Click here for Full Issue of EIR Volume 19, Number 27, July 1, 1992 The CultAwareness Network may be hazardous to your health Have you been solicited recently by the Cult Awareness Net­ of a mass pamphlet titled "Is Satan in Your Schoolyard?" work (CAN)? LaRouche also wrote an artiole for New Federalist, "The The last time former CAN President and "anti-cult" activ­ Theory of The Satanist Personality," reporting that the re­ ist the Reverend Michael Rokos did some serious late-night cruitment of youth into Satanic cults was "the third escalation soliciting, he found himself under arrest. In 1982, Rokos of recruitment efforts observed by this writer during the peri­ was caught attempting to solicit sex from underage male od beginning with the launching of the Beatles and mass­ : prostitutes in Baltimore, Md. Rokos was forced to relinquish proselytizing for LSD-25, in 1963. The second escalation his post as CAN's national spokesman last summer when this appeared during the 1969-70, with encounter-group recruit­ scandal hit the media. ment to homosexual and to 'neo-Malthusian' cults. The most Pedophile Rokos is just one of a group of perverts, thugs, recent recruitment escalation, �uring approximately the past and dope pushers of the Cult Awareness Network who, in two years, is establishing hard-tore Satanism as a mass-based the past months, have been deployed by the Eastern Estab­ political force in North America and Western Europe." lishment thinktanks, foundations and law firms that created Lyndon LaRouche has stood firm throughout the years CAN, to slander the political movement of Lyndon against the spreading of the: "rock-drug counterculture," LaRouche. As this report will document, the Cult Awareness against the spread of the occult,: against the destructionof Jud­ Network was created and is directed by powerful forces, eo-Christian culture. He has c3lDlpaignedagainst every effort institutions and agencies that are responsible for turning your to turn youth toward the irrati�nal, "all is permitted" world son into a dopehead, your daughter into a witch, and your outlook, and has pointed his finger at those responsible. For grandchildren into gang members or Satan worshippers, who this, he has been labeled "an aUithoritarian personality" by the fear and hate the political opposition LaRouche leads against Cult Awareness Network. ,CAN officially denounced their activities. LaRouche's exposure of Satanism by stating in its newsletter, "The Cult Awareness Network labels the approach of the CAN vs. LaRouche LaRouche organization to Satanism as hysterical." In 1980, presidential candidate Lyndon H. LaRouche's Inrecent months,the Cult Awareness Network'sblood ven­ campaign committee issued an explosive White Paper, titled detta against LaRouche has intensified. CAN has launched a Stamp Out The Aquarian Conspiracy. The report explained campaign of libel and slander against presidential candidate that the cultural, economic, and moral decay of American LaRouche. Localand regionalmedia have beenbombarded with society was neither an accident nor a "sociological phe­ CAN press releases. State legislators have received hate-mail, nomenon." soliciting their cooperation in devising legislation that would It exposed the sociologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, constrain First Amendment activities. Most recently, CAN has thinktanks, foundations and governmentagencies that had en­ attacked LaRouche's associates,for exposing a notoriousped0- gineered the creation of the drug/rock/sex counterculture, also phile network run out of O�, Neb. called the "Aquarian Age" or "New Age." This attack on the With the formation of "The LaRouche Victims' Support Judeo-Christian culture of the Westernnations was identified Group," CAN director Cynthia Kisser has asked family as a new variant on an old theme: the manipulation of subject members to monitor the political activities of their relatives populations by imperial leaders, through the manipulation of and "turn in" anybody caught giving financial support to their moral values. The British empire's use of the opium trade the political organization associated with Lyndon LaRouche. against the Chinese population is another modern-dayvariant This has already happened to elderly supporters of of this method. LaRouche, who have been turned over to CAN's network of As we shall show, the Cult Awareness Network is a lower­ psychiatrists, deprogrammers; and corrupt law enforcement level part of this project to destroy Western civilization. officials. Their aim is to psychologically break supporters of In 1989, LaRouche warned of the hideous escalation of LaRouche, to coerce them into:thinking they were defrauded, tbis counterculture "New Age" project, with the publication and to turn them against their former political associates. 