PAGE TWENTY— MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Tues.. Nov. 14. 1978 W H A rS Clear NEWS Cold Tonight JHaitrhpstpr iEimiimt Hr Detalla on pago 2 20 Cents Per Copy Vol. XCVIII.'No. 39 — Manchester, Conn., Wednesday, November 15,1978 A Family NEWSpaper Since 1881 20$ Single Copy Smith Responds 15$ Home Delivered The Town of Manchester’s equal opportunity coordinator has responded to recent criticism of the town’s involveinent with the federal Department' of Housing and Urban Development and related fair housing efforts. See State Budget To Be ‘Tight’ page 3. Leaf Pickups Grasso Staffs Draft MANCHESTER —Because town crews are three days behind schedule in the leaf pickup, they Holds Line on Taxes will use next week for catching No new list of streets on the HARTFORD (UP!) - Gov. Ella crease for his department. pickup schedule will be published Grasso’s administration has drafted The proposed spending package Friday. a “tight” preliminary budget that tentatively has $30 million more to The next list will be published will have a hard time keeping up with meet a state Supreme Court decision Nov. 24. inflation, but will carry no new or in­ requiring the state to provide all creased taxes, sources said today. Connecticut school children with the When surplus tradeoffs are taken same educational opportunities. y , Pet Adoption into account, the proposed $2.32 This year, the state spent $40 billion budget will be only about 4.3 million on education equalization. EAST HARTFORD - The percent larger than this year’s spen­ The new money would bring the fh Connecticut Animal Welfare ding package, the sources said. figure to $70 million, about $10 iH’., League, CAWL, will sponsor a pet The proposed budget, bound to un­ million less than the governor and adoption day Saturday from 9 dergo several changes before it Sarasin proposed during their cam­ 5 a.m. to noon at Society for becomes law next year, will include a paigns. Savings, Charter Oak Mail, Silver small raise in welfare payments, State employees are also due for Lane. about $30 million in an additional raises this year. Although sources Several dogs and cats will be on school finance money and a modest refused to divulge the exact figure display for prospective owners. More than 100 Manchester residents raise for state employees, the the administration has set aside for The animals have been in- and Urban Development. Most spoke about sources said. the pay hikes, they said the raises noculated and spaved or neutered crowded into the Municipal Building’s HUD’S increasing demands on the town and “It’s going to be tight,” one source will be in line with President through the CAWL placement Hearing Room and adjacent hallways thp opposition to housing-related proposals. dose to the governor said. “But it’s Carter’s voluntary anti-inflation program. Tuesday night to protest the town’s involve­ (Herald photo by Strempfer) what the people wanted. No new or program. ment with the federal Department of Housing increased taxes. She didn’t win a This means state employe pay plurality of 190,000 votes for hikes will be below 7 percent in the Favor Curfew nothing.” coming fiscal year. Most Manchester residents sup­ This year’s $2.15 billion budget was In this year’s budget, the governor port the idea of a curfew for town the largest in Connecticut history. It included $20 million in per capita aid Directors Support was 14.4 percent larger than the property, but many would like to to the state’s 169 cities and towns. see the curfew provisions previous year’s spending pa.ckage. The municipalities were given the expanded. See page 5. Rep. Ronald Sarasin', Mrs. money with the condition that they Grasso’s Republican opponent in the tell their citizens how much money Liquor Vote Vote on HUD Issue recent election, tabbed the governor they received from the Democratic “the nation’s biggest spender” for administration and how much taxes were reduced as a result. The Manchester Board of The directors, like the town requirements or “strings” HUD has pushing through that budget. By GREG PEARSON Sources said that money has been Directors will have the question residents who spoke Tuesday night, attached for receiving Community But the preliminary draft for the Herald Reporter coming year’s budget bears a removed from this year’s budget. of Sunday liquor sales on its are concerned about increased Development money. striking resemblance to the austerity The proposed budget represents December agenda. See page 7. MANCHESTER -T h e Board of demands being placed on the town to “What does it profit Manchester if Directors apparently will support a spending proposals Mrs. Grasso only a preliminary draft. Mrs. meet HUD requirements in order to we gain all of HUD’s money and lose offered in her first three years in of­ Grasso will have more input between referendum