ສາທາລະນະລດັ ປະຊາທິປະໄຕ ປະຊາຊນົ ລາວ LAO PEOPLE’S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC ກະຊວງ ວທິ ະຍາສາດ ແລະ ເຕັກໂນໂລຊ ີ ກມົ ຊບັ ສນິ ທາງປນັ ຍາ MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ຈດົ ໝາຍເຫດທາງລດັ ຖະການ ກຽ່ ວກບັ ການເຜີຍແຜຜ່ ນົ ຂອງການຈດົ ທະບຽນ ຊບັ ສນິ ອດຸ ສາຫະກາ ຢ່ ສປປ ລາວ OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY ສະບບັ ທີ (Vol.) 65 Official Gazette of Industrial Property Vol. 65, 01/2017 ສາລະບານ ພາກທີ່ I: ຜນົ ຂອງການຈດົ ທະບຽນເຄີ່ ອ ງໝາຍການຄາ້ ພາກທ II: ຜນົ ຂອງການຕີ່ ອາຍກຸ ານຈດົ ທະບຽນເຄີ່ ອ ງໝາຍການຄາ້ CONTENT Part I: Registration of Trademark Part II: Renewal of Trademark I Official Gazette of Industrial Property Vol. 65, 01/2017 ພາກທ I ຜນົ ຂອງການຈດົ ທະບຽນເຄີ່ ອ ງໝາຍການຄາ້ ຄາ ແນະນາ ກຽີ່ ວກບັ ລະຫດັ ຫຍ ້ (540) ເຄີ່ ອ ງໝາຍການຄາ້ (511) ໝວດຂອງສນິ ຄາ້ ແລະ ການບ ລິການ (210) ເລກທ ຄາ ຮອ້ ງ (220) ວນັ ທ ທີ່ ຍີ່ ນ ຄາ ຮອ້ ງ (732) ຊີ່ ແລະ ທີ່ ຢີ່ ຂອງຜຍ້ ີ່ ນຄາ ຮອ້ ງ (111) ເລກທ ໃບທະບຽນເຄີ່ ອ ງໝາຍການຄາ້ (180) ວນັ ໝດົ ອາຍຂຸ ອງໃບທະບຽນ Part I Registration of Trademark Introduction of Codes (540) Trademark (511) Classification of goods and services (Nice Classification) (210) Number of the application (220) Date of filing of the application (732) Name and Address of applicant (111) Number of the registration (180) Expiration date of the registration/renewal II Official Gazette of Industrial Property Vol. 65, 01/2017 ( 540 ) (511) 35 (210) No. 31754 (220) 26/03/2014 (732) TAIWAN YAMANI INC. 24F-1,No.386,SHIZHENG RD., XITUN DIST., TAICHUNG CITY, TAIWAN, R.O.C. (111) No. 36573 (180) 24/10/2026 ( 540 ) (511) 30 (210) No. 31060 (220) 16/12/2013 (732) GUANGZHOU PHARMACEUTICAL HOLDINGS LIMITED , 45 Sha Mian North Street, Guangzhou, Guangdong, (111) No. 36574 (180) 24/10/2026 1 Official Gazette of Industrial Property Vol. 65, 01/2017 ( 540 ) (511) 32 (210) No. 31061 (220) 16/12/2013 (732) GUANGZHOU PHARMACEUTICAL HOLDINGS LIMITED , 45 Sha Mian North Street, Guangzhou, Guangdong, (111) No. 36575 (180) 24/10/2026 ( 540 ) (511) 30 (210) No. 31054 (220) 16/12/2013 (732) GUANGZHOU PHARMACEUTICAL HOLDINGS LIMITED , 45 Sha Mian North Street, Guangzhou, Guangdong, (111) No. 36576 (180) 24/10/2026 2 Official Gazette of Industrial Property Vol. 65, 01/2017 ( 540 ) (511) 32 (210) No. 31055 (220) 16/12/2013 (732) GUANGZHOU PHARMACEUTICAL HOLDINGS LIMITED , 45 Sha Mian North Street, Guangzhou, Guangdong, (111) No. 36577 (180) 24/10/2026 ( 540 ) (511) 30 (210) No. 31057 (220) 16/12/2013 (732) GUANGZHOU PHARMACEUTICAL HOLDINGS LIMITED , 45 Sha Mian North Street, Guangzhou, Guangdong, (111) No. 36578 (180) 24/10/2026 3 Official Gazette of Industrial Property Vol. 65, 01/2017 ( 540 ) (511) 32 (210) No. 31058 (220) 16/12/2013 (732) GUANGZHOU PHARMACEUTICAL HOLDINGS LIMITED , 45 Sha Mian North Street, Guangzhou, Guangdong, (111) No. 36579 (180) 24/10/2026 ( 540 ) (511) 35 (210) No. 36201 (220) 16/10/2015 (732) MILLENNIUM & COPTHORNE INTERNATIONAL LIMITED 36 Robinson Road #04-01 City House, Singapore 068877 (111) No. 36580 (180) 28/10/2026 4 Official Gazette of Industrial Property Vol. 65, 01/2017 ( 540 ) (511) 43 (210) No. 36202 (220) 16/10/2015 (732) MILLENNIUM & COPTHORNE INTERNATIONAL LIMITED 36 Robinson Road #04-01 City House, Singapore 068877 (111) No. 36581 (180) 28/10/2026 ( 540 ) (511) 20 (210) No. 36203 (220) 16/10/2015 (732) KINGKOIL INTERNATIONAL PTE. LTD. 60 PAYA LEBAR ROAD, #08-43, PAYA LEBAR SQUARE, SINGAPORE 409051 (111) No. 36582 (180) 28/10/2026 5 Official Gazette of Industrial Property Vol. 65, 01/2017 ( 540 ) (511) 05 (210) No. 36204 (220) 16/10/2015 (732) PROMART INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD. 137/6 Moo 1, Bhuddhamonton 8th Road, Nakornchaisri District, Nakornpathom, Thailand. (111) No. 36583 (180) 28/10/2026 ( 540 ) (511) 29 (210) No. 36205 (220) 16/10/2015 (732) PROMART INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD. 137/6 Moo 1, Bhuddhamonton 8th Road, Nakornchaisri District, Nakornpathom, Thailand. (111) No. 36584 (180) 28/10/2026 6 Official Gazette of Industrial Property Vol. 65, 01/2017 ( 540 ) (511) 09 (210) No. 36206 (220) 16/10/2015 (732) Lenovo (Beijing) Limited No. 6 Chuangya Road, Shangdi Information Lenovo Industry Base, Haidian District, 100085 Beijing, China (111) No. 36585 (180) 28/10/2026 ( 540 ) (511) 14 (210) No. 36207 (220) 16/10/2015 (732) Lenovo (Beijing) Limited No. 6 Chuangya Road, Shangdi Information Lenovo Industry Base,Haidian District, 100085 Beijing, China (111) No. 36586 (180) 28/10/2026 7 Official Gazette of Industrial Property Vol. 65, 01/2017 ( 540 ) (511) 18 (210) No. 36208 (220) 16/10/2015 (732) Lenovo (Beijing) Limited No. 6 Chuangya Road, Shangdi Information Lenovo Industry Base,Haidian District, 100085 Beijing, China (111) No. 36587 (180) 28/10/2026 ( 540 ) (511) 35 (210) No. 36209 (220) 16/10/2015 (732) Lenovo (Beijing) Limited No. 6 Chuangya Road, Shangdi Information Lenovo Industry Base,Haidian District, 100085 Beijing, China (111) No. 36588 (180) 28/10/2026 8 Official Gazette of Industrial Property Vol. 65, 01/2017 ( 540 ) (511) 36 (210) No. 36210 (220) 16/10/2015 (732) Lenovo (Beijing) Limited No. 6 Chuangya Road, Shangdi Information Lenovo Industry Base,Haidian District, 100085 Beijing, China (111) No. 36589 (180) 28/10/2026 ( 540 ) (511) 37 (210) No. 36211 (220) 16/10/2015 (732) Lenovo (Beijing) Limited No. 6 Chuangya Road, Shangdi Information Lenovo Industry Base,Haidian District, 100085 Beijing, China (111) No. 36590 (180) 28/10/2026 9 Official Gazette of Industrial Property Vol. 65, 01/2017 ( 540 ) (511) 38 (210) No. 36212 (220) 16/10/2015 (732) Lenovo (Beijing) Limited No. 6 Chuangya Road, Shangdi Information Lenovo Industry Base,Haidian District, 100085 Beijing, China (111) No. 36591 (180) 28/10/2026 ( 540 ) (511) 41 (210) No. 36213 (220) 16/10/2015 (732) Lenovo (Beijing) Limited No. 6 Chuangya Road, Shangdi Information Lenovo Industry Base,Haidian District, 100085 Beijing, China (111) No. 36592 (180) 28/10/2026 10 Official Gazette of Industrial Property Vol. 65, 01/2017 ( 540 ) (511) 42 (210) No. 36214 (220) 16/10/2015 (732) Lenovo (Beijing) Limited No. 6 Chuangya Road, Shangdi Information Lenovo Industry Base,Haidian District, 100085 Beijing, China (111) No. 36593 (180) 28/10/2026 ( 540 ) (511) 29 (210) No. 36215 (220) 16/10/2015 (732) Saputo Dairy Foods USA, LLC 2711 North Haskell Avenue, Suite 3700 Dallas, AVOSET TX 75204, USA. (111) No. 36594 (180) 28/10/2026 11 Official Gazette of Industrial Property Vol. 65, 01/2017 ( 540 ) (511) 30 (210) No. 36216 (220) 16/10/2015 (732) Saputo Dairy Foods USA, LLC 2711 North Haskell Avenue, Suite 3700 Dallas, AVOSET TX 75204, USA. (111) No. 36595 (180) 28/10/2026 ( 540 ) (511) 14 (210) No. 36217 (220) 16/10/2015 (732) NEW STEFAL HOLDING Natura Energie +, 1198 Avenue Maurice Donat, 06250 Mougins, France (111) No. 36596 (180) 28/10/2026 12 Official Gazette of Industrial Property Vol. 65, 01/2017 ( 540 ) (511) 07 (210) No. 36218 (220) 16/10/2015 (732) SAMMITR AUTOPART CO., LTD. 135 Moo 12, Petchkasem Road, Om-Noi Sub- HOWARD district, Krathumban District, Samuthsakorn ROTAVATOR Province 74130, Thailand. (111) No. 36597 (180) 28/10/2026 ( 540 ) (511) 03 (210) No. 36219 (220) 19/10/2015 (732) Koninklijke Philips N.V. High Tech Campus 5,5656 AE, Eindhoven, the Netherlands (111) No. 36598 (180) 28/10/2026 13 Official Gazette of Industrial Property Vol. 65, 01/2017 ( 540 ) (511) 05 (210) No. 36220 (220) 19/10/2015 (732) Koninklijke Phitips N.V. High Tech Campus 51 5656 AE, Eindhoven, the Netherlands (111) No. 36599 (180) 28/10/2026 ( 540 ) (511) 07 (210) No. 36221 (220) 19/10/2015 (732) Koninklijke Phitips N.V. High Tech Campus 51 5656 AE, Eindhoven, the Netherlands (111) No. 36600 (180) 28/10/2026 14 Official Gazette of Industrial Property Vol. 65, 01/2017 ( 540 ) (511) 08 (210) No. 36222 (220) 19/10/2015 (732) Koninklijke Phitips N.V. High Tech Campus 51 5656 AE, Eindhoven, the Netherlands (111) No. 36601 (180) 28/10/2026 ( 540 ) (511) 09 (210) No. 36223 (220) 19/10/2015 (732) Koninklijke Phitips N.V. High Tech Campus 51 5656 AE, Eindhoven, the Netherlands (111) No. 36602 (180) 28/10/2026 15 Official Gazette of Industrial Property Vol. 65, 01/2017 ( 540 ) (511) 10 (210) No. 36224 (220) 19/10/2015 (732) Koninklijke Phitips N.V. High Tech Campus 51 5656 AE, Eindhoven, the Netherlands (111) No. 36603 (180) 28/10/2026 ( 540 ) (511) 11 (210) No. 36225 (220) 19/10/2015 (732) Koninklijke Phitips N.V. High Tech Campus 51 5656 AE, Eindhoven, the Netherlands (111) No. 36604 (180) 28/10/2026 16 Official Gazette of Industrial Property Vol. 65, 01/2017 ( 540 ) (511) 16 (210) No. 36226 (220) 19/10/2015 (732) Koninklijke Phitips N.V. High Tech Campus 5, 5656 AE, Eindhoven, the Netherlands (111) No. 36605 (180) 28/10/2026 ( 540 ) (511) 21 (210) No. 36227 (220) 19/10/2015 (732) Koninklijke Phitips N.V. High Tech Campus 5, 5656 AE, Eindhoven, the Netherlands (111) No. 36606 (180) 28/10/2026 17 Official Gazette of Industrial Property Vol. 65, 01/2017 ( 540 ) (511) 35 (210) No. 36228 (220) 19/10/2015 (732) Koninklijke Phitips N.V. High Tech Campus 5, 5656 AE, Eindhoven, the Netherlands (111) No. 36607 (180) 28/10/2026 ( 540 ) (511) 36 (210) No. 36229 (220) 19/10/2015 (732) Koninklijke Phitips N.V. High Tech Campus 5, 5656 AE, Eindhoven, the Netherlands (111) No. 36608 (180) 28/10/2026 18 Official Gazette of Industrial Property Vol. 65, 01/2017 ( 540 ) (511) 05 (210) No. 36230 (220) 19/10/2015 (732) TAIHO PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD. 1 -27 Kandanishiki-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-8444 Japan. (111) No. 36609 (180) 28/10/2026 ( 540 ) (511) 05 (210) No. 36231 (220) 19/10/2015 (732) TAIHO PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD.
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