SCHEDULE OF YOM KIPPUR SERVICES Sunday, September 28th, Yom Kippur Eve Mincha 1:30 KOL NIDRE 5:30 Rabbi Lookstein will speak Monday, September 29th, Yom Kippur Morning .' 8:00 Memorial Service (Yizkor) 11:15 PLEASE NOTE that the hours indicated above are Eastern Standard Time which will go into effect this Sunday morning. PLANS MADE FOR FESTIVE SUKKOTH HOLIDAY The forthcoming Sukkoth festival As announced in last week's Bul¬ w ill long be remembered by those letin, arrangements have been com¬ w ho will participate in its celebration pleted for catered meals to be served at Kehilath Jeshurun. Plans are being in the Sukkah on the first two days mjade for the Sukkoth holiday that of the festival: Friday and Saturday wjill make for a beautiful as well as evenings and Saturday and Sunday eiiijoyable observance of the Feast of afternoons. The price per plate is Tfabernacles, without for one moment $6.00 — a nominal sum that will leasing sight of the ancient traditional cover everything that is required, in¬ practices that constitute the heart of cluding gratuities. In order to allow tljie holiday. enough time for the necessary ar¬ rangements, the dead-line for reserva¬ j Once again, the Sisterhood has un¬ tions has been set for Tuesday, Sep¬ dertaken to decorate the Sukkah. A tember 30th. We should like to re¬ gjvoup of the organization's members, mind you that all reservations must uirider the chairmanship of Mrs. be accompanied by check. David Joseph, are now planning to The true celebration of the holiday prepare the spacious Sukkah, which takes place proper. is! on the third floor of the Synagogue in the Synagogue We call upon our worshippers to House, so that we may enjoy the spiritual uplifting of the holiday in help us enhance the beauty of the service by acquiring an Ethrog and surroundings that are beautiful to behold. (continued on page 3) Rabbi Lookstein will preach this Sabbath at 10:45 a.m. "IS THERE A POINT OF NO RETURN?" 2 KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN RABBI JOSEPH H. LOOKSTEIN will be the Guest Speaker at the FIRST OPEN MEETING of the SISTERHOOD Monday Afternoon, October 6th at 12:30 in the SOCIAL HALL Members and friends of the Sisterhood are cordially invited to attend. U SISTERHOOD NEWS TO COLLEGE YOUTH AND THEIR A Reminder — PARENTS This We are looking forward to having week marked the opening of the all of our members and friends at the academic season. Many of the First Open Meeting of the Sisterhood young people of the Congregati •on year, Monday afternoon, October 6th, will shortly be leaving for college, at 12:30, in the Social Hall. Rabbi large number of them to schools m distant Joseph H. Lookstein will he our guest parts of the country. We should like to address this messa speaker, and the wives of the new ge members of the Congregation will be to the K.J. collegiates: our special guests. Many young people who are aw ay We know we will have an unusually at college would welcome an oc ca- large attendance; we hope to see you sional word from their synagog ue there. [back home. Some might even like to hear Auction and Entertainment now and then from the Ral bi of their Planned — Congregation. They mig ht want to receive the Mrs. Harry W. Baumgarten, presi¬ weekly Bullei in dent of the Sisterhood, announced regularly. When they return home j or the various vacation that at the meeting of the Executive periods, th ey might like to receive some honor at Board, held last Monday, plans were a laid for a Gala Auction and Enter¬ synagogue service — a call to t he Torah or a Maftir. tainment to be held Saturday evening, December 6th, in the Auditorium Occasionally, a problem may p: *e- and the Social Hall. sent itself to them on which th ey would like the The affair, which is under the gen¬ opinion of the Rah bi eral chairmanship of Mrs. Benjamin who knew them from earliest chi d- hood. The L. Leifert, will be something out-of- Rabbi, in turn, who f re- the-ordinary, and an occasion you quently is invited to address studc nt bodies at won't want to miss. Plenty of prizes, out-of-town colleges, woi ild be refreshments galore and unusual bar¬ delighted on those occasions to gains will he there for you. Of course, spend some time with a young c< >n- you'll be there for them, too. gregant of his who might be a studt nt at that Between now and December 6th, college. We are you will be hearing and reading a therefore anxious to h•live good deal about the function. This the address of every ... college yoi ng advance notice is given so that you man or woman affiliated with t he may be able to arrange