I Pledge GENEIIOUSLY fa the Mason Hasp/fa/ htnd The ·lngh am County.N 7c per copy . 1957 4 Sections - 2b P4go' Doctors Give $84,000, Bank $25,000 To Spark Mason Hospital Campaign Six Mason doctms and Dart for a Sltcccssful completion of the Nat!onnl hnnlt lt!cltcd off the Ma­ made lhc pledge announcement. ness nne! inclush·y committco, $500,000 fund drive within the Dl'. Clarlt, Dr. A. V. Smith, Dr. son hospital campaign wilh $1Dfl.­ nl.!xl 2 wcclts. headed hy AI Rice, report cd new OOO Wednesday night. Donald A. Cairns, Dr. Mary J. pledges of $;il ,700, of wh!eh $31i,· Dexter, Dr. 0, Keith Pauley nnrl I II ll I 11 d In g the lnl!dh•ul 310 was brought in by the team Announcement of the pledge of D1·. George R. Clinton plr.rlgetl thi! hcnded by .Jim Dart. Mrs. WJ!I!nm Hluff's und tlw hunl1's pledge, $84,000. $84,000 from 6 doctors and $25,· Um totul or lliiHh Utili pledg-t•s E. Clarlt reporter! new pledges of 000 from Ihe bani< sent 275 cam· lllood ut. $1011,1110. 'l'hc mccllcnl stuff contribution $2,035 from women's clubs nnd palgn leaden• and wori<ers to wns termed a record high for a organ!znt!ons, and Nels C. I~crl their feet ln one big shout. The Dr. William E. Clarl<, as pres!· staff of till.! sl~c, compared to 1 r!hy $2,000 from men's clubs and announcement sent hopes soaring dent of the hospital medical staff, what medica! staffs have given to organizations. hospital capital funds elsewhere. The 3 committees, comp1·islng Up to the time of tllll ldi!lt· the aclvnnrc gift group, were the County Health Department off mecllnA" ut tho I.A!glnn !Ue­ only ones· reporting, with the mrll'lul hnlhllnA" Wt!dlwHduy teams, puhl!c service nncl area 11 I g h t t he total Jlledgt!~ committees to start their sollciln· DICTIONARIES Instead of Imposes Sanitation Rules lion Thursday, crowns went to the 5 Mason I 11111onnted ({I $5:i,81i0. Girls Capture All Spelling Titles . , . Sanitation ord.ers arc going out housing codes, sanitarians sairl. 'J'hc doctors' subscription was Another reJIOI't d lnnet• ~pcllmg queens In spelldowns to several areas in the county. Be· Such codes and regulations can !nc!ucled in the report of the spe· ml!ethiA' will lm next Wmhws· , In f~r;~rle spellclowns in the M:•· Tuesday and Wednesday. There cause of public health hazard~. Heather's oppr111ents ' in tlw not be made retroactive, they cia! gifts committee, headed hy tluy IWt•nlng, l'\Iuy 22, ut 7 ut t son sdwo! system 'l'LJCsday and eric Harva.th, Linda and were 65 g!J·Is and 27 boys in the county sanitarians said, lnstal!a- fo(Irth grade from area schools Oust~rlc pointed out, although they do pro Dr. D. R. Lethbrlclgc and ,J. B. Uw Amm·lcun I,eglon hull, WcrltH~sday girls won evqry spell­ were Vurlene 'l'roub and Su7.1e ,Jcrry Roswr. finals for the 5 grade titles. tlon of adequate toilet faclllt,es Is hlb!t more of the same kind of Dean, which swelled their nC\v with ull commlttm!s l'CilOrt· ing title from the fourth through Gomez, A!aicdon Center; Sandra I\ahy lwhose real name Is . being demanded. development. money total to $86,865. The busi- In g. the eighth. spelled Katherine) cashed in on 'l'hc orders do not necessarily ro'orlor and 13ruce DeMond, Ca. But where public health Is en­ A 3G-foot scoreboard, which lTcw boys qualified for tile naan; Bonnie Irwin and Hal Hur· the spelling of fugtt!v~. Lois s h I PI mean running w;.tter, the san!- dangered by concentration of stretched across one end of the Srhneebcrgcr of Can am was ( tarians pointed out, hut there spoiling championships anrl none ni, Harper; Patl'ida Warner and 00 ans dwellings without adequate toilet hall, was unveiled Wednesday Phyllis II!gbce, Grelton; David runnerup. Other contestants were must be sanitary privies pro- finisher!. facilities owners can be forced to night. The resltlts achieved by Parmelee nnrl Karl Sparlts, Rob· Larry Walton, Canaan; Connie Open House vided if flush toilet facilities are make improvements, according to Indonesians each commit Icc and the various Pupils in llw fourth, fifth nnd hinR; Janet Allen nnd Kathy Myers and Jimmy Ma1·quarrlt, beyond reach. sanitarians. Dunn; Janet Foreman and Sandra Areas affected by the regula- teams compr!sl ng these respec-· sixth grmtes r:ompctcd Tuesday CoopHr, Sandhill; Laura! Wood· There Is not going to be any live committees urc postcil on the aflcrnoon ami those in tile man and Tresa Monlavcn, Phil­ Ward, Dougilts; Neil Tripp, Cl!r· t!ons include a clump of rcsl- crusade, sanitarians indicated, but ticc; Helen Platt and Nant•y Mason's