THE ECONOMIC WEEKLY November 12, 1960 Our Delhi Letter Moscow or Peking? WITH their five leaders Ajoy only an agitational slogan? Can bility; therefore, there was no need Ghosh, Dange, Narnboodiri- peaceful transition to socialism ever for its representatives to vote against pad. Rammurthi and Bhupesh be a reality ? it. Gupta away in Moscow on a dele­ An elucidation of these differences gation to the International Commu­ To the Indian Communists, the differences between Moscow and Pe­ is necessary because the CPI today nist meet, the Communists in the is divided between the upholders of party headquarters are in a state of king on these issues are now fairly clear. In Moscow's eyes. whatever these conflicting viewpoints. B T suspense. Will there be a showdown Ranadive. P Sundarayya. Harkisen with the Chinese or will there be the nature of imperialism, the bal­ ance of forces in the world today Singh Surjeel and the ruling group some concessions from either side? in the party's West Bengal unit Two months back, the CPI Central is such that war may be prevented. Though Moscow does not say it broadly subscribe to the Chinese Executive passed a resolution de­ view while Dange. X A Ahmed and fining its stand in relation to the explicitly, it has also come to nearly accepting that there will be no vic­ Ajoy Ghosh consistently support the controversy that was raging bet­ Soviet view. It was not before ween Moscow and Peking, and in tor country in a nuclear war. for life can be wiped out within minu­ Khrushchev's open attack on the this they supported the Moscow line. Chinese leader in Bucharest that The resolution has since been dis­ tes. According to the thesis Peking is believed to have submitted to the Namboodiripad. Rammurthi or Bhu­ cussed in the State Councils but pesh Gupta sided with Ajoy Ghosh withheld from the public on the Conference for discussion, war is in­ evitable as long as capitalism exists. or Dange. The politics of individual ground that criticism of a sister Communist leaders, however, is not parly in public is not desirable. To believe that war is not inevitable is to spread illusions about peace. very important for our purpose. But how firm is the conviction be­ The most that can be attempted is The resolution of the Central Exe­ hind this censuring of the Chinese prevention of nuclear war as dis­ cutive Committee which reflects the Maud? Has not the desire to be tinct from conventional war. Obvi­ opinion of the majority of the lead­ on the winning side decided the is­ ously, it gives inadequate attention ership has this to say. Lenin's thesis sue? The solid support of the East to the possibilities and consequences about the inevitability of war held European parties for the Soviet po­ of a conventional war leading to good between the first and second sition left nobody in doubt that Mos­ nuclear war. world wars, but some "basic chan­ cow was going to win. But this is ges have taken place in the world not all. The devastating effect of Basing themselves on these conflic­ situation since the last war which in­ the Chinese policy was clearly de­ ting premises. Moscow and Peking validate the thesis about inevitabi­ monstrated on Indian borders and reach different conclusions about lity of war in the epoch of impe­ the CPI's wobbling caused its isola­ peaceful co-existence. Some Soviet rialism. By wav of drawing a con­ tion from the nation's life stream. theoreticians have even concluded trast between the pre-war and post­ The national and international pres­ that "it is not necessary for ideas war situations, the resolution points sures therefore forced the CPI to of socialism to triumph throughout out that before the las! war when­ the position it has now taken. the world". China points to these ever war was averted, it was only statements as dire distortions of Press reports that Mao himself postponed temporarily, by the re­ Marxism and the inevitable result of would lead the Chinese delegation treat of democratic forces before accepting co-existence as a faith. The chilled many. It set off some spe­ fascism. But in the post-war period, Peking thesis accuses the Soviet culation in Delhi as to whether the successive crises in Korea. Viet­ Union of picturing hot war as the Rammurthi. Bhupesh Gupta and nam. Suez. Lebanon and Iraq have, only alternative to peaceful co-exist­ even Namhoodiripad. who till re­ in each case, weakened imperialism ence. Isn't there another alterna­ cently showed left-wing inclinations, and in each case the war was avert- tive, the cold war? Why. then, would not sever from the Central led by the retreat of imperialism. raise a scare about war and blunt Executive's resolution. There is Starting from this premise, the