the Technician ‘Volume Ll, Number 52 Friday, January 29, 1971 WWMgM V Safe And $1800 Stolen From Union by Perry Safran could have performed the the loading dock for the cafe- Dalrymple speculated that Witer theft. teria, but now stays locked at “It’s my guess that somebody who obviously knew the safe A safe containing $1,839.62 “Mind you, it’s only a guess, all times. was stolen sometime Tuesday but with the safe being on Dalrymple pointed out that was there unlocked the outside night from the basement floor rollers and the accessibility of a the safe was in plain view to all door, after the final check at of the Erdahl-Cloyd Union. loading dock handy, it is possi- construction workers from the 6:30, and came back later to The theft was discovered by ble that one man could have book tower, in addition to pry open the wooden doors snack bar manager Thurlow D. taken the safe. kitchen workers. and take the safe.” Wall about 6 am. Wall repor- “He would have had to have Once past the first door, a van or pick-up truck to load the thiet pryed open the se- A steel bar padlocked at ted his finding to State Secur- safe by himself,” continued ity Police, and Food Service the c0nd door, breaking the latch both ends now covers the in- Superintendent Billy Dalrym- Dalrymple. of the single padlock. With side door at the Union. Dal- ple. Entrance to the safe from both doors open it was s simple rymple quipped, “too little. Campus security authorities the outside loading dock can matter to roll the safe to the too late.” called in Raleigh City police to be gained by passing through loading dock. determine how far the safe was two doors. The first door is “The loading zone is a blind The safe was found yester- moved. also the entrance to the base- corner at the back of the book day in a Dart of Wake County. ment of the book tower, and tower. A vehicle can park at KEEP ‘OUT Dalrymple said that the 42 ....,. I w)‘ rig-:1 (“awn'3’ ‘ X 24 X 24 inch safe weighed doesn’t require a key to open it the dock and not be seen from ‘According to Chief of Security 500 pounds, but was on rollers. from the inside. Primrose Drive,” said Dalrym- W.T. Blackburn one arrest has :1. m."flv«- L “‘1‘.“ 'r" ‘ L, He indicated that one man The other door used to be ple. already been made. ' -9“ KMv}. FOC Focr‘rses On New Era by Mike Shields The Friends of the College concerts have provided State students with a rare opportunity to learn that in the varied world Is art more important than its environment? Can a basketball of the musical arts there is no substitute for the live performance. stadium be used as a suitable concert halt? Was there enough Founded with the intentions of bringing the people of Raleigh _ interest in this area to support major concerts and productions? and State students the opportunity of being exposed to the Would an audience from this area—relatively unfamiliar with world’s greatest performers, The Friends of the College, Inc. is major productions—recognize good entertainment when they saw now recognized as the largest concert series of its kind in the it? United States. It now has over 19,000 members with a budget of These were only a few of the questions asked before the first over $140,000, a far cry from the first year when the Friends of Friends of the College performance in 1959. The performers were the Philharmonia Hungarica, an orchestra made up largely of the College had only 3,363 members and only put on four acts. refugees from the tragic uprising in Budapest. It was an untried The quality acts brought here are very expensive. According to Officials inspect entrance where thieves broke into the Henry Bowers, Director of the Union, a major symphony orchestra and an untried audience. That night these questions orchestra costs around $24,000 per two-day performance and a Union and stole over $1800. —photo by Caram were answered in such a way as to create a new Cultural" era for major vocal soloist costs $20,000 for two days. A good ballet State as well as the entire Raleigh area. company would run $5,000-$6,00 a night, while a major instrumental soloist gets from $8,000-$9,000 a night. “The number of nights an act performs depends on the Nixon Asks For Draft Extension staging,” Bowers said. “When only part of the coliseum can be used such as for a ballet, it is necessary for it to play three nights. WASHINGTON (UPI) —Pre- would abolish undergraduate He also proposed a national Rep. F.