i m m M in it- e d iardeeiaioM iAm lui whothreatenato kflTeopeia released wifhont ball. He goeaovtandkillaaoop.Areapeetable houaewifia whoae huaband diaobejra a court order and kidnapa their child frM a a hospital and diaappestra. The judge haa a hunch die wife knowa «here he ia, throw* her h i ja il far two and SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW daya. She ia fingerprinted, atrip \ the whole bit. Juatice, ifpot I at 251 Ridge Road, Lyndhurst,NJ. i ia co c k e y e d . V O L. 71 NO. 43 USPS 125-420 THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1919 Second Class Postage Paid At Rutherford, N.J. 07070 2 5 C G T l t S Subscription $8.00 • Published Weekly Board opens m eeting then goes into closed session Angry citizens were left at'the seven! boun. night ing official formal action on the bus­ You are asked to limit your remarks than it has today. meeting of the Board of Education Before the meeting started the Ironically, the first paragraph of iness of the board and school district to three minutes or less. WHEREAS, Edith A. Neuhauser Monday night after the Board Board distributed among the citizens the long agenda welcomed residents Although the meeting was actual­ The Board, through the President, has worked as Secretary at the Lynd­ opened the meeting and then went present a large 30 page agenda that to the meeting. lt reported that the ly closed to the public, the agenda or upon permission of the President hurst High School for fifty-two into executive session that lasted was supposed to be discussed that meeting was for the purpose of tak- went on to say that a public hearing through individual Board members, years, and on the meeting agenda would be may or may not respond to your WHEREAS, Edith A. Neuhauser devoted to hearing from those per­ comments. during her entire span of fifty-two sons who might have questions or The teachers salary contract is up years had occasion to be absent from statements regarding board or for negotiation this year but it was her post, due to illness, only fifteen school matters. not on the agenda for Mondays days, and, The agenda continued the follow­ meeting Also under consultation is WHEREAS, Edith A. Neuhauser ing advice to those persons: a meeting on the contract demands has been a volunteer secretary at the If you wish to address the Board at of the non-teaching people in the Lyndhurst High School from 1986 cither or both of these public hearing school system. This group is com­ to present, now, therefore be it segments, you arc asked to raise posed of principals, supervisors and RESOLVED, for her long and dis­ your hand and be recognized by the administrators. They are the highest- tinguished service to the Lyndhurst Board President. When recognized, paid members in the school system School System, and her devoted clearly state your name and address. and their meetings with the Board endeavors in the service of the youth All questions or statements must be for new contracts are usually held in of this community, the main office addressed to the Board president. private. A reporter for the Leader of Lyndhurst High School be dedi­ asked for information about this spe­ cated in her name. Victory party cial meeting but was told it was not discussed at this time. I n d e x t The Committee to Elect Gagliar- Edith A. Neuhauser was the first Editorial............................. ...........6 di, Bianchi, Haggerty and Stellato secretary hired by the Board of Edu­ Vagabonding...................... ........ 8 cation more than 50 years ago. At has announced a victory celebration Medical............................... 14 that time she was the only secretary to be held June 24 at the Lyndhurst Obituaries.......................... ....... 15 in the system. She worked in the Elk’s Lodge, Tontine and Park Real Estate........................ ......17 High School, lyndhurst had more Avenue, Lyndhurst. The cocktail Classified......................... ----- 18 pupils in the school system then hour will start at 7:30 P.M., with din­ Business Directory........... .......19 FOR A BIT of nostalgia w« bring you a picture of the honor roll erected in front of Town Hall during World ner to follow. War O. Standing in front of the sign, which bears the legend “Serving their country for Lyndhurst,” is Marie Ticket donations is $50. Infor­ SuHivaa, third from left, chief clerk of the Bergen County Draft Board and aunt of<*f Warren Martin, a now mation can be obtained by calling retired North Arlington police officer who furnished the photograph. 