22 Supplement EIR July 1992 © 1992 EIR News Service Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. What is the CAN? LaRouche. He portrayed himself as an expert on "political CAN is a network of psychiatrists, hired thugs, and self­ cults" and "Satanism." Rokos also fraudulently portrayed proclaimed "deprogrammers," whose ostensible purpose is himself as the chaplain for the Maryiland State Police. to rescue family members who allegedly have been brain­ Cynthia Kisser, the executive director of the Cult washed into joining cults. Once "rescued" and recruited to Awareness Network and leader of the anti-LaRouche drive, CAN, they are given a carefully crafted belief structure and was once a topless dancer, reports tqe July 1991 issue of The they take on a new personality and purpose in life. They Religious Freedom Alert: "Accordihg to [an] affidavit, Ms. become obsessed with stopping those that CAN defines as Kisser formerly worked as a topless' dancer at the Blue Note "cults." CAN has targeted Lyndon LaRouche, branding his Lounge in Tuscon, Arizona."The affidavit,which was sworn political association a "political cult." by one of Ms. Kisser's professional collegues at the Blue CAN runs financial and media warfare against target or­ Note, also reports that Ms. Kisser was fired due to "her ganizations, promotes the physical kidnapping of members inability to get along with co-work¢rs and customers." Re­ and supporters of these organizations by thugs called "depro­ cently, Kisser took to the airwaves and newspapers to protect grammers" and "exit-counselors," and assists in civil and a pedophile ring in Omaha, Neb. Sbe denounced LaRouche criminal legal cases, including the preparation of depro­ associates' detailed exposure of this. network as a mind-con­ grammed former "cult" members as government witnesses. trol technique used to "keep the troops revved up." But CAN members are not their own bosses. The "anti­ Galen Kelly is the titular head of "security" for CAN and cult" movement is a sophisticated project of Wall Street is its current "LaRouche expert." The security apparat is used banking and intelligence families which has a hierarchical to keep CAN members "inline," accofdingto formermembers. structure, summarized in the flowchart on this page. CAN recruits and abductees are trainednot to trust "outsiders." The American Family Foundation (AFF) is the "mother" Kelly is a "deprogrammer" who has been convicted of of CAN. The AFF is composed of premier psychiatrists and assault and has had his pistol license revoked. Kelly has psychologists such as Dr. Louis Jolyn West and Margaret carried out "deprogrammings" with Harlin Killstein of the Singer, who were major participants in the CIA's mass drug­ terroristJewish Defense League, whose associate Mordechai pushing project. Known as MK-Ultra, the CIA's project ex­ Levy was recently convicted of attempted murder in New perimented with the use of LSD, the synthetic narcotic semi­ York City. Kelly works with the Jewish Community Rela­ nal in creating the rock/drug/sex counterculture. tions Service Task Force on Missioparies and Cults, and is CAN's activities are also aided and protected by the Anti­ known to work with the FBI and IRS. Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (ADL), which uses the Kelly is assisted by Larry Zilliox, CAN's nominal chief label of "anti-Semitism" to smear anyone daring to expose its of security, and Larry Kahaner, whO run a private detective gangster/dope lobby connections. Another crucial element to firm in Alexandria, Va. Zilliox, whQ reportedly works under the direction and activity of CAN and their associate organi­ scores of aliases, has an expertise in the methods needed for zations is the Jewish Community Relations Council's (JCRC) successful kidnappings and deprogrammings. Taskforce on Missionaries and Cults. Sources reportthat Kelly is fanatically dependent on New Although CAN brags of 32 chapters across the United Age herbal teas. States, its membership is made up of loosely affiliated small John Overington, the West Virginia State Delegate groups of former "cult" members and their parents. Its direc­ working with the Cult Awareness Network against tors, planners, deprogrammers, and theoreticians, however, LaRouche, and a recent political bopster of Iran-Contra fig­ are a motley group with a strange propensity toward deviant ure Oliver North, was the chief sponsor of a West Virginia behavior. They include: House bill which required X-rated peep show parlors to pro­ The Rev. Michael Rokos, the former President of the vide their patrons with lavatories s�. they might freshen up Cult Awareness Network, who recently resigned due to expo­ after their heated activities! sure of his sexual preferences for young boys. He is touted Aside from his concern for the peep-show clientele, by the ADL and affiliated media outlets as an expert on "the Overington has expressed a desire to tear up the Constitution LaRouche cult." as it is applied to political freedoms. He is circulating a letter In October 1990, news stories broke in the Baltimore Sun to state legislators urging his colleag"\les to report the political and elsewhere that Rokos had been arrested in July 1982 for activity of LaRouche associates in their home districtto CAN soliciting sex with a Baltimore vice squad officer posing as and law enforcement authorities! The same letter urges that a minor.
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