!WI GS F'ROM F A.MILY 'IREES HOLLON & HO~LAiID VANMARTER \vEEKS & WICKS BROWN VANDERPOOL RIDGWAY HU'ICHINSON ROOF By Edward Coolbaugh Hoagland ~ysox, Pa., Sacred Art Press, 1957, 1958 TIIGS ~RO~ FA~ILY TREES CCLXXI- CCLXYII or Notes on The H O L L O N & H O W L A N D Families Including Descendants Of JEREMIAH HOLLON Liberty corners, Pa. & NORMAN HOWLAND Dryden, N.Y. Compiled & Published 8Y The Rev. EDWARD COOLBAUGH HOAGLAND Member New England Historic Genealogical society Fellow Institute Of American Genealogy Member Bradford county H.istorical s.ociety SACRED ART PRESS Box 1313 WYSOX, PA. 1957 HOL£6.V The name Hollon does not appear to have been a surname of distinc­ tive antiquity. It is the opinion of those who have endeavored to trace the family that it is an aberration of Holland, or possibly Bowlan~ Holland is a name given ton native of that country, which was called Hollowland because it abounds with ditches full of water, we give herewith a list of the names of the different he~ds of• families found in New England prior to the year 1700, as given in Holmes' Directory Of The· Ancestral Heads Of New England Families. CHRisioP~ER HOLiAND was at Boston, Mais., in 1R52. JOHN HOLLAND was a freemnn at Dorchester, Mass, 1 in 1R3R. THOMAS HOILAND was a resident of Yarmouth, Mass,, in 1R41, ARTHUR HOWLAND settled at Marshfield, Mass,, before 1R43, and was ,a proprietor there in 1R47. HENRY HOWLAND was an inhabitant of Duxbury, Mass., in 1R33, JA~EZ HOWLAND, married, was at Duxbury, Mass., before 15~9. JO~~.HOWLAND came over from England in the first voyage of the Mayflower, 1A20~ . ZOAR HOWLAND was an inhabitant of Newport, R.I.: in 1R5R. The preceding list gives the names of the heads of families of the several names in New England prior to 1700, It is noted that there are no entries under the spelling Hollon, but this compiler ~grees with others that the latter spelling is only a variation of one of the others, most 1i kel y Ho pq_nd. Mr, ClRy Hollon of Chicago has done considerable research on the line. He states, "I do bel,eve though that our name originally was spelled Holland. ·Prior to Jeremiah (of liberty Corners), and my great-grandfather (his brother), there are fevr wha speli their name as we do. The Hollon fam­ ilies seem to have devdoped during the last 150 years, this name being a variation or change in the spelling of the name." He found several referen­ ces to the name in its present form of Hollon, in other parts of the coun­ try, which may be of interest. GEORGE HOLLON lived in Amelia Co •• Virginia, and JgREMIAH HOLLAND m. in North Carolina a Miss Jeffries, and they ·had.. a sonl Jacob Hal land. ;JAJ'.OB and nANIEL HOLLAND received land in 1782 nnd 1783. I. --------- '1101.{Ho is ,believed to have been head of the foll ow­ ing family~ • l, JOHN, m. Judith------- •2. CHRISTOPHER, b, 1613, m, Ann --•----- 3. JEREMIAH, a ·preacher, was in Boston in 1645, graduated from Hau_ard c;o1l~i;e and i:et'E~~ to, Nqrt~,a111ptonsh1 re, Eng~ and, antt d. before 1698, "'lliis is alt ihat IQ"£<.n"7' He ts belteved to have been a btot,tier. o-{ John and Christoph- er,is OJ mm. ·, ... 2 '.II. JOHN HOLLAND (No, I: 1) was b, in England. It is not known exactly when he arrived in America, but the first mention of him.is ih ifl30. His wife's name was JUDITh, and he was a freeman at Dorchester, Mass., in lfi34 ( 163fi, Holmes I. After his death his widow m, (2) GEORGE KIMWR1GHT of Dorchester, and removed to Cambridge in 16fi4, "This is, we think, the man . from whom we are descendants, 11 Of his family: 1. NATHANIEL, may have been b. in ~:ngland; at Watertown, Mass., in 1709, • 2. JOHN 3. THO~AS CHRISTOPHER HOLLAND (No. I: 2) was b. lfi13, and d, in 1704, He was at Boston in 1R52, His wife's name was ANN, and they had one son and seven daughters. He is believed to have been a brother of John and Jeremiah. "Have found no further record of this family. 