530 BEN STAFFORDSHIRE. [KELLY's .BennettG.Kensington vil.James st.Stoke Best James, The Hollies, Port hill, Wol- llillington Richd. 94 London J!d. Stoke Bennett Geo. I75 Waterloo rd. Burslem stant-:m, Stoke r • Billison Edward, I Hanover st. Newcastle Eennett George Harry, 35 Merridale Bestick A. G. 23oDudley rd.Wlvrhmptn Bills James, 56 Hill top, West Bromwich road, ''Volverhampton Beswick James Wright, Belgrave house, Btllson John, 56 Branstone rd. Burtun BennettGeo. T. TheGrove, Pclsall, Walsall Dresden, Longton Bilsou John, I·4gPenn rd, ·wol "ell ham pton Bennett J.Primrose cot.1BlythBridge,Stk Beswick Robert, Chell ho. Gt .Chell,Stoke Bilton E. Bank ho.Grove rd. Fenton,Stoke Bennett J sph. I9 Lord st.. Basford, Stoke Betham .Albert .Arthur, 53 Birmingham Bilton John, Maer,. WillGughbridge, Bennett Joseph, 10 ·wellesley street, road, West Bromwich Market Dra.yton Shelton, Stoke .. ' • Bettamy David, 7 Brunswick pl. Hanley Bindley Frnk.Hbt.283Blackpoolst.Burtn _Bennett Miss, 4Cemetery rd.Shltn.Stoke Bettany Frdk. I79 Waterloo rd. Burslm Bindley Mrs. 234 Branstone rd. Burton Bennett Miss, Dimsdale hall, Wolstan. Bettany Thomas, Rocester S.O BindonGeo.Hfl'rentValleyTd...Lichfield ton, Stoke 1 1 Rettelley William, Beaufort rd. Longton Bing Andrew, River.ho. Winshill, Burton Ben nett Mrs. Hawes lane, Howley Regis Betterby Mrs. .I Pro.~pect terrace, South Bingham W. G. I SOaks cres. W olvrhmptn Bennett Mrs. II Rupert st. Wlvrhmp1;n street, Hanley . _ . BinnsA-46Alexandrard.Winshili,Burton Bennett Mrs.Stafford rd. Cannock,Stffrd Eetts C. H. 45 Manrlr.r st. Wolvrhmptn Rinns Mrs. 14 Vicarage place, Walsall llennett Samuel,3o Princess st. Tnnstall Betts George, Victoria horu;e, Short Birbeck Chas. Jas. 127 London rd. SMke Bennett Thomas, Grove house, Rnshtdn Heath, Wolverhampton· . Birbeck Mrs. 4 East View, Hanley road, Cobridge, Burslem : Betts Mrs. Eber bo. Albert rd. Tamwrth Birch Rev. Goorge Thomas l\1.A. 221 ,Bennett William, ra, Havelock place, BettsWm.95Low.Villiersst.Wolvrhmptn Werrington road, Bucknall, Stoke Shelton, Stoke Bevan H.IB TheVillas,London rd.Stoke Birch Rev. George. Turner L.Tb. The Bennett W. 25 Merrida:e rd. Wlvrhmptn Hev. John M.A., B.D .. Merri- Rectory, Bncknall~ Stoke . Bennett W. 4 Princes rd.Penkhull,Stol.e dale road, Wolverhampton 1 Birch Rev. John, Vicarage, Prestwood Bennett Wm. Sandon bank, Salt, Stffrd Bevington Arthur J. Ciiffeville, Harts- road, Wednesfield, Wolverhampton Bennett WilJ:am, 3 Sydney st. Burton hill, Stoke . , BirchChas.R..A.Brootntield,Waltm~.Stone Bennett W. E. Darby's hill, Howley Regis Bevington G. Cliffeville, Hartshill,Stoke Birch E. Ravonscroft, New rd. Willenhall Bennett William Thomas, rB Wellesley Bevington Mrs. I4Grosvenor ter.Nwestl Birch Frederick, Avon bank, Tettenhall street, Shelton, Stoke BevinsMrs. no Dunstallrd.Wlvrhmptn road, Wolverhampton · .-. Benneworth Rev. John Somerford, Wil- Bevon Samuel H. W. 15 Haden hill, Birch Fredk. Barr (Great), Birmingham lenhall, Wolverhampton · · Compton road, Wolverhampton I Birch George, St. John st. Lichfield .Bennington St. Oswald, Leicester street, Bibb J. 