question to decide receive the annual Community the City of Village Charm?” Betty whether or not the town should con­ fice. now and January when she will un­ Development funds. Sadloski, president of the veil her final budget proposal in her Jog Warning tinue involvement with the federal Penny also said this morning that Manchester Property Owners The proposed budget will be Department of Housing and Urban delivered to the governor’s second traditional message to the new MANCHESTER -PoU ce Chief he expects further discussion about Ass6clatf6n,"“asked. “ New Legislature. Development. the issue at next Tuesday’s meeting. Englanders have always been proud floor Capitol office later today. Robert D. Lannan expressed con­ ’The Legislature will then put its The proposal for such a referen­ Since most of those who came to of their independence. There is Sources said the budget includes a cern today about the large number dum question was generated at little over $20 million in increased thumbprint on the spending package. of joggers on the town streets and Tuesday night’s session had been nothing we need that much to sell our Tuesday night’s meeting of the welfare aid, but most of that is The public will be invited to make the fact they are not highly visible connected with Monday night’s soul for.” board, which was attended by more needed to cover a larger caseload their views known at legislative to motorists. He cautioned meeting of the Concerned Citizens of Many seemed opposed to concerns than 1(X) residents who packed the and spiraling nursing home costs. hearings next spring. runners to wear reflective tape Manchester, he wants to insure that that HUD will demand low-income Municipal Building’s Hearing Room Social Services. Commissioner Sometime in late spring, probably and light clothing and to get out of others interested in the HUD matter, housing projects in the future. May, a final budget will be approved and adjacent halls. Most came to both pro and con, have a chance to David Kozlovich of 122 Sunnybrook Edward Maher 'had originally the roadway when cars are ap­ requested a $60 million budget in­ and sent to the governor. proaching speak —or at least listen to talk to the board. Drive said he was attending his first —criticism of further town involve­ He wants to make sure the board public hearing in 20 years. ment with HUD and the Community has a feeling from a representative He called Squire Village, a Mead Dies Development program. segment of the community about the moderate-income housing project, More than 25 persons, many of HUD question. “ill-conceived” and opposed such NEW YORK (UPD - whom spoke two or three times, "We have some fundamental proposals. Closing Law talked against town involvement V Anthropologist Margaret Mead, decisions to make," Penny said in with HUD. All received loud Bernard Johnson, who recently former curator of the American reference to the town’s future in­ resigned after eight years on the Museum of Natural History, died applause from the audience. Only a volvement with HUD. couple of persons spoke in favor of. town’s Zoning Board of Appeals, today of cancer. She was 76. See Those who attended Tuesday spoke about recent communication page 14. the HUD program. Nixed Again night’s meeting left little doubt about Mayor Stephen Penny said at the from HUD asking the town to review their feelings toward HUD. Public parts of its zoning regulations that NEW HAVEN (UPI) - For the meeting that the idea of a referen­ comment on the topic took up more were stiil determined to keep the dum question about the town’s in­ might hinder the development of less third time in three years, Connec­ Sunday closing law on the books. Big Smokeout than half of the board’s three-hour expensive homes. ticut’s “blue” law has been declared volvement with HUD will be placed meeting. Only a few of the scheduled HARTFORD (UPI) - If you’re “Zoning should not become more unconstitutional. But this time, dis­ Lieberman said the case “has on the board’s December agenda. items were even handled by the among the 45 million smokers in Penny said this morning that he liberal as a town develops; It should gruntled storeowners plan to appeal moved to where we wanted it — that board. get more conservative,” he said. to the state Supreme Court. is, to enable the Supreme Court to the United States, the American supports the idea of a referendum Robert Von Deck, head of the Cancer Society is asking you to question on this issue. All three John Tucci of 30 Castle Road said rule on it.” Concerned Citizens group, said he the federal government is attempting New Haven Superior Court Judge quit Thursday for the “Great Republican directors are expected to would like to see the town drop out of Nicholas Cioffi Tuesday said the Sun­ Chief State’s Attorney Austin J.
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