WINTER $1.00 1977-1978 i * j'W'. - • ■ (# 6 9 ) Shoes & Apparel for the Woman Runner WOMEN'S RUNNING TOPS (S.M.L) SHOES: WOMEN'S SIZES 4-10 • Tricot Nylon Tank (red gold royal kelly) • Lady Waffle Trainer • Mesh Tank •Lady Road Runner (gold royal gurgle 3 kelly) • Lady Cortez RUNNING SHORTS • Senorita Cortez White • Dolfin: 2-ply nylon • Senorita Cortez Blue •Sportco: built-in panty ALSO: - Socks, Warmups, and T-Shirts; Books on Women's Running, Etc. COME SEE THE NIK E SPIK ES FOR 1978: America, Interval, Triumph, Universe, Vainqueur 2114 Addison St., Berkeley 843-7767 (/ATH.ITTIC department) Hours: Mon-Fri. 10-6; Sat. 10-5 A Publication Devoted to FLEETI FEET California Traoh i ** JUNIOR COLLEGE ** PICTURES ** HIGH SCHOOL Now in ** RESULTS ** MASTERS it's fourth big year, California Track ** PROFILES ** GIRLS News has increased production ** RANKINGS from six issues to ten issues per year! This change will enable us to provide you *« SCHEDULES with more news more promptly, especially important during the peak season. Past issues of California Track News included statewide schedules, rankings, profiles, features, all time lists, pictures of California track results. Keep up with hottest track state ii States by ordering y subscription + O The shop for the jogger, runner and racer Please begin my subscription to California Track News immediately. — / have. enclosed a check or money order for the amount indicated above. 2408 "J" STREET • SACRAMENTO, CA 95816 * r < PHONE • 442-FEET Name 222 W. THIRD STREET • CHICO, CA 95926 Address PHONE *345-8160 Send to: C A L IFO R N IA TRACK NEWS 1717 South Chestnut Ave. City State Zip Code Fresno, CA 93702 UP FRONT A large group of local runners compe­ ted in the recent Honolulu Marathon, including: (left to right) Dr. Forrest "Tim" Smith, Dr. Joan Ullyot, and Pax Beale. They are all deeply involved with the "Total Health Medical Center", a non-profit organization comprised of two clinics: (1) A Sports Clinic for athletic injuries, and (2) a Fitness WINTER 1977-78 (No. 69) ONLY $6.00/YEAR (6 ISSUES) Staff CONTENTS EDITOR: Jack Leydig PHOTO EDITOR: John Marconi PUBLISHER: DeMoss Designs ARTIST: Penny DeMoss THIS & THAT 5 MEDICAL ADVICE COLUMN 17 CIRCULATION MGR.: Mark Greenough AD MANAGER: Judy Leydig LONG DISTANCE RATINGS 9 SWEDISH MASSAGE 18 FEATURE EDITOR: Len Wallach PROD. MGR.: Harold DeMoss ADVERTISING RATES 10 SCHEDULING 20 MEDICAL ADVICE: Harry Hlavac, DPM RESULTS: Penny DeMoss GUEST EDITORIAL 11 RACE WALKING NEWS 23 PREP EDITOR: Keith Conning LDR RANKINGS: Art Dudley OUR READERS SPEAK OUT 12 PREP RAMLINGS 24 "THE HUMAN RACE" 14 TRACK & FIELD RESULTS 25 STAFF WRITERS: Bill Clark, Harry Hlavac, Jack Leydig, Jack NOR-CAL PORTRAIT 15 CROSS COUNTRY RESULTS 26 Wiley, Keith Conning, Doug Rennie, Harry Cross, Dan Hints, THE RUNNING GOURMAND 16 LONG DISTANCE RESULTS 32 Bill Reinka, Richard Doty, Celeste Scanlon, Len Wallach, Jim RUNNERS' ZOO 17 LATE GNUS 46 Nuccio, Tim Smith, John Weidinger, Dare Martin. PRODUCTION & MAILING: John, Jeannette & Yvette Cotte, Santos Reynaga, Tom Dooley, Wayne Glusker, Bob Henderson, Marc Lund, EDITOR’S MESSAGE Doreen Schramm, Ray Hossler, Jack & Judy Leydig, Joe Green, • CHANGES! - We hope you like the 'new look' of the NCRR! Dave Shrock, Alvaro Mejia, Luis Torres, Ken Paul, Mike Nie- Beginning with this issue we will be printing 8000 copies! We miec, Mike & Brigette Duncan, Molly Newlon. have gone to a new printer and a web-offset press, which uses rolls of paper, rather than sheets. The press is very fast CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS: Kevin Kirby, Lorraine Rorke, Lani and runs about 40,000 copies per hour at full speed, so we are Bader, Dennis O'Rorke, Dave Stock, Wayne Glusker, Jim Hume, forced to go with a very high minimum number of copies because Jeff Searls, Jeff Zimmerman, Jim Engle, Keith Conning, John of this. The cost per copy is substantially less, but the to­ Marconi, Len Wallach, Lois Gowen, Don Melandry, Mike Fenner, tal investment each issue is substantially more...so, we are John Sherets, Mike Brown. going to be giving away a lot of free copies for a couple of issues until our paid circulation picks up. We are also set­ REGULAR CORRESPONDANTS: Fred Baer, Marshall Clark, Tom & Lou- ting up a "Salesman Program" whereby you can earn a dollar on Lee Burns, Keith Conning, Harold & Penny DeMoss, Wayne Glusk­ each new subscription that you solicit. This does not require er, Bill Hotchkiss, Dick Meyer, Bill Mensing, Wayne Moss, Dave approaching a prospective subscriber (although it can)...all Peterson, Phyllis Olrich, Chuck Sheley, Walt Stack, Len Wal­ you have to do is request 'agent information' by writing the lach. (SoCal) John Brennand, Ted Brock, Bill