Russian Academy of Sciences, Far Eastern Branch Botanical Garden-Institute botanica pacifica A journal of plant science and conservation Volume 9, No. 1 2020 VLADIVOSTOK 2020 Botanica Pacifica. A journal of plant science and conservation. 2020. 9(1): 139–154 DOI: 10.17581/bp.2020.09115 Findings to the flora of Russia and adjacent countries: New national and regional vascular plant records, 2 Alla V. Verkhozina*1, Olga A. Chernysheva1, Alexandr L. Ebel2, Andrey S. Erst2,3, Nikolay V. Dorofeev1, Vladimir I. Dorofeyev4, Alexey V. Grebenjuk4, Anna Ya. Grigorjevskaja5, Ziyarat A. Guseinova6, Anastasia V. Ivanova7, Anatoliy A. Khapugin8,9, Andrey Yu. Korolyuk3, Kirill A. Korznikov10, Igor V. Kuzmin8, Maxim M. Mallaliev6, Vladislav V. Murashko1, Ramazan A. Murtazaliev6,11, Ksenia B. Popova12, Irina N. Safronova4, Sergey V. Saksonov7, Lyudmi­ la I. Sarajeva13, Stepan A. Senator7, Victoria I. Troshkina3, Vladimir M. Vasjukov7, Wei Wang14,15, Kunli Xiang14,15, Evgenii G. Zibzeev3, Dmitry V. Zolotov16, Elena Yu. Zykova3, Denis A. Krivenko1 1 Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology and ABSTRACT Biochemistry SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia With this paper we continue a new annual series, the main purpose of which is to 2 National Research Tomsk State University, make significant floristic findings from Russia and neighboring countries more vi­ Tomsk, Russia sible in Russia and abroad. In total, this paper presents new records for 24 vascular 3 Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB plant species from 4 Eurasian countries, obtained during field explorations, as well RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia as during taxonomic revisions of herbarium materials. For the first time, new locali­ 4 Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, St. ty of Ageratum conyzoides, Salvia hispanica, Thymus rasitatus, Tulipa mongolica is recorded Petersburg, Russia for Russia, Sparganium glomeratum for North Korea, Alyssum armenum for Georgia, 5 Thymus pseudopannonicus for Kazakhstan, Cymbalaria muralis for the Asian part of Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russia, Anthemis ruthenica for Siberia, Capsella orientalis, Echinops sphaerocephalus, Hera­ Russia cleum sosnowskyi, Thymus elegans for Eastern Siberia, Persicaria orientalis for Western Si­ 6 Mountain Botanical Garden, DSC RAS, beria, Galatella crinitoides for the Black Soil Region, Centaurea orientalis for Zavolzhye, Makhachkala, Russia Silene dichotoma for the Altai Republic, Onobrychis arenaria, Symphyotrichum squamatum, 7 Institute of Ecology of the Volga River Verbesina encelioides for the Republic of Dagestan, Geranium dahuricum for the Re­ Basin of the RAS – Branch of Samara public of Sakha (Yakutia), Koeleria spryginii for the Republic of Tatarstan, Phacelia Federal Research Scientific Center of the tanacetifolia for Sakhalin, Adonis wolgensis for Novosibirsk Region. For each species, RAS, Togliatti, Russia the general distribution, habitat, and taxonomy, indicating differences from related species and location are presented. 8 Tyumen State University, Tyumen, Russia 9 Keywords: floristic findings, taxonomy, Russia, Kazakhstan, Georgia, North Korea, Joint Directorate of the Mordovia Caucasus State Nature Reserve and National Park “Smolny”, Saransk, Russia 10 РЕЗЮМЕ Botanical Garden­Institute FEB RAS, Верхозина А.В., Чернышева О.А., Эбель А.Л., Эрст А.С., Дорофеев Vladivostok, Russia Н.В., Дорофеев В.И., Гребенюк А.В., Григорьевская А.Я., Гусейно- 11 Dagestan State Medical University, ва З.А., Иванова А.В., Хапугин А.А., Королюк А.Ю., Корзников К.А., Makhachkala, Russia Кузь мин И.В., Маллалиев М.М., Мурашко В.В., Муртазалиев Р.А., 12 M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State По по ва К.Б., Сафронова И.Н., Саксонов С.В., Сараева Л.И., Сена- University, Moscow, Russia тор С.А., Трошкина В.И., Васюков В.М., Ванг В., Сианг К., Зибзеев 13 Daursky State Nature Biosphere Reserve, Е.Г., Золотов Д.В., Зыкова Е.Ю., Кривенко Д.А. Находки во флоре Nizhny Tsasuchey, Russia Рос сии и сопредельных стран: новые национальные и региональные ло ка ли теты сосудистых растений, 2. Впервые для России приводятся 14 Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Age ratum conyzoides, Salvia hispanica, Thymus rasitatus, Tulipa mongolica, для Северной Sciences, Beijing, China Ко реи – Sparganium glomeratum, для Грузии – Alyssum armenum, для Казахста­ 15 University of Chinese Academy of Sci­ на – Thymus pseudopannonicus, для Азиатской части России – Cymbalaria muralis, ences, Beijing, China для Сибири – Anthemis ruthenica, для Восточной Сибири – Сapsella orientalis, 16 Institute for Water and Environmental Echi nops sphaerocephalus, Heracleum sosnowskyi, Thymus elegans, для Западной Сиби­ Problems SB RAS ри – Persicaria orientalis, для Центрального Черноземья – Galatella crinitoides, для За волжья – Centaurea