Country reports Montenegro national report of invasive alien species Ivana Bulatović1, Sead Hadžiablahović1, Dragan Roganović1 1Environmental Protection Agency, IV Proleterske 19, Podgorica, Montenegro, E-mails: [email protected]; [email protected] Abstract The review deals with some aspects of invasive alien species (IAS) in Montenegro on a national and international level (institutional and legal framework related to IAS, main environmental laws that also include IAS, main international conventions and agreements, research institutions related to IAS and IAS research initiatives in Montenegro). A list of the invasive alien species of some groups of the flora and fauna of Montenegro is given in the paper (Rodophyta, Chlorophyta, Angiospermae, Mollusca, Crustacea, Insecta). Keywords: Invasive alien species, Montenegro, report 70 State of the Art of Invasive Alien Species in South-Eastern Europe Review of available information Review of IAS research on invasive alien species activities in Montenegro (IAS) in Montenegro The bibliography of invasive alien species in Mon- Two research projects regarding marine invasive tenegro is not abundant. While, for example, invasive species were implemented in Montenegro. alien species in the countries of Central Europe were The report “Rapid assessment of marine alien systematically recorded, in Montenegro they were species in the Albanian and Montenegrin coast” was only sporadic and, in many cases, only accidental re- part of the implementation of the “Action Plan con- cords concerning invasive taxa exist. cerning Alien Species and Species Introductions in The most complete data on the flora of Montene- the Mediterranean Sea”, where the RAC/SPA was gro are given in Hayek’s ‘’Prodromus Florae Peninsu- collaborating with the Hellenic Centre for Marine lae Balcanicae’’ (1924-1933) and in Rohlena’s ‘’Con- Research, Greece (HCMR), the Association for the spectus Florae Montenegrinae’’ (1942), where there Protection of Aquatic Wildlife of Albania (APAWA) are some records of IAS. In the recent times, there are and the Institute of Marine Biology, Kotor, Montene- many papers dealing with invasive alien plant spe- gro (IBMK). This study was based on a survey along cies: Černjavski et al. (1949) – not given in Referenc- the Albanian coast (Ionian Sea and Adriatic Sea) and es, Blečić et al. (1968), Popović and Sterniša (1971), Montenegrin coast (Adriatic Sea) during Septem- Stanković-Tomić (1972), Pulević (1973, 1976, 1984, ber – October 2010, analysing the collected data and 2005), Obradović and Budak (1979), Ivković (1982), the existing published and unpublished information Ilijanić and Topić (1986), Vasić (1986) – different in about marine alien species in Albania and Montene- References, Trinajstić (1993) Niketić (1998), Lakušić gro. D. and Lakušić B. (1998), Hadžiablahović et al. (2003), The project “Researching of distribution of Caul- Hadžiablahović (2004, 2009), Lakušić et al. (2004), erpa racemosa in coastal sea of Montenegro” was a Stešević and Jovanović (2005a, b), Stešević and Jo- 1-year project in 2005. The first phase of this project gan (2006), Rakaj & and Rostansky (2008), Stešević focused on research of the known location of Caul- (2009), Stešević and Petrović (2010), Hadžiablahović erpa racemosa habitats, being realized in October et al. (2011), etc. and November 2005. The second phase was based Data on invasive alien species of insects are pub- on research of different locations in the coastal sea lished in the papers: Novak (1952), Mijušković (1953) of Montenegro. This phase began at the end of May Protić (1998), Petrov (2000), Roganović (2007a), Ro- 2006. ganović (2007b), etc. The established data, at least for The following institutions have been involved in some of the insect groups, present the beginning of IAS research in Montenegro: the investigation in the area of invasive alien species. Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, In the future we expect a much larger number of in- Podgorica vasive alien species of insects in Montenegro. Institute for Marine Biology, Kotor The alien species which exist in the territory of Environmental Protection Agency of Montene- Montenegro are from different taxonomic groups. A gro, Podgorica list with more than 100 alien species is displayed in Natural History Museum of Montenegro, Pod- Appendix 1. gorica National Parks of Montenegro, Podgorica. Montenegro national report of invasive alien species 71 Review of policies related Bonn Convention “Convention of the Protection to IAS in Montenegro of Migratory Species of Wildlife”; United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea; The main environmental laws in Montenegro, CITES “Convention on International Trade of which have implications for IAS, are the following: Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora”; Law