935-0861 or 43M670. Ex-boyfriend causes confrontation P Judge George Malitfot oTSVoM- testifying in' her own behalf, man further. She told Nicol the man Ridge, substituting for Lyndhurst Brescia told the judge, “I'm going was causing problems with other Municipal Judge James A. Bieslin ' out with her ex-boyfriend. We bick­ patrons. After Nicol’s urging for found no grounds to “prove beyond ered. She pushed her fists into my some time, the man “Took his a reasonable doubt* that a young car.” money from the bar and went out” woman charged by another with She said, “I don’t know if I kicked said Nicol. simple assault was guilty of the her. I had sneakers on at the time.” Nicol said he told the defendant charge. He found the defendant not There was talk of harassing phone he was arresting him for disorderly guilty after hearing a tangled recital calls by Brescia to Rose who later conduct and asked for identification. of the incident which led to the told the court she has had a tap put on The man refused to give this, say­ * charges. her phone. ing his wallet had been stolen. He LYNDHURST’S BARRINGER-Walker-LoPinto American Legional The confrontation between Malhiot said there was no charge later told the judge that he did not front Post 139 presented the Lyndhurst Board of Education with 75 copies of Denise Rose of North Arlington and before him of harassment and if har­ remember when he had reported it the Book “Am I the Only One” which deals with child abuse. The books Angelina Brescia of Belleville assment was involved a charge stolen. will be distributed to each classroom in town. Similar donations were occurred in the parking lot of the could be made later. Nicol testified that he saw a wallet the past made to Sacred Heart and St. Michael’s Grammer School. Pictured (l-r) business where Rose is employed in John Dempsey of North Arlington sticking out of the man’s back pock­ By Patricia Guida are Commander Joe Budd; Bergen County Vice-Commander Mike East Rutherford and took place on was declared guilty of disorderly et and took it out to find his name. He Christie; Board of Education Member in Charge of Educational Plan­ the afternoon of May 16. conduct as charged by Officer said he called his patrol partner. Here are some more ads from ning Annette Bortone; Superintendent of Schools G. Donald Travisano Rose testified that when she saw Robert Nicol on March 28 and of Officer John Valente, to help make .and the Posts Child Welfare Chairman Jerry Sparta. Brescia she went over to her car and resisting arrest after refusing to offer the arrest as Dempsey was resisting. yesteryear. asked what she was doing there. She identification after police were Valente testified that “Dempsey September, 1932 said Brescia had her car windows called to evict him from a local pushed both officers in the chest” A&P smoked hams. 15 lb. Lyndhurst installs new fire chiefs open and began kicking her with her eatery. and that he had to be “forcefully leg of lamb .19 lb. sneakered feet and also pulled her Nicol testified that he was called, cuffed.” " loin lamp chop .35 lb. The Lyndhurst Volunteer Fire Police and Fire Academy. Tamaro hair. to Franco’s Italian Restainantat262 Dempsey was taken to Lyndhurst Chesterfield cigarettes .27 a pack Department installed new officers at feels that courses taken at the Answering Malhiot’s question, Ridge Road to get Dempsey to leave headquarters and was most Campbell soup 3 cans for .25 ceremonies at the Cameo Restaurant Academy are essential to firefigh­ “Were you hurt?" Rose said “There the place. He said when he arrived he uncooperative when he was to be Information from Commercial in Garfield. Township Clerk Herbert ters’ safety. Chief Tamaro is was no bruise just a red mark." spent about five minutes trying to relieved of his shoelaces, belt etc., Leader Peny gave the oath of office to the employed as construction official by Asked if she punched Brescia, ge^ Dempsey to leave after the bar­ both officers said. new officers and farmer mayor, the Township of Lyndhurst. Rose said, *1 defended myself.” maid said she refused to serve the Dempsey testified, “I had four or The Lyndhurst Historical Society Public Safety Commissioner John First Assistant Chief John S. Val­ five beers. I don’t remember if I had will sponsor its annual Strawberry Gagliardi, presented the badges of ente is a 15-year fire Department any more. Thé oaimaid said, ‘I’m Festival at the Little Red School­ office to the officers whose families veteran. He is employed by Hoffman not going to serve you any more.’ house at Fern and Riverside were present also. LaRoche. 'She didn’t give' me any reason - Avenues in Lyndhurst on June 10 The 103rd chief of the the depart­ Second Assistant Chief Joseph for cutting me off.T don’t know if T from 11 a.m.
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