ACTA BOTANICA NEERLANDICA, Vol. 4 (2), 1955 Epipactis helleborine, a Problem of Nomenclature BY P. Vermeulen [Hugo de Vries Laboratorium, Amsterdam). (received March 23rd, 1955) the Netherlands forms of the Broad-leaved Helleborine In two occur, the form of the sand-dunes, which is called Epipactis helleborine var. and E. neerlandica the inland-form helleborine var. helleborine. Mr. J. H. Stock, biol. cand., established the differences between these two in a statistical and his studies write this way prompted me to article. First Mr. Stock asked the Linnean Society for the photographs of the species of Serapias Helleborine latifolia from the Linnean herbarium and the send the Our secretary was kind enough to pictures. amazement these be for on receiving may imagined, it appeared that Serapias Helleborine latifolia of Linnaeus was not the Broad-leaved Helleborine but the Marsh With Would be Helleborine! this a problem arose: it in future the helleborine for the Marsh Helle- necessary to use epithet borine Helleborine? and to change the name of the Broad-leaved would be undesirable and have tried This very I to avoid this change of names. This was the beginning of a historical review of the opinions of the authors of the old herbals, and of Linnaeus and his contemporaries on Serapias, (H) Elleborine and Epipactis and on other names used for When in these plants. pictures were given their works it was easier their It that in to pass judgment on opinion. appeared, however, herbals different pictures were given copied from one original, some- times mutilated, and so different figures copied from plates of the same species were cited for different species. Not all the pictures were equally sometimes from good and a figure was compiled two different plants. This is the case with Epipactis latifolia from Besler’s Hortus Eystettensis The habit of the is Helleborine but the be (1613). plant a spike may that of Platanthera bifolia for the flowers have long slender spurs! We find the in same picture copied Morison’s Plant. Hist. Oxoniensis, 1 the 1699, (section 12, tab. II, Fig. or 11) with name Helleborine latifolia montana used by Caspar Bauhin in his Pinax. The plant depicted by Camerarius in his De plantis Epitome utilissima, 1586, which is a good Marsh Helleborine, is copied in work 4 of the sub Morison’s as Fig. same tab. Helleborine montana angustifolia spicata but the figure is not satisfactory. A good picture of EPIPACTIS HELLEBORINE, A PROBLEM OF NOMENCLATURE 227 the Marsh Helleborine is also found in Pemptades of Dodonaeus under the name Helleborine and we find the same woodcut in Clusius’ Historia but here the lower half only of the lower leaf is shown, the has In Morison’s work the is upper part disappeared! same figure copied again but now the whole lower leafis missing (Tab. II, Fig. 7). Marsh Helleborine has but in The a hairy stem the wood-cut of Dodonaeus no hairs are shown, whereas in the copper-plate of This in Morison’s Camerarius they are. is the reason why work the same species, the Marsh Helleborine, is pictured as a hairy plant from and (copied Camerarius) as a smooth plant (copied from Dodo- naeus) with two different names: Helleborine montana angustifolia and spicata Helleborine angustifolia palustris sive pratensis. This causes confusion ! It is a striking fact that most of the figures depicted give the Marsh Helleborine. An exception is found in Bauhino & Cherlero Historiae in which in Plantarum Universalis, tom. HI (1651) p. 516 under Elleborine dodonaei the Broad-leaved Helleborine is figured and under Damasonium alpinum sive Elleborine, floribus albis, we see the Marsh Helleborine again. The figure in the French translation of Dalechamps is Helleborine the but the flowers a as to habit, are badly represented and are not determinable. In the work of Vaillant (1727) not a single figure of Helleborine but and the is given the descriptions are good give impression that Vaillant knew the well. plants very work find the first In Linnaeus’ we description of a plant of the of the Helleborines in Hortus Cliffbrtianus without group (1737) a Linnaeus is in figure. The herbarium as made by now the British It which Museum. contains a single herbarium specimen of Serapias The is a Marsh Helleborine. diagnosis is very short but several enumerated and four varieties synonyms are are distinguished: Serapias 683. g. pl. 429: p. SERAPIAS caule multifolio multifloro. Helleborine latifolia montana. Bauh. pin. 186. Moris, hist. 3. p. 486 11 4. 7. s. 12, t. II.ƒ. [male) 12. Helleborine recentiorum. 3. Clus. hist. 1. p. 273. Helleborine. Dod. pempt. 384. Bauh. hist. 3. 