The Inside: Serving our Community The latest issue of Since1888 Millburn•Short Hills Item Magazine March 5, 2009 (included with Millburn and Short Hills mailed 75 cents weekly subscriber and non- www.theitemonline.com of Millburn and Short Hills subscriber copies) DEER MANAGEMENT ICY WALK IN MILLBRRRRRN! Essex County hunt ends with 138 tally the Orange Water Company prop- Township hunt ‘If we did not have this erty. We were happy to remove a deer management number of the herd from there.” culls 50 deer The cost to the township for the program, we would have hunt totaled $3,800, which was almost 500 additional considerably cheaper than in past years, according to Suell. The By Erin Patricia Griffiths deer in there.’ amount came in at $1,200 less Of The Item than had been initially estimated Joseph DiVincenzo for the program. The second year of Essex Coun- ESSEX COUNTY EXECUTIVE In addition to reducing the size ty’s deer management program has of the herd for the safety of the res- yielded successful results, accord- year’s program includes three sep- idents, the hunt also provided for ing to County Executive Joseph arate elements to protect residents the donation of more than 1,000 DiVincenzo, Jr. as well as provide a more humane pounds of venison to the Commu- The population of deer in South approach to controlling the num- nity Food Bank of New Jersey, Mountain Reservation has been ber of deer inhabiting the area. The which resulted in the generation of reduced by nearly 500 due to the first part is the removal, and thus approximately 4,000 meals for second controlled hunt that was downsizing, of the deer herds with- those in need. organized and carried out execut- in the reservation. The second is Although protestors expressed ed for a total of nine days during a forest regeneration, and the third displeasure with the decision to five-week period from Jan. 27 to includes efforts towards enhancing carry out the program again this Feb. 26. traffic safety. year, Suell explained that it is the “We’ve had two deer manage- Last year’s figures for the coun- safest way to protect residents as ment programs and all I can tell ty deer removal program totaled well as humanely control the deer you [about] how I judge our pro- 360, with this year’s count at 138 population. “I understand their gram…is by how safe it was,” for a two-year total of 498. concerns, but unfortunately there DiVincenzo said during a press A total of 50 deer were removed are no other methods for reducing conference Monday afternoon at during Millburn Township’s pro- the herds at this time,” said Suell. the county’s satellite office in West gram running from Dec. 26 “Deer contraceptive is not a prac- Orange. “And for the second year through Feb. 14 , according to tical choice at this time.” STAFF PHOTO BY HARRY TRUMBORE in a row, there has not been one Committeeman James Suell. He said that several of the incident whatsoever in our reser- “I felt it went very well,” said hunters noted many of the deer Sheila and Justin Greear appear to be the only township residents brave enough to stroll down vation.” Suell in a phone interview. “A lot of the slippery sidewalks downtown during Monday’s snowstorm. Cold winds and several inches The county executive said this the animals were removed from SEE DEER, PAGE A3 of snow forced the closing of township public schools and many businesses. BOARD OF EDUCATION And then there were three Welcome to The Item of Millburn and Short Hills Today, all households in the township are entertainment. By Andrea Hughes legally filing petitions in a timely education have always been a con- receiving a copy of The Item of Millburn and of The Item manner. cern of mine,” he said in an e-mail Breaking news. Get the latest news at Board President Samuel D. to The Item of Millburn and Short Short Hills. www.theitemonline.com. If you register in Two current Board of Educa- Levy and board member Dr. Mark Hills. “I am committed to helping Consider subscribing for our: the “My Community” section of the Web site, tion members and one newcomer Zucker, whose terms are due to our great school system be the very have entered this year’s race to fill expire in April, had previously best it can be, keeping in mind fis- In-depth coverage. No publication covers you will, in the future, receive an e-mail three open seats on the board. announced their intentions to run cal responsibility.To the board, I when there is breaking news on the day of As of press time yesterday, the for a second term and submitted would bring my life and career Millburn like The Item. In our newspaper, race was uncontested, but an nominating petitions. experience, as a