Today: Our Fall Car Care Section • -•';) Clondthey todayWeathe, chancer of THE DAILY rain:ioud. Raiyn todayand wind, chancy tonighte o;f X X JLJLJ JLSJ. MM M JM FINAL fain heavy at times tomor- K«l Bank, Freehold row. 7 Ixmg Branch 7 EDITION 36 PAGES « Monniouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper VOL.95 NO. 72 REP BANK, NJ. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5,1972 TEN CENTS iiimiimiminrnHHiiiimiimnmiminiiiimiiiiiiHiiimimmiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiinnntiii Shopping Center Foes Win Double Victory By PAUL KERN vise you that we have decided cil voted unanimously to ap- nance until it meets in rcgualr not to proceed further with peal the rejection by county session Wednesday. Coun- EATONTOWN — Foes of a the planning and development Election Clerk Stanley Davis cilmen Festa and Boff said second major shopping center of a regional shopping center of a referendum on the zon- the council will probably scored a double victory last in the Borough of Eatontown. ing. come back with an amend- night when the Muss-Tankoos "We have spent more than Council voted last week to ment that deletes the new Corp. withdrew its devel- two years on our proposed re- submit a petition with more shopping center zone and will opment plans and a majority gional center, and now we are than the required 381 signa- then have to readvertise the of the council came out faced with further delays due tures to Mr. Davis for in- ordinance before it can be against zoning the proposed to the dissent ion prevailing clusion on* the November bal- adopted in November. tract for a shopping center. the uncertainty of the fate of lot. The petitioners wanted a Not AU Happy Republican Councilman the proposed zoning ordi- public vote on the second Not all of the 85 residents f-Vincent Festa joined the nance. shopping center. at last night's meeting were three council Democrats in an- "Would you please deem Mr. Davis ruled that the happy to hear of the demise of nouncing that he will vote for this letter as a withdrawal of question should have been the second shopping center keeping the 220-acres "in any application that we may submitted to his office at least plan. some kind of holding situ- have pending with the 60 days prior to the election, "Don't you think," asked ation" or let the land revert to borough," the letter, signed which would have put the Blanche Blum, owner of the residential use. by David Muss, concludes. deadline at Sept. S. Baron-Mayes Motel, "that we Democratic Councilman J. Mayor Werner said the let- Order Issued should make it easier for oth- Joseph Frankel, Lawrence ter, dated yesterday, was Borough Attorney Henry J. ers to come In? We'll be left' Boff and Rudolph Borneo had hand-delivered in the after- Saling said he polled the coun- sitting on our land." been fighting a minority noon by S. Thomas cil by telephone when he re- Warren Sandbach of 14 Ber- battle to block a Republican liano, attorney for ceived the decision Mondayi nard Ave. asked, "What now? plan to rezone the land for the Muss-Tankoos. and, after receiving an unoffi- What's going to be out there? Muss-Tankoos center. "Tragic Day" cial go-ahead, petitioned Su- Do you want another Stoney With Mr. Festa on their "I think," Mayor Wer- perior Court Judge Merritt Hill instead?" side, they have a majority ner said. "This is a tragic Lane Jr., who issued a show Mayor Werner said that against Mayor Herbert E. day for the Borough of Eaton- cause order returnable without the new shopping cen- Werner, Council President town." Friday. ter zone, the tax outlook "for Leon B. Smock and Coun- Mr. Muss told the council it Last night, Mr. Saling re- 1973 is a rather dismal one ... cilman Henry Frey. would have been "easier" to ceived the official approval of Due to inaction in this and oth- . • . R«sltl«r SloH Photo Letter Read ma1' the letter. "But, we owed the council to argue the order er areas in 1972,1 feel we are CENTER PLAN WITHDRAWN — Eatontown residents sit quietly while Mayor Herbert E. Werner The Muss-Tankoos letter it to you, mayor, to appear." which, if upheld, places the in a precarious position tax- reads a letter trom the Muss-Tankoos Corp. withdrawing its application to build a shopping center on question on the ballot. wise in the year 1973." 