your calendar Congregation. Just drop a card to lihe and plan to attend. And by all means, Synagogue Office giving us your na^ne start rounding up your parties, too. and where you can be reached. KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN A { NOW Order Your Tickets! Reserve the Date! For: The MEN'S CLUB THEATRE PARTY To: "MY DARLIN' AIDA" Starring: Dorothy Sarnoff, Elaine Malbin, Howard Jarratt and a host of other outstanding performers To be held: WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 15th, at the Winter Garden Call the Office at SAcramento 2-0800 for Reservations! RRANGEMENTS COMPLETED FOR MEN'S CLUB THEATRE PARTY Dr. Frank Goodman and Hyman I. The Men's Club offers you a chance >hen, co-chairmen of the project, to see this new hit Wednesday eve¬ announced that arrangements have ning, October 15th. At the same time, bjeen completed for the annual Thea¬ you will have an opportunity to help the Men's Club carry on its program tre Party of the Men's Club. This of worth-while activities so familiar ^sear, the show that has been selected to all members of the Kehilath 1 "My Darlin' Aida", a musical based n Jeshurun family. 0 Verdi's opera, supplemented by a C ompletely up-to-date book and lyrics. So, whether you're a member of 1 a stellar roles are Dorothy Sarnoff the Men's Club or not, you should nd Elaine Malbin of a "The King and take advantage of an opportunity to I fame; and Howard Jarratt, Rich- enjoy yourself at a hit show without rd Atchkinson, William Wilderman having to wait weeks or months, and, nd other stage personalities well at the same time, support the work nown to theatre-goers. of the Men's Club. Further informa¬ tion about the Theatre The show has every ear-mark of Party may he had Jpeing the biggest thing to hit Broad¬ by calling the Office. way in years. Let's examine briefly i;hose who are connected with it: ook by Charles Friedman; Supervi- THE SUKKOTH FESTIVAL ion by Hassard Short (the talented ombination of Friedman and Short (continued from page 1) ^yas responsible for the highly suc¬ Lulav which are used in the proces¬ cessful "Carmen Jones") ; Choreog¬ sion in the Synagogue. The impor¬ raphy by Hanya Holm; Costumes by tance of providing yourself with an J^emuel Ayers; Choral direction by Ethrog and Lulav, in general, can¬ Robert Shaw. And, of course, the in¬ not be over-estimated. The time to do comparable music of Verdi. so is now, while the supply of kosher and attractive Ethrogim is still on An aggregation such as this has hand. Our Ritual Director, Joseph E. rarely been assembled for a musical show in the past. Recognizing this, Adler, will be only too happy to render whatever assistance he can in the public has been swamping the this direction. Please feel free to call box office; mail orders are being ac¬ cepted for December only. upon him. 4 KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun THE K.J. CALENDAR 117-25 East 85th Street Thursday, Oct. 2, 8:30 P.M. — Meet¬ New York 28, N. Y. ing of the Board of Trustees — SAcramento 2-0800 Library Synagogue Officials Monday, Oct. 6, 12:30 p.m. — First Open Meeting of the Sisterhood; Joseph H. Habbi Lookstein Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein, guest Hyman Gertler Cantor speaker — Social Hall Joseph E. Adler Ritual Director Jerome H. Rosenblum Exec. Director Wednesday, Oct. 15, 8:30 p.m. -— Men's Club Theatre Party to "My Officers of the Congregation Darlin' Aida" — Winter Garden Max J. Etra President Harry W. Baumgarten Vice-President WITHIN OUR FAMILY A. Phillip Goldsmith Treasurer A. Milton Brown Secretary Birth — Ira F. Weisman President, Men's Club A hearty Mazel Tov to Benjamir* Mrs. H. W. Baumgarten Miller, of the Ramaz School faculty, Sisterhood President, and to Mrs. Miller, on the birth of J a baby boy this week. j Birthdays — SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Many happy returns of the day to FRIDAY Mrs. Benjamin L. Leifert, Isaac E. Evening 6:15 Okun, I. Jerome Riker, Mrs. Isidore Silver, Louis J. Singer, Mrs. Morris SATURDAY, Shabbat Shuvah Spaet, and Dr. Philip Weisberg. Morning 9:00 Weekly Portion: Haazinu, Deuteronomy 32:1-52 A MODERN RITUALARIUM Haftorah: Hosea 14:2-10; is located in our community Micah 7:18-20 at 158 West 97th Street Evening 6:30 MOnument 3-0300 Conclusion of Sabbath 7:20 J DAILY SERVICES Morning 7:30 Sunday Morning 8:00 Evening 5:30 Riverside W.~~ial CkapJ YAHRZEITS . Where the facilities of the largest September funeral home are combined with the 28—IGNATZ MARGARETEN warmest personal attention.
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