parent, physician, you’ll find detailed reports on council the event. extended deadline for filing nomi- School officials reported that Dr. professor, taxpayer and local busi- meetings, Board of Education meetings, local Accountability. The Item strives to be nating petitions may offer the can- Eric Siegel, who runs a medical ness owner.” didates some competition. practice in the township, joined the Board member Janet Landau, sports and special reports. ethical, fair and accurate in its coverage. The original deadline to file peti- two incumbents by submitting his whose term is also up, previously tions was Monday at 4 p.m. How- petition by 4 p.m. on Monday, informed The Item of her decision Special features and sections. These include If you have any comments or questions ever, Gov. Jon S. Corzine signed an March 2. not to run again, and did not sub- the police blotter, historic photos, religion, regarding news coverage, contact the editor, executive order the following day Siegel is also a clinical professor mit a petition. community news, education and a calendar Harry Trumbore, by calling 973-921-6451 or extending the deadline for school of dermatology at Downstate Med- The Board of Education elec- board candidates to submit peti- ical School in Brooklyn, and his tion, in which voters also must of events, all related specifically to our by e-mail at [email protected]. To tions, as snowy weather closed father was a New York City public approve or reject the operating community. We also cover arts and subscribe, call 888-504-4280. schools across the state and pre- school teacher. budget for the 2009-10 school year, vented some candidates from “Schools and issues regarding is scheduled for Tuesday, April 21. TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME BEGINS Town weighs responsibility for teens Daylight Saving Time this year begins on Sunday, March By Harry Trumbore abuse. the facility might be better utilized. ed that before the Committee took 8. Clocks are set ahead at 2 of The Item “It’s important we start a dis- He suggested young people should any action, members should sit a.m. local standard time, cussion about the issues and what be included in any discussion. down with school officials such as which becomes 3 a.m. local Whether or not the Township opportunities to provide minors in Thomas McDermott disagreed the superintendent, high school daylight time. Committee should become town,” Baer said. “Are we doing with both Baer and Suell. principal and drug abuse coun- Daylight Saving Time will end involved in debate about the prob- enough to them to keep busy on “It’s not appropriate for us to get selor. on Sunday, Nov. 1. lem of young drivers and substance weekend nights? I’m not sure involved. You have to get the par- “They’re the experts,” Haimoff The dates were established by abuse was a debate in itself at Tues- we’re doing enough as a town.” ents involved,” he said. He ques- said. “We should ask what we can day night’s meeting. Baer received support from tioned whether drug and alcohol do as a township to help them. I Congress in the Energy Policy Referring to an editorial in the James Suell, who serves as the use has increased among teens and think the intentions are excellent, Act of 2005. Feb. 26 edition of The Item of Mill- Committee’s liaison to the Board said that activities offered for but we have to get the facts first.” Some parts of the United burn and Short Hills, Committee- of Recreation Commissioners. young people are not always suc- Committee members agreed to States, including Hawaii and man Daniel Baer asked his fellow Suell noted that events, such as cessful because they often are not follow up on Haimoff’s suggestion. most of Arizona, do not members to begin a dialogue on concerts, are held at the Bauer viewed as “cool.” observe Daylight Saving Time. the subject of teens and substance Community Center, but admitted Mayor Sandra Haimoff suggest- SEE TOWNSHIP, PAGE A3 In Classifieds Vol. 122No. 10 CLASSIFIEDSD4, D5 MOVIESA7Music man arrested COMMUNITY D1-D2, D6 OBITUARIESB5Former teacher charged with sexual For more classifieds, see page D4, D5. For home delivery, ATutor for Math, To place a classified ad in The Item of Millburn call 888-504-4280. COMMUNITY EVENTSA4PUBLIC NOTICESD3assault. See A2 Science, English, SAT. Get the and Short Hills, and our other community grade you need! Princeton Grad. newspapers, call 1-800-891-9467. EDITORIAL A4 PUZZLESA6Champion swashbucklers Rutgers Univ.Prof. Patient & encouraging. All levels &ages. Pleaserecycle. EDUCATION B1, B3-B4 RELIGIOUS NEWSB5Miller girls foil team wins state title.
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