10 PROCEEDINGS OF UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. cavity in some decayed tree or limb, or in any kind of depression that gives a base to begin to work on. I also find them in out-honses, or bnildings removed from dwellings, on the rafters, or on any spot where they can stick their nest. They are also very common under bridges, and I have found fonr built in the forks of small trees, some four or live feet up. These were all the same veritable E. diffici-Us.^^ A JLIST OF EIROIPEAN FISHES HIV THE COI.IL.EC TBON OF THE l\^ITEl> STATES NATIOi^'AL JTirSElTlTI. By TARI.ETOIV H. BEAN. About 350 nominal species are mentioned. Since the list is intended simply to facilitate the exchanges between tlie United States National Museum and uuiseums iu Europe, no attempt has been made to distrib- ute the names in accordance with the latest knowledge concerning the classiflcatiou and specific identity of the species iu question. The names given to them by those who presented them are, with few exceptions, retained. One species {Gasferosfeus Blancliardi, Sauvage), which was described from specimens sent to Paris fiom Boston, United States, is referred to Gasierosteus imngiiius^ Linn. ( := Fygostciis occidcnfaliSj (C & V.) Breevort), with which it is identical. The numbers at the left are those of the National Museum Catalogiie; those at the right were attached to the fishes when they were received. Ckss, PISCES. Order, PLECTOGXATHI. Family, Tetrodontid^. Tetrodon marmoratus, Ranzaui. 102U8. Canaries. Vienna Museum. (14.) Family, BalistidvE. Monacanthus filamentosus, Val. 10217. Canaries. Vienna Museum. (31.) Order, LOPHOBBAXCniI. Hippocampus brevirostris, Cuv. 21122. La Pvochelle. Mus. d'Hist. Nat. Paris. (22.) Hippocampus comes, Cautor. 211C3. Madagascar. Mus. d'Hist. Nat. Paris. (03.) PROCEEDINGS OF UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 11 Hippocampus abdominalis, Lcssou. 211G9. Australia. Mus. d'Hist. Nat. Paris. (G9.) Hippocampus guttulatus, Cuv. 21121. Xaples. Mus. d'Hist. Nat. Paris. (21.) 211(34. Sicily. Mus. d'Hist. Nat. Paris. (04.) Family, SYNGNATiiiDiE. Syngnathus phlegon, Risso. 21124. Nice. Mus. d'Hist. Nat. Paris. (24.) Syngnathus acus, Linu. 17490. Bergeu, Norway. Norwegian Government. (132.) 22022. Christiania, Norway. E. Collett. 22023. Christiania, Norway. E. Collett. Syngnathus rubescens, Eisso. 21123. Nice. Mus. d'Hisi;. Nat. Paris. (23.) Syngnathus abaster, Risso. 21113. La Eoclielle. Mus. d'Hist. Nat. Paris. (13.) Syngnathus Agassizii, Mithaliellcs. 21112. Nice, France. Mus. d'Hist. Nat. Paris. (12.) Syngnathus pelagicus, Linn. 12500. Dr. J. E. Gray. Britisli Museum. (80.) Siphonostoma typhle, Linu. 12020. Europe. 12520. Europe. (256.) 17489. Bergen, Norway. Norwegian Government. (131.) 21119, France. Mus. d'Hist. Nat. Paris. (19.) 12519. Constantinople. Siphonostoma Rondeletii, Dc la Roclie. 21118. Marseilles. Mus. d'Hist. Nat. Paris. (18.) Siphonostoma pyrois, Risso. 0050. Europe. Nerophis asquoreus, Linn. 17491. Bergen, Norway. Norwegian Government. (133.) 22019. $ . 9 . Stavanger, Norway. E. Collett. Nerophis ophidion, Linn. 21114. Algeria. Mus. d'Hist. Nat. Paris. (14.) 22020. Christiania, Norway. E. Collett. Nerophis papacinus, Risso. 2909. Europe. Bonaparte Collection. (258.) 