, Part Three of a series on drug use {p. 3) . Gospel choir premieres tomorrow night (p.B) Wellness living on rise Volume 68, Issue 15 The student voice ofthe University of Scranton March 7, 1996 around campus (p. 8) Ball-ot One carries executive board election ByKATHRYNJANOFSKY formal as far _as voting goes to get Every, White and Brighter to­ Aquinas Staff Writer more accomplished ... also to uti­ gether would like to create a Stu­ lize Student Life Board to do re­ dent Government historian to Ballot One, consisting of search for future projects." "chronicle all of the events of Stu­ Danamarie Every, Jen White and White, as a member of the Club dent Government on video with Tobie Brighter, won last Activities Board, wants to "help summaries and evaluations," Ev­ Thursday's Student Government clubs become more active" and ery said. Executive Council elections. suggests a van solely available to They also plan to have Student Unofficially, about 850 people members of club sports for trans­ Government fund-raisers for other voted in the elections, slightly portation to and from events. groups such as Campus Ministry higher than last year's turnout. White also sits on the Council and suggested the possibility of a Every, who will assume the of Safety and Crime Prevention, "Student Government space on office of President, said, "It was formerly know as Safety and Se­ the University's home page for great to have competition becaust> curity Council. alumni and prospective students." it raised school spirit; ... it was a "You have to know when The incoming Executive Coun- good clean race." crimes are happening around cam­ . cil offered some comments on the White and Brighter will serve pus, and if Public Safety doesn't the current council's performance. as First and Second Vice Presi­ want to be the ones to do it, our "They worked very well together, dents when the ticket assumes of­ board should!" White said. were very approachable. Also, fice in May. The group selected A forum for this board will be their publicity effort this year was Will Bergmann, a junior account­ held at 8 p.m. on Monday in Col­ excellent," Every said. ing major from West Caldwell, legiate Hall. In other election returns, Brian N.J., as the budget director for the Brighter has plans for greater Crowley was elected Off-Campus 1996-97 school year. stud~nt input and involvement in Student Life Board Representa­ Ballot One now intends to Programming Board, and he also tive for a one-year term. implement the programs and ideas discussed plans to distribute in­ Roseann Longo won a seat on used as planks in their campaign formation electronically to any­ the University Senate for two platform. Every, as a member of one with a University e-mail ac­ years. Elizabeth Mallon and Daria Aquinas Photo/CATHY SILER the Student Life Board, plans to count, in order to increase com­ Sevean will serve one-year terms Students voted in the lobby of the John Long Center last Thursday. "make Student Life Board more munity knowledge of events. on the Senate. Well ness week brings health issues to light By KATIE KELLY disease and improve quality of life. The the University, many organizations hope to in the cafeteria. Chemical breakdowns are Assistant News Editor typical college student's lifestyle is not raise awareness for well ness living on cam­ now available for everything from bran altogether healthy and may foster the po­ pus. A multitude of programs which focus muffins to Pasta a }a Geno. Scientific research has proven that a tential for illness rather than wellness. Dur­ on the various aspects of wellness living The cafeteria has also initiated a new healthy lifestyle is th~ best way to prevent ing National Collegiate ~ellness Week at including physical, emotional, social and extended line of vegetarian entrees which spiritual health, are scheduled. provides students with another healthy din­ Since education is at the heart ofwellness ing option. Samples of such healthy treats living, all of the programs planned focus on as low-fat frozen yogurt, veggie burgers, educating individuals so that they might and healthy choice hotdogs were also of­ make better lifestyle choices in the future. fered. Wellness week began on Sunday with a The "Bring a Buddy" Fitness Program Giant Aerobics Class in the Byron Recre­ has provided students incentive to begin an ational Center and a special well ness mass exercise program and the Well ness Center's celebrated by Rev. Ollie Morgan, S.J. in "Earn Your Wings" contest has also en­ Madonna Della Strada chapel. Throughout couraged students to adopt wellness as a the week, various departments on campus way of life. including Student Affairs, Residence Life, Members of the Residence Life Staff and Peer Education have sponsored events have also gotten into the spirit of Well ness that provide opportunities for participation Week. In Gavigan College, the residence and involvement in programs that can lead life team has put together a