![^ Tt(0 )D]O Core Ier Ca Ase Tr •Ial 0 1 Rdere Ed](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
- • - m CO'TKCHI I«rt W04. V9ii>r><r-wM«ri ■»< I d ai h / i o ’.s Largest Evenin / ling i\eivspaper . Ev*ntn l<l*ti<er : 72nd Year T w in Foils,i tdoho, W ednesday, DecemDc b0r29.1976 1 5 ’ -corriofd.r d*lw«fy M ore questionsIS on H ughes ‘w illIF* C o rei e r caa s e t r•ia l 0 1r d e r eed LAS VEGAS, Nev. ((UPI) - *n»e FB I’S Hnnmaj'sui fingerprint oo ' dlscov^ of Hdvla D BYBOBZUCKERMAN Holllfleld has also chargciargcd the sheriff’‘falsely doneanyiinything wrong," Ann Cover today rcilcratedJtedlheirsupportforthe ' tbe "Monnoo w m " o(.t(.Howard Hugbes raises TlnjefrNewswrlter_____________________a n d feloniously’l-tiftncdicd ana oath live different - — Asked-ed-lf he thought-he could"conlliintlpue • sheriff.-"You- slill havekc tol RO by Ihe old la w . 5 ' -------------—Tnnwmwil hlggnir quCStkMl ans,iucbaa: Wbo plotted BOIS)!S E ’— Fourth DLstrlct M agistrate(e Judge, limes that hc had tumetjmcd in ali public funds operating(ing his office' now thairthc caseic has you’re innoccnl unlll proveioven gullly," Mrs. C over f'i • W h at?, R obert;rt G. Newhouse Tuesday ruled (hereth( is collected In th e sh e rlfrsrs office.ofi proceedeDded this far. Corder replleti. “ I su re:do." do said- Was Dummar,' a gasIS BtatloQi o p m to r from enoughIgh supportlngevidenceloorderT wvin In Falls After presiding for (hree days a( a Corderder admitted he was ^disturbed” otoboul Bolh com m issioners saidsali Ihcy did nolMliink " , I'; Utah, p ait of a scbeme) l(lo rake m ore th a n tlOO CountyIty Sheriff ^aul Corder to fac'e thele felonyi , preliminary hearing on the case, (he judge the case,ISC. but expressed confidence his officcof popular support for theic sheriffs would change \ \ mniWi from tbe Hugbeilies estate with a “good > chargego of mishandling public funds In1 ddl istric t found '•Ihoro Is probableDlecause(obellcvelhalall ci wouldI continue,cc lo operate elflcicnliy ondnd the after the judge’s decision.m. j e“wlll"? , court.t. _ six criminal offenses; chacharged by (hc Slole of publlcw^rwpuld continue lo support him, " I think (he people whoho voted\ for the sheriff in . Oir b be being framedIby b; tbe Hugbes’machine Cordird e r Is charged with failure lo kcc|tecp and 'Idaho hove been comirommlKcd. and lhal (hc Despllipile tho charges. Corder wos re-clc<:lected the election will have the same confidence: In to discredit tbe wlU sodDd keep tbe bUDooalre’s turn overo' on a quarterty basis aboulu( S1.G99 defendant. Paul Corder.der. commilled these of- sherifff forfc a four-year term In a landslidelc \vole him they had when Ihcyy electedeli him." Chancey ’ furtuDetDtact? collecKcled as fees for use of sheriff.s’.s office fcnses," la st monllonth. said. Nev»daAtty. Gen.Rotlobdl Ust tdd a probate copylnfIngmachlnes. ' Corder said today heic doesdo< not Intend lo resign Counly:nly Com m issioners Williom Chanceyey and (Continued!donp.,17)., 0 1; judge Tues^y theI :FBI lBborato'i7 In Twin/In Falls Counfy Prosecutor WlWilliam and maintained hc,"ne\"never inlenlionaily has , WaiwagtoQ found ■•B v ^ Qngt^riots oo eovdopes that eocioaed1 thotl Hl«pnt«n< ^yyirrtwit ______ poaitlveIy4desUiVlQg-aoooe-ai m ade b y Ddnl-- l - - - mar'ileflttaimb. Io Ogdea, Utab, Dumanmn'f to hlit /Iwilaj that be e v a bandied lbIbe «H1 c r knew o f ils 1 existeoce befora it wasas found oa a desk in , v Mormoo c h i ^ beadqua!uairtm. It leaves him a oQBHtixteeQtb share of[ IHugbes’'vast faiune, g esUmatedatabouttlSbD:bDUoa ' : / j ;■ ^ ll ^ tt(0 )d]oS i \ y i in briiief ■A ^ US econom ic index InruNI S u p w a r d WASHINGTON (UPIl - The govcmr•nnienl’s index of leading . econom ic Indicators — which Is supp<ppc^ to foretell future v economic trends —increased 4 per centci In November, the w sJrongcst adviinco In five monlhs. the! CommerceC Department - W' ' Ir said today. Il was the sccond consecutive monttn thiy increase, following . ■ three straight declines that raised con:oncem among economic I - k'S t'-' -■ii advisers for both President Ford_andd Presidcnt-clecl1 Jimmy k s v .t.; C a rter. The composllo Index of lca«Uog indlcllcators measures 12 key se cto rs of Uie economy. Of tho 10 Indicatorsin available for B Novem ber, six Increased and fourdecliniIned. ^..V.cJr*- I T h e index stood at 127.5, com pared to to the 19(r7 base figure of P' i I 100. It was up 1 per ccnt In NovemberT and; O.fl p er ccnt In Oc- tober. The November increase was thele largest since the Index rose