12 PROCEEDINGS OF UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Nerophis teres, Ratlikc. L'lllO. Crimea. Miis. d'Hist. Xat. Paris. (16.) Nerophis lumbriciformis, (Willaghby) Kroycr. 21115. La Eoclielle. Mus. d'Hist. Nat. Paris. (15.) 22024. {'' ScypMus hmhricifonnls, (Willnghby) Nilss.") Stavan- ger, Norway. 11. Collett. Nerophis annulatus, (Risso) Giinth. 21117. Nice. Mus. d'Hist. Nat. Paris. (17.) Order, PEDICULATI. Family, Lophiid^. Lophius budegassa, Spiuola. 12083. Europe. Bonaparte Collection. Family, Soleid^. Solea vulgaris, Qucnscl. 12511. Cast. London, England. 21177. France. Mus. d'Hist. Nat. Paris. (77.) 17321. Helsingburg, Sweden. Swedish • Centennial Commission. (38.) 22033. Christiania, Norway. E. Collett. 17354. Bergen, Norway. Norwegian Government. (87.) 5913. Locality unknown. Solea ocellata, Liun. 10204. Canaries. (44.) Solea lascaris, Eisso. 10091. Europe. Bonaparte Collection. (17?) Solea lutea, Eisso. 10007. Europe. L. Agassiz. Ammopleurops lacteus, (Bou.) Giinth. 10092. Euroi)e. Bonaparte Collection. Microchirus liuguatula, (Thompson). 10070. Europe. Bonaparte Collection. (30.) Family, Pleuronectid^. Pleuronectes platessa, Lmn. 21175. France. Mus. d'Hist. Nat. Paris. (75.) 10001. Christiania, Norway. E. Collett. PROCEEDINGS OF UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 13 22028. :N"ordlan(l, Korway. E. Collett. 173G0. Bergen, i^orway. Norwegian Government. 1731G. Helsingburg, Sweden. Swedish Centennial Commission. (31.) 10029. Kiel Bay. Dr. Mobins. Pleuronectes limanda, Linn. 17357. Bergen, Norway. Norwegian Government. (84.) 22030. Cliristiauia, Norway. E. Collett. 22031. Yonng. Cliristiania, Norway. E. Collett. 17337. Helsingburg, Sweden. Swedisli Centennial Commission. (31.) 22087. Cliristiania, NorAvay. E. Collett. 10030. Norway. E. Collett. 21171. {^^Pleuronectes flcsus:') France. Mus. d'Hist. Nat. Earis. (71.) Hippoglossoides limandoides, (Blocli) Giiutli. 10032. {''Pleuronectes limandoides, Blocb.") Norway. E. Collett. 22034. Lofoten, Norway. E. Collett. Pleuronectes BcscJi, Risso. 10085. Europe. Bonaparte Collection. (9.) Pleuronectes micrccephalus, Dounv. 17290. Helsingburg,. Sweden. Swedish Centennial Commission. (30.)^ 17359. Bergen, Norway. Norwegian Government. (82.) Pleuronectes cynoglossus, Linn. 17320. Ilelsiuiiburg, Sweden. Swedish Centennial Commission. (33.)^ 17355. Christiauia, Norway. Norwegian Government. (8G.) 10008. Europe. L. Agassiz. Pleuronectes flesus, Linn. 17323. Sweden. Swedish Centennial Commission. (32.) 22029. Young. Christiania, Norway. E. Collett. 10031. Norway. E. Collett. 17350. Bergen, Norw\ay. Norwegian Government. (85.) 10028. {''P\atessa ficsus:^) Kiel Bay. Dr. Mobius. Platessa passer, Bou. 100G9. Eiu'ope. Bonaparte Collection. (12.) 14 PROCEEDINGS OF UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Hippoglossus vulgaris, Flem. IToOS. Ilelsingburg-, Sweden. Swedish Ccnteiimal Commission. {35.) 173G3. Bergen, Xorway. Xorwegiau Government. (70.) Rhombus maximus, Liun. 10771. England. Liverpool Freq. Public Mnsenm. 17oo2. Helsingbnrg, Sweden. Swedish Centennial Commission. (30.) 22032. Christiauia, Xorway. E. Collett. Rhombus lagvis, Eoudel. 22182. France. Mns. d'Hist. Nat. Paris. (-82.) 10772, England. Liverpool Free Pnblic Mnsenm. 