msbsrtisrmmts. LOCAL AFFAIRS. from this section lies been the cense of atibcTtiaemmt*. considerable damage each year. Thle NKW itUVKIlTlSKMKNTS THIS WKKK spring It caused a bed weehout on Main C. C. BUBRILL & street just above the railroad. SON, ProsposAl* for bids for coaling plant. French- man's nay, postponed. Capt. Alonzo Jordan la expected home Mrs Hat he Notice to those les- way— wishing the first of next week to a vaca- sons in music and German. spend GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS, State assessors’ notice. tion while Capt. A. J. Higgins goes a trip F.xce notice—Est Thomas A Bt’rriu. Crabtree. in hla schooner, the Ramirez”. Bank Bldo., E 1,1,8WORTH, ME. Insolvency notice— E*t Manuel Mcllo. “Pepe Probate notice— Eat Geo W Gray et ala. Tbe schooner will sail from New York for Lewis Friend Jk Co—Clothing. W% KKPKF.4KNT TUB Surinam Saturday. Charles 11 Leland—Fruit and confectionery. Hancock hall—Culhane, Chace Jt Weston's The Standard Oil Co. has erected the mlnsi ills. Most Reliable Home ami tank at Foreign Companies. C K Foster—Furniture. the Ellsworth freight yard. ROYAL Lowest Rates Compatible with Safety. .1 A Cunningham—Confectioner. Clifton Woodward has been engaged to Banook: drive the tank wagon in Ellsworth, mak- Tyler. Fogg »i Co—Municipal bonds. n bums ing regular trips to supply the retailers. to loan to suit, on improved real estate and I Ezra L Sterns—Notice of foreclosure. money He work ... ... ■ collateral. began Monday. of was in Ells- For other local news see pages 4.5 and 8. George Cline, Hancock, worth this morning with a handsome colt Powder IT’S VERY FASHIONABLE Pension has been granted to Mrs. Lizzie Baking by Roacoe Holmes’ Game Bird. The colt J. Raymond, of Ellsworth, |8. this summer with some clothiers to advertise to sell goods at j wee two years oldon June23, and weighed Schooner “Oeorgletta” was taken out a sacrifice, or almost them I am not away this morning 996 pounds. The colt la give away. giving on the marine railway Friday night. broken to harness. The most efficient and goods, or selling them below cost, but I will sell you first- already strongest, purest, Miee Catherine Simonton is spending a class, up-to-date The Trenton lumber compady’s new few with friends in wholesome of Not lowest days Wlnterport. mill at Bayside began running Monday. leavening agents. CLOTHING and Rev. D. L. Yale and wife, of Bath, are The mill is on the seme general lines as in the most in town vleltlng relatives and friends. the old one. It la fitted with modern price, yet economical; indispens- eon machines, end there le no better FURNISHING GOODS Lyman L. Lord, of Boston, of Capt. equipped able to all who the best and most and Mrs. 8. L. Lord, is home on a visit. mill for its size in the State. appreciate at a at a small margin over cost. I,ook over goods advertised new Miss Eva Nealiey returned Monday A switchboard has been placed in healthful food. then I think it will I sacrifice; inspect my goods. pay you. from a week's vacation spent in Bangor. the Ellsworth central telephone office to give full value the 'round. accommodate the business. year Dr. C. 8. Bragdon, of Brockton, Mass., Increasing Our is almost The new board carries the trank lines country enjoying prosperity is in Ellsworth for a vacation of a week or through Ellsworth. It room for two. gives unsurpassed m us msiory. throe operators at Ellsworth central. Charles W. Campbell was taken sud- OWEN BYRN. B. F. Gray and wife, Roscoe Taylor and For one there is to denly ill last week. He is now improv- every money enough D. L. Fields aud John Malone ing. wife, wife, iiiitimiiimitiiimtiiiiiiiMitimimtiiiimiiiimiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiimmniiimminimiia and wife, and John W. Malone and wife, that to eat which is sound, A dory owned by Moses 1. Mayo was buy pure, good, left this morning to attend the annual 90c. a of Lace Curtains E stolen from the foundry wharf last buys pair reuuiou ol the Sixth Maine regiment at wholesome. Wednesday uighi. Dexter. Misses Mary *nd Helen Tincker, for- we use un- E George II. Brow n, of Sioux Falla, 8. D Why should cheap, impure, Watch for this space next week. marly residents o( this town, spent last ^ a former resident of this city and once a E r g week in Ellsworth. There is no prominent lumber manufacturer here, healthful articles of food? At the races in Exeter last week A. W. i A. VV. CUSHMAN & SON. \ spent a few days last week among rela- | Ellis’ Donum 2.26 .Salinas, took