AHEPAAHEPA YankeeYankee DistrictDistrict NewsNews Publication of District #7 (Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Western Massachusetts) VoluVolumeme XLXLIIX Number 1 Sprinpringg 20020099 Message from the families. Message from the Order of AHEPA Manolis Sfinarolakis, our 2009 Daughters of Penelope District Governor New York City Parade coordinator has Grand Governor Zone I Dear Brothers, called the chapters to action with an Dear Sisters of Yankee District #7, It has been an exciting half email message that is re-printed I would first like to extend my year! The coming of Spring elsewhere in this issue. Please re- greetings to all of you and hope that should give us renewed desire spond to his request in a positive and your year is going well. Secondly, I have listed below some pertinent and greater opportunities to grow timely manner. The proposed parade bus trip promises to be a highlight of information, forms, and dates to as- and improve our organization. For sist you. Lastly, the forms were sent the year. a while now, we have highlighted to all Chapter Presidents in January the handful of things each chapter The rules for the Hellenic History if you have not received them please needs to focus on: Trophy will be published shortly. call headquarters (202) 234-9741 or • Increase membership by hold- Please participate! Our youth’s edu- visit DOP website at ing a recruitment event before cation in the history of the Hellenes is http://www.ahepa.org/dop. June and by constantly asking too important to ignore! Membership- Applications and people to JOIN AHEPA !!! While Rhode Island’s two Con- brochures are available online and from DOP Headquarters. The • Send $50 for the New York City gressmen are members of the Hel- lenic Caucus, none of Connecticut’s Growth & Expansion Bulletin is avail- Parade float and commit to at able online or contact Grand Vice five is. I challenge each Connecticut least 5 marchers (bus passen- President Elaine Sampanis at JU- gers) to Manolis Sfinarolakis, chapter to work with the other chap- [email protected] our Yankee District #7 Inde- ters in its congressional district to Forms- for 2009 Obligations, Su- pendence Day Parade Coordi- arrange for a meeting with its US preme Convention Committees and nator Representative and convince him/her Awards have been sent out to all • Commit to support the HEL- to join the Hellenic Caucus. Please chapters and these are also available LENIC HISTORY TROPHY by (1) invite me to join your delegations. on the website. Committee reports are to be sent first to the District for energizing your community’s Chapter visitations continue to be a very important part of my responsi- review at the District Convention. high school students, and (2) Chapter obligations for 2009 bilities as your Governor. So far, I sponsoring the students who should be sent in as soon as possible sign up have had the pleasure and the privi- to DOP Headquarters. • Convince your Congressman to lege of visiting the following chap- National Projects– we selected join the Hellenic Caucus ters: Norwich, Stamford, Hartford, four mandatory charity projects for Our district’s membership grew Danbury, Waterbury, Bridgeport, New the 2009 obligations year. They are: in 2008, both through initiations London and New Britain. That leaves • Daughters of Penelope Foundation, Inc. and also by reinstating many Norwalk, New Haven, Meriden, • Penelope House Family Violence Center brothers who had been Danielson, Providence and Newport. I • Penelopean Foundation Day Care Cen- “misplaced” in previous years. would really like to visit every chap- ter • University of Miami, Sylvester Cancer To continue to grow member- ter before the Tri-District Convention Research Center (Papanicolaou) ship in 2009, we need to focus on next June, so please invite me, if you haven't already! Please feel free to contact me at initiating new members. The easi- anytime should you have questions est and fastest way to do this is to Please make every effort to at- or need my assistance. hold a recruitment event. All tend our Spring Conference on April With Respect in Theta Pi, chapters should strive to reach a 25 in Bridgeport. Anna-Helene Panagakos minimum of 10% “market pene- Fraternally, District #7 Liaison tration” of their community’s Nicholas Nikas (917)836-7684 [email protected] 1 Spring 2009 New England Regional Upcoming Events AHEPA Convention X By George Anagnostos Waterbury This year’s, District Convention will Sons of Pericles be held with Districts #8 and #9 in 2nd Annual Hall of Fame AHEPA District #7 Mansfield, MA. Located conveniently Banquet off of Interstate –95 and I-495. District Lodge Officers Sunday, April 5, 2009 12PM In March, every chapter president 2008—2009 Holy Trinity Greek Church and secretary, every Past District Waterbury, CT District Governor