NEATH PORT TALBOT COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL LOCAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN (2011-2026) EXAMINATION IN PUBLIC: Matter 4: Housing Provision – Allocated Sites Action Point 7 For the Ynysymond Road site (H1/25), Council to identify the extent and nature of biodiversity interest on the allocated site. Council’s Response This site consists of a cohesive network of fields supporting a variety of grassland habitats bounded by hedgerows with good connectivity to the surrounding countryside. The Council’s Biodiversity Unit has indicated that the site constitutes Local Biodiversity Action Plan (LBAP) habitat and meets the criteria for a ‘Site of Importance for Nature Conservation’ (SINC) – NPTSINC053 Pandy Farm1. In addition to the above, the watercourses on the site (particularly along the northern boundary) also constitute LBAP and SINC quality habitat. For clarity, a plan illustrating the extent of the SINC in relation to the housing allocation boundary is also appended. The features of the Pandy Farm SINC extend throughout all of the fields within the allocation, the watercourse SINCs are more limited, as shown on the plan. The area of land to the west of Derwen Road comprises improved grassland and the land to the east of Derwen Road consists of Rush Pasture with ditches, hedges and other boundary features. On this basis therefore, it is likely that mitigation measures will be required to ensure that there is no reduction in the overall value of the area. Where mitigation is not possible, compensation measures will normally be required to offset harm as far as practicable. A Biodiversity Records Centre Search has been undertaken2 which details the species recorded within the vicinity of the site. Whilst no records were reported on the site itself (due to lack of specific survey effort), the immediate surroundings indicate a diverse species list, particularly in relation to Moths. Furthermore, a number of records for protected species and BAP species were also reported. These records are considered to be indicative and likely to occur on the site. The principal reason for the site not being included as an allocation in the existing Unitary Development Plan (UDP) related to the fact that there were recordings of the existence of the 'Double Line Moth' (Mythimna turca) which at that time was included as a priority species under the UK Biodiversity Action Plan (UKBAP). 1 Full details of NPTSINC053 Pandy Farm is provided in the appended proforma. 2 Full details of the ‘South East Wales Biodiversity Records Centre Site Assessment Report’ are appended for information. Since that time the UK list of priority habitats and species has been amended following the 2007 Species and Habitats Review and the Double Line Moth was subsequently removed from this list as targets for the species had been met. Furthermore, in Wales, Section 42 (S42) of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006 sets out the priority habitat and species of principal importance in Wales – the Double Line Moth is not included on this list. Notwithstanding this point, the Double Line Moth is however still currently included as a local priority for conservation action under the Neath Port Talbot Biodiversity Action Plan. Consequently, it is likely that appropriate mitigation measures will be required as part of any future development proposals. Pandy Farm Reference NPTSINC053 no: Ward: Alltwen Grid ref at SN7200702858 centre: Area (ha) 3.87 Reason(s) for H5:1 Lowland Meadow selection H9:3 Purple Moor Grass and Rush Pasture Site of Importance for Nature Conservation Pandy Farm About the site Site Description: A cohesive network of fields supporting a variety of grassland habitats bounded by hedgerows with good connectivity to the surrounding countryside. The site is located on the southern outskirts of Alltwen in the Swansea Valley. Habitats for which the site is specifically important for include Lowland Meadow, Purple Moor Grass and Rush Pasture. The hedges on site are also significant connectivity features, linking to the network of hedges and woodlands within the surrounding countryside, including ancient woodland SINCs to the South East and South West. A number of SINC streams also flow through the site, of particular note along the Northern boundary. Features recorded at this site leading to SINC selection: Lowland Meadow H5:1 (11 indicator species recorded, 8 required to quality) , including a mixture of MG5, and species rich MG6 and MG10 NVC communities. Purple Moor Grass and Rush Pasture H9:3 (24 indicator species recorded, 12 required to qualify), species rich M23 NVC community. Protected and Priority species: Species recorded: Habitat suitable for: Reptiles, Bats, Dormice, Invertebrates, Breeding birds Other species of note: Double Line Moth (LBAP) previously reported