3628 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-:..'SENATE APRIL 24 PosTMASTERS word. Forgetting that ever there stand­ thelr respective offices, etc., for the quarter ALABAMA eth Thine immutable law that only the ending June 30, 1944 (with accompanying Helen E. Sellers, Banks. meek finally inherit the good life, refus­ p~pers); to the _committee on Civil Ser~ice. Attie D. Hancock, Gardendale. ing to bend at the lowly gate of humility CLAIM OF J. FLETCHER LANKTON AND JOHN N. Paul B. Curtis, Glenwood. and sacrifice, he has lost the road to ZIEGELE Duncan G. Kimbrough, Hat·persville. truth and goodness and reaps in this A letter from the Comptroller General of ARKANSAS awful hour the bitter harvest of cruelty, the United States, transmitting, pursuant Louella Boswell, Almyra. persecution, division, and dissension. to law, his report and recommendation con­ Mary L. Cherry, Bay. From the valley of futility and despair cerning the -claim of J. Fletcher Lankton Claude Gregory, Cash. we lift our eyes to the hills of eternal and John N. Ziegele against the United States Harriet M. Shrigley, Coal Hill . (with an accompanying report); to the Com­ verities which stab the horizon like great mittee on Claims. Erma M. Odom, Fulton. and glorious steeples pointing to the sky; CALIFORNIA for we know our help and our hope is in PAYMENT FOR AccUMULATED LEAVE DuE Gov­ William H. Frost, Etiwanda. Thee who made heaven and earth. ERNMENTAL OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES A letter from the' President of the United INDIANA "God the All-righteous One! man hath States Civil Service Commission, transmit­ Ruth I. Perin, Glenwood. defied Thee; ting a draft of proposed legislation to pro­ Maurice G. Fougerousse, Jasonville. Yet to eternity standeth Thy Word; vide for lump-sum payments for · accumu­ Crystal B. Shaw, Markleville. Falsehood and wrong shall not tarry lated leave due to Government officers and Claude M. Bowman, Norman. beside Thee; employees at death or upon separation from KENTUCKY the service (with an accompanying paper); Give to us peace in our time, 0 Lord." to the Committee on Civil Service. Thomas E. Rite, Philpot. We ask it in the dear Redeemer's name. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE SENATE MAINE Amen. (B. Doc. No. 185) Hilda E. Sawtelle, East Wilton. THE JOURNAL A letter from the Secretary of the Senate, MISSISSIPPI On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by transmitting, pursuant to law, his annual Irma E. Blanks, Collinsville. unanimous consent, the reading of the report for the. fiscal year ended June 30, Sallie C. Walker, Lauderdale. 1943 (with an accompanying report); ordered Journal of the proceedings of the calen-· to lie on the table and to be printed. Charles E. Elliott, Mayersville. dar day Friday, April 21, 1944, was dis­ Bessie Abernathy, Woodland. pensed with, and the Journal was ap­ FEBRUARY 1944 REPORT OF RECONSTRUCTION NEW YORK proved. FINANCE CORPORATION Luther C. Empie, Guilderland Center. A letter from the Chairman of the Board MESSAGES ~OM THE PRESIDENT of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, OKLAHOMA Messages in writing from the Presi­ transmitting; pursuant to law, a confidential William F. Goff, Jones. dent of the United States submitting report of the transactions of the Corporation for the month of February 1944 (with ac­ SoUTH CAROLINA nominations were communicated to the companying papers); to the Committee on Norton H. Campbell, Jr., Pendleton. Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his secre­ Banking and Currency. taries. WEST VIRGINIA REPORT OF OFFICE OF PRICE ADMINISTRATION Thomas J. Evans, Chattaroy. EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. A letter from the Administrator, Office of Loma L. Nester, Eckman. The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Price Administration, submitting, pursuant John E. Hafer, Elkview. to law, the eighth report of the Adminis­ Harry 0. Lockman, Helen. Senate the following letters, which were referred as indicated: tration covering the period ended December Usher A. Cobb, Kopperston. 31, 1!il43 (with an accompanying report); to Clara L. Hardy, Montcalm. FOREIGN RELATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES, the Committee on Banking and Currency. James H. Trail, Winding Gulf. 1929, VoLUMES n AND III A letter from the Secretary of State, call­ ELECTRIC POWER REQUIREMENTS OF INDUSTRIAL ESTABLISHMENTS WITHDRAWAL ing attention to the release of three vol­ umes entitled "Papers Relating to the For­ A letter from the Chairman of the Federal Executive nomination withdrawn from eign Relations of the un·ted States, 1929," Power Commission, transmitting, for the in"­ the Senate April 21 (legislative day of and stating that copies of the document edi­ formation of the Senate, a copy of its newly April 12), 1944: tion of the set (H. Doc. No. 517, 71st Cong., issued report entitled "Electric Power Re­ 2d sess.) will be available to Members from quirements of Industrial Establishments" NATIONAL HOUSING AGENCY the folding room (with accompanying pa­ 1939-42 (actual) and 