schedule of to personal well-being. wellness related programs that will last In an effort to facilitate healthy eating, throughout the month of March. ARAMARK has posted cards listing the Aquinas Photo/CATHY SILER see WELLNESS, page 4 At the Well ness Center Open House, visitors could test their body fat and blood pressure. nutritional value of many of the foods served 2NEws------------------------------------ ~t~uinu Thursday, March 7, 1996 Sexual Assault Response Team {!I";bt aquina!) begins raising awareness E·ditoriaVMa:t;tagerial Staff By JENNIFER BOLLHARDT Aquinas Correspondent Alexandra Gojic Several organizations on cam­ ED.ITOR-IN-CHIEF pus deal with various social prob­ lems. Yet, until this year, there was one problem that was riot ad­ Dom Scarcella dressed: sexual assault. MANAGING EDITOR Sexual assault is a very real problem on any college campus. Over the course of their lifetimes, Andrew Lovell one in four women will be sexu­ BUSINESS MANAGER ally assaulted, as will one in seven men. To combat this problem, a wide variety of students, faculty and NEWS EDITORS Matthew Sullivan staff gathered together to form the Andrew Whelpley Aquinas Photo/CATHY SILER Sexual Assault Response Team Asst. News Eds. Keir Bancroft Yesterday, a booth in the Gunster Center introduced SART to the campus. (SAR'I). Katie Kelly SARTwas formed with the help committed to raising awareness in against the person's will where FORUM EDITOR Tom Janofsky of students, members of the Uni­ an effort to eliminate unnecessary the victim is incapable of giving Asst. Forum Ed. Adam Gogolski versity Counseling Center and pain and suffering. consent." Cartoonist Kieran Gallagher Well ness Center, and James Bryan, At the beginning of this year, This is not just rape. Any un­ ROYALLIFE EDITORS Jean Cody vice-president of Student Affairs. these students went through about wanted sexual activity between KateGroark SART's first task was rewrit­ 50 hours of extensive training to two people is classified as sexual Asst. Royallife Ed. Cathy. Ciarletta ing the sexual assault policy in the prepare for any type of situation. assault. Classifieds Manager Michele Marx Student Handbook. In place of a This semester, the peer educa­ Contrary to popular belief, men SPORTS EDITOR Pete Lieber few vague paragraphs, SART de­ tors of SARTwill be holding pre­ can be assaulted by women and/or . Asst. Sports Ed. Candace Valvano veloped a comprehensive, multi­ sentations in the residence halls other men just as a woman can be page policy that details the rights for the first time. assaulted by another female. This PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR Joan Marie Sugrue Asst. Photography Ed. Catherine Siler of the victim, the accused and the One of the main goals in rais­ is a fact unknown to many people procedures that should be followed ing people's awareness about because men tend to report sexual COPY EDITORS Colleen Coppla immediately after a sexual assault, sexual assault is to clearly define assaults less frequently than Tim Gallen including any legal action the vic­ terms so all student$ understand women do. ADVERTISING MANAGER Kathleen Snyder tim may wish to take. what is meant by sexual assault. SART puts forth every pos­ Asst. 'Advertising Mgrs. Christine Fountaine A big part of SART today is the Sexual assault is defined in the sible effort to insure confidential­ EllenMellody Peer Educators program. The Student Handbook as"Any sexual ity. The decision whether or not to members of this program are stu­ act directed against another per­ reveal his/her identity or to report CIRCULATION MANAGER Tom Janofsky dents who feel very strongly about son, forcibly and/or against that the assault is strictly up to the the issue of sexual assault, and are person's will; or not forcibly or individual victim. Dr. Carol Wallace Security Log==== FACULTY ADVISOR February 27- March 4 © 1996, University of Scranton Feb. 28 -, Tb.e investigation is continuing into the theft of ~oney from a locker room i~, the 4>~g ,' Center. ,, '- , ,, March 2 -An intoxicated stud~nt was transported to the hospital by Donahue A1nb~!a11~e~ , ', ::,:,, :, The Office of Career ' ' ' ' ~ ,, ' --~- ' ' ' ' ''"' Services March 4 -An employ~~ in Leahy HallreportedtoPublic~etyand theScraoionfoliceD~p~~~~t,', 'that her wallet was stolen from 'her purse. " ' ' ', ",' :, ,' '', ',, ._·,,· . ,' ' Would like to thank The University Community, ·l?ii_.e Al·~s - Pu~lic S!lfety -perSonnel r~p<)n~~ tQ J~ur fire a~~)n 'U~ve~itjr, ~~hJi~gs:·: :., ' , ' ' ' ~ ' ' - ' ' " ' ... Students, Faculty~ and ,, ,Escorts"' 1\vo h'undred twenty (220) membe~ ~fthe Uri.ive~ity oo~m,uriity,V:,ere, ~rted:~;:~~~llc, Safety pe,rsarinel, one hundred e~ghty-nine (1S9) of these were 'toandtor from off-ciunpu8 a~df~s~,~ Staff $or uour support in making employment Impo~t PQ~Jdng ~otic~:~ Pub~ic Safety ,~HI begi: :io~ing:;e~id:~'~,t~,i~2~r'~~ofi;, $air XX a success.
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