· .. ' .;- ...,..~ .. -::.;. ..."'. .., .. ~ Please Distribute to the stations Checked: Send under Trinity Broadcasting Network letterhead and envelope: 1. KTBN Tustin X 2. KTBW Tacoma X 3. KPAZ Phoenix X 4. KTBO Oklahoma City X 5. KDTX Dallas X 6. WCLJ Bloomington X 7. WKOI Richmond X 8. WOLI canton X 9. WTBY poughkeepsie X 10. WLXI Greensboro X 11. WHFl' Miami 12. WHSG Monroe (not constructed yet) Send under National Minority Television letterhead and envelope: X 13. KNMT Portland X 14. KMLM Odessa Send under Community Educational TV letterhead and envelope: X 15. KETH Houston X 16. KLUJ Harlingen X 17. KITU Beaumont Send under Jacksonville Educators Broadcasting letterhead and envelope: 18. WJEB Jacksonville (not built yet) X 19. WTCE Ft. Pierce (not acquired yet) 20. WETV Key West (not acquired yet) Send under W. Ben Miller, Technical COl)sultant letterhead and envelope: X 21. KNAT Albuquerque - Addressed to Gary Hodges; sta. Mgr. X 22. KDOR Bartlesville - Addressed to Thomas Harrison; Sta. Mgr. X 23. KTAJ st. Joseph - Addressed to Gene Seibel; sta. Mgr. X 24. WWTO La Salle - Addressed to Don Gladden; sta. Mgr. X 25. WTJP Gadsden - Addressed to John Foster; Sta. Mgr. X 26. Gary Penovich - AATV Headquarters, City of Industry Send under Trinity Broadcasting Network letterhead and envelope: 27. Tri State Christian TV - Addressed to Garth Coonce 28. Prime Time Christian TV - Addressed to Al Cooper 55600 {; \ ~ fYi (fJ 6 E y. .39/ TRINITY BROADCASTING NETWORK VOL XVIII, NO. II FEBRUARY 1991 "THE HARVEST 7:RULYIS PLENTEOUS, BUTTHE LABOURERS AREFE~PRAY YE mEREFORE THE LORD OF THE HARVEST, THAT HE WILL SEND FORTH LABOURERS INTO HIS HARVEST" Matthew 9:37-38 Beloved Partners - Never have I felt such cross-currents of emotion as I visited MOSCO"" RUSSIA for the first time! On the one hand, "Joy unspeakable and full of Glory," as we see a COMMUNIST/ATHEISTNation opening its arms wide to the GOSPEL! From the man on the street to those in some of the highest levels of government, the word is the same - "WE NEED GOD; we need your moral teaching; communism is bankrupt." In some quarters of life the nation is on the brink of anarchy. In some areas no one seems to know who is in charge, but this condition is the very thing that has opened the door to the-GOSPEL! Yes, Joy on the one hand that the door to Russia is OPEN WIDE­ but on the other hand, I see a nation on the brink of total collapse. As we drove the streets of Leningrad and Moscow we saw long lines of people standing in bitter cold for hours at the doors of shops. We would ask our driver,·nWhat are they waiting for?" His reply was, "Oh, that is the bread store, or that is the sausage market, or that is the shoe store," - on and on. You name it and Russia is OUT OF IT! Jan's heart broke as she gave out a few Toys to the children. Only a few suitcases of Toys could be jammed in the back of our small plane, but as we have seen around the world - eyes lit up more for the dolls and trucks than even the food! A bright yellow-haired doll from AMERICA wa.s a luxury beyond description! Partners, Jan says, "Please keep sending those Small Toys! With a message of Jesus, INRUSSIAN, attached to every toy, it becomes a gospel TRACT to young and old." But quickly let me tell you of our Victories! We met the new Mayor of LENINGRAD, Mr. Anatoliy Sobchak. He reviewed our agreement we had signed with the previous administration. He was most cordial and ordered his deputy to review and proceed with our desire to build a Christian station in Leningrad. Before we left his office his aide called Moscow to set us up with an appointment . the next day with the Ministry of Communications in MOSCOW! We could hardly believe the speed With which our negotiations were moving! He also agreed that aUf weekly Praise the Lord Program, produced by Hannu Haukka in Finland, should continue on the Leningrad Network! We also discovered that we can purchase another weekly program - ifwe will PRODUCE it! I have asked Hannu to proceed withall speedand to seek out Russian speaking EVANGEUSTS to help produce it. I said, "HalUlu, there has to be Russian speaking Schambachs, Thompsons, Robisons, Hills and others that' can Preadt the Gospel on lV. Partners, I feel so strongly that our programs must be Hard Hitting pure evangelistic programs. Maybe later we can do more variety programs, but N01t\T, we have to HURRY! The harvest will be LOSTif we don't bring it in NOW! Oh- what an exciting day to be ALIVE! DoBI8 CONI1NUED ON PAGE 2 . - ~.r.·~""~~~~:~· "~ )~)t~.:.,_._.~:•.,~,~.~~....•.~~...•::~.,:~,.·." .. - .- '... ~ .. :.... '" . ._. ......"".,~,~.:;>~"';.: '~,~,~:~.;~::: ., .. ;:;-':;~ ,,--co•. ~_:~~~~ t9en flew to M~sq.>.~si ...•m.~· .~~G.§:l<udriaVtsev,·th~.