Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC August 1999 Daily Egyptian 1999 8-27-1999 The Daily Egyptian, August 27, 1999 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_August1999 Volume 85, Issue 5 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1999 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in August 1999 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ATTENTION THESE DOCUMENTS ARE FILMED EXACTLY AS THEY WERE RECEIVED. IN SOME CASES, PAGES MAY BE DIFFICULT TO READ. SOME PAGES APPEAR TO HAVE OVERLAPPING DOCUMENTS. BUT THEY WERE PHOTOCOPIED IN TIDS MANNER. SANDRA MASON DIRECTOR OF RECORDS MANAGEMENT SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY MICROGRAPIDCSDEPARTMENT CARBONDALE, ILLINOIS .,.., ART EXHIBIT CALENDAR OUTDOORS French father and son make U.S. The EGYPTIAN lists coming Community members finJ a deb11t at Unii•crsity Museum. events in rite Carbondale area. fishing spot on Campus Lrihe. PAGE 3 PAGE 6 PAGE 6 _-----·--- ____.---6'_ --------- JusTIH JONES - DAILY EGYrnAN Khris Allen, trainer for Adriatic Animal Attractions out of Florida, sits calmly in the middle of a tiger's cage Tuesday afternoon. Allen and the tigers will perform during the Du Quoin State Fair, which starts today and lasts th.!.Q..l!gli..S~pl 6._.,_ Du Quoin State Allen shows no fear when Fair to feature dealing with the large cats. This is Fair tigers, exhibitions, the debut performance for carnival rides and the big cats and Allen at the Du a 'Salute to the Quoin State Fair. Play Military' Justin Jones DAILY EvYMlAN STORY BY Fair. The fair opens this evening and continues KELLY HERnEIN through Sept. 6. As Colleen Perkins casually pets a snow white Bengal tiger, one of only 12 in the world, she says tGHTEEN-MONTH·OLD Su~s EYES FOCUS traveling to shows and fairs is not strenuous for the INTENTLY ON THE PEOPLE WHO SURROUND tigers. HIM. He BATS AND PLAYS wrrn TOYS, WANT• E "We try to do JO to 15 fairs a year:· said Perkins, ING TO BE THE CENTER OF ATTENTION. WHEN A CAMERA ,L~sistant trainer for Adriatic Animal Attraction. FlASHES, SUMAN NOTES HE HAS NOT BEEN CHOSEN FOR 'They [the tigers] have moods just like people. The THE SHOT AND PLAYFULLY RACES TOWARD THE PHOTOG­ cats are just like us, !hey like and enjoy the new RAPHER. sighl~ and smells when they travel." Gmcefully collecting himself. the photogmphcr The fairgrouml~, which exceed 700 acres, fea­ pulls back from the iron fence toward which ture horse stables. camp grounds. carnival games Suman. a 450-pound Bengal tiger has just leapt at and rides. an entertainment alley, an exposition his face. The fair opens this evening with the Twilight Parade and will continue through Sept 6 Suman has been trJnsportcd to Southern Illinois Admission is free. Parking is SJ per car for general and S5 for preferred parking. ,L~ om: of several attmctions at the Du Quoin State SEE FAIR, P:\GE 5 For more information, see the fairs web5ite at \\IW\N.http://www.state.il.us/dq/default.htm ' 27 28 29 AUGUST Friday Saturday Sunday V,,I. 85. Nn. 5, 20 r-•e:cs SOUTHER.N ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY AT CARBONDALE ~1:-,,LE COPY FREE ..:2=---•...;F~R~ID~AY:.:,_,:...:A:..:UG:.:u.::.:sr..:2:..:.7!.-, :..:.19:..:9-=.9 _________________:1;;.:;lll;;.;.IJ EGH'TL\~ _______________________N_Ew_s_ Calr:-t.h: i1cr:1 .~:tJa:-.t-it ,,.,':I rul:>bntionJ~,.1-efo1t- d..c r"\'t"l'IL Tiv.-rm, rnlDt :...•1d,1.!l"hmr.\hlt', ~=• =~=-~1:~~:[l~;::u::J~~~:tl:~r~ ~2~~ ~~:::t~•,::: ~f: CALENDAR "'I~ oo. w•,rn,:. .. hi:"yt;;:;rim«-m. Nr, ...bJJT ir.f..,rr.'l.i,jn:i, wul.hc- t-ll,." O\'ff t}lt"fh.'™' TODAY • USG Senall! meeting. Aug. 29, S call Women's Services at THIS DAY IN 1980 p.m., Ballroom B Student Center, 453-3655. • S.>luki \'olunll!<.r Corps Wann Sean 536-3381. Hearts Coat/Blanket Drive neecs • WSIU-FM auditions for news and help to distribute coats and • Library Affairs E-mail using spo·ts posilions, Aug. 31, 1 to 5 •Bars locat~d along Illinois Avenue were encour­ p.m., Communications Building blankets, Nov. lOToday fudora, Aug. 30, 10 to 11 a.m. Morris library 103D, 4_53·2818. Room 44, Beth 453-6101, aged tr move as a result of downtown redevel­ • lnterVarsity Christian • Library Affai:s tllinet On-line, • library Affairs Introduction to opment plans discussed at an informi.l meeting Fellowship introduction and Aug. 30, 11 a.m. lo 12 p.m., Morris Const~rrting Web Pages (HTML), of the carbondale City Council. About 36 wor,hip, 7 p.m., Agric.u!ture Library 103D, 453-2818. Aug. 31, 2 to 4 pm. Morris l.Jbrary blocks in the center of the city were induded in building Room 209, Patrick 549- 103D, 453-2818. 