'l'heOaklands,Lea rd. Wlvrhmptn Birch George Henry, The Holmes, Ford Wolverhampton '· · Bibbs Ernest., 3 Clark street, Tettenb.all houses, Wolverhampton · Bennion Geo.Blyth ho.BlytbMarsh,Sto:ke road, Wolverhampton BirchGoo. T ·37Mandev st. W olverhamptn Bennion Henry, 3 B}rch st. Wlvrhmptn Bickerstaff Rev. Alfred Leonard M.A. 4 Birch Hy.B.31 Merridale rd.Wolvrhmptn Eennion Peter Hitchen, The Hollies, ·.St. Mark's road, Wol-rerhampton Birch John, Frogball, Stoke Lightwood, Florence, Longton Bicldord H. Paradise,Coven,Wlvrhmptn Birch John Henry, Ashleigh 1 :Finchfield Bennison Mrs. Moss cottage, Endon S.O- Bickley Arthur Jn. 2 Ward .st. Tunstall road, Penn Fields, Wolverhampton Benoliel Abraham, 65 Gatis street, Whit- l~ickley Geo. 30 Florence st. Newcastle Birch John Thos. 3 Westwood ter. Leek more reans, Wolverhampton .... Bickley Mrs. 74 St. John street, Hanley Birch Joseph, Froghall, Stoke ~ Benson Hev. Jn. I46 Keeling's la. Hanley Bickley Thomas, I:l Ea.stwood pl. Hanly Birch Joseph, 27 Newbridge street, Benson Arthur Edwin, Ne\Tark house, Bickley 'fhoS'. The Hill, Barlaston,!Stoke Whitmore reans, Wolverhampton Barton-under-Needwood, Burton, BickleyWilliam,Higbst.Bloxwich, Walsll Birch Joseph, 54 Westwood road,Leek Bens on J.Holm lea, Lancaster rd.N ewcstliBiddle John, Brot.k square, Rugeley Birch Miss, Annitage lodge, Arn~itage, Benson Thomas, IBI New Hampton J~iddle J. Little Hay, Sbenstone,Lichfield 1 Rugeley · ,• · road west, Wolverhampton • Eiddulph Mrs. 377 Rosliston rd. Stapen- Birch I\Ii;;s 1 242 Branstone rd. Burton Benson William A. The Cottage, Silver- hill, Burtou Birch :Mrs. Brighton terrace, Merridale dale, Newcastle ·. Bidwell S. Drayton Basset, Tamworth road, ·Wolverhampton Benstead Chas. 24a, Shobnall st. Burton Biggam John M.A., M.D. Prospect ho. Birch Mrs. Darn S"treet, Lichfield Bent Herbert, W oodsetton, Dudley Upper Gornal, Dudley 1 Birch l\Irs. 43 I<'ord ~treet, Leek Bent John, ·woodsetton, Dudley Biggam William Halliday, 22 Brunswick Birch Mrs. Graisley lane, Wednesfield, Bentham J. T. 22 Bilston st. Wlvrhmptn place, Hanley Wolverhampton .. · '· .Bentley A. S.2o8Dunstall rd. Wlvrhmptn Bigglestone Thos. William, Hunderton, Birch Mrs. 59 Molineux st. Wolv11hmptn Bentley George, Hansacrecottage,Armi- Avenw~ road, Wolverhampton ' Birch. Mrs. Quarry lodge, Lichfield ta~e, Rugeley . Biggs John, 84Laurence lane,OldHillS. 0 BircbMrs. Theliollies,Lombard st.Li'Chftd Bentley Henry, 35 Hartshill, Stoke Biggs Sylvanus,TrentValleyrd.Lichfield Birch Thomas, Froghall, Stoke Bentley James, 122 Portland st. Leek Bigle!lr Geo. 7& Vicarage rd. Wlvrbmpttl Birch Willi::uu, Frog hall, Stoke . Bentley Jn. jun. 70 St. John st. Hanley Bigwood Henry Malcolrn, I Wood place, Birchall Mrs. 4 St. John st. Hanley Bentley Mrs. Hill side, 1\leir road, Nor- Penu Fields, 'Wolverhampton , Birchall .Thomas, 'funnell ter. Tunstall macott, Longton . · . Bigwood Joshua, Veutnor house, Powlett. Bird Rev, .Arthr.H. 85Lichfield stc Hanley Bentley Mrs. Penkridge, Stafford ; 1 street, Wolverhampton Bird Rev. Edward TrevQr M.A. The Bentley Mrs. 79Vica.rage rd.Wlvrhmptn Bigwood Theodore Charles, Ashfield, Laburnams, Pelsall, Walsall · Benton John, Wood green, Wednesbury Compton road, Wolverhampton • Bird Arthur.D. Trent Valley rd.Lichfield Bentou Mrs. 9 Vane st. Wolverhampton Bill Charles M . .A., J.P., M.P. Farle<J- Bird Da.vid, Shaw street, Walsall Benton William