HANDBOOK OF SEXUAL and GENDER IDENTITY Disorders HANDBOOK OF SEXUAL and GENDER IDENTITY Disorders Edited by DAVID L. ROWLAND LUCA INCROCCI John Wiley & Sons, Inc. This book is printed on acid-free paper. ➇ Copyright © 2008 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. Published simultaneously in Canada. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, (978) 750-8400, fax (978) 646-8600, or on the web at www.copyright.com. 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WM 611 H2361 2008] RC556.H356 2008 616.85′83—dc22 2007034474 Printed in the United States of America. 10987654321 To my ever-curious and always surprising daughter Clare, and to the friends, family, and colleagues who have supported and mentored me over the years. D. L. R. To my wife Nicole and my children Jonathan and Carlotta for their patience and support. L. I. CONTENTS Preface xvii Acknowledgments xix Contributors xxi PART I Sexual Dysfunctions 1 Chapter 1 Disorders of Male Sexual Desire 5 Geoffrey Ian Hackett Characterizing Sexual Desire and Its Components 6 Epidemiology 8 Physiology of Desire and Drive Disorders in Men 10 Clinical Evaluation of Desire Disorders 18 Management of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder 20 Ethical Concerns 27 Summary and Conclusions 27 References 28 Chapter 2 Male Sexual Arousal Disorder 32 Ronald W. Lewis, Jiuhong Yuan, and Run Wang Definition of Erectile Dysfunction 33 Anatomy of the Penis 34 Physiology 38 Pathophysiology, Risk Factors, and Clinical Correlates of Erectile Dysfunction 41 Evaluation of the Patient with Erectile Dysfunction 50 Management Paradigms for Erectile Dysfunction 57 Summary and Conclusions 62 References 63 vii viii Contents Chapter 3 Premature Ejaculation 68 David L. Rowland and Chris G. McMahon Ejaculatory Response 69 Nomenclature, Definition, and Prevalence 71 Etiology of Premature Ejaculation 76 Assessment of Premature Ejaculation 82 Treatment of Premature Ejaculation 87 Summary and Conclusions 94 References 95 Chapter 4 Retarded and Inhibited Ejaculation 100 Michael A. Perelman and David L. Rowland Definition and Descriptive Characteristics 101 Prevalence 103 Etiology 104 Organogenic 105 Evaluation 110 Treatment 113 Summary and Conclusions 118 References 119 Chapter 5 Androgens and Endocrine Function in Aging Men: Effects on Sexual and General Health 122 Louis Gooren Sexuality and Aging in Men: An Introduction 122 Physiological Aspects of Male Aging 123 Correlations between Androgen and Symptoms of Male Aging 128 Impact of Androgens on Sexual Functioning with Age 131 Diagnosis: General Issues 133 Diagnosis of Late Onset Hypogonadism 138 Treatment of Late Onset Hypogonadism 140 Contents ix Integrated Treatment for Sexual Problems in Aging Men 148 Summary and Conclusions 148 References 149 Chapter 6 Problems with Sexual Interest and Desire in Women 154 Jacques van Lankveld Definitions and Classifications 155 Physiological Aspects of Female Sexual Arousal 158 Epidemiology and Risk Factors 163 Assessment and Measurements 169 Treatment 174 Summary and Conclusions 181 References 182 Chapter 7 Problems with Arousal and Orgasm in Women 188 Cindy M. Meston, Brooke N. Seal, and Lisa Dawn Hamilton Definitions and Epidemiology 188 Etiologic Factors 192 Psychological Factors, Sexual Arousal, and Orgasm 199 Assessment 203 Treatment 207 Summary and Conclusions 211 References 213 Chapter 8 Female Genital Pain and Its Treatment 220 Melissa A. Farmer, Tuuli Kukkonen, and Yitzchak M. Binik Definitions 222 Course, Development, and Prevalence of Pain 225 Risk Factors 226 x Contents Assessment 229 Treatment 238 Therapeutic Mechanisms and Strategies 243 Summary and Conclusions 245 References 246 Chapter 9 Menopause, Aging, and Sexual Response in Women 251 Lori A. Brotto and Mijal Luria What Is Menopause? 252 Hormonal Alterations with Menopause and Their Effects 254 Menopause and Sexuality 258 Age and Sexuality 262 Effects of Age versus Effects of Menopause 263 Physiological Aspects of Sexual Response in Menopausal Women 264 Mood Changes with Menopause 265 Cultural Aspects of Menopause and Sexuality 266 Classification, Diagnosis, and Treatment 267 Future Directions 277 Summary and Conclusions 278 References 279 Chapter 10 Disease and Sexuality 284 Luca Incrocci and Woet L. Gianotten Cancer and Sexual Function 284 Prostate Cancer 285 Hematological Cancer 291 Penile Cancer 293 Bladder Cancer 293 Rectal Cancer 294 Testicular Cancer 296 Gynecological Cancer 298 Breast Cancer 299 Broader Issues Surrounding Cancer and Sexuality 300 Contents xi Chronic Disease 303 Spinal Cord Injury 305 Spina Bifida 308 Stroke-Cerebrovascular Accident 309 Traumatic Brain Injury 311 Cerebral Palsy 312 Multiple Sclerosis 314 Parkinsons Disease 315 Diabetes Mellitus 316 Summary and Conclusions 318 Appendix I: Cancer and Noncancer Related Factors Influencing Sexual Function 319 Appendix II: Cancer Treatment and Its Effects on Sexual Functioning 320 References 321 PART II Gender Identity Disorders 325 Part Editor: Kenneth J. Zucker Chapter 11 Genetics of Sexual Development and Differentiation 329 Eric J. N. Vilain Defining Sex Determination 332 Genes of Sexual Differentiation 343 On the Topic of Genetics and Sex: Sexual Orientation 347 Summary and Conclusions 348 References 349 Chapter 12 Disorders of Sex Development and Atypical Sex Differentiation 354 Vickie Pasterski Typical Sexual Differentiation 355 Behavioral Effects of Gonadal Steroids 358 xii Contents Disorders of Sex Development 360 Clinical Management of Disorders of Sex Development 370 Summary and Conclusions 371 References 372 Chapter 13 Gender Identity Disorder in Children and Adolescents 376 Kenneth J. Zucker and Peggy T. Cohen-Kettenis Terminology 377 Children with Gender Identity Disorder 380 Diagnosis and Assessment 382 Associated Psychopathology 386 Developmental Trajectories 389 Therapeutics 393 Adolescents with Gender Identity Disorder 401 Diagnosis and Assessment 402 Associated Psychopathology 407 Developmental Trajectories 408 Treatment 409 Legal Issues 417 References 418 Chapter 14 Gender Identity Disorders in Adults: Diagnosis and Treatment 423 Anne A. Lawrence History 423 Terminology 424 Diagnostic Criteria 426 Transsexual Typology 429 Epidemiology 433 Clinical Presentation and Course 434 Associated Features 437 Diagnosis and Assessment of Gender Identity Disorders 439 Contents xiii Treatment 442 Results of Sex Reassignment 449 Treatment of Families of Persons with Gender Identity Disorders 450 Summary and Conclusions
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