‘ Edward Hebert, When the whole coliseum is used, two nights are sufficient.” sident Nixon asked Congress student deferments and exemp- lottery call each month that D—La., head of the House Most of the money for the Friends of the College comes from Thursday to extend the draft tions for divinity students. would ensure relatively equal Armed Services Committee, the sale of tickets. These are sold by 700 volunteers in different for two more years and appro- Congress refused his request draft liability throughout the has said he would support areas, with half of them going to Raleigh townspeople and the priate $1.5 billion to make the for this last year. country instead of having each abolition of student defer- remainder going to places as far away as Danville, Va. and local board call up whatever ments. But the request for a Laurinburg, SC. “A thousand tickets are sent each year to the military more attractive. He The President said the $1.5 student union at Chapel Hill,” reported Bowers. voiced hope this would help billion would go for a 50 per lottery numbers it needed to uniform national draft call was (continued 'on page 5 establish an all-volunteer army cent pay increase for enlisted fill its quota. (continued on page 5) by the summer of 1973. men with less than two years In a message to the new of service and “other programs Congress, Nixon also renewed to enhance the quality of mili- his request for legislation that tary life.” On CampusTowing To Begin February 1 Campus towing will resume stated the announcement. Tuesday, February 2. “Beginning Tuesday, Febru- The announcement was ary 2, 1971, Security has in- made yesterday by the Univer- structions to ticket and tow all sity Parking and Traffic Com- registered vehicles that are im- mittee. properly parked. Unregistered Towing was suspended 'be- vehicles will receive one wam- fore Christmas to see what ing. The second offense will effect the suspension would result in the unregistered vehi- have on. violations. cle being ticketed and towe .” “The results of this suspen- The only change from the sion indicates that towing must previous policy in effect up accompany the issuance of a until Christmas was in the violation to protect student warning procedures for unregis- and staff parking privileges,” tered vehicles. r ON THE INSIDE . ~31— ‘Senate Seeks Student Support’ . Wolfpack Wins Wildly Wednesday . Cartorial Captures Technician Apollo 14 Attempt TODAY’S W EATH ER Variable cloudiness today and tonight with tonight’s lows in the high ‘teens to low 205. High for photo by Cainfi tomorrow will be in'thc mid— to upper-30$. There is a The lines will be forming early Sunday in front'of the the box office at 2 pm. to get tickets for the Carolina 20 per cent chance of precipitation through tonight. l Coliseum. Students will be waiting for the opening of game. All seats for the game will be reserved. L J I!‘ ll j r . theTechnician A paper that is entirely thcproduct of the studam bodybcoomsatom the official omen Mud: Mich the W, the activity, and in fact the very life of the comm, is minted. It is the ”landmines throw]! whim (be studmts Wm talk. ail/me life itsjournal is blank. the Technician, vol. 1, no. 1, February 1, 1920 L EDITORIALS OPINIONS Students must support Sterling fight with Business Office in K W \= ¢Q> Cathy Sterling’s recent' questioning of on the verge of being downright gflgf’STUDEUTTVgFUR/D5,”, ~:£\ca Fees/”’TU’7’0“},I \\\%Z the University Business Office’s use of incredible. That the Business Office has a “@%§\ ’ ‘*> \\__.\ student non-academic fees is well surplus of student monies totaling over £1 ° l:"\ justified; in fact, such an investigation as one million dollars is truly astounding, she is calling for has been needed for and what is even more amazing is that some time now. This type of action is students have no idea whatsoever what what most students were expecting from ever happens to this surplus, or why it L t Miss Sterling, following her election as should be there in the first place. Why in Student Body President, but hp to now the world should the Intramural Athletics W most feel they have reason to be Fund and the Physical Education Fund disappointed. Sterling has performed both have a surplus exceeding their several worthwhile functions, but most of operating expenses? The Militant Middle them have stayed away from the public The surplus in the Athletic by G.A. Bees eye. One of these is hexpursuit of the use The infirmary has been the butt of many Drug Administration and varies from days to of school fees, a landmark for any SG Department ($68,735.93 for last year) jokes, accusations and nasty comments in the decades depending upon the drug in question.
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