10081. Europe. Bonaparte Collection. (11.) 12512. London, Eng. (174.) Phrynorhombus unimaculatus, (Risso) Giiutli. 10000. Europe ? Zeugopterus punctatus, (Blocli) Gottsche. 17301. Bergen, Norway. Norwegian Government. (80.) Zeugopter-as megastomus, (Douov.) Gottsche. 17302. Bergen, Norway. Norwegian Government. (78.) Zeugopterus norvegicus, Giinth. 22035. Christiania, Norway. E. Collett. Rhomboidichthys podas, (De la Roche) Bleek. 10080. {''Bofhm rJiomboldes.^') Bonaparte Collection. (15.) Rhomboidichthys mancus, (Risso) Giinth. 0514. Madeira. AVm. Stimpson. Family, Macrueid^. Macrurus rupestris, Bloch. 8571. Europe. Bonaparte Collection. Macrurus norvegicus, Nilss. 17304. Bergen, Norway. Norwegian Government. (75.) Family, FiERASFERiDiE. Fierasfer imberbis, Cuv. 10105. Europe. Bonaparte Collection. (358.) Family, Ophidiid^. Ophidium barbatum, Liim. j)fus. 3502. Europe ? PROCEEDINGS OP UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 15 Ophidium Vasalli, Risso. 2920. Europe. Bonaparte Collection. (484.) Family, EANiCEPiTiDiE. Raniceps niger, Nilss. 17;>(i7. Bergen, Norway. Norwegian Government. (72.) 1005(5. Christiania^ Norway. E. Collett. 10238. Bergen, Norway. (138.) Gadus poutassou, Eisso. 17370. Bergen, Norway. Norwegian Government. (01.) 17378. Bergen, Norway. Norwegian Government. (07.) Gadus morrhua, LIdii. 17388. Ova. Lofoten, Norway. G. O. Sars. (52.) 9501. Ova in various stages of development. G. O. Sars. 9502. Young recently liatched. G. O. Sars. 9504. Two weeks old. G. O. Sars. 9503. One montli old, collected on surface of sea. 17390. About 1^ montlis. Lofoten, Norway. G. O. Sars. (50.) 1 7391. About two montlis old. Lofoten, Norway. G. O. Sars. (49.) 17392. Two months old. Lofoten, Norway. G. O. Sars. (48.) 17393. Two and one-half months. Lofoten, Norway. G. O. Sars. (47.) 17395. Three months. Lofoten, Norway. G. O. Sars. (45.) 17394. Three months. Lofoten, Norway. G. O. Sars. (40.) 17390. Four months. Lofoten, Norway. G. O. Sars. (44.) 9508. Four or five months. Norway. G. O. Sars. 17397. Four or five months. Lofoten, Norway. G. O. Sars. (43.) 17398. About five mouths. Lofoten, Norway. G. O. Sars. (42.) 17400. Five to six months.months, Lofoten, Norway. G. O. Sars. (40.) 17399. Five to six months.months, Lofoten, Norway. G. O. Sars. (41.) 9509. Nearly six months, near shore. Lofoten, Norway. G. O. Sars. 17401. About six months. Lofoten, Norway. G. O. Sars. (39.) 17402. Six months. Lofoten, Norway. G. O. Sars. {oS.) 17403. Eight to nine months. Lofoten, Norway. G. O. Sars. (37.) 17404. Ten to eleven months. Lofoten, Norway. G. O. Sars. (30.) 17405. One year. Lofoten, Norway. G. O. Sars. (35.) 17389. Young. Lofoten, Norway. G. O. Sars. (51.) 22052. Lofoten, Norway. E. Collett. 22053. Christiania, Noway. E. tlollett. 10770. England. Liverpool Free Public Museum. 10105. Kiel Bay. 10030. Norway. E. Collett. 16 PROCEEDINGS OF UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 1740G. Bergen, Norway. Norwegian Government. (34.) 17407. Bergen, Norway. Norwegian Government. (33.) 17503. (Stuffed.) Bergen, Norway. NorAvegian Goverinnent. 1735-. {''Gadus caUariaH^ L.") Boliusliin, Sweden. Swedish Cen- tennial Commission. (23.) 17305.
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