Help for addicts Remembering King Musical aims St. Luke's Center to keep 4dream' is 'a ray of hope' of civil rights alive Pages 12-13 Centerfold, Pages 14-15 Vol. XXXII No. 3 Catholic Archdiocese of Miami Price 250; Friday, February 8,1985 POPE: Poor are rich and rich are • t it By NC News Service Pope John Paul II challenged Latin Americans to improve their spiritual and socio-economic lives during an 11-day trip to four nations. Traveling to Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru and Trinidad Jan. 26-Feb. 5, the pope warned religious to adhere to church teachings and told lay persons to unite to solve their problems. He defended workers' rights and Indian rights and beatified two women religious. He also repeatedly called for a deepening of the understanding and practice of the faith so that Christians could ef- fectively influence society and solve some of its key problems. Wherever he went, Pope John Paul received enthusiastic welcomes from the people of Latin America, which has almsot half of the world's Catholics. However, many of them 'Sharing the visions' do not practice their faith. Students dressed in the typical costumes of the different nationalities represented at Im- At the end of his first day in maculate Conception School in Hialeah greet Archishop Edward McCarthy after a Mass at Venezuela, the pope urged that coun- the parish church which kicked off a week-long celebration of Catholic schools. Other try's bishops to develop "new and ef- schools and parishes throughout the Archdiocese also marked Catholic Schools Week, fective pastoral initiatives" to im- Feb. 3-9, with various activities including poster displays, essay contests and balloon- prove family life, increase vocations throwing extravaganzas. The theme of this year's Catholic Schools celebration was "Shar- and help solve social problems. ing the Vision, Teaching the Values." (Voice photoAna Rodriguez-Soto) However, he warned the bishops not to deviate from church teachings in seeking innovative solutions to search of an illusory earthly libera- theology, which sometimes combines clesiai experience, which illuminate those problems. tion, which is not that of the church Marxist sociological concepts and the problems of the world." "There is also no lack of those who nor that of the true good of man," the Christian principles, Pope John Paul The church's preferential option disfigure the Gospel message, using it pope told the bishops. told the Peruvian bishops that it is for the poor includes the spiritually as an instrument in the service of Although he steered away from "the social teachings of the church, poor, even if they are materially ideologies and political strategies, in directly addressing liberation elaborated over a long period of ec- (Continued on page 5) Archbishop in South America: Pope recognized me from Miami By Archbishop emotional experience. I shared that rapidly growing city of some five emotion with the Bishops, million people. It seemed that each Edward A. McCarthy dignitaries and people of Venezuela one of them was excited about the My dearly beloved: as we stood at the airport watching Pope's visit. There were banners I am on a Pan Am 747 airliner his plane appear in the distance and billboards everywhere welcom- returning to Miami from Caracas, escorted by an air patrol. The air ing the Holy Father. The Venezuela. patrol was as excited as the people newspapers and radio stations were I went there at the invitation of and, when the Holy Father's plane devoting themselves almost the Venezuelan Bishops to join with had landed, they engaged in fly-over exclusively to his visit. them in welcoming our Holy Father maneuvers that reminded me of I was fortunate in being invited to in his visit to that nation. I was also playful children. stay at a convent of the Teresian invited to attend a conference After the speeches of welcome by Sisters who conduct an academy for sponsored by the Latin American the President of the nation and the Pope John Paul greets crowd at girls in Caracas. These Teresian Bishops and the Latin American response of His Holiness, our Holy Caracas, then later met Abp. Mc- Sisters also are stationed at St. Confederation of Workers (CLAT) Father greeted many of the civil Carthy and others. Patrick's School, Miami Beach. on the Catholic Church's social dignitaries present as well as each of On Sunday, I left the convent at teachings and the working world in us Bishops. I was pleased that he not in English. 5:30 a.m. to be present at the Holy Latin America of the 80's. recognized me as being from Miami Caracas lies up in the mountains Father's Mass which was scheduled "«.