WHITE IRONSTONE NOTES VOLUME 3 No. 1 SUMMER 1996 Second Annual National WICA Convention 1996 An exhibit of compotes, fruit bowls and reticulated pieces was at flowers. The compotes and tazzas could be parts of a desert set includ- WICA’s recent convention. The tree above, left to right: reticulated ing serving dishes. Many of them matched our favorite embossed body fruit bowl (detail on page 10), tall compote (detail on page 6) and shapes. Some pieces came in several sizes. (ie. Ceres compotes Vol 1 Pankhurst’s three footed Lily Pad, were in that show. In this issue, #3, pg. 6) Almost all had pedestals, exception above. The reticulated along with the review of the convention, is a portfolio of photos and or pierced, open-work bowls, could have held fruit, nuts or flowers. drawings of only some of over forty pieces brought to Ohio by mem- Those with matching open-work under-trays were often called chestnut bers. We don’t have room for all of them and hope to add future pages bowls or baskets. Pierced open-work, in earlier pieces were cut by as we get photos of newly found ones. hand. It is speculated that reticulation is not just decorative but was These elegant presentation pieces were commonly placed on side- engineered for air flow around fresh fruit and hot, roasted chestnuts. boards and centers of tables sometimes filled with fruits, vegetables or All presentation pieces enhance a piece of furniture or a whole room. PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE We have a few thoughts to share about what we learned. Many of us have been guilty in WICA BOARD OF DIRECTORS I was delighted to have many enthusiastic the past of dismissing American ironstone Tom Moreland, President comments about WICA’s Second Annual because it wasn’t English. It seems that this Jim Kerr, Vice President Convention, which I was forced to miss due has been a perception for over a hundred Olga Moreland, Secretary to an impending trial. From all reports (and years. The housewife in the last half of the despite my absence!) this year’s convention Jack Allers, Treasurer 1800’s was also more inclined to buy import- wa an even greater success than last year’s. Beverly Dieringer ed wares because she thought it was better One hundred and fifty members attended, quality. The American potters developed a Patty Spahr Hitt representing 24 states and Ontario. Fran Kinne strategy of designing back stamps that mimic- This convention marked WICA’s expan- ked the English lion & unicorn marks. Some Tom Lautenschlager sion into a full-grown national organization. were subtle, reversing the animals or changing Dorothy Noble Today, we are proud to have nine, albeit the face of the lion into a smiling pussy cat or Howard Noble fledgling, regional organization, led by eight making different animals such as a deer, stand Jill O'Hara coordinators who have volunteered to steer on either side of a shield. Some were less sub- Ed Rigoulot WICA activities in their areas. Watch your tle as in the case of Homer Laughlin, who mail and the new WICA calendar, which Honorary Lifetime Member after winning a national prize for pottery, will appear in every issue of the Newsletter, Jean Wetherbee depicted the English lion being vanquished by to make sure you do not miss a single event the American Eagle. (see page 9) in your own region. And keep in mind that Our eyes were really opened by the beauti- The WHITE IRONSTONE CHINA ASSOCI- you will also be welcome at any WICA fully potted, perfectly glazed and detailed ATION, INC. is a not for profit corporation. regional event anywhere in the U.S. ironstone produced in Ohio, New Jersey, New WHITE IRONSTONE NOTES is the official I am also happy to welcome Patty Spahr York and other places in the U.S. I don’t think newsletter of the corporation and no article, Hitt, Fran Kinne and Harry Lowe, new we will ever again pass up a piece of ironstone photograph or drawing may be reproduced Board members, to our very active Board. simply because it is American without express permission of WICA, Inc. When we started out just two years ago, we ************************************* _____________________________________ were a small, hopeful group from New York SOME GOOD THINGS WHITE IRONSTONE NOTES is published and Connecticut, spurred to action by Jean and edited by Ernie and Bev Dieringer four Wetherbee and several Tea Leaf activists. Bob Beacham from Horsham, PA, thought times a membership year. Drawings and pho- Already, the Board has grown into a diverse that those of us who like to plan our travels tos are by Bev and Ernie Dieringer unless oth- group, with directors from New Jersey, with antiquing in mind would find this item an erwise noted. Associate editor Jack