BRAS'BAND ISSUE33 BRfDcE: a link,afie, a bond,an alliance, -* aconneclion.tobandtoqether, to unifq, Aug. 1988 Courtesyo/ MusicalInstrument Division, Yamaha Music Corporation, USA REFLECTIONSFROM WHITBY With ChampionshipVI over, we cant help but reflecton our activitiesover the last twelvemonths. fu you willsee, contesting is but one aspectof our musicalyear. Our 1987 Springseason included four NONTH AMERICAN BRASSm'SBAND ASSOCIATION. INC. parades(rain or shine)for local community groups,playing the anthemsat a Blue Jays Game in Toronto, a concert with a local youth band, and playing at the old folks home for a 100th birthdaycelebration. The firstsummer event was an outdoor CONTESTLINEUP churchservice forthe 14lst anniversaryof the Anglican Church, followed by a straw- berrytea. Then we were into our summer seriesof concerts,this time in the bandstand in a local park. Every second Thursday North American Brass Band Springduring the monthsof eitherMarch or fh" throughoutthe summerwe gaveconcerts, fusociation invitesyou to perform in April. Test selectionsand adludicatorswill t which proved very popular with the local their upcoming contests.The first is the be finalized at the NABBA Board meeting residentswho enjoyed the informality of PREMIER NABBA VIDEO COMPETI. held this September.Entry packetswill be these occasions.The weather was very TIONto be heldOctober 12, 1988.This is mailedto bandswell in advanceof the event. cooperative,though we did weargloves for an EntertainmentContest and is designed in our final concert there, one Sunday in sucha way that bandswill not haveto travel October! to participate.The adludicationpanel will The Fall seasonincluded the Remem- be made up of expertsin brassband litera- branceDay parade for the Legionand then ture and performance,video production we were straight into Christmas activities. and audioengineering. Here's your chance We did four Santa Claus paradesin the to participatein a contestwithout incurring area,though experienced frozen valves one the expenseof traveling,so pull out those frigid Saturday, and could not make a entertainmenttunes and UncleBob's video soundlWealso held our Christmasconcert camera and enter!!!For complete details and played for an outdoor Carol Sing at and entry packetcontact: J.Perry Watson, the bandstand. Box 7311 NCSU, Raleish, NC 27695. Immediatelyafter Christmaswe began Deadlinefor entriesis October12,7988. rehearsinghard for our first-everrecording, The NorthAmerican Brass Band Cham- whichwas done in February.Thetapes sold pionshipsVII, VIII, IX andX areto be heldat well at our Springconcert on March 10. All in all, quite a year.All our engage- the followinglocations: ments in Whitby are done free of charge ChampionshipVII 1989 Asheville, which is our way of earningthe grant we North Carolina receive.(We do earn some money for the ChampionshipVIII 1990 Httsburgh, few outof-town engagementsthat we do.)I Pennsylvania love the varieg of musicalexperiences that ChampionshipIX 1991 Cedar thisband provides, together with the fellow- Rapids,Iowa shipof itsmembers, and feelfortunate to be ChampionshipX 7992 Columbus, ChampionshipVII will be hostedby the a partof it.We would certainlybe interested Ohio : Smoky Mountain British Brass Band, its in hearingwhat other NABBA bandsdo for Although exact dates have not yet been conductorRichard Trevarthen and Manager the restof the year. established,all contestswill be held in the Bert Wilev. JackyBramma WhitbvBrass Band 2 ruE sBAss snxD BRIDGE The lastmovement is indicated as Vivace in threefour time with a few shortsections of c'5 sixteenth notes (comfortablefinger pat- tems) among the quarter and eighth EWsrhythms.This would be an excellentpiece for a good youth band.All of the partsare very accessiblewith a few exceptionsin the THE NATIONAL BRASS BAND comet partswith all cornetsplaying a few FESTIVAL 1987 measuresof high A and B in the lastmove- Officialpublication ol the North American Nattonal Champions : Desford Colliery ment. Percussionneeds are minimal with BrassBand Association. Dowty Band (Watson) Massed Bands: snare drum, glockenspiel Desford Colliery Dowty, Brltannia bassdrum, and For, about and by British-type brassbands cymbals.A full scoreis alsoprovided. throughoutNorth Americo. Bullding Society Foden, and Brlghouse & Rastrlck, Conducted by ZITHER CAROL Czech Folk Tune Howard Snell Editor..... Karen D. Kneeburg arranged by Roy Slack &Cecil Bolton (POLYPHONIC)PRL 036D Assisfont StudioMusic Company Slde One: 1. Flourish For A Birthday Editor..... Don W. Kneeburg The Christmasseason is not too far away (Arnold/Sparke),2. Pastorale(Richards), 3. when you is 17304 LynnetteDr., Lutz, FL 33549 Trumpet Concerto (Arutyunyan/Antrobus), considerthat now the time to planning (8131 949.1022 4. ProcessionTo The Minster (Wagner/ begin and orderingmusic for this "Zither Snell). festiveevent. The Carol"would make to anyprogram and it is Side Two: 1.Prelude To Act III - Lohengrin a welcomeaddition MEMBERSHIPDUES: not to play.As it would not (Wagner/trVright),2. Mountain Song difficult a result Individual .....