4284. • Library Affairs JavaSaipt Aug. the redevelopment district. The entire redev£:1· 30, 2 to 3:30 p.m. Morris ubrary • Premedical Professions opment area extended west and east on Main • Christians Unlimited meeting. 7 Affairs 103D, 453-2818. Association first meeting of p.m, Student Center Kaskaskia Strnet from Poplar to Wall streets and north and • Broadc.asling Service WStU ,M semester, Aug. 31, 7 p.m. Life Room, Amy 549-2949. south to Hickory and Mill streets. Bars located new volunteer meeting. Aug. 30, 6 Science Ill Auditorium Room • Science Fiction and Fantasy p.m. Communications 52B FM 1059, Brian529-3180. within this area were encouraged to relocate to SUNDAY: Society join us and watch science Studio B, Lisa 453-6185. • Chr.-:tia:is Unlimited barbecue, eliminate the concentration of bars on Illinois Partly Cloudy fiction, fantasy ond Japanese Sepl 1, 7 p.m. 1205 W. Schwartz animation ,;deo~ 7 p.m, Activity • SIIJC Ballroom Dance dub Avenue. 30, St, Amy 549-29~9. High: 89 Room A, Mike 549-3527. meeting and lesson, Aug. 7 Low: 63 p.m .. Davies • Zoology dub first meeting all • Library Affai" PowerPoin~ 10 to Gym. SIS students S20 major.; and new members 11:15 a.m. Morris Library 103D, non-students, Bryan 351-8855. welcome, Stpl 2. 6 p.m. LSII 367. •The world's largest broom was assembled in 453-2818. • Library Affairs E-mail using Pat529-8TTS. Carbondale. A 42- foot long, 30- foot wide • Southern lllinois University and Eudora. Aug. 31, 9 lo 10 a.m. • carbondale Main Street Deign broom was in the works for the Undergraduate the Department of Morris uorary 103D, 453-2818. Committee Fall planting. Sept 11, Student Organizations Carbondale deanup Day POLICE IlLOTIEll Transportation will be offering • Library Affairs lntroduaion to 9 a.m. Downtown Carbondale, Jill 1980 and was to be entered in Ripley's Believe free motorcycle rider ::nurses, Aug. 529-8040. WWW using Netscape, Aug. 31; ID It or Not 27, 6 to 9:30 p.m. Aug. 28 and 29, to 11 a.m. Morris ubrary 103D, • Friends of Morris Library book CARBONDALE 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., 1-SOCJ-642·9589. 453-2818. sale, Sept 11, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., • German Club meeting. 5:30 to • Baptist Student Center is Southwest comer of Morris l.Jorary, • A Carbondale man reported the theft of a set of 6:30 p.m., Booby's, Aune Jn1453-2519. •11 McFly's located at 315 S. Illinois St had a Dunlop golf dubs and S4 from his locked pickup offering free lunch for internation · 549-1754. als, every Tues., 11:30 am. to 1 • Humane Sociely of Southem back-to-school party with 25-cent drafts, 70- • lntomalional Student Couna1 p.m. Baptist Student Center on llfinois is having a pet fair with cent speed rails and Sl .25 pitchers all day and ~~~~i:~~g~t:~np~~~~~i3~~~ ~~~=~ the comer of Mill and Forrest St, adaptable pets from the shelter, ocamed bet\veen 2 a.m. and 12:51 p.m. on meeting. 6 p.m. Renaissance night with no cover. Room Student Cenler, Coul Judy 457-2898. dog obedience demos, and ilsk a Wednesday. There was no sign of a forced entry. vet, Sepl 11, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. There are no suspects in this incident 453-5264. • Women's Servi:es presents Project Mask; if you are a suNivor Turley Park. Jol!ene Boehler UPCOMING of serual assault or abuse. child 549-3787. • Saluki Volunteer Corps Annual sexual abuse. domestic violence or • USG Senall! meeting. Sept 15, 7 Day of Ser.ice needs help to build marital rape, Women's Services p.m., Ballroom D Student Center, CORRECTIONS and renovate homes ,vi!h habitat encourages you to participate in a Sean 536-3381. for humanity, hang posters and series of mask-making workshops. • carbondale Main Street needs Di11rrnn~l~ help publici1e for upcoming Each afternoon is limited to six &Jiror•in-Oaicf.JAl'ETTE BoU.-.."SKl volunteers for Pig Out, Sept 17 isp,1,1""'-'lMonJ.ty AJ M:u'IJecr: NANCY OU\'DII In Thursday's artide, "Audrey dives into new waters," Dave Red Cross Blood Drives and much partidpants and pre-registration is and 18, 10 a.m. to 11 p.m., 710 throuohFridardurina Ard,ey's last name was misspelled._ required, every Tues., I to 3:30 thcl.Jlanhprin< (..l;t.,:ctt'ii:d: ROLANDA Mo:uSTOS more, Aug. 28, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Bookstore parking lot, Jill Bu.<.inos::OtETFRm TIie EcmtAN regrets the error. Student Center, 453•57K p.m., Woody Hal~ Room A-302.
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