516. Elleborine dodonaei. p. Sigillum sanctae mariae. Caesalp. syst. 431. p. 430: Helleborine B. a angustifolia palustris sive pratensis. C. ß Helleborine flore cameo. C. B 187. Helleborine atro-rubente flore. C. B. 186. y altera, <5 Helleborine palustris nostras. Raj. hist. 1231. Crescit in locis sterilibus & desertis sat opacis frequens per Europam. Species haec a Botanicis maxime multiplicata est, bine qui species diversa plures desiderant, ut eas structura vera florum demonstrant 228 P. VERMEULEN hue nulla in hoc des- necesse est; usque certe nota specifica genera cripta est. The first synonym, that of C. Bauhin, includes not only the bad of the Broad-leaved Helleborine with the flowers with but figure spurs 4 and 7 also fig. 12, which is Cephalanthera, and the figs. which represent the Marsh Helleborine. The of Clusius also stands for synonym this plant and so does Helleborine of Dodonaeus, but the Elleborine dodonaei is the Broad-leaved Helleborine. Sigillum sanctae marine of Caesalpinus is with few white flowers and be a plant a may a Cephalanthera. Of the four varieties the first is the name of fig. 7 of Morison and the Marsh Helleborine and is also The and this var. 5. vars P y are forms of the Broad-leaved Helleborine. It seems that the varieties are borrowed from literature and are not observation. This for the eleven based on personal also goes vars enumerated in Acta Upsaliensis, 1740 (edited in 1744), inwhich Linnaeus of the Orchidum: gives a survey Species Serapias Serapias bulbis fibrosis, nectarii labio obtuso, petalis breviore. Serapias caule multifolio multifloro. Hort. Cliff. 429. Helleborine latifolia montana, Bauh. pin. 186. Moris, hist. 3. p. 486 j. 12. t. II. f. 1. Helleborine barba rubra. Riv. in. Helleborine recentiorum II. Clus. hist. I. p. 272. descr. Helleborine. Dod. 380. Dalech. hist. 1321. recentiorum. Helleborine s. Epipactis Lob. ic. 312. Elleborine Dodonaei. Bauh. hist. 3. p. 516. bona. Epipactis s. Elleborine. Cam. epit. 889. fig. Epipactis latifolia. Best. Eyst. a Helleborine flore albo. 1. Damasonium montanum latifolium. II. f. Bauh. pin. 187. Moris, hist. 3. p. 488. s. 12. t. 12. Helleborine albo flore. Tabern. ic. 724. Elleborine floribus albis. Bauh. 3. 516. Damasonium alpinum s. hist. p. Damasonium. Riv. in. Epipactis angustis foliis. Besl. Eyst. 130. fig. bon. ß Helleborine latifolia, flore albo clauso. Raj. syn. 3. p. 384. Helleborine albo sublutea. Bauh. hist. 3. 517. Moris, hist. 3. y ex p. p. 487. <5 Helleborine flore carneo. Bauh. pin. 187. Elleborine III. Clus. pan. 275. vel. IV. Clus. hist. I. p. 273. Bauh. 187. Moris, e Helleborine montana angustifolia spicata. pin. 12. hist. 3. p. 487. r. t. II./. 4. vel. V. Clus. hist. I. 273. Helleborine IV. Clus. pan. 275. p. Helleborine Bauh. 187. C montana angustifolia purpurascens. pin. Moris, hist. 3. p. 487. s. 12. t. II. ƒ. ult. Helleborine recentiorum V. Clus. pan. 276. Damasonium dilutum Elleborine IV. Clusii. Bauh. purpureum s. hist. 3. p. 516. EPIPACTIS HELLEBORINE, A PROBLEM OF NOMENCLATURE 229 Damasonium alpinum. Dalech. hist. 1058. Damasonium flore rubro. Rupp. Jen. I. p. 211. Sigillum S. Mariae. Caesalp. syst. 341. Helleborine atrorubente flore. Bauh. 186. T] altera, pin. It Helleborine foliis praelongis angustis, floribus candidis. Vaill. Paris. 97. Helleborine angustifolia, flore niveo. Comm. hort. i Helleborine palustris, angustifolia, flore albo. Moris, hist. 2. p. 468. Helleborine x palustris nostras. Raj. hist. 1231. radice Helleborine palustris s. pratensis nostras, repente. Moris, hist. 3. p. 487. X Helleborine angustifolia palustris s. pratensis. Bauh. pin. 187. Moris, II. 7. hist. 3. p. 487. s. 12. t. f. Helleborine recentiorum II. Clus. pan. 275. vel HI, Clus. hist. I. p. 273. Damasonium flore herbaceo intus non nihil candicante. Bauh. hist. 3. p. 517. Helleborine flore herbaceo Lutetianorum. /< pratensis angustifolia, Tournef. inst. 436. Helleborine herbaceo flore. Moris, blaes. 270. Habitat in Europae collibus asperis graminosis duris, vel humentibus. has other nectarii Serapias now an diagnosis; Serapias bulbis fibrosis, breviore. The labio obtuso, petalis labellum is indicated by Linnaeus as ” the a “nectarium and the lip of the nectarium is probably epichilium; actually this is obtuse in the Marsh Helleborine and shorter than the other After Bauhin petals. Helleborine latifolia montana of C. only one fig. of Morison is given: fig. (1 or) 11, that is the compilated figure. here Morison The var. a comprises Helleborineflore albo and fig. 12 of is given, that is Cephalanthera; the two synonyms of Bauhin’s Historia, however, Damasonium alpinum s. Elleborine floribus albis are the Marsh Helleborine again and according to Vaillant Epipactis angustis foli is I from Besl. Eyst. 130, fig. bon, is a Cephalanthera. did see the figure the of Besler’s work Leiden of the ed. and copy at (library University, 2) Druce. The it is a good figure of Cephalanthera damasonium (Mill.) Amsterdam ed. does contain this copy, 1, however, not figure. Helle- Later on in Species Plantarum, 1753, we met with the var. <5 borine foliis praelongis angustis, floribus candidis of Vaillant, which is a Cephalanthera and with Helleborine palustris nostras and Helleborine angustifolia palustris s.
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