UNCLASSIFIED AD NUMBER AD388165 CLASSIFICATION CHANGES TO: unclassified FROM: confidential LIMITATION CHANGES TO: Approved for public release, distribution unlimited FROM: Distribution authorized to U.S. Gov't. agencies and their contractors; Administrative/Operational Use; 15 May 1967. Other requests shall be referred to Office of the Adjutant General, [Army], Washington, DC 20310. AUTHORITY 31 May 1979, DoDD 5200.10, Group-4; OAG D/A ltr, 29 Apr 1980 THIS PAGE IS UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY MARKING The classified or limited status of this ropoit applies to each page, unless otherwise marked, Seizure pageprintoutsMUST be markd accordingly. ;•THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF i• THE UNITED STATES WITELN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE LAWS, TITLE 3.8, i• U.S.C.,. SECTIONS_ 795 iAND 794. THE TRANSMISSION-ORiIi THE REVELATION OF •. IT-S CONTENTSa IN.ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY -• LAW. I II SEURT -- -- NOTICE:.. .F WhenM A.RK... ...-government i...i.. or.other- -i... draw'-ings,-- - - -specifications... - - - - ...ori other- i .. .[.. .i - data are used foef any purpose other thAn in connection with a defi- nitely related government procurement operation, the U. S. Government thereby incurs no responsibility, nor any obligation whatsoever; and _..}• the fact that the Government may have formlulated, furnished,.or in any way supplied the said drawings, specifications, or other da~ta is not to be regarded by implication or otherwise As in any manner licensing the holder or any other person or corporation, or conveying any rights or permission to manufacture, use or sell a~ny patented invention that may in any way~be related thereto. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY _-_- • (:',r;r. oC r"i .MQJSJTANr • NfZ ,•A. ________IN P04. RME~V~ O AGAI-P (N) (25 Oct 67) FOR OT RD-670751 2 November 1967 SUBJECTt Operational Report - Lessons Learned, Headquarters, II Field Force Vietnam TO: SEW DIS BUTIO-N 1. Subject report is forwarded for review and evalu4tion by USAcDc in accordancA with paragraph 6f, AR 1-19 and by USCO1ARC In accordance with paragraph 6c and d, AR 1-19. Evaluations and cor- rective actions should be reported to ACSFOR OT within 90 days of re- ceipt of covering letter. 2. Information contained in this report is provided to insure appropriate benefits in the future from Lessons Learned during current operations, and may be adapted for use in developing training material. BY OMDER OF THE SECFETARY OF THE ARMY: 0ccS=NMETH C. WICKHAM 4. U oC 1 cIn Major General, USA rJ as. The Adjutant General .. 0 1 DISTRIBUTION: " Comnding Generals .j US Continental Army Command US Army Combat Developments Command Commandants US Army Command ar.d General Staff College 'J, US Army War College } .: • US Army Air Defense School US Army Armor School C, 0 ", US Army Artillery and Missile School i • r-4•o k .US US ArmyArmy. ChemicalAviation School EN•SPARAED[ FROMf US Army Civil Affairs School M.IFIED IhcJJQ= " US Army Engineer School .3• US Army Infantry School Wm Intelligence School 0 0 4&n I* M In~~~A 0 2 1%58~)Lr~ CONFIDENTIAL ~UL 61 a f A I I DISTRIBTIUfON (Conted) US Army Medical Field Sacv:c1•00 hoo! US Army Miia•aryP Schooco l US Amy Ordnanc e School US Amoy Qier-naste School US Avw SecurLty Agency School US Amy Sigal School U8 Amy Speceal Warfae School Us Amy Transportatiou school Copies furnished: Office, Chief of Staff, US Army Deputy Chiefs of Staff Chief of Research and Development Assistant Chiefs of Staff Chief of Engineers The Surgeon General The P~rovost Marshal General CG, II Field Force Vietnam Research Analysis Corporation (Library) OSD (SA), South East Asia Forces (Dr. Bailey) National Aeronautics and Space Administration Joint Action Control Office 2 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIALR,* im * - I - I CONFIDENTIAL6 DOWNGRADED AT 3 YEARS INTERVALS DECLASSIFIED AFTER 12 YEARS FOI r i"o F;h S1?67S" ODODIRg•2,10 -""• --- • : -. - ;-' : • :•- " : ; - i " • : • -• ; • ; ; - ' " • . • " : € - " . , - ; . - . - ; . OPATIONAL F ?MOD EUING.3O0EPORT APRIL 197L Para rage SECTION I - Sigificant Activities Co rommand ........................... ..... 1-la 1 Personnel, Health, Morale and Discipline...... 2-2- 3 Intelligence and Counterintelligence .......... 3-3e 4 Opejat.Lons, Plans and Training ................ 4-4g 20 Logistics ...................... .... 5-5e ;9 -. - ~ ~ 6 InoM on.... ... ...... 7-7b 37 Inspeotor General........ ...................... 8-8c 38 Staff Judge Advocate ........... 9-9e 38 SEOTIOZI II - Commanders Observations and Recommendations Personnel .................................... *. 40 Intelligence Collection....................... 41 rations ....... ........ 42 Supply/kaintennane ........... e ... ....... 46 Revolutionary Development ................. 50 Information Office .......... 