new manual ar.ts anrl 'denccs In the south end of Stoclt· Visit Mason board at each report meeting, seventh anrl ci~hlh grarles on tips; TmTy Gencha anrl Larry there will be a demand for stemly Chamberlain, Pink; Rog~r Prit.. agriculture building w!!l be open bridge, a cluster of residences on with a cumulative total aiHo ·Wt!drll'sdny afternoon. All r:lwm· 11er.d, Dunn; Colleen Mot hers ell improvement under the coun tr Abcloerachman (pro no u need shown. nnrl Susan Harper, Nichols; zcl, Chris Bergland, Judy Brown. for public inspection Sunday aft· Sheppcr road, southeast of Stock· pionships were decided at Steele sanitation ordinance. Ah-do-racl~-man, and that's his Street school. fnmes Ward and Nora Lott, Pamela Gorham and Cliarlcs ernoon between 2 and 5. It's lo· bridge, a section of Urbandale he­ One of the owners of the Stoci<­ Jewett, Jefferson. catcd at the former l<indcrgarten tween Lansing and East Lansing, complete name l and 11 otlwr In­ Douglas; Claurlinc Collnr anrl bridge sub-stanrlard cluster of donesian government officials Chnrnpinns um llmttht•r Dennis Browcrs, DuBDis; and site on Oak street north of thl! ami a section In the Maple Grove homes has agreed to raze some 1\Jt·s. U. It ShOI!mulml' JH'O· high school. community. were in Mason Thursday to leara Towns Await Sh·ihhw, <lth; lll•u·y J,,unillll· Alir·c Platt and Kristine Fry, dwellings and provide toilets for Pink. nomu:ed words W1:dnestluy School hoanl members, admin- Nearly all Ingham townships about soil conservation districts. sld, lith; 1\uhy S•!yfat·th, lith; those which remain, sanitarians Abdoerachman Is chief executive Fourth-graders [rom town nnd l'\It·s. Fot•est Uill did 1st rntors and teachers· will guide now have zoning regulations and said. Clu·isthHl \\'urd, 7th; IUHI Ttwsduy. visitors through the building -----:---:-------------.:.....______ _ of a regency in Java. He and thr. Mayor Swap Jllut'f.:'Ul'l'l Ht·own, 8th. o;choals wcra Bonnie Colbath, other men are spending a year In lane Guerriero, Ruth Ann Won· Mrs. Clinton Willis·, Mrs. Mere· which provides facilities for farm AMan of Probity cllth Loper and Mrs. Wilfred Jew- shop, agriculture, general shop, the United States studying ways Mason's welcome mat will he IIeather is the daughter of Mr. tnr and I·Il?ather from Steele ett were judges for the fourth, mechanical drawing, art and to improve Indonesian govern· out Monday for Mayo1• Paul Mur- anri M;rs. Hex Stribley. She nt· St reel, and Carol Duvall and Ron mcntal and agricultural eHi· ton or Harrison. The Harrison Reynolds. fifth and sixth grade contests. general mechanics. tends Sleele Street sehool. Mary ciency. chief executive ami his wife will is the daughter of Mr. anrl Mrs. Mrs. Howard Ocst!!rle, Mrs. El- The building cost $137,380.3·1. Pulpit wns the word which wood Mlllard and Mrs. Charles Granger Brothers, Inc., of Lan- Judge McArthur Passes Lawrence Tripp, Ingham soil head a delegation fmm the Clare R. M. Lumlansl<i. She attenri~; conservation techniciim, dis- county scat" to Mason to help Sandhill sciJOol. J{aby is llH! l'indtcd the l'nurth grade tithl Zanger were judges Wednesday. sing had the general contract,, F. Ingham county lost one of Its cussed organi~at!on of soil dis· celebrate mayor exchange day, a riaughter of Mr. anri Mrs. Roher·: r111• Ilt~uthl.!t', D. Hayes Electric Co. of Lansmg t t 't' . did the electrical wort~ and J. A. mos prom 1nen c1 1zens In t 1H! tricts and their benefits. part of the Michigan week pro- Seyfarth, Christine of Mr. and Mary Lumiansl<i nosed out I Dart_ Co. of Mason had the me- death of Louis B. McArthur, 81, Abdoerachman pointed out that gram. Mrs. ,J;~mcs Ward, and Margarc!. Ju ges c oose Marjean Waltz for the fifth grade d h cha!JICal contract. Wednesday morning.· Java has more than 1,000 people Mayor Paul Richards, alon~ of Mr. anrl Mrs. Nelson Brown. title with the SjJelling of gnash. Judge McArthur had set·ved thl! They all attend city schools, Kahy The stJ•ucturu, credit!'d as t · on every square mile of land and with Mrs. RtchardS' anrl Pollee ')thers from area schools in the one of the Hnest ngrlculture· COUll y as prosecutmg .attorney, that much of the soil is over- Chief Harry Chandler and Mrs. coming from the Canaan and 'ong l1'nc at the start '"ere Don op .• Acts circuit court commissioner and .. " T shop buildings In the stute, j 1 · worked and is undet··prodiieing.,.C:handler, w!ll receive the same ' Christine from the Douglas.
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