ABACUS 10 — A — Abjuration (ab-joo-RAY-shuhn). Official act of renouncing apostasy, heresy, or schism. It is still in force in exceptional cases, but adults Abacus. See CREDENCE TABLE . who become Catholics are usually not required to make an act of Abbess (AB-uhs). The elected abjuration, since they publicly pro - superioress of a community of nuns fess the Catholic Faith. This act of certain orders, particularly of implies the renunciation of any Benedictine tradition. Her authority error contrary to Catholicism. varies according to the constitution and rules of her order. A new for - mula for the blessing of an abbess, to take place during Mass, was promulgated on November 9, 1970 (AAS 63:710). Abbey (AB-ee). A monastery ruled by an abbot* or an abbess,* usually composed of a number of buildings: church, guesthouse, dor - mitory, chapter house, workshops, etc. Here the Religious dedicated to God serve Him by a life of work and prayer according to their Rule. Ablutions (uh-BLOO-shuhnz). Liturgical actions that consist in Abbot (AB-uht). Elected by pro - washing or purifying one’s body (or fessed members of the community, part of it), thus figuratively one’s this superior of a monastery of inner self, or some object. They monks of Orders like the Benedic- occur at Baptism,* at the rite of tines, with a fixed location, is in Washing the Feet* on Holy Thurs- charge of both spiritual and tempo - day,* and at Mass.* After the prep- ral affairs according to the Rule of aration of the bread* and wine* to the Order. His authority is quasi - be consecrated, the celebrant episcopal. A new formula for the washes his fingers to cleanse them. blessing of an abbot, to take place This ritual symbolizes that he must during Mass, was promulgated on be pure in heart and mind to offer November 9, 1970 (AAS 63:710). the Sacrifice. He asks God to give Abel (AY-buhl). The religious and him that purity. just son of Adam and Eve whose After Communion,* if particles sacrifice pleased God yet aroused adhere to his fingers, he purifies the murderous envy of his brother them over the paten.* The vessels Cain. He was a shepherd and of- are washed by the priest,* deacon,* fered the firstlings of his flock to the or acolyte* after Communion or Lord (Gn 4:2-8). In the Liturgy,* after Mass, usually at the credence Abel is mentioned in the Canon of table.* The chalice is washed with the Mass (Eucharistic Prayer I*) and wine and water, or with water only, serves as a model of those who offer which is then drunk by the cele - themselves to God with Jesus in the brant or deacon. This liquid mix - Sacrifice of the Eucharist.* ture is also called the ablution. 75 BURSE Bridget, St. (BRI-jit). 1303-1373. wax falling, it provided additional Born into the royal house of Swe- light for reading the Missal * at the den, Bridget married Prince Ulfo Mass of a bishop* or other church and gave birth to eight children, dignitary. Its use was abolished in one of whom was St. Catherine of 1968. The name bugia stemmed Sweden. After her husband’s death from Bougie, Algeria, one of the in 1344, Bridget joined the Third sources of wax. See also CANDLE - Order of St. Francis, and ultimately STICK . founded the Order of the Most Holy Bull, Papal (BUL, PAY-puhl). Savior. She wrote many works in Name popularly given to a large which she related her mystical ex- number of Pontifical documents, periences. Liturgical celebration: which usually are the most solemn July 23 (Opt. Mem.); theme: love for and deal with matters of most im- Christ’s Passion. portance. The name is derived from Brief, Apostolic (BREEF, ap-uh- the Latin bulla, which refers to the STOL-ik). A term in use from the leaden seal affixed to the parch - 15th century that refers to a papal ment on which the document is letter written in relatively simple written, rather than the document style concerning a matter of lesser itself. On one side of the seal is the importance. Briefs have been used image of the reigning Pope and on in the past to legislate on matters the other that of Sts. Peter* and that affect the Liturgy,* for exam - Paul.* ple, applying indulgences to actions Papal bulls concern doctrinal de- or prayers that have a bearing on cisions, canonizations,* disciplinary the Liturgy.* See also BULL , P APAL ; questions, jubilees,* and the like— LITURGICAL LAW , S OURCES OF . some of which have to do with the Liturgy.* See also LITURGICAL LAW , Bruno, St. (BROO-noh). 1035- SOURCES OF . 