of Nature Protection (“Official Gazette of ACCOBAMS “Agreement of the Conservation of MNE”, No. 51/08); Cetaceans of the Black See, Mediterranean Sea and Law on hunting (“Official Gazette of MNE”, No. Contiguous Atlantic Zone”; 47/99); Barcelona Protocol concerning Specially Protect- Law on the marine fishery and marine culture ed Areas and Biological Diversity in the Mediterra- (“Official Gazette of MNE”, No. 56/09); nean. Law on National parks (“Official Gazette of MNE”, The institutions responsible for the implementa- No. 56/09); tion of the environmental legislation related also to Law on reproductive material of wood trees (“Of- IAS are: ficial Gazette of MNE”, No. 37/2007); Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tour- Regulation on the detailed content of the annu- ism of Montenegro; al monitoring program of the conservation of nature Environmental Protection Agency of Montenegro; and the conditions that must be met by the legal entity Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development that monitors (“Official Gazette of MNE”, No. 35/10). of Montenegro; In the implementation of the Law of Nature National Parks of Montenegro. Protection, the Ministry of spatial planning and en- vironment adopted in 2010 the Regulation on the Acknowledgement detailed content of the annual monitoring program of the conservation of nature and the conditions The list of the Invasive alien species presented that must be met by the legal entity that monitors. here is prepared by Sead Hadziablahović (plants), Under this regulation the Biodiversity Monitoring Dragan Roganović (Insecta), Vesna Mačić (Rodo- program must contain methods for monitoring of phyta, Chlorophyta), Biljana Pešić (Molusca), Jelena invasive alien species. Therefore, when preparing the Simićević (Mammalia). Monitoring Program for 2011, 2012 and 2013, the Environmental Protection Agency adhered to the re- References quirements of the aforementioned Regulation. Fur- thermore, according to the Strategy of Biodiversity Blečić V, Tatić B, Krasnići F (1968) Kratak prilog flori Ju- 2010, the Ministry of sustainable development and goslavije. Bull. Inst. Bot. Univ. (Beograd) 1965/1966, tourism in cooperation with the Ministry of agricul- 3 (1-4): 227-232. ture and rural development should prepare an inven- Černjavski et al. (1949) ?? tory of invasive species, priority plant species. Hadžiablahović S (2004) The contribution to the flora of Montenegro. Glas. Rep. Zavoda Zašt. Prir. (Podgor- Montenegro has also ratified the following inter- ica) 27-28: 7-17. national conventions and agreements related to IAS: Hadžiablahović S (2009) Preliminary checklist of alien ESPOO Convention “On Environmental Impact plant species of Montenegro. 2nd European Congress Assessment in a Transboundary Context”; of Conservation Biology. Conservation biology and Bern Convention “Convention of the Protection beyond: from science to practice. Book of Abstracts. of Flora and Wildlife Fauna of the Natural Environ- Czech Univ. of Life Sciences and Society for Conser- ment in Europe”; vation Biology. Czech Republic - Prague. 01-05 Sep- tember, p. 173. 72 State of the Art of Invasive Alien Species in South-Eastern Europe Hadžiablahović S, Karaman V, Bulić Z (2003) Solanum Pulević V (2005) Građa za vaskularnu floru Crne Gore. eleagnifolium Cav. - a new neotophyt in the flora of Rep. Zavod Zašt. Prir. - Podgorica, posebna izdanja, Montenegro. II Congress of ecologists of the Republic Knjiga 2. of Macedonia, Proceedings, Ohrid. Rakaj M, Rostansky K (2008) New species of the genus Hadžiablahović S, Redžić S, Bulić Z (2011) New species in Oenothera L. from coasts of the Albania and Monte- the alien flora of Montenegro. Proceeding of the rd3 negro. Natura Montenegrina 8 (3): 163-171. International Symposium on Weeds, Sarajevo, 20-21 Regulation on the detailed content of the annual monitor- May (Part I). Herbologia 12 (1): 103-109. ing program of the conservation of nature and the Hayek A (1924-1933) Prodromus Florae Peninsulae Balca- conditions that must be met by the legal entity that nicae. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 30 (1-3). monitors (“Official Gazette of MNE”, No. 35/10). Ilijanić LJ, Topić J (1986) Paspalum dilatatum Poiret, a new Roganović D (2007a) Insects of cypress cones (Cupressus adventitious plant in the flora of Yugoslavia. Acta Bot. sempervirens L.) in Montenegro. FORESTRY. Journal Croat. (Zagreb) 45: 141-144. for Forestry, Wood Processing, Landscape Architec- Ivković O (1982) Novi nalazi adventivne vrste Eleusine in- ture and Horticulture, and Ecological Engineering in dica (L.) Gaertn. 1788 (Poales, Poaceae) u Jugoslaviji. Soil and Water Resources Protection, Belgrade, 1-2: Matica Srpska - Zbor. Prir. Nake (Novi Sad) 63: 77-81. 67-79. Lakušić
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