Trustees Support PA RTAN DAILY 11 " SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE Decision on Gilbaugh By JIM WILLS San Francisco, the California State ried student housing at SJS by Vol. 54 41610 ap- " SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95114, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 1967 No. 88 Spartan Daily Staff Writer College Board of Trustees: proving a "change in scope" from In actions taken last week in supported the reassignment of building a new corporation yard SJS' ex-Dean Gilbaugh to a pro- where Spartan City stands to pur- fessorship rank. chasing and remodeling property approved a $4 million alloca- and existing structures at Fifth Sever Ties? tion for a new SJS Business Divi- and Martha Streets owned by the sion building. American Can Company. approved the purchasing and A small furor erupted last se- remodeling of a new SJS corpora- mester when Spartan City resi- tion yard site at Fifth and Martha dents learned that some of their Council Streets. dwellings would be destroyed for To RESOLUTION APPROVED Hear the construction of the corporation The Board approved a resolution yard in June submitted at the two-day session The latest action by the Board last week by the Committee on paves the way for a new central Faculty and Staff Affairs stating campus library, which was con- Press Proposal that ". the position to which tingent on the move of the corpo- Dr. John W. Gilbaugh was reas- ration yard from its present cam- By FRANCINE MILLER given to a publication, the student signed is commensurate with his pus site on Seventh Street. Spartan Rally Staff Writer body is owed a little bit of ac- qualifications." A proposed amendment to the countability," said Miner at the Gllbaugh, demoted last year from NEW BUILDING ASB constitution would sever all last Council meeting. SJS dean to professor claims that Executive Dean C. Grant Bur- ties of the Spartan Daily with ASB The "Independent Daily" pro- the demotion was a result of a ton yesterday stated that he hopes politics. Spartan Daily Editor Jerry posal, however, also calls for the "conspiracy" by Pres. Robert D. to get funds for the $10.5 million Townsend intends to present the Daily to function with an advisory Clark and the SJS Academic Coun- structure in the 1968 state budget document at today's Student Coun- board to be "student-selected," em- cil. while noting that $310,000 in cil meeting. phasized Brewer. The 10-member Dr. Clark testified before the working drawing funds was al- The proposal which Townsend board would include representa- committee that Gilbaugh's dean- ready in the 1967 budget. hopes Council will approve for tives from the six schools of the ship was eliminated in a college The State College body also ap- referendum on the April ballot, college, faculty (including the head re-organization move, and that he proved the appropriation of $4 mil- calls for the establishment of the of the Journalism and Advertising did not feel that Gilbaugh was lion allocation for a new SJS Busi- Daily as an independent campus Department ) and administration. qualified for the new position of ness Division building. newspaper direct ly receiving a COUNCIL BOARD academic vice-president. Dr Burton noted that working fixed Student subscription or per- The board proposed by Miner CONSIDERS ALTERNATIVE drawings for the structure will be centage of the ASB budget. For and Shackelford would consist of Shortly after the decision, Gil- completed following final approval this actually to occur, the measure representatives of the six schools baugh voiced the hope of taking of the allocation by the State Pub- would have to receive two-thirds of the college, one member of Stu- the demotion matter to court, but lic Works Board of the votes cast. dent Council, and two faculty Indicated the salary cut that ac- The new building, scheduled for "Opposition to the present sys- members (not to include the head companied his reassignment would completion in March, 1970 will tem of student government author- of the Journalism and Advertising not allow him to meet the cost of a house classrooms, offices and aux- ity over the press" is the reason Department) to act as advisers legal fight on his own. iliary primarily for business divi- behind the bill, according to Jim only. The Board virtually saved mar- sion use. Brewer, executive editor of the Representatives from the six Daily. schools under the Student Coun- Council now allocates 9.2 per cil bill would be chosen by the Photo by A. J. Dubiel cent of the ASB budget to the Student Affairs Committee of the Daily, or about one-third of the Academic Council, which itself is ONE HOUR A WEEKMembers of the campus to invoke some "second -thoughts" on the war Investigative Report Daily's total annual budget of composed of faculty and two