Pennsylvania, Ohio and Texas, in addition to invaluable resource. The “No Nonsense” Anspaugh. Please send all news notes, articles, New York and Connecticut. Every Board Antiques Mall Directory. There is no advertis- suggestions, questions and listings for adver- member spends hours on committee and ing, just listings of all the multi-dealer shops tising or the spare parts column to: WICA, membership-related matters and works to in the U.S. up to date. Addresses, phone num- Box 536, Redding Ridge, CT 06876. Fax # forge close relationships with WICA mem- bers, days open, hours open, all listed by State 203 938 8378. bers. As we move ahead, we look forward and City and keyed to Rand McNally’s road Three ring notebook cover to save your issues to involving additional WICA members with maps. We wish we had had this on our way of WHITE IRONSTONE NOTES is available the Board and on the various Committees and back from the convention. The 1996 edi- at $89 plus $1.50 shipping. Total of $9.50. that will be at work on WICA business tion is $20.50 including postage and if you Back issues of the newsletter are $5. each. between Conventions. mention that you are a member of WICA, it is Volume 1 #1, 2 & 3, Volume 2, #1, 2, 3 & 4. I extend my most sincere congratulations $19.50, from: Make checks payable to WICA and send to to all members, especially Convention FDS Antiques, Inc. the above address. Committee chair Jane Diemer, who worked 62Blue Ridge Dr. _____________________________________ so hard to make the 1996 Convention a Stamford, CT 06903-4923 memorable gathering. On to 1997. ************************************* ADVERTISING RATES Harvey Pomroy from La Miranda, CA, sent Advertisements will be accepted in order of Tom Moreland us a package of “Quake Hold.” This is a pop- receipt from WICA members and space allow- ular product in earthquake areas but the pack- ing from non members.Rates (subject to age also recommends its use for other “shak- change): $20 per column inch (7 lines). Non- FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK ers” in your home, (and you know who you members, $40 per column inch. Members can We begin our third year with coverage or our are.) Harvey also says this product doesn’t list a single piece for sale free in the Spare second national convention and we have the leave marks on wooden surfaces. If you can’t Parts column each issue, space allowing. best job of all. We feel so enriched by all you find it locally, contact TREVCO, 129 East Payment in full by check made out to WICA members who have added to our passion for Colorado Blvd, Suite 462, Monrovia, CA must accompany each ad. Send to Newsletter white by sharing your treasures and enthusi- 91016 or call (818) 301 0891. address. Publishing deadlines are, Dec. 1 for asm. We especially want to thank those of ************************************* Winter, March 1 for Spring, June 1 for you who have volunteered to work on various Jean Wetherbee has put together a page of Summer, Sept 1 for Fall. committees. Because of you, there are several additions, changes and corrections for the _____________________________________ very exciting projects in the works. COLLECTOR’S GUIDE which you can place APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP This year’s theme was American ironstone in your copy of the book. It starts with P. vii. Send $25. for individual or $30. for two and the Atwood Lake Resort could not have The quote is “Working in earth makes men individuals at the same address with check been more delightful with its proximity to East easy-minded.” We will be happy to send a made payable to WICA, to: Jim Kerr / Cavern Liverpool, Ohio. The sunsets over the lake free copy to those who are interested. Write to View Antiques, RD#1-Box 23, Howes Cave, viewed from the dining room and the good the newsletter and include a self-addressed NY 12092. Please send all ADDRESS food caused instant relaxation and anticipation stamped envelope. CHANGES to the same address. of the next day’s activities. 2 LETTERS Eileen and also to Jean for this oversight. NEXT ISSUES: I would like to take this opportunity to con- Got my newsletter. Here’s some informa- FALL 1996: T.J. & J. Mayer Classic Gothic tion you may be interested in. gratulate you on your exception series high- lighting various categories of White Ironstone. and Prize Bloom Shapes. Plus miscella- Vol. 2 #4 Pg 10, #4 - Knowles, Thomas (?) & neous pieces of interest. Knowles? Shouldn’t that read Knowles, I particularly liked your article on shaving mugs - the definitive drawings and photos are WINTER 1996: A portfolio of ewers. A Taylor & Knowles? (Yes! Knowles, Taylor & profile on Red-Cliff.
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