the fcivtu uiiu irieiiu.M in the colt, nere. ivira. nrown is h economy them; they endanger health, race. Best time, 2.27. sister of Henry L. Moor. = for E cost life. There are good enough any parlor. Dr. John F. Hill, republican candidate Mr. ami Mrs. George A. Chute, of Ded- they may reported miiimiitittimiiiiuiniimiiiiiiifimiiiiiittiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiih for governor of Maine, is a gu t of Sen- uud Miss Abide E. of niiiniiitmii!!t!Hi ham, Mans., Wood, eai- ator Hale at “The Pines”, almost cases of sickness caused Brooklyn, N. Y., are tbe guests of Mayor daily by Miss May Bonsey is the guest of Miss A. W. Ureely and wife. Mr. Chute for- V/ **u bucket when consider or biscuit made with the |T',C fl\1| A IXDfkr) you Maud Smith in Harrington. Miss Helen merly lived in Ellsworth, and Miss Wood ing cake, puddings I* 3 vltLl UIVvIr t|u. small have to premium you Bonsey spent Sunday there. was a former teacher In the Ellsworth pay on a good-sized insurance policy, and see the benelit you receive iu alum Mis? Harriet who has been visit- schools. cheap, baking powders. ease of tire. Then, too, the feeling of security that good insurance til ings Baker, is worth a gr. it deal. I.et ns relieve you of all lire risks; we’ll make ing nt the Methodist parsonage, returned At the races at Fairfield last week E. H. In all articles for food buy and use only the esiiensc light. to her home in Portland Monday. Ureely’s Addison tojk the 2.50 race. Best , Q. H. GRANT COHRANY. E. G. Morrison inis returned from the time, 2.27ft. Tuie is a pretty good mark the best. The health of the family is for a but good B»r iinrhor hospital, where he had a green horse, Addison can do minor successfully removed from his face. better. Mr. Ureely’s Vulcan took secoud of first consideration. money iu the 2.3J class, winning the first There will be a baptism and reception of two heats. PRICES CUT! members at the M -thodist church at uext YO U R... Sunday morning's service. Mrs. Susan D. Springer, of Hancock, Alum is used in many baking powders because k makes died ai the home of ner sou, Charles them It costs less than two cents a pound. Miss Alice M. Furbish, of Brunswick, cheap. Springer, at Detroit, Me., last Wednesday. Alum is a corrosive poison. Think of feeding it »c> chil- SUMMER GOODS is stopping a few days with Mrs. A. J. dren ! Yet the manufacturers of well-known alum Mrs. Springer was the mother of E. E. ...rJ Lord. powders are actually denying that their goods contain it. 3TH Springer, of Elisworth, with whom she El vs Beeves, of Bar Harbor, is in the bad lived mucti of ltie lime for the past in defau t of of AT COST! county jail payment due lew no — years. r|"MIKItK’S u*e talking you for drunkenness and conduct. 1 cannot have koijivI t» eth disorderly ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. { good Miss Lora V. Parsons expects to leave unlc take cure of them. The room for Pall Stock. you Ervin M. Whittaker, of Boston, is To make right loon, wUb the rigid pr«*i uru- Ellswori U Aug. 28 for New York, wnere t'on*. ai the rigid lime will spending a week’s vacation with his nppllco she will take a of instruction in a work with anv *ct of jcourse day. Mrs. Crank is a great-granddaughter COMING EVENTS. Wonders teeth. mother, Mrs. J. M. Whittaker, iu Ells- We c-»n supply any Teeth iioods at school of piano-forte accompanying. of Co'. Melatiah Jordan, whose name is r. a onalde — Wadie*, worth. reunion at 1 I.awn prices* lowlor*, Miss Parsons is well known as a Saturday, Aug. IS—Tracy $10 "America" Mower, Hruriie —all already identified with the history of Ellsworth Soros, the advertise*! Gouidshoro Point. some William Bpurimg, who has been em- skillful Tracy homestead, ! I Sail Hearing), $7.9u kln»#», nud we’ve had made for accompanist, Hiid she proposes to a century and more ago. Mrs. Crank’s u*. nod some we make our-elvt ■>. in B. F. 20—Excursion uf ployed Joy’s photograph gallery perfect herseif in this branch of mother and were both Monday. Aug. Congre- 4.9s All that’s beat. piano grandmother l $0 “Kevere" Lawn Mower, | for several months, has returned to his school of Ellsworth Falls playing. natives of Ellsworth, but she was born in gational Sunday 4 “Hanner" 2.59 home in Brewer. by steamer to SargentviJle. Steamer $3 Llewellyn B. Alley, of Oriand, formerly Mississippi, where her grandfather, WIGGIN A MOORE, Miss Ella F. J.irdtn has leaves coal wharf at 7.15 -.
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