~irst ?epuiy~¥WSter of Telecom mumeationsfor the entire U.SS:.R~; He was fascinated by our desire to budd lVstations in Russia anc agreed withus in princip~e~t ~twould be possible, but his advice was to begin with programming 01 one of the Soviet NetWorks/possibly the Educational Network. He then sent us to meet w' n. N NCommittee for Teleuision BroadcaSting. By now our heads were spinning! Mr. Boris G. Serr., .JV Deputy Chairman, was most happy to see us and spoke perfect ENGLISH. What a relief! .He told u many things and gave us good advice. Basically, he said, NSend us some Programs. If they are good we willfind time for themr . So Partners, whtzt do you say? Shall we send the POWER TEAM, E. V. HILL, SCHAMBACH maybe even REAL VIDEOS-AllspeakingRUSSIANto TVMOSCOW? In some ways, Partners, I feel this is the KEY. It would take us years to build another TBN it Russia with over 2001Vstations like here in America. Let's use their stations and get the Gospel ou NOW! I do notbelieve we have time to build enoughstations ofour own to reach so vast a nation like Russia with el~ different ti'!'t zones! . Finally - and this may be the most immediate breakthrough ofall this trip - we met with ( major motion picture distributor in Russia, (the same one who is helping Bill Bright with the Jesu: film), and we haveAGREED INPRINOPLE to Distribute CHINA CRYto all the U.S.S.R.! 'Partners,: told you we would UGHT UP those dark Motion PictureTheatres of the WORLD and Glory be to Goc - WE ARE DOING IT! Contracts are being written by Norm Juggert, our TBN Secretary anc Attorney, and we will havea great CHINA CRYPremiere in MOSCOW in1991! Would some ofyou like to go withJan and me and a group ofTBN Programmers? We'll let you know more as plans progress. Oh - Beloved Partners -'How can Jan and I thank you enough for making this great Hamest· ing Network Possible -' 242 Stations - a New Satellite (this year) - Stations on the air in Italy, So Africa, Nevis, Sl Lucia, EI Salvador, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Bolivia, Belize - Stations on the way ir Brazil, Chile, Zaire, Uganda - four Holy Beamers - a Major Motion Picture, and now even c Powerful Shortwave Radio Station covering the WHOLE WIDE WORW! The Harvest is pouring in! Thank you,Jesus! NEven so, COME LORD JESUS!" ~lli~ml!l;l Jan and I send OtR' love, thanks and prayers once again, believing God with you for all o~ '~vUJ needs and desires. Stay tuned - More news at 7:00 PM. (west coast time) on PRAISE THE LORD! We love you! Though saandidhis bestto stop us from everstepping foot<lgain >­ on Russi<ln territoty-with amajorengiM problem & ablown doorsealall befom we evergotto Russia -~s usual, "'he shot himselfin the foot-as we renewed our determination & continued on safely because of YOUR PRA ¥fRS. (Thank You, GRAMMAS!) The VICTORY we have to rewrt­ We IMt with the new Mayor of LENINGRAD, Mr. Anatoliy Sobchak. He revi8W«l our agreement drawn up by the previous ~dministration ~nd is pfOC88ding with th8 plan to haw Christian TVin Leningrad! 8efore/uving his OfflC4, his aide hadutup an appointment with the Ministry ofCommu­ nications in MOSCOW! Partners THREEChristian TVprograms are ON THE AIR NfJ1{ IN RUSSIA - and the Door is OPEN for MORE - If we'll PRODUCE THEM. Will YOU go with us another mile - to reach these pr8Cious people in RUSSIA with God's Love? .!!~~"-!~~~:~!:"'~"'''';'''j::'=:':::''~~~-'-: "~._ ,~~ ,~ " ,., ';, ,. ,". V'· _,r. ..... ,'" ," ,_ .... -. In this . in"frOnt ofthe cathedral ofStNJasll,:iiJ MOSCow. the · .....:..-.... '.; design ofwhldi,h.&.!'f'~·1ts DOMES and. COLOR OE§lt:?t!§i{em. to symbolize the diverse people ~ wenr ~ forthe Ught ofthe Gospel! RussIanS'olthat day believed God had ordained them to"lie"ihe'siicceSSOfS to the Roman empire, destined to witness the second Coming of Messiah. :In Red Square there is a massive Gate Inscribed with the words. CKremHn Gate ofthe Red6emer.. Lenin's tomb stands across the Square as a sHent witness to the failure ofthe ChUrch to stand up for theirreligious rights and to proclaim the Gospel which yet prevails In the btwts ofmanyRussian people. For ,.s hili Us AId, .,> bIIiM..friI"'OIITHEAlRit~ RUSSIA Wore ....caaesr "-'~ you TBN Old TImets wII ,.......MId ,.,.SQIM wiI r«:aI tbIRItinII nuytIf he's stllPped twef ftom ,.,10 pmump­ tiDll! But Partn~rs. THREE Christian progl3llr$ ~rr /!OW ON In MOSCOW MId IheDoorIsWlOEopentorMORE! Wernet . withtlwirltluiva/enttoolKFCC itMoscow, " andthey,rrsaying "StIndIlSPtrJtpulsIlllhey'rrQDDd, ..71tindlime torlMm!· Newrha the~ been stJdJ ,nopen ....RfIdAND, S«JSit ofURGENCY to MOVE hrough tills Window of OppoltunltyasthnlsNf1Wl HowkJnf tillsdoorwllRlllMInopen to sendChtistian TVprogtams to RussIa-..do notknoW. Doyo...what God Is alowfnfusto do? YOUR suppotf wiIhelp produce RUSSIAN-SI'fAICIN"""J Ld's StJIId tht!seprogtams NOWbefore /fs100 late! "MOVING THE HAND OF GOD" By John Avanzini Have you ever been confused by UNANSWERED PRAYERS? Have you claimed and confessed and stiJl not seen the answer? In fact.
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