orientalis, для Республики Алтай – Silene dichotoma, для Рес­ пуб лики Дагестан – Onobrychis arenaria, Symphyotrichum squamatum, Verbesina ence­ * corresponding author, [email protected] lioi des – для Республики Саха (Якутия) – Geranium dahuricum, для Республики Та тар стан – Koeleria spryginii, для Сахалина – Phacelia tanacetifolia, Adonis wolgensis – для Новосибирской области. Для каждого вида представлены сведения Manuscript received: 17.03.2020 об об щем распространении, занимаемых местообитаниях, таксономии с Review completed: 05.05.2020 указанием отличий от близких видов и местонахождения. Мы приглаша­ Accepted for publication: 12.05.2020 ем авторов участвовать в дальнейшем развитии этого раздела. Пожалуйста Published online: 14.05.2020 присылайте материалы ответственному редактору раздела Алле Васильевне Верхозиной ([email protected]). Ключевые слова: флористические находки, таксономия, Россия, Казахстан, Грузия, Северная Корея, Кавказ With this paper we continue a new annual series, the visible in Russia and abroad. This paper was prepared by main purpose of which is to make significant floristic the team united more by scientific cooperation than the findings from Russia and neighboring countries more taxonomy or geography of the species. In total, this paper ©Botanical Garden-Institute FEB RAS. 2020 139 Verkhozina et al. Figure 1 Locations of new findings: 1 – Adonis wolgensis Steven ex DC., 2 – Ageratum conyzoides L., 3 – Alyssum armenum Boiss., 4 – Anthemis ruthenica Bieb., 5 – Capsella orientalis Klokov, 6 – Centaurea orientalis L., 7, 8 – Cymbalaria muralis P. Gaertn., B. Mey. & Scherb., 9 – Echinops sphaero cephalus L., 10 – Galatella crinitoides Novopokr., 11 – Geranium dahuricum DC., 12 – Heracleum sosnowskyi Manden., 13 – Koeleria spryginii Tzvelev, 14, 15 – Onobrychis arenaria L., 16 – Persicaria orientalis (L.) Spach, 17 – Phacelia tanacetifolia Benth., 19 – Silene dichotoma Ehrh., 20, 21 – Sparganium glomeratum (Laest.) Beurl., 22, 23 – Symphyotrichum squamatum (Spreng.) G.L. Nesom, 24 – Thymus elegans Serg., 25 – Thymus pseudopannonicus Klokov, 26 – Thymus rasitatus Klokov, 27–33 – Tulipa mongolica Y.Z. Zhao, 34 – Verbesina encelioides (Cav.) Benth. et Hook f. ex A. Gray presents new records for 18 vascular plant species from 3 range. Previously, it was not given for the territory of the Eurasian countries, obtained during field explorations, as Rus sian Federation, but for the Western Transcaucasia (Su­ well as during taxonomic revisions of herbarium materials. khu mi) it was indicated by Grossheim (1949). It usually grows in weedy places, along roads, along abandoned sites. Adonis wolgensis Steven ex DC. (Ranunculaceae) Taxonomic notes Contributors: Andrey S. Erst, Dmitry V. Zolotov, Kunli From A. houstonianum Mill., which is widely cultivated, it Xiang & Wei Wang differs by the obtusely or broadly cuneate leaves, as well as a pale (whitish) corolla. A. houstonianum has basally cordate Distribution and habitat or truncate leaves, corollas are blue.. A. wolgensis is native to the European part of Russia, middle Asia, West Siberia, Caucasus, Hungary and Tur key Examined specimens (new records) (Bobrov 1937). According GBIF database (2020) this species RUSSIA: Republic of Dagestan, in the coastal part is distributed in Azerbaijan, Estonia, Iran, Ka zakh stan, of Kaspiysk city, on sandy soil with sparse vegetation, Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation (excluding No vo­ 20.10.2019, coll. M.M. Mallaliev (DAG, LE): 2. sibirsk Region), Serbia and Ukraine. It grows on dry steppes, open spaces in the forest. Adonis wolgensis has the ear liest Alyssum armenum Boiss. (Brassicaceae) flowering stage in comparison to others sympatric spe cies. Vladimir I. Dorofeyev & Denis A. Krivenko This species prefers more dry places and south slopes. Contributor: Distribution and habitat Taxonomic notes This species was previously known only to the north­ A. wolgensis differs from A. vernalis by pubescence leaves, eastern part of Turkey. Busсh (1939) mentioned it in the straight and slanted to achene persistent stylus (vs. hooked). “Flora of USSR” in case it might be found in the South­ A. wol gensis is characterized by palmately dissected leaves, West Transcaucasia. The find mentioned here from the A. vil lo sa has pinnately dissected leaves. Its flowers are paler Georgia extends the distribution of this species to the and smal ler in size than A. vernalis one’s. Adonis villosa has southwest to the Meskheti floristic region. Endemic to the smal ler flowers in size than A. wolgensis. northern part of Southwest Asia. Examined specimens (new records) Mountainous dry slopes and rocky places, alt. 1200– 3700 m. RUSSIA: Novosibirsk Region, Karasuk District, marsh Nadyr, steppe, 53°26'N 77°48'E, 100 m a.s.l., 16.06.1994 Taxonomic notes Shaulo D., Krasnikov A., Snytko O.)
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