Bangor University DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY An evaluation of the effectiveness of Cymraeg bob dydd across the curriculum in English-Medium schools in North Wales Parry, Nia Award date: 2021 Awarding institution: Bangor University Link to publication General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal ? Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. Download date: 25. Sep. 2021 Nia Mererid Parry An evaluation of the effectiveness of Cymraeg bob dydd across the curriculum in English- Medium schools in North Wales Datganiad Swyddogol Yr wyf drwy hyn yn datgan mai canlyniad fy ymchwil fy hun yw’r thesis hwn, ac eithrio lle nodir yn wahanol. Caiff ffynonellau eraill eu cydnabod gan droednodiadau yn rhoi cyfeiriadau eglur. Nid yw sylwedd y gwaith hwn wedi cael ei dderbyn o’r blaen ar gyfer unrhyw radd, ac nid yw’n cael ei gyflwyno ar yr un pryd mewn ymgeisiaeth am unrhyw radd oni bai ei fod, fel y cytunwyd gan y Brifysgol, am gymwysterau deuol cymeradwy. I hereby declare that this thesis is the results of my own investigations, except where otherwise stated. All other sources are acknowledged by bibliographic references. This work has not previously been accepted in substance for any degree and is not being concurrently submitted in candidature for any degree unless, as agreed by the University, for approved dual awards. ii Diolchiadau Mae’r blynyddoedd diwethaf o fod wedi cael ymgymryd â’r PhD hwn wedi bod yn fraint ac yn bleser, a mi hoffwn ddiolch i nifer o bobl am hynny. Yn gyntaf, hoffwn ddiolch i Brifysgol Bangor am gyllido’r gwaith hwn ac am fod yn sefydliad arbennig i astudio ynddo. Heb eu cefnogaeth ariannol, ni fuasai’r astudiaeth hwn wedi bod yn bosib. Rydw i hefyd yn ddiolchgar am y sesiynau hyfforddi gefais ganddynt drwy’r Ysgol Ddoethuriaeth a’r Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol. Hoffwn hefyd ddiolch i’r ysgolion a wnaeth gytuno i gymryd rhan yn y gwaith hwn ac am adael i mi ymweld gyda’u hysgolion. Cefais groeso cynnes gan bob un, yn staff ac yn ddisgyblion, a rydw i’n ddiolchgar am eu diddordeb yn y pwnc a’u parodrwydd i fod yn rhan o’r ymchwil. Hoffwn hefyd ddiolch i bobl eraill fuodd yn gymorth i mi wrth i mi ddod i ddysgu mwy am Cymraeg ail iaith mewn ysgolion cyfrwng Saesneg yng Ngogledd Cymru a oedd yn barod i gael sgwrs gyda mi, megis athrawon bro a myfyrwyr PhD eraill. Mae fy nyled yn fawr i fy nwy ngorychwyliwr. Hoffwn ddiolch yn gyntaf i’r Athro Enlli Thomas am y cyfle i wneud y PhD hwn ac am ei hamynedd wrth fy rhoi ar ben ffordd. Rydw i’n ddiolchgar iawn iddi hi am ei harbennigedd a’i phrofiad wrth fy nghefnogi drwy gydol y cyfnod hwn. Rydw i’n diolch yn fawr i Dr Nia Young hefyd, am fod yn barod i fod yn ail orychwilydd i mi, ac am ei hamser a’i chyngor wrth ddarllen y gwaith hwn. Yn olaf, hoffwn ddiolch i fy nheulu sydd bob amser yn hapus i gefnogi’r hyn dwi’n dymuno ei wneud. iii Abstract It is widely acknowledged that minority language survival is not possible unless it is supported at school, in the home, and in the wider community. In English-medium schools where Welsh is taught as an academic subject only, the L2 Welsh-learning child’s opportunity to use and hear Welsh is often limited to that context, however it is vital that the Welsh language is supported in the English-medium educational context in order to contribute large numbers to the Welsh Government’s Million Welsh speakers by 2050 campaign. During recent years, Welsh Second Language as a subject in English-medium schools’ standards has been a cause for concern. Consequently, a recent strategy – Incidental Welsh (Davies, 2012), or Cymraeg bob dydd – was introduced across Wales, which implements the use of ‘everyday Welsh’ across the curriculum. Cymraeg bob dydd requires teachers – native speakers and learners alike – to deliver everyday Welsh vocabulary and phrases as part of their subject lesson, whatever the subject of the lesson may be. However, in many cases, reluctant speakers of Welsh or those who have little or no Welsh language skills (other than the ability to deliver a set of words and phrases to their pupils) lack the necessary confidence that is required for the successful implementation of Cymraeg bob dydd. This thesis aims to explore and evaluate the extent in which Cymraeg