••» ."» Ji'/i^nMnn f w n Ireland's Catholics oppose birth control bill DUBLIN, Ireland (NC) — Ireland's Catholic Church is gearing up for a legislative battle over a pro- posed law which would make non- medical contraceptives available to persons over age 18. Currently, contraceptives can be obtained legally only by marriage per- sons, with a doctor's prescription ar from a pharmacy. However, PrinK Minister Garret FitzGerald's coali- tion government is about to introduce a new family planning bill in Parlia- ment. "The path to moral decline is a one-way street; once permissive legis- lation is passed, it is almost impossi- ble to undo it," said Archbishop Kevin McNamara of Dublin. The "choice lies clearly between opting for education in self-control and encouraging self-indulgence in our young people." ROCK BAND AID — Mother Teresa of Calcutta chats with British rock star Bob Geldof in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Geldof was in Ethiopia to supervise distribution of $7 miiiion raised from the sale of the record, "Do They Know It's The government has a six-seat ma- Christmas," which he authored, (NC photo by wide World). jority in Paliament and expects the bill to pass. Abortion clinics kept from opening Naked Mary film ruled 'not porno' ALBANY, N.Y. (NC) — A New York judge extended a temporary restrain- PARIS (NC) — A Paris court ruled that a film depicting the Blessed Virgin ing order obtained by Bishop Howard J. Hubbard of Albany to prevent the Mary naked with Joseph was not "pornographic or particularly obscene." Cit- opening of abortion facilities at Planned Parenthood clinics in Albany and ing the "fundamental right to artistic freedom," the judge dismissed a case by Hudson. Justice Harold Hughes of the state Supreme Court said that to over- two lay Catholic groups asking to have the film banned across France. Some turn the restraining order would make largely "academic" the legal dispute be- religious groups have said the movie is "deeply blasphemous," but a French tween the Diocese of Albany and the state, whose health department issued Catholic Church spokesman said it should not be banned. The film, "Hail permission for the abortion centers to open. The Albany Diocese challenged Mary," opened late in January and portrays Mary as the teen-age daughter of the need for the abortion facilities and the state's procedures in approving a gas station manager. Joseph is a cabbie, and Archangel Gabriel is a foul- their opening. mouthed, sometimes violent drifter in the picture. Tapes used to curb radical priests Pope asks Lebanon leaders to talk TORUN, Poland (NC) — A suspended Interior Ministry official said Jan. VATICAN CITY (NC) — Pope John Paul II has expressed concern over 22 that Communist authorities used tape recordings and other evidence to per- obstacles to peace in Lebanon and urged that country's leaders to use dialogue suade Polish church officials to help curb the activities of radical priests like "to build a country free of all foreign interference." The pope made his appeal Father Jerry Popieluszko. Testifying at the trial of four secret policemen ac- to all of Lebanon's citizens "without distinction of community or religious cused in Father Popieluszko's abduction and murder, Gen. Zenon Platek said membership" in a letter to Cardinal Antoine Pierre Khoraiche, the Maronite police documentation played a key role in the effort. Platek also told the court patriarch of Antioch. The pope's letter was written the day after Israel and that Archbishop Bronislaw Dabrowski, an auxiliary in the Warsaw Arch- Lebanon broke off talks to coordinate the withdrawal of Israeli troops from diocese, told him in early October that the church had decided to send Father southern Lebanon. Popieluszko to study in Rome, where he would be less troublesome to the government. Chileans clash with police at Mass Pray, don't fight — Reagan WASHINGTON (NC) — President Reagan declared that world leaders, SANTIAGO, Chile (NC) — Police used water cannons and clubs to disperse once enemies, can replace war with a new weapon for solving hostilities. It's thousands of Chileans after some shouted slogans against "military rule during called prayer, he said. Addressing the bipartisan, annual national Prayer a Mass at a Santiago cathedral. About 2,000 Chileans filled the cathedral, and Breakfast in Washington, Reagan said that spiritual fellowship that began about 1,000 stood outside during the liturgy. Toward the end of the Mass, as among members of Congress during World war II sparked a spiritual move- the shouting started, police fired on the crowd outside with two water cannons ment which spread to unnamed heads of state from many nations, including mounted on police trucks. Many trying to leave the cathedral were forced back leaders who were once bitter adversaries. He said presidential involvement inside until two priests arranged a truce with a police official. Police moved with the prayer breakfast began with President Dwight Eisenhower.
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