stu- Student Mobilization Commit-tee observe a week- in Vietnam, is part of a stepped-up program more than $100,000. But that $30,- dent representatives, the president ly "silent vigil" each Wednesday, in front of the to publicize a nation-wide peace demonstration, 000 ASB allocation gives student and vice-president of the student cafeteria from noon until I p.m. The observance, April 8-15. government a potential toe-hold on body. Faculty advisers would also the Daily's activities. be selected by the Academic Coun- Could Shake ASB BUDGET CUT cil. cerning the recommendation, the "It is impossible to tell if the "Inflexible" was the word ASB Student Mobilizers By KEN BRYANT Announce read, "Implementation of fight last year between ASB Presi- Vice President Vic Lee used to Spartan Daily Staff Writer report which mu! 1,,dte responsible relationships . de- dent John Hendricks and Daily describe the "Independent Daily" Proposals the stru-turing the opera- Editor Tom Mead directly affected proposal, and Jerry Spolter, ASB foundation of stueent .overnment pend upon ('resident tional segments al this unified our operation, but with our budget president, agreed. "A Constitution Local Vietnam Week Activities at SJS were released by week, buried campus government proportionate- this year we can afford to produce is intended to he a viable docu- Robert D. Clark this ly to to reflect the measure of re- only 8,000 papers a day, where test ment, a guideline which can adapt Student Mobilizers, the on-cam- peace film, and a march from SJS lat $2, are being sold at the mobili- innocently in a report his ad hoc investirvition not.-n,'.. ;rat sponsibility which "rich role plays year we published 10,000," stated to a changing society." pus group which has declared war to downtown San Francisco. zation booth on Seventh Street for The commission, a tudent-fae- in each segment of that govern- Brewer. Graduate Representative Phil on war, announced plans yester- Marchers will join a mass rally at those who cannot walk the dis- ASB funding has also been ban- Whitten, however, disagreed with Kezar Stadium, in San Francisco, tance. Marchers will leave San ulty group formed last semester ment." day to step up the tempo of local Recall of elected and appointed died about in the last few weeks the ASB executives. "From the on Saturday, April 15. Jose Thursday, April 13, at 10 to probe ASB functions, asked for peace activities, in conjunction suggested by in the controversy over the Publi- Daily's standpoint and from the "Country Joe and the Fish," a a.m., in order to arrive In time six changes in the ASB Constitu- ASB officials was the commission. The recall action cations Advisory Board proposed students' standpoint the idea is a with a scheduled nation-wide Viet- Berkeley rock group, will lend for the demonstration. tion, including a recommendation for an ASB election to consider the would be initiated by a three- by. Council representatives Dick good one because it allows the nam Week protest, April 8-15. their talents to the peace move- The peace committee has re- continuance of mandatory student fourths majority vote of Student Miner and Ken Shackelford. Daily independence from govern- Highlighting the organization's ment Saturday. April 8, providing ceived individual endorsements body fees. If the fee question comes Council or by a petition signed by "When $30,000 of ASB money is mental pressure," he stated. peace efforts will be a dance, a music for a "Peace Rock" in the from 400-500 SJS students and fac- to ballot, financial support for 10 per cent of the student body. Men's Gym, beginning at 8 p.m. ulty, King said. He noted that fac- student body activities could be Recall would be implemented by Student Mobilization Committee ulty interest and participation has affected. a two-thirds vote of the student spokesman Brian King said dance picked up in recent days. tickets are on sale now for $1, and Finances were a major concern body. Campus debates, rallies and ex- for the 11 -member oommission DEFINES ELIGIBILITY in 'Happening' will cost $1 50 at the door. Pro- hibits are in the planning stage, Participate The commission also defined the Nuns which also suggested Yearly Polls ceeds, he said, will be donated to with presentation dates set support anti-war demonstrations. of the student body to discover necessary qualifications of ASB through April 15. King said the which activities are desired, and officials, recommended propor- On April 11, the local group will committee is searching for pro- should be supported by ASB funds. tional representation by lower, sponsor three showings of a fea- war speakers willing to debate upper and graduate divisions, and Picture' ture-length documentary f i 1 m, REVAMP PROPOSED the 'True Week.
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