SUNNY Saint Mary’s features Celtic music Monday Saint Mary’s kicks off its annual Shaheen Discovery series with the H IG H 76° flavors of Celtic music, featuring Kennedy’s Kitchen, SEPTEMBER 10, LOW 55° news ♦ page 14 2 0 0 1 O b s e r v e r The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s VOL XXXV NO. 10 HTTPV/OBS ERVER.ND.EDU Notre Dame remains in top 20 tion keeps Notre Dame in its “But our stance really hasn’t Prior to the list’s publishing pare itself to other schools in By JASON McFARLEY top-20 spot among national changed e ach y e a r, specific categories. News Editor universities. o v e r the Notre Dame Notre Dame’s best ratings Princeton University placed years as far “...if there is going to be a officials vol­ came in the graduation rate For the third consecutive first on the list for the second as rankings list of the top colleges in untarily sub­ and alumni giving categories, year, Notre Dame ranked 19th straight year. a re c o n ­ mit statisti­ achieving fourth-place distinc­ America, we should be in in U.S. News & W orld Report’s “We believe that if there is cerned,” c a l d a ta tion in both. The school was annual listing of the nation’s going to be a list of the top Moore said, that list. ” a b o u t th e 14th in selectivity and 16th in top schools. colleges in America, we should referring to Dennis Moore s c h o o l to faculty resources. In the Sept. 17 edition of the be on that list,” Dennis Moore, the slim use director of public relations U.S. News, a And despite a hugely lucra­ magazine released to news­ Notre Dame director of public t h e practice tive end this year to the $1 bil- stands today, the “2002 relations and information, said U n iv e r s it y Moore said America’s Best Colleges” sec­ Sunday. makes of the annual report. allows the University to com­ see RANKING/page 4 Norton/Moscona R ed S ea crashes dow n on I rish plans year’s activity diversity division, they By ERIN LaRUFFA explained, is planning several Associate News Editor events, including discussion groups in dorms and a multi­ After assuming their posi­ cultural fair. tions at the middle of last Although Norton said she semester, student body presi­ does not believe Notre Dame dent Brooke Norton and vice lacks unity, she added that president Brian Moscona said she hopes her office can foster they are ready to put their an even greater “sense of plans for the Notre Dame inclusiveness here on cam­ community into action. pus.” “We got things together “We’re already a very uni­ rather quickly,” said Jonathan fied student body,” said Jorissen, Norton and Norton. “But there is always Moscona’s chief of staff. “It room for improvement.” was a natural progression this The multicultural fair, semester.” scheduled for November, will According to Norton, the feature ethnic student groups office of the student body from campus. Jorissen said he president has four goals for hopes that incorporating a the year: to increase campus variety of cultural groups into unity, to improve communica­ the fair will encourage all stu­ tion with the student body, to dents to attend the event. develop the ideal servant “I think that when people leadership within the office of see an ad for a m u ltic u ltu ra l PETER RICHERDSON/The Observer the president, and finally, to event, they think it’s just for Demoine Adams (98), Chris Kelsay (57) and Mark Vedral (9) surround Irish quarterback increase collaboration among people of that group,” Carlyle Holiday in the third quarter of Nebraska’s 27-10 victory. Holiday replaced starter Matt different groups within the Jorissen said. “The multicul­ LoVecchio in the second quarter and led the Irish on a 64-yard field goal drive. For complete Student Union. tural fair will help address “We think all these things th a t.” coverage of Notre Dame’s season opening loss, see the Irish Insider. go hand in hand,” Moscona Groups w ill serve ethnic said. When they ran for elec­ food and distribute education­ tion last March, he added, al information on their cul­ everything on their platform tures. After the fair, there will related to these four goals. be a salsa dance. ND prof to advise Bush Now that they are in office, “That’s going to be fun,” ops Tuesday, according to Elizondo earned the distinction pursuing these objectives, Moscona said. By JASON McFARLEY for his attempts to unite the according to Norton, will Another diversity-related Father Dan Groody, Elizondo’s News Editor Mexican-American community “make Notre Dame a better event is also in the works for colleague in the University’s in his native San