20th A~~~nnual ... GA onference No.16 ~~~~~PHILLIP ACADEMY, ANDoVE, MASSACHUSETTS Jnay1,16 Spends Over Two Months Representatives To Discuss Role ConerncePrpaatinsOfStudent In School Government Phillips Academy will host the stallments.. The first session will constitutional amendments, and twentieth annual New England attempt to define the topic by ex- expansion of the membership. Student Government Association amining certain examples; the Each member school sends two conference as delegates from 52 second will strive to interpret the representatives to each conference, schools meet to discuss the theme, significance of each topic. Mem- usually a senior and a junior to "How much governing can a stu- bers of the executive committee pr'ovide continuity. This year fa- dent do and what is the signifi- will head each discussion group. culty advisers are encouraged to cance of a student's participation The aim of the current con- participate so that students will in school life?" ference is to help students come not lose sight of the faculty point Delegates will analyze academic to a better understanding of their of view. life, athletic life, extracurricular role in school and of the limitation Non-member schools are given activities, conduct as a membi~er of of student responsibility in order the opportunity at this time bth the school, and social life, and life t o find practical means f or to join NESGA and to send re- in the community at large. Sam- strengthening -student government. presentatives to the confernce.. pie questions include, whether NESGA was founded in 1946 academic knowledge means that "to provide a central organization p much, whether some rules should for the exchange of ideas and CLoflcoru . AIlanf be disobeyed, whether a' school information pertaining to all stu- O- I04 letsd eerlsnedr s, th-ert prootesthe grothvtiand m-sD sc sso erence organizers at work in their Abbot House headquarters. lsuld eereedbis, ahth-r dto probltem and acotivte and Open dvsr Albright carries on a horizontal conversation at lower right, student government is an extra- provement of student participation 7j 1 Photo by Ogilvie curricular activity, and whether -in school government." With Keynfote aak pening of the NESGA Executive Committee, s t u d e n t s cliques should exist. In past years conferences have ce this morning marked we re assigned to discussion Two discussion groups will cover considered the student's future in of more than two and a groups. An innovation of this each of the five topics in two in- politics, the honor system concept, ths of preparation. conference is the concept of fa -__________________________________ reations procedures were culty involvement. In the past, orward. Chris Mar and faculty have not participated ac-Co f r n e D l g t s W l mkns wrote articles for tively in NESGA conventions. C n eD l g t s W l newspapers about the This year they will hold their own ing conference. Arrange- deliberation while the student'P c N e O f i rs S n a eemade with Boston discussion groups are meeting. to publicize the con- JmeWprto hreo l The New1 Englandc Studente Go- fAll i delegatese s willS convenen a at Puls h rsig ai Wprto hag falvernment Association will hold its 9:45 to elect ten executive corn- scussion groups, printed material. Invitations and elections Sunday morning to select mittee mnembers from the twenty Carlson handled room re- application forms were run off the Executive Committee and of- nominees. The newly elected com- S, uinig plcesin hebefore Christmas vacation. Infor- flcers for the coming year. mittee and the old executive board s linin upl peleaes ndh mation about NESGA and this Tesuntdcsio grpswill meet at 10 o'clock to pick sh fr ma delegai e n eec was printed and dis- Tesuntdcsio grpsnext year's officers from the memi- nd at Abbot for viiin ributed to all the schools involved, will meet in their Morse Hall bers of the new committee. Keynote spealker David Aloian of delegate was visiatieg The printed schedule was revised roomns on Sunday at 9:30. Each Concord. Stearns House until athe times. Accomodations; lists group will nominate two of its Candidates for the offices of eck revealed she was the were duplicated and distributed members for Positions on the exe- of secretary and treasurer can Mr. David Aloian, headmaster Ben J'erman negotiated to active students and faculty cutive board. come from any school, but candi- of Concord Academy, will address Leetemembers. about meals and ~~~~dates for president must come NESGA delegates today in "Stu- reneu AlexSangemade Faculty Advisor Alan Aih aw e c e vn rom schools whose headmasters dent Government: Limits and