A cbMU kr.jtumunrr- An inlr<»1u< lion I'MN lo • pretty ocBlwr of th* cboir. rifK M«>VKM.\KKRS(OI ■ML H*»h of all kiaJa m to* ofton put to- kMM tbi» ktod at faod ritot cM»Wwly. pwpMwl M trvepUbW I "to TW Miif km f*lW« Jwrpu!* *A coofiat ttautlvM eeuk.si wbuok Jo tiwiiM. but to riwt* » try «f tb« •• littl* MJ «h»« tlM l»portMr« okirk »»ki ao n jcb diffirmm the and the inlet* of to two oat a. I don't think betwiit the two, it found along abore, ib» vioifort of life. rot ttt iMMmi Imli*. to b* married it tbe e«rlie«t tad it did B"t fo'Jow th»t «h awkward position being enga*"! ia op- nereaaardy etc ia ao u baae-ball contain •melt, Ducka, plovera, .. m om of tbt to her en- ladie* at once. dangeroua play- \| l'«rk<o bo«lia< M M TKKKS. had never intended to carry out Joung <juite Cans Rh»umatlsm. Lam palaikj all out and out. «*rta and other aea fowla are and TM «« mo iht Mr MatOrd turned hot and col J ing, but it beata tenpina plenty utrrt .>■ cwkum. givw Mr MatUrd looked forward to gagement to marry him by l.nmo DacM. aad »W«'W * H Mt »l«» tl r*LIJ» eagerly oat a attract the attention of bmgo. Sprain* moment There* ia mora life in on* forkful of apoeumen, [*r- dim-two# fo» JisKm whirb a man h*» fr >m turn* ami for a frit wn a.nut* tke ftdeent of ku bride. Ctfortunfttely, When hardly recovered completely Iirvisas. Asthma. Catarrh. iiiOlf win <4 loaitorM af and to koow how to bmmif, h« i* not in minified Mr had *hown Annie than there ia in forty tenpina. Well, tieutarly during April May. run +r m ft* the cold wuoa bftd mm' an unsuccessful low affair, Creep'• Coughs, Colds. Son> Throat. »uppuaod Llfiif Wtapiaa. far t»l |Mh>I, juftt pMwti, I'ortland Ifarbor ia one of th« hot. to both hia informant*, and ter pelting in the oat a t came home and largest, TWI (ilaul IW itt lii^ MIImi month* woukl h»*e to before the clined to take a lenient o> hoj»-ful view j graph Dtphtharia. nans. Frost p»»p*^ el«p*e »«fr»t beat <>n the tod IrM IiMn > imim; ''tin I n«l ■*>'»— iimil at I had celebrate! a 1 moat and comai, 'lutii; rircumstamc* to a each had rnogniited it unheaitatingly thought enough, deepest, Tooth. Far. aad fload- MIm coald far* tke Indiftn of pointing nttas. rrrtH Wctar* oo rootvry. jourg Iftdy a«fely *u*piciou* a of act reeaela. -111 *•4 ito^ by Um Mni. afeialat riw, Tbert bad been no atu- and would take the rent of the day in ia capable omodating many and aches. climftte Mrfti the lover* com*- of bis firet eiperienc*. Mr Mm. llob*ot». ach»\ and all pains « '»->l "P*rtal «tr«oa ao lb* tapurt- «»n Ua bwki '» ««•!»•»» p*M, while, repetition in ( )V <NH for he had ro- with mother. In the mean* It ia defended by Korta I'reble ape it to re«i*t the miatake about namea, julet way mjr I«mti r*m- 'W wmi.bc outhlag. u>l maii| lb* Tall Mmm Uk* —lilnw on >M) Mr Mattard became Mattard found ptd rw Wu mwl h4 't m,, |«oded regularly impossible S< ammel on Houae Uland. took hone and went out and Kli/abeth and Mli WrftW W4 fcf *0>1» tboood •Ml IMMlil tM nlwrv rtm was victim of lled the evidence afforded time I my |i«y »-t of lb* »Hl uJ Witch m>re thftn em convinced that hn faturv conviction that he ««re the entirely uj<n between all the row* I tea idea ia the harbor ia a large oetogoe- Iwtm nwyVM [>»■» i— It Mgil vktUtf nek or pour Twit m k <k » I out roM lla tana III* thr identification of the ran the cultivator • **«ff '•mi.'j «u aecured, and Mi»« Annie woman's Acklenre* lirtc- by photograph. IH»1 of fe*W<l*. kapptne** proveibial known aa Kurt •»»• of Life* Mm rlMpilf •!!