University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 5-19-1909 Albuquerque Citizen, 05-19-1909 Hughes & McCreight Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news Recommended Citation Hughes & McCreight. "Albuquerque Citizen, 05-19-1909." (1909). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news/3079 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. TRAIN ARRIVES WEATHER FORECAST No. 17.45 P. nv, V a - nr. v - No- 1 Jhod.4 No. p. m. 710.55 0 Denier. Colo., Kit fair w. No. 8 6.40 p. m. 1 cept showers lortleast partial No. p. m. Albuquerque tonigkt or 1.45 Citizen 91 VvE GET THE NEWS FIRST muisjaj. cooler iinoessT topig&f. , VOLUME 24. ALBUQUERQUE. ' V NEW MEXICO. WKDMESPAY. MAY 19. 1909. NUMBER 108 OPENING OF CONFERENCElrl.il. ROGERS, PRESIDENT Edward, fling of England PRESIDENT TAFI SPENDS SOGAR TRUST SEVERELY 0F INTERNATIONAL OF STANDARD OIL DAY AT VIRGINIA ARRAIGNED BY CLAY ISJAO DATTIEJEIOS OE GEORGIA Lake Mohonk the Scene of Expired at. His Home Before Attends Unveiling of Monu. American Suaar Reflnlna Co Most Important Gather- Medical Assistance could ment to Gen. John E. Own All Principal ing ol Distinguish-t- d be Summoned-Llv- ed Hartranft at Refineries In Men. at Fair Haven. Petersburg. America.. ST ABlE ADDRESSES NEWS OF DEATH WAS THE GUEST DISCRIMINATE-AGAIN- WERE DELIVERED DECLINES STOCKS OFTWB STATES AKERiCAN C03SO1 I Uf!iV, - ' " l ' " Address of President Butler of Had Just Completed Railroad In J In His Address He Pays Tribute Americans Pay More for tinmr Columbia University, and Pro- the Coal and Iron Districts to South as Well as North- Refined bugar Than Do Peo- fessor Sjmusl T. Dut-to- n. of Virginia Without the ern Soldiers, and Said ple In Germany-Produc- er Secretary of Aid of Outside Good Had Come at Mercy of Peace Society. Capital. Great From War. Trusts. M"h..:,k. X. .May lit. Utilisa- Xew York, May 19. II. H. Rogers, Petersburg, Y. - -- Va., May 19. Presi- es- i' rv C Washington. May 19. tion of armament ami permanent president of the Standard Oil com- W'V' ''iCk . - dent Taft was today the guest of Denlarinc tablishment of pruoo throughout the pany, and one of the most noted cap- both the states of Pennsylvania and that Joseph F. Smith, head of th world by of Virginia Mormon arbitration International tains street, died resi- at which time iho delivered church, every year fixes disputes, th:- of Wall at his the is purpose of the con- an address at Fort Mahone, following price of beets In the ference on International dence In this city at 7 o'clock this the unveiling Interest of the arbitration, of the monument and bTet sugar factories which opened hero today. More than morning. statue to Gen. John E. Hartranft, !n Utah, rather 300 than in favor of the producers nun prominent in eilueatiun.il, Mr. Rogers ar.ne as usual at 6 which was erected by the state of beets, f diplomatic, and business circles are In Pennsylvania Senator Clay, in the Senate to- o'clock and In about thirty minutes t" the memories of the day called forth the attendance. Xiehulus Murray Uutler, soldiers who fell in -- characterisation he complained nau- the fight on the of his pnsident of the American as- of numbness and battle fields statement as ''absolutely un- liranch around Petersburg dur- true" by Senator sociation, presided! sea, medical attention was at once ing the civil war. And later hn be Smooth, who is him- summoned, but before anything could came the guest of the city self in the Mormon church. Clay de- at a lunch clared Smith, Lake Mohonk. X. V.. May 19 be done for him he expired. eon and reception given In his honor. as president of the' U he Lake Mohonk on of his death was a comple'e The governors beet sugar factories of Utah, receiv- conference In .Nf" of the two states, an ternational Aribtration opened today. surprise to his ,business associates, luno large delegations of the Grand Army ed annual salary of $20,000.' Xicholas Murray Uutler, president of and there was a sharp decline in all posts and a host of Confederate vet- Columbia University, and president of stocks In which he was Interested t erans, and a number of other promi- Washington, D. C. May is.s,-verel- y the American brunch of the Aswoeia- - the opening of the exchange, but "J, - nent organizations and distinguished arraigning the sugax rll,r,ssi,lS"elis liHlleau- (l.ati Kiilaiid'H klnK 1 hIouIj falll,. In ImhIiIi tion for international conciliation of the market In gener.il wt-r- . and Ills