Governor, all the District Lodge mem- Nicholas Nikas bers and those who have attended 58 Benjamin Street the previous New England Regional Greek Independence Day Old Greenwich, CT 06870 Parade 203-554-5570 Conventions (NERC) will be sent the Sunday, April 26, 2009 1PM [email protected] forms and full information individu- ally. 5th Avenue District Lt. Governor Therefore, the District Lodge New York City, NY Emmanuel Moshovos should provide updated names and 65 Primrose Drive AHEPA Bridgeport East Hartford, CT 06118 address for the members; all chapter 860 568 4383 presidents' and secretaries' names Chapter #62 [email protected] and addresses (ID'd by chapter). As 84th Chapter Anniversary well as, updated Past District Gover- Saturday, May 16, 2009 District Secretary nor lists and provide any names and 8:30 PM Jack Isaac addresses of those other members 15 Sylvan Road Holy Trinity Greek Church New Britain, CT 06053 who might be interested in attending Bridgeport, CT 860 224-2183 the NERC. These persons will be per- sonally provided forms and informa- 7th Annual Greek Night District Treasurer tion on the NERC sometime in March, With the New York Mets John G. Grossomanides Sr. not all at the same time. PDG Friday, May 29, 2009 7PM This information should be sent to 8 Mohegan Trail Citibank Park G. Anagnostos, 158 Ethel Drive, Westerly, RI 02891 Flushing, NY 401-596-7453 Portsmouth, RI as soon as possible. The Lodge is asked to coordinate who District Marshal will provide which of the above data. District #6 Convention James J. Cocolis The election of delegates should May 30, 2009 192 North Street be conducted in the March or April Laguardia Holiday Inn Stamford, CT 06802 Flushing, NY 203-323-9608 meeting and provided to the District [email protected] Secretary promptly with full data. The Secretary should compile the re- AHEPA New England District Warden port and provide a best estimate of Regional Conference X Gregory G. Benios how many delegates are expected to June 5,6,7, 2009 10 Valley View Dr. attend and denote whether for the Farmington, CT 06032 Holiday Inn Hotel 860-680-2363 full weekend or just for the Yankee Mansfield, MA District #7 meeting day, Saturday. District Advisor This year’s business has several AHEPA Kip G. Kyprianou, PDG very important issues to be voted on: Supreme Convention 2009 [email protected] increasing the District Scholarship July 1-5, 2009 Hellenic Affairs Chair from a two year allocation to a three Hyatt Regency Embarcadaro George A. Rados, PDG year, if criteria are met. San Francisco, CA 7 Cheryl Court Also, a proposal to increase the Cromwell, CT 06416 AHEPA DISTRICT DUES from $7.75 860-635-5602 per person to $15 per person from [email protected] each chapter. Finally, we will have election of District Foundation Board Members. 2 Spring 2009 New York City In Memoriam Greek Independence Day Parade 2009 Brother Past District Governor George H. Mehos of Weston, CT Association, where we can get well Dear Brother Ahepan, passed away on January 5, 2009. prepared Greek food at very reason- The Greek Independence Day He served in the military, US able prices ($20). Parade in New York will be held Army during World War II 25th Important items to note: on April 26, 2009. This year, the Cavalry Reconnaissance Squad- Time: The parade starts at 1 p.m. Supreme Lodge is planning to ron. He was awarded a Bronze on Sunday April 26th, 2009 march with us again, but we all Star for Valor and five Battle Place: Fifth Avenue at 61st Street, hope to significantly increase the Stars: Normandy, Battle of the New York, NY (more specifics as we number of AHEPA marchers from Bulge, Rhineland, Northern get closer to April 26) 60 last year to over 100. This France, and Central Europe. would renew the respect for Dress Code: Blue suit, white shirt, George owned and operated AHEPA among the other mem- tie, and Ahepa jewels if applicable the Roodner Feed Company for bers of the Federation of Hellenic What each chapter needs to do: over 40 years until his retire- Societies of Greater New York As soon as possible: As your ment. He was a member of the and would increase the chances chapter’s fair share of the cost of the Norwalk chapter where he served that we would be among the first float, please send a check for $50 as Chapter President and then groups to march in the parade in made out to AHEPA District #7 to served on the District working his the years to come. We are work- District #7 Treas. John G. Grosso- way up to District Governor of ing closely with our brothers manides 8 Mohegan Trail Westerly District #7. from District 6 (New York) and RI 02891. District 5 (New Jersey and Dela- By February 28: Please communi- Brother Past District Governor ware) to coordinate a great turn- cate your commitment for at least 5 C.
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