11 1. JOHN, b, 1648 ;_;.2. seven oaughters. III. JOHN HOLLAND (No. II:2) son of emigrant John and J.udith, lived at Newton, Mass. 1, SAMUEL, b. 1721; at Marlboro, Mass, •2, JEREMIAH IV. JEREMIAH HOLLON I (No. 111:2) is believed to have beert a bro­ ther of Samuel of Marlboro, Mass., and son of John II. •i.. JEREMIAH, b. 1751, m,Betsey Tozer V. JEREMIAH HOLLON II (No. lV: 1) son of Jeremiah I, is believed to have been b. in 1751 in Belchertown, Mass. Hem. BETSEY TOZER, who may have been a sister of Deborah Tozer, wife of Daniel Orcutt of Wilawana, Athens, Pa,, 1808. Nothing further is known of Jeremiah II, except that he is supposed to have had three sons and a daughter. • 1. JEREMIAH, b. 6 Apr. 1185, m. Betsey Orcutt: 2d. Emma Burt 2, JOHN •3, WILLIAM, m. Rebecca------- •4, ELIZABETH, b, 13 July 1788, m. Charles Swain, Chemung, N.Y. VI. JEREMIAH HOLLON III (No, V: 1) son of Jeremiah II and Betsey (Tozer) Hollon, head of the family whose record we follow, was b. 6 Apr. 1785 in Massachusetts. He is said to have been left an orphan in a large family, and this may account for his having followed the migrations of the Orcutt family to the Chemung valley, as Deborah Tozer, the wife of Daniel Orcutt, is believed to have been a sister of Betsey Torer, Mr, Hollon' s mo­ ther. Mr. Hollon m. 1809, BETSEY ORCUTT, b, Whitehall, N.Y., near Lake Cham­ plain, 7 Aug. 1789, dau. of Daniel and Deborah (Tozer) Orcutt, who emigra- ted to wilawana, near Athens, Pa,, in or before 1808. William Orcutt, the probable ancestor of Daniel, is found at Weymouth, Mass., in 16fi4, from whence he removed to Sciiuate, Mass~r in 1869, and still laier to Bridgewater, Mass. 3 After his marriage. Mr. Hollon moved to Che~ung Co., N~Y., and in 1835 to Liberty Corners; Bradford co., Pa., first known as Valley Hill because of the defile following Rob Wood mountain from Fowlertown to Spring take. It later became known as Hollon Hill, a designation still frequently used by older residents. Here be cleared a farm, on which he spent the re­ mainder of his days. Mrs. Betsey Hollon d. 24 Sep, 1851, and Mr. Hollon m. (2) EMMA BURT of Chemung, b. 1792, who survived him a number of years. She was probably connected with the families of Thomas and David Burt, who, in the spring of 1786 and 1787, resp., came up the Susquehanna and Chemung riv• ers in canoes and Durham boats and settled at Chemung between Wynkoop creek and the Second Narrows Hill. Mr. Hollon d. 7 June 1870. All his children are burled at Liberty Corners, except the four who died in childhood. and Henry and Lyman. Children By First Marriage: •a. SALLY, b. 29 Mar. 1810, m. Joab summers: Monroeton, Pa, • 1. CHARLES, b, 12 Aug. 1811, m. sally Blauvelt b. JOHN, b. 25 Mar. 1813, d. 2 July 1825 c. SAMUEL, b. 19 Feb. 1815, d. 10 Mar. 1821, •d. DEBORAH A., b. 9 Dec. 1817, m. Guy c. Irvine (No, 2q. Irvine Fam.) •2. DANIEL o., 23 Aug. 1819, m. Lor any overton; 2d. Nettie L. Frazer _ LYMAN G., and m. Elizabeth sweet; 2cJ. Angeline pratt ELIZA E., (twins), b. 23 Apr. 1822, m. William W. Irvine (No, 1fi, Irvine Fam.} LYDIA, b, 15 Apr. 1824, m. Daniel cook; Liberty Corners. g, INFANT SON, b. 2 May 1826, d. 9 May 1826, h. INFANT DAUGHTER, b. 5 May 1827, d. 15 May 1827. HENRY SIRE, and m. Lodesky Abiah ColJell; 2d, C,l.,B,Melv\lle ALMIRA WYNKOOP, (twins). b. 6 Oct. 1828, m. James w. Irvine ( No, 25, In.n,ne Fam. ) •5, WILLIAM, b. 30 Mar. 1830, m. Ella Foster: 2d, Mozelle Northrup; 3d, Mrs. Emma Gl'itl'eth. WILLIAM HOLLON (No, V:3) son of Jeremiah II and Betsey (Tozer) Hollon. m. REBECCA----------, and is said to have gone first to New York state, then to Kentucky, and later to west Virginia. * 1, JOHN, m. 2. FRANCIS~ Kentucky. CHARLES HOLLON (No, 11) son of Jeremiah and Betsey (Orcutt) Hol­ lon of Liberty corners, b. 12 Aug. 1811. d, 3 Dec. 1893; m. 1 May 1835, SAL· lY BLAUVELT, b, 1822, •1. MARY JANE, b, 1841, m. Charles Scott; Liberty corners •2, JERRY C,, b. 24 Oot, 1844', Ill, Matilda A, VanGorder; 2d, Delphine Ennis (12:31) 3. SUSANNAH, b, 1845, d,y. 4, Another Child, d,y, DANIEL o. HOLLON {No, 12) son of Jeremiah and Betsey (Orcutt) Hol­ lon, was b, 23 Aug, 1819 in Chemung Co •• N,Y., and was reared in Chemung and Bradford counties, educated in the common schools and learned the carpen• ter~s trade in Bradford county, which he followed upwards of fifty years. In 1869 he took up his residence in North Towanda. where he became a weal known and prominent citizen, being a member of the Masonic Order, and in politics 4 was a Prohibitionist. He m. ( 1) 1 Sep. 1844, LORANY OVERTON, dau, of Henry and Mary (Everett) Overton of Milford, Pike Co., Pa. Hem. (2) NETTIE L~ FRAZER, dau. of Hugh and Caroline (Scovell) Frazer of Wyalusing, pa,, and d.
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