1943 and 1944 (esti­ Philip M. Klutznick to be Federal Public pers); to the Committee on Foreign Rela­ mated) (with an accompanying report); to H~'using Commissioner. tions. the Committee on Commerce. AMENDMENT OF ACT GRANTING INCREASED CHAIRMANSHI~ OF COMMITI'EE ON THE COMPENSATION TO SUBSTITUTE POSTAL EM­ DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA PLOYEES The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the SENATE A letter from the Acting Postmaster Gen­ eral, transmitting a draft of proposed legis­ Senate a letter from Alpha Omega MoNDAY, APRIL 24, 1944 lation to amend an act to grant increases in Chapter of the Omega Psi Phi Frater­ compensation to substitute employees in nity, Washington; D. C., relating to the <Legislative day ot Wednesday, April 12, the Postal Service, and for other purposes, chairmanship of the Senate Committee 1944) Public, No. 266, Seventy-eighth Congress, on the District of Columbia, which was chapter 134, second session (H. R. 2836), referred to the Committee on the Dis­ The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, approved March 24, 1944 (with an accom­ trict of Columbia. on the expiration of the recess. panying paper); to the Committee on Post The. Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown Offices and Post Roads. ST. LAWRENCE SEAWAY- RESOLUTION OF CHAMPLAIN VALLEY COUNCIL Harris, D. D., offered the following INDIAN IRRIGATION PROJECTS DATA prayer: A letter from the Acting Secretary of tbe Mr. AIKEN. Mr. President, I present Our Father God, as a new day lights Interior, transmitting, pursuant to law, a for printing in the RECORD and ask to up a stricken and struggling world and statement of costs, cancelations, and miscel­ have referred to the appropriate com­ a battle raging with ever-increasing fury, laneous irrigation data pertaining to Indian . mittee a resolution favoring the St. Law- our weary souls seek the pavilion of Thy irrigation projects, compiled as of June 30, rence seaway adopted by the executive 1943 (with an accompanying statemj)llt); to committee of the Champlain Valley changeless love where beyond these the Committee on Indian Affairs. voices there is peace. The earth which · Council on April 17 last. waits to be a watered garden and the PERsONNEL REQUIREMENTS There being no objection, the resolu­ Letters from the Under Secretary of the tion was referred to the Committee on happy habitation of Thy children, Interior, the Chairman of the Federal De­ whom Thou has made of one blood, lies posit Insurance Corporation, and the Acting Foreign Relations and ordered to be in darkness, anguish, and tears, rocked Chairman of the Securities and Exchange; printed in the RECORD, as follows: by explosive hatred. Man has forsaken Commission, transmitting, pursuant to law, Whereas the Champlain Valley Council has meekness and mercy and slighted Thy estimates of personnel requirement_s for consistently advocated the St. Lawrence 1944 CONGRESSIO-NAL RECORD-SENATE 3629 seaway. as embodied in the pending Aiken­ tary of the Navy, and fo:· other purposes; trial workers, with the idea that the Pittenger bill now before the Congress; and with an amendment (Rept. No. 806); and agricultural manpower shortage has Whereas the taxpayers have in 2 years H. R. 3176. A bill to regulate the furnish­ already paid, in subsidies and lost income ing of artificial limbs or other appliances to been very materially alleviated by the from direct electrical and transportation retired officers and enlisted men of the Army, provisions of the Tydings amendment, benefits, more than the cost of the St. Law­ Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard and to and that if it is extended to include in­ rence seaway itself; and certain civilian employees of the military and dustrial workers, it can materially assist Whereas the shortage of feed, fuel, and naval forces of the Regular Establishment; in meeting what is unquestionably a other farm and civilian supplies, caused without amendment (Rept. No. 807). very serious problem in that field, as has largely by the lack of proper water trans­ ENROLLED BILL PRESENTED been repeatedly pointed out by the Sen­ portation, now retards the development, not ator from Vermont. If we stop this only of the farm, but of mining and the Mrs. CARAWAY, from the Committee turn-over in industry of the men between industries of the northeastern states, espe­ on Enrolled Bills, reported that on April cially as compared with other sections of the 18 and 45, which he has so forcefully United States; and 21, 1944, that committee presented to the pointed out, we will contribute to accom­ Whereas the cheap power generated and President of the United States the en­ plishing certain of these results: distributed would create a n_ecessary and rolled bill (S. 866) to fix the compensa­ First. We may not have to reallocate vast improvement in the agricultural and tion of registers of the district land of­ so many contracts. general welfare of labor in industry, through­ fices in accordance with the Classifica­ . Second.
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