Publications 2009

Publications 2009

Publications - print summary 3 Mar 2010 1 *ABDO, A.A. ,..., EDWARDS, P.G. et al. "Fermi/Large Area Telescope discovery of gamma-ray emission from the flat-spectrum radio quasar PKS 1454-354". (C) ApJ, 697, 934-941 (2009) Published 2 *ABDO, A.A., .... HOBBS, G., .... JOHNSTON, S., .... KEITH, M., .... MANCHESTER, R.N., .... WELTEVREDE, P. et al. "Discovery of pulsations from the pulsar J0205+6449 in SNR 3C 58 with the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope". (O) ApJ, 699, L102-L107 (2009). Published 3 *ABDO, A.A. ..., HOBBS, G. ..., JOHNSTON, S. ...., MANCHESTER, R.N. ...., WELTEVREDE, P. et al. "Fermi Large Area Telescope observations of the Vela pulsar'". (O) ApJ, 696, 1084-1093 (2009) Published 4 *ABDO, A.A. ..., HOBBS, G. ..., JOHNSTON, S. ...., MANCHESTER, R.N. ...., WELTEVREDE, P. et al. "A population of gamma-ray millisecond pulsars seen with the Fermi Large Area Telescope". (O) Science, 325, 848-852 (2009) Published 5 *ABDO, A.A. ..., HOBBS, G. ..., JOHNSTON, S. ...., MANCHESTER, R.N. ...., WELTEVREDE, P. et al. "Fermi Large Area Telescope detection of pulsed γ−rays from the Vela-like pulsars PSR J1048-5832 and PSR (O) J2229+6114". ApJ, 706, 1331-1340 (2009) Published 6 *ABDO, A.A. ,..., JOHNSTON, S., ..., HOBBS, G., KEITH, M., MANCHESTER, R.N. & WELTEVREDE, P. "Discovery of pulsed γ-rays from the young radio pulsar J1028-5819 with the Fermi Large Area Telescope". (O) ApJ, 695, L72-L77 (2009) Published 7 *ABDO, A.A. ,..., JOHNSTON, S., ..., MANCHESTER, R.N., ..., WELTEVREDE, P. et al. "Pulsed gamma-rays from PSR J2021+3651 with the Fermi Large Area Telescope". (O) ApJ, 700, 1059-1066 (2009) Published 8 *ABDO, A.A. ,..., PHILLIPS, C., ..., TZIOUMIS, A.K.. et al. "Multiwavelength monitoring of the enigmatic narrow-line Seyfert 1 PMN J0948+0022 in 2009 March-July". (C, P, M) ApJ, 707, 727-737 (2009) Published 9 ACERO, F. et al. "A joint spectro-imaging analysis of the XMM-Newton and HESS observations of the supernova remnant RX J1713.7-3946". (C) A&A, 505, 157-167 (2009). Published 10 ANDERSON, M. & FILIPOVIC, M.D. "Radio detection of 18 RASS BL-Lac objects". (C?) Serb. AJ, 179, 7 (2009). Published 1 Publications - print summary 3 Mar 2010 11 *ARCHIBALD, A.M., STAIRS, I.H., ... , CHAMPION, D.J. et al. "A radio pulsar/X-ray binary link". (P) Science, 324, 1411-1414 (2009). Published 12 *BAINS, I., BREEN, S.L., BURTON, M.G. et al. "Recent science from Australian large-scale millimetre mapping projects: proceedings from a Swinburne University workshop". (M) PASA, 26, 110-120 (2009). Published 13 *BAINS, I., COHEN, M., CHAPMAN, J.M., DEACON, R.M. & REDMAN, M.P. "Revealing the transition from post-AGB stars to planetary nebulae: non-thermal and thermal radio continuum observations". (C) MNRAS, 397, 1386-1401 (2009). Published 14 *BEN BEKHTI, N., RICHTER, P., WINKEL, B., KENN, F. & WESTMEIER, T. "High-resolution 21-cm observations of low-column density gas clumps in the Milky Way halo". (O) A&A, 503, 483-493 (2009). Published 15 BEUTHER, H., WALSH, A.J. & LONGMORE, S.N. "Hot high-mass accretion disk candidates". (C) ApJS, 184, 366-386 (2009). Published 