220 acres facing Rt. 36. After hearing the letter, many of the 85 persons present applauded. reads: The.shopping center oppo- "We respectfully beg to ad- nents scored a third, but aca- Council voted to continue He said the borough tax demic, victory when the coun- action on the new zoning ordi- See Withdraw, page 2 Rogers, Chiao to Dine UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. tant day of bilateral con- sought the meeting, which This will involve the possi- ing with Egyptian Foreign (AP) — Secretary of State sultations during the current will be limited to the two dip- bility of increasing trade be- Minister Mohammed Hassan el, William P. Rogers will hold a U.N. General Assembly session, lomats and one other official tween the two nations as well Zayyat to explain the U.S. po- private dinner tonight for Before seeing the Chinese on each side. as other types of contacts. sition on international terror- Communist Chinese De- official, Rogers scheduled An Eastern European diplo- They also are expected to talk ism and to get a new assess- puty Foreign' Minister Chiao consultations with his counter- mat close to trie Chinese dele- about the Vietnam war. ment of the Mideast situation. Kuan-hua, diplomatic sources parts from Egypt and India, gation said the session mainly In addition, Chiao is said to Egypt has been critical of say. two nations-very critical of would be a social event. But be anxious to receive assur- Rogers' effort to get an early It will be the first such U.S. foreign'policy. other sources said Rogers and ances that stepped-up negotia- debate in the General Assem- meeting between high-ranking Although State Department Chiao would discuss in gener- tions between Washington and bly on his plan to obtain an in- American and Chinese, offi- officials said they could nei- al terms the progress toward Moscow in commercial and ternational agreement to pun- cials outside the mainland ther confirm nor deny -the normalizing U.S.-Pcking rela- disarmament matters will not ish nations that don't punish since the Peking summit, and Chiao dinner, Die diplomatic tions since President Nixon threaten China. terrorists. dimaxes Rogers' most impor- sources indicated Rogers visited Peking in February. Rogers sought today's meet- But Rogers, as he has in other meetings with Arab dip*' lomats, wanted to emphazise his view that the drive against terrorism does not mean the United States is anti-Arab. Cahill Welfare Program It was unlikely, American officials said, the meeting with Zayyat would produce any immediate positive re- sults. In the case of India, Rogers went into the meeting witb Upheld; AppealPlanned »P Wlrttrfiol* Foreign Minister Sardar Swa- ran Singh concerned about BALANCING ACT — Fresno Calif., service station attendant Lawrence TRENTON (AP) — An at- Gerard Clark of Newark judge rejected challenges to program to require that both New Delhi's criticism of "Tip" Banks has a unique way of carrying tires around the garage. He torney for a coalition of wel- said yesterday after being in- new state requirements for parents be married, at home American policies in tbe balances two around his hips, throws two more over his head and drop- fare organizations that chal- formed of the rulings, that eligibility in aid to the work- and the natural or adoptive Mideast and Vietnam. kicks a fifth in the direction he Is going. It works great until someone asks lenged the controversial 1971 both would "definitely" be ap- ing poor and to the method of parents of children in the for a match. .-.''...' Cahill administration welfare pealed. making welfare payments. home did not discriminate program says he will appeal In separate related deci- The three-judge panel ruled against blacks. two federal court rulings that sions a three judge federal that Gov. William T. Cahill's The court also rejected the rejected the challenge. panel and a federal court revision of the working poor claim that the working poor requirements discriminated McGovern Outlines Foreign against illegitimate children and their unwed parents. Reporter Starts Jail Term "To say that this policy is racially discriminatory Policy, Is Rapped by Agnew against blacks because they are more likely to be involved On Conviction of Contempt in more of these illicit living By the Associated Press "He doesn't have a plan for, McGovern said he would ex- wishes of AFL-CIO President units than whites is to say America," Said Agnew. "He tend diplomatic recognition to George Meany. NEWARK (AP) - "He has to got to prison for contempt five questions posed by a Sen. George McGovern just doesn't have one." At an- that the laws against adultery mainland China if elected. "If any labor leader, no the key to the jailhouse door. since the U.S. Supreme Court grand jury probing allegations and fornication are racially spoke today of a "new inter- other point, Agnew said AU he has to do is answer five ruled newsmen may not with- of corruption in the Newark nationalism" to supplant McGovern's philosophy is President Nixort has no matter how high ho is," Shriv- discriminatory for the same campaign appearances sched- er told the council, "tells you questions." hold confidential information Housing Authority or the grand reason," the court said.
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