t p er cenl in June, J . - ' , C arter aimN for w elfaree rj e f o r m ST. SIMONS ISLAND. Ga. (UPI) -- President-elect: Jimmy Carter, in the face of rtmarics by his. CabinetC members lo Ihe contrary, has restated his intention to secseek w elfare reform and a I reduction In defense waste durlnghls firsirst ye ar In office. i “I think you can depend on ll." Carleil e r sold T uesday nlghl In ALUMINUM BOAT is ptsbeBbed toward Glenn J. pulledH b him nf|jn nnrf utfMy GoIdcnJenkeeps > ; on interview wllh NBC-TV followingB ia dinner wilh Cablnct Adamek, IS, left, by Roblo b ^ Golden, Mt. tbe boat»at baody because unddtnniwilsits Iin (be ' m cm lK rs. Saved fErom i river Oemens, Mlcb.. afltf (beI yoyouth’s snowmobile rivd' cmake tbe spot extremely dao^iin^erous. 1 In-brief remarks. Carter said his ndindminlslratlon would put feU through th in ic e on tbee EB lack River. Aftv (UPI) ) . I togclher o welfare package this year,; althougha he said "com- Adamek caught tbe end cfof (be bout. Golden ' plete implementation" may comc later,;r. He also sold culling J5 billion lo $7 billion from the Pentagon bu<cudgel “ wlli bc completed » before the next budcet." B e e f t a b u p : Saudis seeking retu rn g€; ( e s t u r e WASHINGTON (UPI) - B e e f pric.riceswlU t>.' Bl l a i n e j . l i s t l o n ^ In crea se 10 cents a pound aod por rk k ]p ric e s j o b l e s s J BONN. West G erm any (U P Il - SaudiidiOilMinlslerSheikhAh- ^ will at least S cats aa ipound, med Vamanl said Wednesday the Weslsi "h a s a friend" in Saudi _ jj wailing (or snow oeiwrMrg tiicy can go back to I: leaving avenge retail meat pricesadlghUy ti ByCHRISTOPKX)PHER BOGAN plateau,au, in new wortL"Valasekcommnil»m trd . Arabia but thal il "expects somcllelhing In return” from jjhlgbv next year, tbe prudentIt «of the TUnes-New•Newswriter - "Rathathcr lhan a tremendous upsurge in ?le «-ho As of Tucslay. tbf» JSun Vallry Co. was V; Presldcnl-clecl Jimmy Carter for holeolding down ils oil price ^A m ^lcan Meat Institute sold todoy.ay. KETCHUM - A highIgh ralei of unemployment claims.IS. what we have seen is lhat people lack lo opcratlng»lthaboulon^»nr-holf the ttaff II usually -i; increase. In 1978 o r 1979, c a n s u m m c ain n et x p ec t h a s continued In BlaineDial County Ihrough arc uncunemployed ju st haven’t goa-» b a d emplo>*i a t ih li I im e olI >rar.>rj according lo public 11 In on interview wllh Der Spiegel magagazlnc. Yamanl said the “« s c a r e s ” beef BU^iUes and " viy ^ high" E)cccmber. a montl)I lhalIha traditionally secs a work."\."Valascksaid. 0 Idaho dlydlrectorShanw-.nc-.noyan Saudi decision to Increase the pricc ofif coil by only five p er cenl beefb prices as fah n m reach tbe endendoftbe significantly reduced1 uncmploymenlum figure as Sincece imld-Octobcr. between (i50 and 730 Ii fflcc In ••Normally »Tcmt«aysy JI looproplrat Ihlsllmc stemmed from fears of a new reccsslorlon In’the Wesl and Com- currentc cattle production cycle.de. said people go back lo workwork after the fall slack claimanlants have comc weekly to his offlc l^alasck of >rar.*’ Brtoyan ufdfd • VVe havf somewhere_______ miinisl takeovers in Italy and France. FRichard Lyng, bead of thele tr a d e season. Kclchuntium to collect unemployment. V_al. ..... _ number aroUnd GjO cmpio)Td no*-! -asaodatton ---------------------------------— ------------------ “But^accordlng^trTonrrom^alnscknnanagcr'ot— sardTJutTludglngby past ycarsThesaldlhlsnur 1 (he Job senice officc• for for the Idaho Department of weeki■ekiy c laim an ts should bc cut about;lnhair In There hav cnol been.m ma asahejobIa)'offs In the London gas blasts leave e! 3 8 h a r t of Employment in Blainelaine Counly. the historical ■' whenI ththe ski season begins in December,cr. But area. Rather, people wTnAvre jusl nc\ r r hired IhLi LONDON (UPI) - A midmoming5 gasg explosion injured 38 _ I December trend hns nolnol occurrcdo bccausc of (he th is ycai'c ar th a t cut h a s nol occurrcd, year bccausc the snow«-1 has nol comc and the persons today on a suburban Londadon street crowded wilh l-^ i 1^ lack of snow. “ Thehc period wc are going through nowow w as m ountain h a s not beenifullyopcncd. (ull yearend sales shoppers, police said. iinior high[1. Oclol)cr usually seesces ia hlgJi rale of unem*. unexpccpeeled and is kind of catching peopliopic off The mountain crew*r aolonc. which Includes In Bristol, an early moming explosionon opporenlly causcd by a ^ ploym cnl In Blaine Count;ounty.Vala.'Mksaid.
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