16 BLISS, A.F., WORRALL, D.M., BIRKINSHAW, M., MURRAY, S.S. & TANANBAUM, H. "Unmasking the active galactic nucleus in PKS J2310-437". (C) ApJ, 698, 1061-1067 [2009]. Published 17 *BOUCHARD, A., DA COSTA, G.S. & JERJEN, H. "The environmental influence on the evolution of local galaxies". AJ, 137 3038 (2009). Published 18 *BRAUN, R., THILKER, D.A., WALTERBOS, R. & CORBELLI, E. "A wide-field high-resolution H I mosaic of Messier 31. I. Opaque atomic gas and star formation rate density". (O) ApJ, 695, 937-953 (2009) Published 19 BRYANT, J.J., BRODERICK, J.W., JOHNSTON, H.M., HUNSTEAD, R.W., GAENSLER, B.M & DE BREUCK, C. "A new search for distant radio galaxies in the Southern hemisphere. II. 2.2 um imaging", (C ) MNRAS, 394, 2197-2222 (2009). Published 20 *BUDDING, E., ERDEM, A., INNIS, J.L., OLAH, K. & SLEE, O.B. "Recent observations of AB Dor and interpretation". (C) Astron. Nachr., 330, 358-365 (2009). Published 2 Publications - print summary 3 Mar 2010 21 *BURKE-SPOLAOR, S., EKERS, R.D., MASSARDI, M., MURPHY, T., PARTRIDGE, B., RICCI, R. & SADLER, E.M. "Wide-field imaging and polarimetry for the biggest and brightest in the 20-GHz southern sky". (C) MNRAS, 395, 504-517 (2009) Published 22 CAJKO, K.O., CRAWFORD, E.J. & FILIPOVIC, M.D. "Multifrequency observations of one of the largest supernova remnants in the Local Group of galaxies, LMC - SNR J0450-709". (C) Serb. AJ, 179, 55-60 (2009). Published 23 *CALVELO, D.E., TZIOUMIS, A.K., CORBEL, S., BROCKSOPP, C. & FENDER, R.P. "Radio detection and localization of XTE J1652-453 with the ATCA". (C) Astronomer's Telegram, 2135, (2009). Published 24 *CAMILO, F., NG, C.Y., GAENSLER, B.M., RANSOM, S.M., CHATTERJEE, S., REYNOLDS, J. & SARKISSIAN, J. "Out of the frying pan: a young pulsar with a long radio trail emerging from SNR G315.9-0.0". (P, C) ApJ, 703, L55-L58 (2009). Published 25 CAMILO, F., RANSOM, S.M., GAENSLER, B.M. & LORIMER, D.R. "Discovery of the energetic pulsar J1747-2809 in the supernova remnant G0.9+0.1". (P) ApJ, 700, L34-L38 (2009). Published 26 *CAMILO, F., RAY, P.S., RANSOM, S.M., BURGAY, M., JOHNSTON, T.J., KERR, M., GOTTHELF, E.V., HALPERN, J.P., REYNOLDS, J. ..., JOHNSTON, S. ..., WELTEVREDE, P., WOOOD, K.S. "Radio detection of LAT PSRs J1741-2054 and J2032+4127: no longer just gamma-ray pulsars". (P) ApJ, 705, 1-13 (2009). Published 27 CAPPA, C.E, RUBIO, M., MARTIN, M.C. & ROMERO, G.A. "Unveiling the molecular environment of the ring nebula RCW 78". (C,P) A&A, 508, 759-771 (2009). Published 28 CAROLAN, P.B. et al. "Supersonic turbulence in the cold massive core JCMT 18354-0649S star". (M) MNRAS, 400, 78-89 (2009). Published 29 *CARRETTI, E., HAVERKORN, M., McCONNELL, D., BERNARDI, G., CORTIGLIONI, S., McCLURE-GRIFFITHS, N.M. & POPPI, S. "PGMS: to study the Galactic magnetism out of the Galactic plane". In: (P) Magnetic Fields in the Universe II: From Laboratory and Stars to the Primordial Universe, 36, 9-16 Cozumel, Mexico, 28 January -1 February 2008, Rev. Mex. Astron. Astrof. Ser. Conf., (eds. A. Esquivel et al.) (2009). Published 30 *CASWELL, J.L. "Precise positions of methanol masers". (C) PASA, 26, 454-467 (2009). Published 