the edge of anti-imperialist strug­ sigh of relief heaved now that Mao Central Executive gives its support gles? As for the danger of cold has decided not to attend the Moscow to the Soviet stand in relation to war breaking out in the form of hot conclave. It has been interpreted as peaceful co-existence and disarma­ war. the socialist forces can take a sign of the Chinese reluctance, ment. It points out that peaceful care of themselves, the Chinese completely to break off relations with co-existence does not stop class strug­ argue. Moscow and the overwhelming ma­ gle within each country; it is. there­ jority of the Communist parties. If Again in China's view, talk of fore, wrong to suggest that such an the worst comes to the worst, the disarmament is good because it helps understanding dulls the anti-war and tallest leader in China can start ne­ to expose the West. And peaceful anti-imperialist consciousness of the gotiations later. transition to socialism? Yes. theore­ working class. The resolution revi- ves the concept of peaceful competi­ The ideological and political de- tically its possibility need not be tive co-existence under which the hales in the Communist meet are ruled out but it is unlikely to happen sound socialist system has nothing likely to centre on four major issues. in real life. Explaining why the to fear and capitalism, torn by its Is war inevitable? Is peaceful co­ Chinese delegates supported the own contradictions and unable to un­ existence an article of faith or a Bucharest communique, the Commu­ leash a war to find a solution, crum­ mere tactical approach? Is disarma­ nist Party of China says that the bles under its own weight. ment to be devoutly desired or is it resolution spoke only of the possi- 16433 November 12, 1960 THE ECONOMIC WEEKLY The difference between China on relations, some recalcitrant units, losing its character was entertained the one hand and Soviet Union and eg West Bengal and Punjab, might by many members of the sub-commi­ the CPI on the other over the role continue to flout the Centre's resolu­ ttee on Stale undertakings that was of the "bourgeoisie and the govern­ tion until the moral effect of the set up last year by the Congress ments of the newly liberated coun­ Moscow decision inspires the rank- Parliamentary Party under the chair­ tries", is particularly noteworthy. and-file to put a stop to the dogma­ manship of Shri V K Krishna Menon. According Jo the Chinese, capitalism tists' pipedream. The fact that the The representatives of the Reserve in Asia is weak in relation to im­ Centre's warning to Mr Konar (who Bank were from the beginning doubt­ perialism and is bound to line up recently shot into prominence by his ful of the usefulness of the proposed with the latter, whatever its attitude uninhibited espousal of the Chinese change. They did not think that it in the beginning. The Chinese cite line) has been taken as an empty would lead to the mobilisation of the Government of India and Nehru gesture proves that nothing short of more resources; the capital would is an instance and allege that they a rank-and-file revolt can cure the come either from the sale of Govern­ are "leaning more and more on im­ dogmatists. ment securities or national certificates. perialism and coming out in their * * * And even if the funds were diverted true reactionary colour in domestic from the private sector, it would policies". Differing with this view, SHAREHOLDING IN GOVT COS. create problems for the fulfilment of the CPI Central Executive says that The report of the study group on the Plan for that sector. But since "Republic of India has made a not­ public participation in the share there might be some investors whose able contribution to the building of capital of State enterprises has pro- great concern for security and lack of peace zone". The Government of voked conflicting reactions in Delhi. complete confidence in the private India "made certain concessions to Few believe that public participation imperialism but taken as a whole, it sector has made them shy. this invi­ could be expected in the Stale enter pursued an independent policy, a tation from the State undertaking prises to any extent. Some others, policy of peace, a policy of opposi­ seemed desirable. While recommend­ however, are afraid that some big tion to colonialism, an anti-imperial­ ing that an ultra-conservative divi­ private financiers might take up the ist policy". This basic assessment, dend policy might be reviewed and it maintains, should determine the shares and usurp the control of the dividends brought in line with the attitude of all socialist countries to­ State undertakings.
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