Nov. 2, 1965 R. M. LINDORUIST ETAL 3,215,529 COLOR PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL Filed July 13, 1960 NE" 4. 2 8 22 INVENTORS /72aata 7/24 MMVAGeMM67 Az a ya //z Zay /777 Hur UA Cap/rcaya, ow "4e) 24%isATTORNEYS 3,215,529 United States Patent Office Patented Nov. 2, 1965 2 3,215,529 base is designated by the numeral 2, same being coated COLOR PHOTOGRAPHC MATERIAL on one side with a photosensitive layer 4 containing the Robert M. Lindquist, Lexington, Ky., Floyd T. Neth, leuconitrile color former. Typically, layer 4 may com Pensacola, Fla., and Arthur J. Critchlow, San Jose, prise a color former such as hydroxyethylate p-rosaniline Calif., assignors of one-half to Kalvar Corporation, leuconitrile, which gives a magenta image, in gelatin, New Orleans, La., a corporation of Louisiana, and of The superimposed coating 6 comprises the photosensitive one-half to International Business Machines Corpora layer which forms light scattering centers upon ex tion, San Jose, Calif., a corporation of New York posure to ultraviolet light above 3500A., and heat de Filed July 18, 1960, Ser. No. 43,374 velopment. Typically, this may comprise a suspension 7 Claims. (C. 96-27) 10 of light sensitive diazonium compound in a thermoplastic The present invention relates to a novel photographic polymer carrier such as "Saran' (vinylidene chloride color material. More particularly, the invention is con acrylonitrile copolymer) as described in Serial No. cerned with color photographic film comprising a plu 623,050. The other side of base 2 is coated with the rality of integral layers of different photosensitivity photosensitive layer 8 containing a different leuconitrile capable of dry processing. 15 color former or the like which gives another color upon A large number of photographic color materials and exposure. For example, the second dye may be a cyan processes exist. A summary of these can be found in color-former such as Patent Blue V leuconitrile suspended The History of Color Photography” by Friedman. Ex in gelatin. isting materials and processes suffer from lack of con It is essential for the success of the invention to utilize venience in preparing the final color print. Those mate 20 a base material which substantially filters out radiation rials which produce a color print with a single exposure below 3500A. Polyethylene terephthalate film (i.e. Mylar require wet processing of various degrees of complication. or Cornar) is eminently suitable at the base material. Materials such as the diazo type which can produce color Other film materials suitable for use herein include: by relatively simple means of development do not have glass cellulose triacetate, polystyrene, cellulose acetate, a differential photosensitivity so that prints for each 25 butyrate, etc. The film used herein may have any de color have to be made on separate films by separate ex sired thickness, typically from 3 to 10 mils. posures and later combined in the proper registration Any leuconitrile color former or other like material to produce the finished color print. may be used herein provided it is responsive only to From the foregoing, it is apparent that an integral shorter wave ultraviolet, e.g. radiation below 3500A., multi-layer film simple to expose and develop which will 30 to produce a color image. Leuconitrile color formers result in two or three, or possibly more, color transpar and photosensitive compositions suitable for use herein encies or prints would be highly advantageous and de are described in the prior art, typically the Chalkley sirable in the present state of the art. Patents 2,855,303; 2,855,304 and 2,877,169. Thus, for The principal object of the present invention is to pro example, suitable leuconitrile color formers include the vide such an integral multilayer photographic material. 3 5 essentially colorless hydrophilic triphenylmethane dye A more specific object of the invention is the provision cyanides of the phenolic and amino type. These color of an integral multilayer photographic film which is formers form photosensitive combinations with hydro capable of being dry processed to give highly desirable colloids which are responsive to the indicated shorter plural color transparencies or prints. Other objects will wave ultraviolet as described, for example, in 2,855,303. also be hereinafter apparent. 