3 Publications - print summary 3 Mar 2010 31 *CASWELL, J.L , KRAMER, B. H. & REYNOLDS, J.E. "Maser maps and magnetic field of OH 300.969+1.147". (V) MNRAS, 398, 528-534 (2009). Published 32 *CERSOSIMO, J.C., MADER, S., FIGUEROA, N. S. et al. "Warped ionized hydrogen in the Galaxy". (P) ApJ, 699, 469-477 (2009). Published 33 *CHANDOLA, Y., SAIKIA, D.J. & GUPTA, N. "H I gas in the rejuvenated radio galaxy 4C29.30". (O) MNRAS, (2009). In press 34 CHAPMAN, J.F., WARDLE, M., MILLAR, T.J., BURTON, M.G. & WALSH, A.J. "Cyanopolyynes in hot cores: modelling G305.2+0.2" (C) MNRAS, 394, 221-230 (2009). Published 35 *CHEN, M.T., .... , KESTEVEN, M.J., ... , WILSON, W. et al. "AMiBA: broadband heterodyne cosmic microwave background interferometry". (O) ApJ, 694, 1664-1669 (2009) Published 36 *CHIPPENDALE, A.P. "Detecting cosmological reionization on large scales through the 21 cm H I line". (C) PhD thesis, University of Sydney, September (2009). Published 37 CORIAT, M., CORBEL, S., BUXTON, M.M., VAILYN, C.D., TOMSICK, J.A., KORDING, E. & KALEMCI, E. "The infrared/X-ray correlation of GX 339-4: probing hard X-ray emission in accreting black holes". (C) MNRAS, 400, 123-133 (2009). Published 38 *CORNWELL, T.J. "Hogbom's CLEAN algorithm. Impact on astronomy and beyond. Commentary on: Hogbom, J.A., 1974, A&AS, 15, 417". (O) A&A, 500, 65-66 (2009). Published 39 CORTES, S.R. et al. "Grain growth and global structure of the protoplanetary disk associated with the mature classical T Tauri star, PDS 66". (C) ApJ, 697, 1305-1315 (2009) Published 40 COURTOIS, H.M. et al. "The Extragalactic Distance Database: All Digital H I Profile Catalog". (P) AJ, 138, 1938-1956 (2009). Published 4 Publications - print summary 3 Mar 2010 41 CRAWFORD, F., LORIMER, D.R., DEVOUR, B.M., TAKACS, B.P. & KONDRATIEV, V.I. "Upper limits on pulsed radio emission from the 6.85 s X-ray pulsar XTE J0103-728 in the Small Magellanic Cloud". (P) ApJ, 696, 574-579 (2009) Published 42 *CROOM, S.M., RICHARDS, G.T., SHANKS, T., BOYLE, B.J. et al. "The 2dF-SDSS LRG and QSO Survey: the spectroscopic QSO catalogue". (O) MNRAS, 392, 19-44 (2009) Published 43 *DE BUIZER, J.M., REDMAN, R.O., LONGMORE, S.N., CASWELL, J.L. & FELDMAN, P.A. "SiO outflow signatures toward massive young stellar objects with linearly distributed methanol masers". (C) A&A, 493, 127-143 (2009) Published 44 *DeBOER, D., GOUGH, R.G., BUNTON, J.D., CORNWELL, T., BERESFORD, R., JOHNSTON, S., FEAIN, I., SCHINCKEL, A., JACKSON, C., KESTEVEN, M.J., CHIPPENDALE, A., HAMPSON, G., O'SULLIVAN, J.D., HAY, S.G., JACKA, C., SWEETNAM, T., STOREY, M., BALL, L. & BOYLE, B. "Australian SKA Pathfinder: a high-dynamic range wide-field of view survey telescope array". (S) Proc. IEEE, 97, 1507-1521 (2009) Published 45 DELLER, A.T., BAILES, M. & TINGAY, S.J. "Implications of a VLBI distance to the double pulsar J0737-3039A/B". (V) Science, 323, 1327-1329 (2009). Published 46 *DELLER, A.T., TINGAY, S.J., BAILES, M. & REYNOLDS, J.E. "Precision southern hemisphere VLBI pulsar astrometry. II. Measurement of seven parallaxes". (V) ApJ, 701, 1243-1257 (2009).

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