Recommendations for management of the site: Achieving a good balance of grazing is likely to be the key element of the management of the site. Grazing cattle would be the preference here. Please note: This area has been designated as a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation by Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council. This does not formally protect the site or place any restrictions upon the landowner. Neath Port Talbot Council’s Countryside & Wildlife Team will endeavour to support and encourage activities that maintain and enhance the biodiversity interest of the land; where funding is available, funds may be provided to facilitate these activities. The information given is used to ensure that nature conservation is taken into account in planning decisions. The designation itself does not confer any rights of access to the site and places no restriction on the management of the land. Surveyor BS Author RSS Date 08/08/2011 Date 19/03/2015 Pandy Farm Additional Information Photographs: Purple Moor Grass and Rush Pasture Hedgerow (Derwen Road) Hedgebank with mature trees Meadow Species Lists: See separate pages. NPTSINC053 PANDY FARM ‐ SPECIES LIST Taxon Vernacular Gridref Date Recorder Method Acer pseudoplatanus Sycamore SN71960285 08‐Aug‐11 Barry Stewart (BS) Field Observation Achillea millefolium Yarrow SN72020292 08‐Aug‐11 Barry Stewart (BS) Field Observation Achillea ptarmica Sneezewort SN71990291 08‐Aug‐11 Barry Stewart (BS) Field Observation Aegithalos caudatus Long‐tailed Tit SN72050291 08‐Aug‐11 Barry Stewart (BS) Field Observation Agriphila straminella SN719027 08‐Aug‐11 Barry Stewart (BS) Field Observation Agrostis canina Velvet Bent SN71950290 08‐Aug‐11 Barry Stewart (BS) Field Observation Agrostis capillaris Common Bent SN71990291 08‐Aug‐11 Barry Stewart (BS) Field Observation Alnus glutinosa Alder SN720028 08‐Aug‐11 Barry Stewart (BS) Field Observation Alopecurus pratensis Meadow Foxtail SN720028 08‐Aug‐11 Barry Stewart (BS) Field Observation Angelica sylvestris Wild Angelica SN71990291 08‐Aug‐11 Barry Stewart (BS) Field Observation Anthoxanthum odoratum Sweet Vernal‐grass SN719027 08‐Aug‐11 Barry Stewart (BS) Field Observation Arrhenatherum elatius False Oat‐Grass SN71990291 08‐Aug‐11 Barry Stewart (BS) Field Observation Athyrium filix‐femina Lady‐fern SN71990291 08‐Aug‐11 Barry Stewart (BS) Field Observation Atrichum undulatum Common Smoothcap SN72000288 08‐Aug‐11 Barry Stewart (BS) Field Observation Betula pubescens Downy Birch SN720028 08‐Aug‐11 Barry Stewart (BS) Field Observation Blechnum spicant Hard‐fern SN71910274 08‐Aug‐11 Barry Stewart (BS) Field Observation Bombus pascuorum Common Carder Bee SN720028 08‐Aug‐11 Barry Stewart (BS) Field Observation Brachypodium sylvaticum False‐brome SN71910274 08‐Aug‐11 Barry Stewart (BS) Field Observation Brachythecium rutabulum Rough‐stalked Feather‐moss SN719027 08‐Aug‐11 Barry Stewart (BS) Field Observation Bryum capillare Capillary Thread‐moss SN72060296 08‐Aug‐11 Barry Stewart (BS) Field Observation Buddleja davidii Butterfly‐bush SN720028 08‐Aug‐11 Barry Stewart (BS) Field Observation Calliergonella cuspidata Pointed Spear‐moss SN71990291 08‐Aug‐11 Barry Stewart (BS) Field Observation Calystegia sepium subsp. sepium Hedge Bindweed SN720028 08‐Aug‐11 Barry Stewart (BS) Field Observation Cardamine hirsuta Hairy Bitter‐cress SN72080299 08‐Aug‐11 Barry Stewart (BS) Field Observation Cardamine pratensis Cuckooflower SN71950290 08‐Aug‐11 Barry Stewart (BS) Field Observation Carex hirta Hairy Sedge SN71990291 08‐Aug‐11 Barry Stewart (BS) Field Observation Carex ovalis Oval Sedge SN71950290 08‐Aug‐11 Barry Stewart (BS) Field Observation Carum verticillatum Whorled Caraway SN720028 08‐Aug‐11 Barry Stewart (BS) Field Observation Centaurea nigra Common Knapweed SN71990291 08‐Aug‐11 Barry Stewart (BS) Field Observation Cerastium fontanum Common Mouse‐ear SN71990291 08‐Aug‐11 Barry Stewart (BS) Field Observation Chrysosplenium oppositifolium Opposite‐leaved Golden‐saxifrage SN71990291 08‐Aug‐11 Barry Stewart (BS) Field Observation Cirsium arvense Creeping Thistle SN720028 08‐Aug‐11 Barry Stewart (BS) Field Observation Cirsium palustre Marsh Thistle SN71990291 08‐Aug‐11 Barry Stewart (BS) Field Observation Conopodium majus Pignut SN72060296 08‐Aug‐11 Barry Stewart (BS) Field Observation Corvus corone corone Carrion Crow SN720028 08‐Aug‐11 Barry Stewart (BS) Field Observation Corvus monedula Jackdaw SN72100292 08‐Aug‐11 Barry Stewart (BS) Field Observation Corylus avellana Hazel SN72000288 08‐Aug‐11 Barry Stewart (BS) Field Observation Cotoneaster simonsii Himalayan Cotoneaster SN719027 08‐Aug‐11 Barry Stewart (BS) Field Observation Crataegus monogyna Hawthorn SN719027 08‐Aug‐11 Barry Stewart (BS) Field Observation Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora
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