E . .Apeda.le hall, Holmer hall, Stoke; 2BCadogan gardns.SW & Bird Edward Ale1::ander, Nuttall house, end, Audley, Newcastle Carlton& University clubs,LondonSW Barton·under-.Needwood, Burton Beresford Rev. Wm. The Park, Leek Bill Jn. W. 15 ~lerridale rd. Wlvrhmptn Bird James, Wellington road, Bilston Beresford Alfred Edward, 8 Rectory ter. Bill Jsph. High grn. Brewood, Stafford Bird Mrs. 64 Caldmore road, Wal:Jall New Hampton rd. east. Wolvrbmpt». Bill Mrs. 4 Birmingham street; WalsaU Bird Mrs. 39 Lich,field strcct, Walsall Berkeley Rev. Stuart., The Vicarage, Bill Mrs. 57 Hawthorne rood, Dudloy Bird 'l'homas, 'T3 Sandon rd. Staffprd Abbot's Bromley, Rugeley · . road, Wolverhampton · . Bird Thos. \V m. 1 l~othenwood ter.Stoke Berklcy E. J. go Waterloo rd. Burslem Bill P. J. I05 WhieWon rd.Fenton, Stoke Bird Wm.H.3o Compton rd,Wolvrhmptn 1 Berks Miss,3zHa.velock pl.Shelton,Stoke j Bill ·T. Ashley, Tettenball rd. Wlvrhmptn B1rkett Thos. M. J6 St. John st. Hanley Bermingham GeorgeHy.7Hugo st. Look Bill Wm. :Florence cat. Trent vale, Stoke Birkin Benjamin, I3 llernard st. Walsall Bermingham Henry, Lady dale, Leek. I Billing .A. I I Wednestield rd. Wlvrhmptn Birkin George, 143 .Coleman street, .Bermingham Hy. Jas. I6 King st. Leek' Billing Fras. Rose cot. London rd. Leek , Whitmore reant~,. Wo1vex:hampton Bermingham Jas. J. 35 Compton. Leek .Billing Jabel!l H. ¥) .Stockwell st. Leek Birkinhead Arthur, Poolfield cottage, Bermingham MichL P. 20 Hugo st. Leek Billing Mrs. 28 Rangemore st. Burton \Valsall road, Lichfield .. Bermingham Mrs. 33 Compton, Leek Billing Samuel, 53 West street, Leek 1 Birks Alex_ Brook ho. Milfqvd, Stafford Bernard Mrs.77 Scalpcliff rd. Stapenhill, BillingWm.gWedrresfield rd.Wlvrhmptn Birks.A.F.18Penkhull ter. Penkhull,Stoke Burton Billingham I. High t!t.Cradley Heath S. 0 .HirksJ n. Cob ridge hall ,Sneyd ~t.Bu:rslem Berresford John Thomas, 17 Lower Billingham James. 1:55 Halesowen road, Birks Jsph. 87 Peel st. Dresden, Longton Villiers street, Wolverhampton Old Hill S.O . Birks · Thomas, 343 Uttoxeter road, Berrington Richd. Evans Walker,Graise... Billingham Jesse~ Church villa, llif,h Normacott, Longton ley house, Penn road, Wolverhampton street, Quarry Bank, B::.-ierly Hill : Birley Rev. Edward . Hprnby M . .A. Berrington Walrer, I2 King st. TunstallJEillinglmrnJ.FourWays,CradleyHth.S.O Vicarage, Ellastone, Ashborne Berry Rev. Charles Albert D. D. IS Park Billingsley Rev. Jas.36 St. John st. Hanley Birrow Jose ph, I 8 Shobnal~ st. llurtrm dale, Wolverhampton , Billingsley Thos: Wood grn. Wednesbury Bishop Benjamin.., The Hollies, Stafford 1•Berry N. T. 6 St. Peter's sq.Wlvrhmptn BillingtonC.Albertter.Wolstanton,Stoke rood, Lichiield , Berry William, 8 H.ugby st. Wlvrhmptln Billin.gton Charles, W.atlands park, Wol- Bishop Edward, I Crabbery~t. Stafford Bervon Mrs. 34 Glebe street, Stoke stanton, Stoke • l3ishop Herbert Edwin,Cliffe Bank lodge, Besant George, Wood villas, TettenhaJl Billington Joseph,· Moneymoor house, Hartshill, Stoke · · Wood, Wolverhampton _ Weeford, Tamwort4 , Bishop Howard Williarn, 2 Sutton -Best Norris E. 2 Birmingham rd. Walsall Eillington Mrs. 6r Lichfield 8t. Hanley crescent, Sutton road, W~lsall .

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