Antonio. place and help us reach the the spring, although plans theology department and A Notre Dame professor wide­ As re c e n tly as last sp rin g , students.” have not been finalized yet. Institute for Latino Studies. ly regarded as a top Latino the­ Elizondo commuted weekly In relation to their first goal, When it comes to their sec­ The meeting follows Bush’s ologian is taking his message between the University and San Norton, Moscona and Jorissen ond goal, Norton, Moscona conference last week with from the classroom to the White said they believe student gov­ and their staff have developed Mexican President Vincente Antonio. House. Elizondo will be an important ernment can play a role in several initiatives that they Fox. Father Virgilio Elizondo, a vis­ voice in W ashington as w ell, increasing campus unity by believe w ill allow them to “He’s been chosen as one of iting professor of theology and Groody said. providing opportunities for increase communication the leading Latino theologians Latino studies w ill travel to “It’s not just an important students to learn about other between their office and the to meet with the president and Washington today for a Tuesday event for him ; it should be an cultures. student body. join these bishops to talk about meeting where he’s expected to “You can’t force people to “We’re trying to reach out certain issues that Hispanics important event for the counsel President Bush on University since he is represent­ do things, but you can act as to students,” said Norton. She deal with today,” Groody said issues facing the U.S. Latino an initiator,” Jorissen said. added that her office wants Sunday. ing Notre Dame as well,” population. The office of the president students to share their ideas In January, Time magazine Groody said. At the president’s invitation, plans to rely on its diversity for what student government recognized Elizondo as a spiri­ division, one of its several Elizondo will meet Bush and tual innovator in its series several Hispanic Catholic bish­ Contact Jason McFarley at specialized divisions. The see PLAN/page 4 “Time 100: The Next Wave.” [email protected] page 2 The Observer ♦ INSIDE Monday, September 10, 2001 Inside C olumn T his W eek on Ca m p u s Your excuse? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday I live in the Snowbird State. A place where old ♦ Seminar: “ Bosch ♦ Lecture: “ God and ♦ Lecture: “American ♦ Film: “El diablo nunca people and Buicks flourish, and a place where Foreign Policy Challenges,” duerme - The Devil Never people cautiously drive five miles under the Management Development Ceasar: Church and Public speed limit due to the camper they are towing. Seminar,” all day, McKenna Life,” Shirley Williams, 4 Lee Hamilton, former U.S. Sleeps,” 7 p.m., Room So, when I ventured out onto South Bend’s Cleveland Road yesterday, I p.m., Hesburgh Auditorium Congressman, 7 p.m., 141, DeBartolo was shocked to see a ♦ Conference. Ungaretti + Film: “Taste of Cherry,” C-100 Hesburgh Center ♦ Film: “Lonestar,” Malibu weave through traf­ ♦ Event: Senior Seminar in 4:30 p.m., Debartolo fic and zoom by me. While I and Harris Placement 7 p.m., Montgomery continued to drive, my English Literature, 6 p.m., brother, who was in the Presentation, 5:30 p.m., Theatre, LaFortune passenger seat added, “ He McKenna Hall Stapleton Lounge wasn’t wearing his seat­ belt.” We both looked at each other, and continued to Kelly Hager drive in silence. BEYOND CAMPUS Compiled from U-Wire reports In high school, I lost two close friends in an automo­ bile accident. There was no Copy Editor BYU student back in school after Real World alcohol involved, just three students and three unused PROVO big part of my life,” she said. seatbelts. Two days before Julie Stoffer is back in Provo, Utah, Stoffer said she has no awkward graduation, the senior class lost its class vice and she’s headed for the big screen. 7 was on camera when a ll the feelings about being back in Utah. president and secretary. Their names remained The former Brigham Young controversy was going on, I “I love being here. I was on camera in the program, yet their seats were vacant at University student, widely known for found out about being kicked when all the controversy was going graduation. Tearful families accepted the diplo­ her role on MTV’s “The Real World,” on. I found out about being kicked out mas which their son and daughter had rightfully is making a cameo appearance in out of school from a reporter." of school from a reporter,” she said.
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