1101. Born in Cologne, Germany, and educated at Paris, Bruno be- Burial. See FUNERAL RITES AND came a priest and taught theology. CEREMONIES ; M ASS OF CHRISTIAN Seeking to lead a solitary life, he re- BURIAL . tired to the desert hills of Dauphany Burse (buhrs). (1) A case to hold with six of his followers and formed the folded corporal* used at Mass.* the nucleus of the Order of the Car- Two pasteboards about eight to ten thusians. At the urgent request of Pope Urban II, he assisted him in meeting the needs of the Church and died in Squillace, Calabria. Liturgical celebration: October 6 (Opt. Mem.); theme: remaining faithful to God amid the changes of this world. Bugia (BOO-jee-uh). A low candlestick consisting of a small inches square are covered with plate and a metal or porcelain sock- cloth and held together on three et in which the candle is placed. sides. The upper cloth matches the Equipped with a kind of handle so color* of the vestment for Mass; that it could be carried without the apart from Mass it is the color of the COMING, SECOND 118 classics and theology. Becoming a least brothers or sisters, you did it monk, he went to France and for Me’ (Mt 25:40). Assuming founded many monasteries of strict human nature, He bound the whole discipline there as well as in Swit- human race to Himself as a family zerland and Italy. He is also known through a certain supernatural sol - by his list of penances and his Rule. idarity and established charity as Many of his companions went on to the mark of His disciples, saying, become great founders also and ‘This is how all will know that you helped to create a bulwark of faith are My disciples, if you have love against the onrush of the pagans in for one another (Jn 13:35)’ ,” (AA, 8). the Dark Ages. Liturgical celebra - (See also LOVE .) tion: November 23 (Opt. Mem.); The Ten Commandments theme: seeking God above all things. The Ten Commandments make more specific the Greatest Com- Coming, Second. See PAROUSIA . mandment. Three of the Command- Commandments (kuh-MAN[D]- ments spell out the relation of muhnts). Liturgy* requires a con - human beings to God (the love and version* on the part of those who worship they owe to Him), while take part in it. This conversion en- the last seven make more precise tails a serious examination of con - the relation of human beings to science* in the light of the Word of each other (the love and justice due God,* which among other things to others). sets before us the Commandments of God on which to judge ourselves. The Greatest Commandment The Greatest Commandment is: “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other com - The Ten Commandments were mandment greater than these” (Mt given by God to Moses on Mount 22:37-39; Mk 12:30-31). Sinai and were revered by the Is- Already in the Old Testament* raelites. Christ said He came not to God enjoined the commandment of abolish the Law—especially the love (Dt 6:4-5). Vatican II* says: Commandments—but to perfect it. “The greatest commandment in the For the Commandments simply Law is to love God with one’s whole transcribe the basic moral precepts heart and one’s neighbor as one - that God has written on the human self. Christ made this command - heart (as St. Paul notes in Romans ment of love of neighbor His own 2:14-16). and enriched it with a new mean - The usual Catholic rendering of ing. For He wanted to equate Him- the Commandments is: self with His brothers and sisters as 11. I, the Lord, am your God. You the object of this love when He said: shall not have other gods besides ‘As long as you did it for one of My Me. 179 EPHESIANS, EPISTLE TO THE II*), the Introit was reduced to the reenact and re-present His saving antiphon, one psalm-verse, the Sacrifice* and to invite them to par - “Glory Be,”* and the repetition of take of His Sacrificial Meal—to be- the antiphon. In the post-Vatican II come one in Him. Roman Missal * the text has been further reduced to the antiphon Entrance Rite. See INTRODUCTORY alone. RITES . If there is no singing at the en- Entrance Song (EN-truhn[t]s trance, the Antiphon is recited song). To open the celebration of the either by the people, by some of Mass,* it is fitting that the people them, or by a reader.* Otherwise it assembled sing together as the cel - is said by the priest* after the Greet- ebrant* and ministers* walk to the ing.* altar.* Besides deepening the unity If there is singing, one may use: among the congregation, the song (1) the Entrance Antiphon and should introduce them to the feast* Psalm of the Roman Gradual *; (2) or the Mystery* of the season.
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