52 R9Vo=GendCtion8*sa s as* * ... **...... .. .. 53 pe e ±1 SUBJECT: Operational Report for Qwarterly Period Ending 30 April 1967 (RCs CSFOR-65) (U) INDEX OF ZNCLOSU2ES 1. II Field Force Vietnam Troop Li-t 2. Order of Battle of II Field Force Vietnamn 3. Sketch of III Coriw T!Qtiual Zone with Major Unit CP Locatlons 4. Sketch of IV Corpa Tactical Zone . Vit Conr Provircial and PPainnnal Boundaries in the II CTZ. 6. Sketch Hap of Enemy Locations and Order of Battle in the III GTZ as of 30 April 1967 S~of7- Sketch30 April imap of1967 Eremy Locations and Order of Battle in the IV CTZ as 8. Trends in Enemy Tactics 9. Taotioal Air Support (Statistical Suumary) 11. Headquarters, I FWl Force Vietnam Staff Directory (Not received at Hq, ~.•epartment of Army) 12. %a-b i"-. Ar t ai ftbamiar'. a. ai4 k%" 13. Mio n~&6s vi*62 Dwifte a bh 0~~f .h49n SA O 15. Synopsis of Operatious in Inundated Areas Seminar iii DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY 'IEADQIUARTERS, II FIELD FORCE VIETNAM APO SAN FRANCISCO 96R366 AVF3C-H 15 May 1967 ___ StiECTi Operational Report for Quarterly Period Ending 30 April 1967 (RCS CSFOR-.65) (U) TOt SEE DISTP3UTION SWCTION I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITIES a. During the last quarter, there were three major changes in the staff and commanders of 11 FORCEY. C (1) On 15 Feb brigadier General Robert C. Forbes becams Chief of Staff. General Forbes was previously the Assistant Division Comnader of the 9th Infantry Division. He replaced Colonel Jams H. Dyson who was assigned to the Staff of the Army War College at Carlisle SBarrackss, Pa. (2) On 7 Mar General :1'rederick C. Weyand became the first Deputy Commanding General of II WFORCEV. The position was established when the II FFORCE7 ope-.tionL area was enlarged, anxl II FFORCEV 1.-w given the additional mission of conducting operations in the IV Corps Tactical Zone. General Weyand had previously commanded the 25th Infantry Division since August of 1964. (3) On 24 Mar Lieutenant General Bruce Palmer, Jr., formerly the CG, XVIII Airborne Corps, became Oomaanding General of II PFOCEV. He replaced Lieutenant General Jonathan 0, Seaman, who had commanded II FOROCEV from the date it was redesinated as II Field Force, Vietnam on 15 March 1966. General Seaman was reassigned as special eon- sultant in the Office of the Chief of Staff of the Akmy. b. The major change in the force structure of II FFO•CEV was the deployment of units to Operation OREGON. These units were transferred to the operational control of III MAP when they closed on 9 April into I Corps Tactical Zone. The units involved were: CONFIDENTIAL S. _-_._ ... _--. _---.. .t._ _ S~CO N V I} ENT AL SSUBJNCTs AVFBC-H ' Ope~rational. Re~ort for QuArte-ly Paei( M" J_ -A% 15__•, May 4^e1967 CS:(R3.h CSOON) U S(2) 2d Bn 11th Arty (155T) 2d Sqdn 1(3)1th Aigd Car Ragt (4) 71st Aelt Hel Co S(5) 178th Asut Spt Hel Co (6) CoC, 2d Bn 34th Armor (7) Co C, 25th Med Bn The only unit shown as deployed on the troop liat (Iml 1) is the 196th Of units which remained in the III Corps Tactical Zone the OREGON (CTZ). All of units have been deleted from the II FFORCEV Order of Battle (Incl 2) because they are no longer available for emnloYvw.nt in the III CTZ. The artillery searchlight batteries, one and one assault assault helicopter company, support helicopter company deployed to UI PFORCEV from CONUS. The 7th an, Royal Australian Regiment replaced the 5th Bn, RLR in the let Australian Task Force during April. Three US combat tracker 16eams, trained in Malaya, II FPORCEV. Two returned to were attachel to 25th Inf Div and one to lot Inf Div. c. The overall assignetl/attached strength continued to of II FFORCEV has inereasu. A comparison at the end of the last four re- porting periods fol=r)',: OFFICRWAYNTOFCER ENLISTE W4~ 31 Jul 66 164 23 1024 31 Oct 66 205 29 1150 31 Ju.. 67 346 39 3107 30 Apr 67 359 36 3503 2 CONFOIENTIAL AVFBC-H 15 Nay 1967 SUBJECT: Operational Report for Quarterly Period i'nding 30 April 1967 (RC6 CSFOR.=65) (U) d, II FFORCEV Order of Battle, to include lozation and the e. A sketch showing the III Corps T4,tical 4one (CTZ) with major unit CP locations is shown in Inmlosure 7 Inclosure 4 is a sketch of the IV CTZ. 2. (FOUO) PEIIOMNNL, HEALTH, MORALE AND DISCIPLIMJ. a. The personnel situation remains excellent in all units assigned, attached or under opecationiil control of II FFORC.V. The shortage of infantry captains in the 9th Infantry Divisiou is expected to be solved by the USARV G-1 plan. USARV is trarnferring captains £rom other units, divortLng selected incoming captains, and has made a one time allocation of approximately 50 captains from CONUS. The MOBE for 11.1 FFORCE"i ._. at. 'Jen approved. Therefore, it continuea to be a challenge to obtain staff officer replacements for the MTOE spaces. The transition through the period of rotational humps was smooth.
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