Cockerham, Shir­ above address and we'll get you started. All you need to do ley Davisson, Dave Pain, Stan Rosenfield, Al Sheahen. is pass out NCRR subscription blanks to your classmates, at meets (to athletes and spectators), at clinics, by mail...any Subscriptions way you wish! We will keep track of those blanks that are re­ turned (even when only a free sample copy is requested...we RATES: $6.00/Year (or $3/Six-Months) by 3rd Class Bulk Rate will return that blank so it may be used in subscribing). We from San Mateo, Calif. No multiple-year subscriptions cur­ assign you a 'number' to put at the bottom of each blank that rently available. Add $2.50/Year for 1st Class (U.S., Canada, we send you (or you can stamp your name if you wish), and our Sr Mexico); add $1.50/Year for 3rd Class to all foreign coun­ subscription department will issue you a check every few months tries; foreign airmail rates upon request (usually $10/Year). for those new subscriptions attributable to you. Or...you may Only 3rd Class Bulk Rate mailings contain INSERTS (entry wish to become a 'dealer' and get 40% discount on NCRR by or­ blanks, etc.) due to excess weight. NCRR IS NOT FORWARDABLE dering a minimum of 5 copies per issue for a year. Dealers (when mailed 3rd class) unless you inform the post office you may also earn a 10% commission on new subscriptions. Write us will pay forwarding postage when you move. Let us know when for complete details. you move please! • WE NEED SUBSCRIPTIONS: - In order for us to keep our cir­ DEALERS: If you wish to carry the NCRR in your place of busi­ culation high, we must have a large increase in paid subscrip­ ness, or simply wish to make some extra dollars for yourself tions, either individual subscriptions or 'dealer' subscrip­ or your club, you can save 40% by ordering as few as 5 copies tions. So if you like what you see in this issue, please send per mailing. Please inquire at above address for more info. us a check right away, or we may be forced to curtail our ef­ forts (which include plans for a 4-color cover by year's end) AGENTS: Anyone can become a 'salesman' for the NCRR, and it by mid-year. Our goal is 4000 paid subscribers by mid-year. does not require any 'direct approach sales'. You may simply Help us make the NCRR a better magazine by subscribing today! distribute our subscription blanks at races, clinics, etc., § get a $1.00 commission for each new subscription we receive • TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS: - You may have noted that your expira­ with your name or 'agent number' on it (we mail commission tion date (on address label) has been advanced by two months, checks every few months, not with each subscription received). or the equivalent of one issue. Also, those of you who had an 1issue-number notation1 for an expiration indicator should now FREQUENCY: The NCRR is published 6 times a year with a guar­ have a month-year indicator. You'll note the cover indicates anteed minimum of 40 pages per issue. "Winter 1977-78", which means Nov. thru Feb. Next issue will be March/April. We did this to make our issues look 'more cur­ CIRCULATION: The NCRR guarantees an average circulation of rent1 on newsstands, etc., but gave everyone an extra issue so 7500-8000 copies/issue during 1978. This consists of paid we wouldn't be cheating you. subscriptions, newsstand § specialty shop sales, and free sam­ ples. Please support us by taking out a new subscription! • DROPPING "CLUB NEWS" & "WEST VALLEY PORTRAIT": - In order to make the NCRR completely 'non-WVTC oriented', we've dropped UNPAID STAFF: All help is volunteer; profits to travel funds. these two items and will have our own bi-monthly newsletter as well as the NCRR for club members. -3- FULL RESOLING SERVICE Sparepair Loeschhorn's New Balance Athletic Shoe Service introduces the Spare Pair, a full resoling service for Tennis, Training, Running and Basketball shoes (except Converse). This service is designed to at least double the life of your shoes, assuming proper care is given to the uppers. What is the Spare Pair? The Spare Pair is a full resoling service which includes full replacement of the sole and foxing, new insoles if needed and new laces. All shoes are repaired on factory lasts (like the originals your shoes were made on) to insure that your shoes will return to you in the same size that you sent. What kind of soles are used? New Balance uses factory originals or their equivalent. Soling material is selected to match the original sole characteristics for comfort, performance and durability. What is the service time? Your shoes will be reshipped to you one (1) week from receipt at our factory.
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