— of field, and triad to ahoot a al atone structure, *b» •I.tfrstrtl aoklog poiolobto. were crushed the ominou* I he onl) explanation my potato shaped Wktl* w II tow* bMl low cfim Ik* rlyyl** eeemrd <juite reconciled—-to «*y erinK bop** by p«M«ible rotrm muiim 4 co. *r.f >*. f <*U Ml. (OM pulOkMO. foM Nil- Creep he »»< too for me. It waa named after Sir Ferdi- Ml U>*lr ww».l» next fium Mr \latlarl the lie ad* of wuodchuck, but quick Gorge* WlllM inKKtl the lea*t — to her m*rri»^r circuit *l*&rc that the mail wiped prea- • lr»t <11*1 which iW «w m-I Ik* ftpproftcktng to ait down and talk nando the of thia part * at ion from hi* forehead a* the dilution Then I concluded Oorgea, proprietor Ihl k>l»wa tbrU low* »tilar*>l All*) Or.e Mr. Mattard chanced brought no lett -r from hi* faitS- per iMinl wu »»>>..rjr ik*»b. ft»r tkl<k >k« unlucky daj Krgland the Of thoa* MIIWM. KibM of tr*w*. acro»a hi* mind to mother. So I took the milk af- of MaiM, who granted peninaula »r- of the *tt ry riaahed pail >W eg to come icioii ft officer new I jr lr«* *weetheart. mj to auk* m |ut |«oaf the t r*Ctp« VMk*l lAwt, ntnMluf young to t leete» ll->* .n«-jr mutt hare been ter I had and cut a wheelbarrow and ialanda (iaorge *»«i < a » <rt of with It gone neighboring beat of III* t»>l to work la nwii ow Ik* «n iiaarr tinaat rieed from I ngUnd, whom he h»d nut He wai wiird wi'h frenzied painfulclcarne** part jrour go down aide of tht road the ftrat aet'ler. It ia aaid that thia fort okl ajf* »•» H»J of mM meat >»r>r« «• him to return the which had mi*led every* load of grata way i» TW lifkt of (to • ia* «»:i| fWT) ftt (\jI kou*e at S>uth»c a. When r«i kle»«n» which impelled photograph a*Jt. Creep't for the haa never been nor haa g Jrr»tjr mil* l<*pp*r wJ »ka»l rmml *wrk a br*ttil) I tow. in order to He had been carrying net! to hi* Kelt to Mr. A.'a paa'ure tar», fully completed, Vroitixb. —Rjr 1U o«* yon will prevent hftd ev ulutfttio&« Mr. Mat- borne tbe earnest steamer body *?•».>■ it 'ill t Utoo* m*« low MOMitlii thej hanged by of the illwut* la the < • ••it tbe b«i uiitr of TM |TU'I to it ever been ruanjr prevailing 7 at re*t. at he>rt the of Amelia, thinking hora*. and went down tht paature garrisoned. iv.w. tfeair b*w-t* In kantUtlj low tard with embftrrft*- «et hi* doubt* This. l»a»t, phot graph and Kumnrr •«■»»(>n aa* aa thia aHM ail parte will ioijuirrd, pleMion Port- Hprlni fcy aentmmt of An- th« cowt, and did the reat of One of the pn mment feature* of r>cu*e to bimwlf for hi* ab it waa the counsel ft it and milked bur cow] rloaat Ikr «wM* < urtwla* if ku bftd »een the be made pr» « *• »W ill* If y<m po- Ul. ment, roilpftnion anything •*>« "good mann> ra a* ar- to little and than came back to land Harbor is the Breakwater eitead- Homebody War* hM*l •>! uMMltli u>l >1*1*, ; but the real iea*on na Or rather, be »tn»tly accurate, the chorea, a vtrta*.1' thla iw tr«« W»- «**>••• •»! an *IU IW mm of tbetr mutuftl friend*. rupt departuta proS tha sail cola of If aa.l a on Kliiabeth Till *11 Ik* imi klagly r*r*l. the err< r of talk to mother. ing from Cape • •• auppoaa »>ad micnera matt bribe trade alt V*. nw.1 Allow oaa-thlrt *aid tbe follow, wa* that be »hrank from being he had fallen into *uppuaing point •»» ■» I Iter flwi on l*» >twk'wy >«|r "Yee, by joe# !" young ably dollar of ttea. I'm ait- the to eontinuc vacation for •hore, to from aouth- a»at l«i»lklM« potato Uta at and condoled with a* a man that Annie waa the name f original "I intend my |»rotect thipping rw wrttb ft "I Cftme oeerUnd, you MofW It* | tk* kMHf. wia>llk£ *l»ta«, Uugk. pointed a oa l> make a «t< if < r.* tv ffM< |>aa «li* a 1IU)* water all the while he a number > f and a* It ha* harbor light I'are Uoo<l b«*lj« u- < ht* >it> * Hi* of the when wreka, tnjoy myaelf westrrly gales. Maak' lb* wtgkl blr>t la tlllaf know ftnd ft* I through l'*ri*, ho who ha* be*-n jilted erg*grm«n' photograph, la a of |t»«d m to (tmrvcr llooda thr to h< <t*a It. aa>l aur apoomf*l Llk* Mil wrba of In* lay Um t>rainb** with I have When the harveat come*. ita outer end, known "Bug Light," S«r»4[»«r:|l4 |>tarirt«-a w«» kn wn all oirr tbe station, and it had been in to«e Amelia to>day. .ill.* * ■bould I meet but Mr* llobaon lilunL mU N .1 u< • Utf l> •r if ».-u tta»» an iw*r .triple** <1 Ik* alai gwtnal tk* *anart gal* pretty from the breakwater itself.
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