walla Walla DoNALD F. LYBARGER, Court House, Cleveland, 0. ton, D. C. (6) HERBERT E. FosTn, Winthrop. WEST VIRGINIA GEORGE W. TAVENNER, ]R., Box 590, Parkersbura. MARl' ~~~~RD D . SHRINER, Frederick. WISCONSIN ~1ASSA~!~~;.~sBLANCHARD, !06 Main St., Brockton. JoHN E. DICKINSON, 555 Highland View Drive, EXE£UTIVE l:OMMITTEE. 1944-45 West Bend. D . SMITH, 731 Grand Marais, Gras.., Pte. WYOMING MIC.III~t:Vo MARSHALL S. REYNOLDS, Hynds Bldg., Cheyenne •THE following were nominated by the President General and con­ Park. firmed by the Board of Trustees at Harrisburg, Pa., May 18, 1944. MINI\E~~;;,~RT T . PARK , 738 JllcKnicht Bide., Minne­ (The names of General Officers will be found .,. apolis. The o:tronri C~\'~r pa!Ze .) LOUIS ANNIN AMES, 'cw York y • Deceased October 6, 1944. ARTHUR 1\f. 1\Jt.•CRILLIS, Pro,idence, R.I. L. CunoN, Jackson IIAIIOLD 111. BLANCHARD, New:•rk·, N. J. ALLEN L. OLIVER, Cape Girardeau 1\to MISSIS:~i:./ A. HERBERT FOREJIIAN Norfolk Va G. ltiDGELY SAPPINGTON, Baltim~rc ~ld LAUREN l\1. HAJ\IILTON, Palm :Bcacit, Fla. LOREN E. SOLERS, Canton, 0. ' . SMITH L. :MULTEil, Preli~:lent General Chairman, Ex Officio ~ The Sons of the tJiU of~ight5 Ameriean Revolution 13ems the First 'Gen Amendments OF THE• CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Magazine a~ain .t htm'<:lf nor bed. I f I f . fr-t~d(t1TI of 'R.tli8'on, S~<ch, and ch~ 'Pnu; \.1.1thout due ;oc f tpmu o 'c !.l~rty. or propt:rty, ~ itlsht of ~mbl~ .and 'P<thlon tah.1l for p bf. ess o. l,m, nor shall pmatc propcrh· he u JC usc, \\llhoulju~f compcnSJtlun. • quarterly Bulletin of the Natioual Soeiety of the Congress shall maLe no law r rcli 'e» ~ Lc · t.'Spcchng Jll l~tab!1shmcnt of gi I, or pro IVtbng the frt:t: e~crc•sc thereof b d Son111 of the A10eriean Revolution In~ the fteedUIIl d ~pc.:ech, or of the pre.:~). or lh:r r: ~~~ ~­ the JX:oplc pcact:Jbl~ to assemble, ;md to petition th ~ ( f t:rnment f,r,. n.tlrus uf gnc\",;mces. c gm Published at Washington, D. C., lo July, October, January and April . Eatered •• aecood-c1aae matter March 31, 1924, at the post-office at Washington, D. C., under the aet of .. August 24, 1912. 'Right to 'Kup o~nJ 'Srn A~ • .'\ well rt:gul<~h:d militiJ OCm n 3 free stJtc. the.: nght of tl & CCCSt.ll) to tltc \C'Ctlrlf} of National Headquarters, 1227 16th Street, N. W., Washington 6, D. C. sh;tll not be mfringed. lt' Pf.'Opk t.o keep .lnd bc.:ar .Jrms Telephone, District 8490 ~~ ... ~: Ouanuin8 of Soldltu No soldlu shallm time of pc.lcc lx: qnartCrc..-d . h National Society of The Sons of the American Revolution \\lthout tin: 'omcnt of the 0\\11Cr, nor' . Ill an~ ouse In a manllcr to be prcscribt.-d 1), ftm n hmc of \\Jr, hut Organised April 30, 1889.
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