bob dydd is implemented in English-medium schools in North Wales. The first study of the research shows that Cymraeg bob dydd is not being implemented in English-medium schools as intended, and the use of Welsh is very limited, and in some cases, non-existent. The remainder of the thesis explores possible reasons for this, including teacher confidence in delivering Cymraeg bob dydd and the pupils’ attitudes towards the Welsh language. Together, these studies form the evaluation of the use of Cymraeg bob dydd. iv Tudalen gynnwys Chapter 1: A Vision for a bilingual Wales 1.1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 6 1.2 THE EFFECT OF ENGLISH AS A LINGUA FRANCA ON WELSH ....................................................... 15 1.3 LANGUAGE REVITALISATION ..................................................................................................... 25 1.4 A VISION FOR A BILINGUAL WALES ........................................................................................... 30 1.5 SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................ 35 Chapter 2: Welsh in Education 2.1 HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE OF WELSH-MEDIUM EDUCATION ..................................................... 37 2.2 ROLE OF EDUCATION IN REVITALIZATION IN WALES ................................................................. 40 2.2.1 PRE-SCHOOL INITIATIVES TO SUPPORT THE USE OF WELSH ..................................................................... 41 2.2.2 LANGUAGE-SPECIFIC STRATEGIES IMPLEMENTED IN ENGLISH-MEDIUM SCHOOLS ........................................ 43 2.2.3 WELSH-MEDIUM EDUCATION .......................................................................................................... 45 2.2.4 SCHOOL LANGUAGE CATEGORISATION ............................................................................................... 46 2.2.5 L2 WELSH IN ENGLISH-MEDIUM SCHOOLS ......................................................................................... 48 2.3 SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................ 53 Chapter 3: A review of current international Pedagogies 3.1 IMMERSION .............................................................................................................................. 57 3.2 CLIL (CONTENT AND LANGUAGE INTEGRATED LEARNING) ........................................................ 63 3.3 PARALLEL LANGUAGE USE ........................................................................................................ 68 3.4 DUAL LANGUAGE PROGRAMS .................................................................................................. 71 3.5 TASK-BASED LEARNING ............................................................................................................. 75 3.6 TRANSLANGUAGING ................................................................................................................. 79 3.7 INCIDENTAL LANGUAGE ............................................................................................................ 83 3.8 SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................ 88 Chapter 4: Non-linguistic factors influencing perceived language abilities and use 4.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 91 4.2 AFFECTIVE FACTORS IN SECOND LANGUAGE LEARNING: (I) ATTITUDE ...................................... 92 4.3 AFFECTIVE FACTORS IN SECOND LANGUAGE LEARNING: (II) MOTIVATION ................................ 96 4.4 AFFECTIVE FACTORS IN SECOND LANGUAGE LEARNING: (III) CONFIDENCE .............................. 101 4.5 ATTITUDES IN WALES .............................................................................................................. 106 4.6 SUMMARY .............................................................................................................................. 110 Chapter 5: Methodology 5.1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 117 1.2 PHASE 1: SCOPING STUDY ....................................................................................................... 118 5.2.1 RESEARCH QUESTIONS ..............................................................................................................
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