$ 20.00 great prepare. (Sparke),3. SpinningSong (Mendelssohn/ requirea dealof time to This Associate 10.00 Snell),4.Harmony MusiC (Sparke). arrangementby RoySlack and CecilBolton Memberband 50.00 has good varietyin scoringas the melody Thisis one of the betterrecordings from repeatsand all partsare well within a com- Corporate 100.00 the National Championshipseries in that Susiaining 250.00 fortablerange. The tempo is indicatedas the selectionof music,its performanceand no percussionis re- Patron 500.00 Allegretto, unusual musicality are excellent."Flourish for a quired,and it is approximatelytwo to three Leadership 1000.00 Birthday" originallyfor orchestralbrass, was minutesin length.A goodbuy. adaptedfor brassband by Philip Sparke. Moil to: Guestsoloist Rod Franks,trumpet, gives a INFANT HOLY (A Polish Carol) Mi!e Swollar,Treosurer N.A.B.B.A. stunningperformance of the Arutyunyan 225 W. MopleAue., Loncoster,KY 40444 USA 'Concerto" arranged by Roy Slack accompaniedby the Brighouse StudioMusic Company & RastrickBand. Howard Snell'sarrange- Need tune? ment and conductingof Wagner's"Proces- anotherbeautiful Christmas Roy relies The North Americon Bross Band sionto the Minster"istruly an inspirationfor "lnfantHoly"as arranged by Slack the lugubrioussounds of tenor horns Associotionproudly recognizesthe all brassplayers. Side two opens with an on and baritonesas this arrangementbegins. their support: excitingperformance of the "Preludeto Act following for The instrumentsin the bandare grad- III" from Lohengrinwith everyone'striple other added until a full legato section is tonguein fine form. The "MountainSong" ually The melody is enhanced by Philip Sparkedeserves special mention finally achieved. with passingeighth note lines which add here not only for the performance,but for LEADERSHIPMEMBERS: and intensity.All in all a fine pieceof thefine composition. Almost seven minutes beauty craftsmanshipfrom Mr. Slack.All partsare in lengththis piece is wellwithin the graspof MusicalInstrument Division wellwithin comfortable playing range for all the majorityof brassbands and should be YamahaMusic Corporation,USA instruments.No percussionis usedand the consideredas fine programing material. GRANDRAPIDS, MICHICNN length is approximatelytwo to three min- The secondguest soloist is Mark Oldham, partswith a conductor'sthree xylophone,who playsthe "SpinningSong" utes.Good CORPORATEMEMBERS: linescore. Another good buy. by Mendelssohnas arrangedby Howard -Don The Selrner Company- Snell.This is also good program senseto Kneeburg ELKHART,TNDIANA featurea percussionistand givea varietyof sound to the brasscolor. The highlightof Purdy'sBrass Connection this recordingis the performanceof "Har- RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA mony Music" by Philip Sparke (the 1987 CORRECTTON RayburnTours, Ltd. testpiece) by DesfordColliery Dowty Band DERBY. ENGTAND underthe directionol JamesWatson. Again, In the last Critic's Review, this not only is this a good compositionbut the reviewercriticized Rosehill Music for The Brass Bond Bridge is sponsored in-port by per{ormanceis more than worthy of thetitle not providinga full scoreto the "Orient of champion. the Uniuersity of South Florida's Deportment of Express"by Philip Sparke.This would Music, Tompo, Florido. Rosehilltoaccom- LITTLE SUITE NO.III OP. 131 berather difficultfor by Malcolm Arnold plishsince they do notpublish the piece. StudioMusic Company "OrientExpress" is published by Studio Forthoseof you who know SuitesNo. 1 Music.Apologies go to Rosehill. andNo. 2,this newworkwillcome as no sur- UPCOMINGDEADLINES prise.It followsthe sameformat asthe others October 15, 1988 with threecontrasting movements. The first movementis titled Giubiloso and is basically January15,1989 We want to know about April 15, 1989 fanfarein characterwith a softending. Solo cornetsneed a stronghigh Bb for th.ismove- YOUR BAND'S activities!! ment. The second movement (Allegretto) your beginswith a sopranoand flugel duet and Send story to containsgood legatoplaying for everyone. The BrassBand Bridge. THE BRAss BAND BRTDGE 3 WHAT IS THE TENOROF -H/-?dA YOURHORNSECTION? BULLETIN B by J. Perry Watson,Past hesident of NABBA The North American Brass BandAssociation's Board of Direc- Those of us in the United States torswill meetSaturday, September have the soundsfrom orchestrabrass 17, 1988 in fuheville, North Car- quintets, olina.This is the Board'smost im- sections,brass choirs, brass portant meeting of the year and concertbands,
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