40 Any of the photosensitive compositions described in the Broadly stated, the photographic material of the inven abovementioned patents may be used herein by directly tion comprises a suitable film base, coated on one side coating same upon the film base in the conventional with (1) leuconitrile color former or the like which upon fashion, the appropriate sides of the base being coated irradiation by ultraviolet light of short wave length i.e. with leuconitrile color formers which give different color below 3500A., produces a color image, e.g. magenta, upon imageS. exposure; and (2) a photosensitive composition, as de As indicated heretofore, the scatter-center component scribed and claimed in copending application Serial No. may be combined with the leuconitrile color former on 623,050 now U.S. Patent 3,032,414, which is sensitive to one side of the base. Preferably, however, the scatter. near ultraviolet light, i.e. ultraviolet light having a wave center component constitutes a separate layer or coating length in excess of 3500A., and produces a light-scatter 50 Superimposed upon a leuconitrile color former layer. ing image upon heat development; the base being coated Such separate layer may be prepared according to Serial No. 623,050 now U.S. Patent 3,032,414 and may com on its other side with a second and different leuconitrile prise a thermoplastic vehicle, particularly a non-hygro color former, or the like, which upon irradiation with Scopic synthetic thermoplastic polymer, having a light short wave length ultraviolet produces a different color, 55 e.g. Cyan. decomposable agent substantially uniformly dispersed According to the invention, components (1) and (2) therein, the agent upon exposure decomposing into prod above may be combined into a single photosensitive coat lucts which are chemically non-reactive to said vehicle ing or layer on one side of the film base. Alternatively, and which on warming are volatile to form the light these components may comprise separate, Superimposed scattering discontinuities in the polymer to thereby furnish photosensitive layers coated on the same side of the film 60 the desired record. base. Thus, component 1 may comprise a first photo The light decomposable agent in the scatter-center sensitive coating directly adjacent the film base with the component should be decomposable upon exposure to scatter center-forming layer superimposed thereupon. ultraviolet light having a wave length in excess of 3500A. These layers may also be reversed, if desired. Desirably, this decomposable agent is a light sensitive A preferred form of the invention is illustrated in the 65 diazonium compound such as p-diazo dimethyl aniline accompanying diagrammatic drawing wherein the film zinc chloride. Other suitable diazonium compounds are 3,215,529 3 4. p-diazo diphenylamine sulfate, p-diazo diethylaniline zinc that of the image formed in the first leuconitrile color chloride, p-diazo ethyl hydroxyethylaniline zinc chloride, former layer, e.g. cyan, is directly formed. p-diazo methyl aniline zinc chloride, p-diazo diethyl The method of exposure and development as described methyl aniline zinc chloride, p-diazo ethyl hydroxyethyl above may also be used when working with two light sen aniline zinc chloride, 1 diazo-2 oxy naphthaline-4 sul 5 sitive layers, i.e. when the light-scattering compound is fonate, p-diethyl amino benzene diazonium chloride combined with one of the leuconitrile color formers in a ZnCl2, 4-benzoylamino-2-5-diethoxy benzene diazonium single layer. The finished image in either case appears chloride, p-chlorobenzene-sulfonate of 4-diazo-1-cyclo black, magenta and cyan when projected and, when hexylaniline, p-chlorobenzenesulfonate of 4-diazo-2-meth viewed directly against a dark background, white, mag oxy-1-cyclohexylamino benzene, tin chloride double salt enta and cyan. The leuconitrile dye images are absorp of 4-N-methyl-cyclohexylamino-benzene diazonium chlo tion images and will present the same color and general ride, p-acetamino benzene diazonium chloride, 4-dimethyl appearance without regard to the viewing conditions while amino benzene diazonium chloride, 3-methyl-4-diethyl the light-scattering image will appear black when viewed amino benzene diazonium chloride, 4-morpholino benzene by transmitted light, as upon projection, and will appear diazonium chloride, 4-piperidyl 2-5-diethoxy benzene white when viewed by reflected light, say against a black diazonium chloride, 1-dimethyl amino naphthaline-4 di background. azonium chloride, 4-phenyl amino diazo benzene diazo Since the leuconitrile images are not fixed against fur nium chloride. ther exposure and development by short wave length ultra Other light decomposable agents suitable for use herein violet, it is desirable, in order to prevent an overall include: organic acids such as ferric ammonium citrate 20 colored fog, to encase the multi-pack material in a jacket and oxalate salts which liberate carbon oxides on ex which does not permit wave lengths shorter than 3500A. posure to light. to pass. Alternatively, the material may be over-coated The thermoplastic polymer vehicle for the scatter on both sides with a material which performs the same center component
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