renurlexSaner adeestablished general headquarters L w e c e vn hv niae htte r potnte"tdyi h n gmnsfor the NESGA for the conference in his Abbot 'willing to sponsor the conference derwood Room from 7:00 to 8:00. gemAtes wilpromHueaatetlsTeka 1.the following year. Mr. Aloian taught at Belmont esAposte wiell perorm thoe fiapaffrten.as.we aosc o Speon gh Hill, Park, and Fenn before go- ven depteo eenl con the frinarfforka. ostenofw Upon election the president as- ing to Concord Academy in 1963. iddingte preliminayon te part work of is oer now (ljjsumes all responsibility for organ- He has served as a student go- hClub. and general headquarters have OnlCollege ChiiO c izing meetings of the executive vernment adviser at each of these etheme was selected at been transferred to the Underwood comte nUfte niea-shos hr 25 meeting of the Room. -Dr. Lawrence A. Pervin, Assis- cmiteado h niea-shos tant Professor of Psychology at sociation at his school. A Harvard graduate, Mr. Alo- ian holds an A.M. degree from ls Princeton University, will speak The secretary keeps minutes of Boston University. He has written with faculty representatives to all meetings and conferences dur- one book, Poems and Poets, colla- presente d Schoo ~~~~~~~~~nighton "The Selection of C-informed through the NESGA several articles on subjects, rang- cdemy Mary C. Wheeler School lege: Fact, or Fantasy." News. ing from Thoreau to science. Farms The Masters SchoolAgrdaeoQunsClg, School The Meeting School D r daervi f ueedhs Ph.D.ege0 ontry Day Schoor Mount Hermon Academy frm Hrvain 1962.veh rPheD Hill School Noble and Greenough School fo Havrin16.T eeh n o to ,G i e e e chool Northampton School served as a teaching fellow i School Phillips Academy Social Relations from 1958 to 1960Se ic s r d In Scoo Phillips Exeter Academy and as a tutor in that field from Se v c s C n r d In U R o chool ~~~Proctor Academy 1i960 to 1962. A nerve center for the twentieth tag indicating school, class, hous- awn School ~Providence Country Day School Dr. Pervin's research projects annual NESGA conference has ing, and discussion group. Academy ~~Rivers Country Day School include: Effects of Student-College been set up in the Underwood Upon registering, delegates will chool ~~~St.Agnes School Interaction on Performance, A Room. This spot is serving as the fill out one question sheet and will cademy ~~St.Anne's School Follow-,up Study of Male College organizational center of the con- receive a second evaluation sheet Academy ~~St.Margaret's School Dropouts, and Academic Success ference. to be turned in on Sunday. School ~~St.Mark'a School and Health As a Function of Stut- Delegates will register at the A hot line linked directly to the i ScooICar St. Mary's-in-the-Mountains dent-Environment Interaction, nerve center this morning andman c ilker School St. Paul's School afternoon. Guides will answer manaademy switchboard has demy ~~~~SuffieldAcademy Two, of Dr. Pervin's published questions at the information desk been installed. ~Ig School -Stoneleigh-Prospeet Hill School works deal with undergraduate and help delegates find their way A transportation commission ,OmarScoo Thayer Academy smoking habits and related be- about campus. will- rovide conveyence to and W arSchool Vermont Academy havior. One discusses familial Each delegate will receive , a from the train station. Bag-gage t~he Pines 'Walnut Hill smoking behavior and health dif- folder containing maps of the will be shipped to Abbot and the hooli Watkinson School ficulties. The other considers at- school, the NESGA constitution, Infirmary where the girls are aeAcademy Wilbraham Academy titudes toward the smoking-cancer and delegate housing lists. In ad- staying. Faculty mnembers will Brnlham School Wooster School relationship and personality traits. dition each will receive a name also be taxied about. Page 2 The Philliian January 1e, HARRISON PARK CORP. AUTHENTIC SCHOOL BLAZERS -4Athorized TUXEDOS SALE OR RENTAL' VOLKSWAGEN PORCHE OURSPECIALTYISSTEAK~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~&I~AD QU *Businessmen's Luncheon 1kParties Accommodated Private Dining Room -3 1 C HU RC H S TR EE T Cocktail Lounge - Completely Air-Conditioned - Closed Monday Except Holiday CAMBRIDGE ACROSS FROM THE LAWRENCE AIRPORT 682-7732 Jct. Routes 125 & 133 - 946 Osgood Street, North Andover UNniversity 4-2 300 SH-A-HEEN BROS,. Inc. Lnge Funeral Home, Inc. FrozenFoods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Established In1840 MODERN FUNERAL HOME 2 o/.aA.r &' bilut.rj DONALD C. LUNDGREN 688-1844 Telephone 475-2072 439 HAVERHILL ST., LAWRENCE, 18 ELM STREETA.
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