death nuiy oerur at persons were present trust and urging; a ""' """t ""'"" IToii Is M.,W ui,. , k,V, ,,ls hiii,m, during the day's material reduction presided. In his opening address Pres remained firm. J WM, events, which seemed to '.ie especially in the duty on refined sugar, Mr. ident Butler referred to the progress Mr. Rogers was one of the mo't favored by an almost cloudless ky. Clay of Georgia, today discussed at toward universal peace active of the large group of million- In great length made by the DESTRUCTIVE FIRE his address the president cou- th various phases of the Second Hague conference, but de- aires and only recently he completed CATHOLIC TEACHER JOHNSON AND O'BRIEN pled with every tribute that made to beet and cane sugar Industries. He plored what he described as present a railroad from Deepwater, Va., 'o the union soldiers an eulogy of the argued that the consumer Is' dis- Cay emotional insunlty Tidewater, West Va., opening up ony valor of criminated against which resulted AT SAN MARCIAL the brave confederates. The In favor of the in war talk. The speaker cited the of the richest portion of coal and DIES SUDDENLY MEET TONIGHT president jaid that the battle between American Sugar Refining company attitude of England towards Germany iron lands In the eastern portion of the states had been fought, and that and that the sugar grower gets no es an instance of unwarranted Jeal- the country, he alone furnishing the while scores of lives were lost and benefit of the differential between ousy and declared no entire capital for its completion, Gullunt and llurd Work of Volunteers! that adequate Ilroili, i Matllie of St. .Michael Rolh lii Good millions of dollars of property devas- the duties on raw and refined sugar. ground for British suspicions toward which Is more than four hundred r in ire Oindllloii ami Ready tated, still enduring good He rtv College. Saula IV, Utiricd IVom Mr Iho Itout Will (io had been criticised most severely the man- Germany had been given 'by any re- miles long. Tom ii. SU the result of the conflict. ner In which sugar sponsible person, 'hMH There TmI. Rouiiiis, says Johnson. the schedule of tie continued; The president vlslte some of the the Payne bill was framed. ? . Haven, Mass., May 19. wn . 3,1.. IS. n-- .. ' - "The intensive .application of the Fair ( Fair MarciiU. lav I'hiiadelplila, move historic of the many battlefields Contending ' Su- 1 I'a., May that the American discoveries of theoretiuai science to Haven, the town in which Henrv H. Shortly after o'clock this mornln er around Petersburg, among g gar Refining processes Rogers flames were V.1."' Johnson and Jack O'Hrlen, who are them OoinOanv owns lh r.rln. industrial ha made Ger was born 69 years ago, and discovered issuing from j vt Matthew, vice president the famous Crator where the clpal refineries in many, In a. the rJZ: of St. matched to fight six rounds at the the United States sense, the world's chief where the ex tens' ve Roger summer r,'ar of the Tlngley furniture store Union army Michaels college at Santa Fe, were Nut i nia I Athletic club here tonight, undermined for thous- and is almost without competition In teacher In Its great international estate is located, everywhere bears the ln t"e Rroyles block, the Drinciiial ands of feet the Confederate fort, held this morning at 8 o'clock In the are ready for the gong. 'Neither holds refining sugar. Mr. Clay declared that school of Industry and commerce. marks of the generosity of the great business structure in this city, and planting large ex- college chapel, old .San Miguel mis- the other cheaply and both are In quantities of the duty on. refined sugar almost pro- With this over sea-trad- e expansion capitalist. His benefactions have ag-- j Th volunteer firemen quickly sion, plosives blew the fort up. I the oldest church in the Unit- fine physical condition. Johnson says hibits the Importation of foreign su- has gone the building of a German more than thrrp mllllnn H,.l. snonded to the alarm, uhlr-- ed gar ...... .. 1 1 J' M rl n ,. .1 . 1. ,, . States. Interment took place this he will end the light In thia country. He sal.i hHf navy. appears r,,. ii ..1.1. W a- - before the sixth It to be the building j."bciTna inaujr jreuis was '" nun me exctueill - w , U,terM""n ut 3 ,.!. k in Hosario-em- round, hile says the beet grower and the grow- Of this navy which has so intendent nf th .tr.01.
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